Eperfa toys Spring-Summer 2015

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T oy saboutHungar y .I ns pi r edbyt hehi l l sandt hel ak eBal at on.

Wear et hr eehungar i angi r l s . Wemak et oy saboutt wopl ac esofHungar ywhi c har ef ul l oft al es :t hehi l l sar ound Budapes tandaboutLak eBal at on,t hel ar ges tl ak eofourc ount r y .Wek nowandl ov e t hef aunaandf l or aoft hes et wopl ac es . Wemak et oy saboutt heenor moust r eeswi t hbi r dsi nt hes hadyf or es tt hehous es andt heChi l dr en’ sRai l way .Aboutt hes c entoft hes ummer ,aboutt hef er r i esi n Lak eBal at on,aboutt hes un,t heheat ,t hes mel l oft hewat er . Wemak et oy saboutwhatmeanss t or yi ni t s el ft ous ,ast hes er ec al l ourc hi l dhood memor i esandwer et el l t hem nowt oourownc hi l dr en.


Phot o:Ádám Ver es

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