Academic Catalog: 2013-2014

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A student who is readmitted following academic dismissal is automatically placed on academic probation upon return. The student’s academic status may not be upgraded until he or she has completed one fall or spring semester after readmission to the college. Academic standing is computed at the end of the fall and spring semesters. It is also re-computed at the end of the second summer session for participating students. However, students who have been dismissed may not have their academic status upgraded until they have completed one fall or one spring semester after readmission to the college.

DISMISSAL FROM A COURSE A student who proves unable or unwilling to carry a course satisfactorily may be dropped from it by the Committee on Academic Standards upon recommendation of the instructor. When a student is dismissed from a class by the Committee on Academic Standards, the grade that is recorded on the student’s transcript will be the grade (W, WP, WF, or F) that would have been earned had the student withdrawn voluntarily at that time. If dismissal occurs after the period designated for course changes, tuition and fee adjustments will not be made.

WITHDRAWAL FROM CLASS A student may drop a class during the period specified in the academic calendar and the course will not be recorded on the transcript. A student may voluntarily withdraw with an entry of W (Withdrawn) on the transcript after the last day for course addition and continuing through the withdrawal deadline. Withdrawals after this time and prior to mid-semester are recorded on the transcript and designated by the instructor as either WP (Withdrawn Passing) or WF (Withdrawn Failing). After mid-semester all withdrawals are designated as WF (Withdrawn Failing) unless the withdrawal is for medical or other demonstrably bona fide reasons acceptable to the Committee on Academic Standards. Students must submit a paper copy of their request to withdraw for medical reasons no later than the last day of classes of the term in which they wish to withdraw. To be approved, withdrawals for medical reasons must be certified by a licensed health professional and are designated as W (Withdrawn). A first-year student may not withdraw from Transitions I or Foundations I, and a sophomore may not withdraw from Foundations II. Students are not permitted to withdraw from a course to avoid the consequences of academic dishonesty. All withdrawals must be submitted officially on forms available from the Registrar. The student’s withdrawal will be official on the date this form is signed by the Dean of Faculty or Registrar. The dates for Withdrawal Passing are not the same as the dates for withdrawal accompanied by refund of tuition charges, as described in the catalog section on Refunds in the Event of Withdrawal from a Class.

WITHDRAWAL FROM EMORY& HENRY A student who withdraws from Emory & Henry before the close of a semester must receive clearance from the Dean of Students. Withdrawal forms are available from the Registrar. Withdrawal will be complete and refunds will be issued based on the date the form is signed by the Dean of Students, following an exit interview. Refunds will be given as described in the catalog section on Refunds in the Event of Withdrawal from the College. A student who withdraws from the college during the period specified in the academic calendar for course addition will have no courses recorded on the transcript for the semester. Withdrawals will be recorded as W (Withdrawn) on the transcript after the last day for course addition and continuing through the withdrawal deadline. Withdrawals after this time and prior to mid-semester are recorded on the transcript and designated by the instructor as either WP (Withdrawn Passing) or WF (Withdrawn Failing). After mid-semester all withdrawals are designated as WF (Withdrawn Failing) unless the withdrawal is for medical or other demonstrably bona fide reasons acceptable to the Committee on Academic Standards. Students must submit a paper copy of their request to withdraw for medical reasons no later than the last day of classes of the term in which they wish to withdraw. To be approved, withdrawals for medical reasons must be certified by a licensed health professional and are designated as W (Withdrawn).

LEAVE OF ABSENCE An enrolled student intending to suspend the college experience by taking a semester or longer off from classes may request a Leave of Absence in writing to the Registrar. This request must be submitted before the end of the add-


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