Research and Creative Achievement Week 2011

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East Carolina University : Research and Creative Achievement Week 2011

marketing on consumer perception of product health will be examined using a series of correlations, using significance level of p<0.05. PASW version 18 will be used to conduct the statistical analysis.

Health Locus of Control and Coaches, Danielle Harmon, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858 The Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale (MHLC) is a tool widely used by researchers to determine whether individuals are influenced by three factors: internal, powerful external others, and chance. The MHLC Scale consists of three forms: Form A, Form B, and Form C. The purpose of this research was to explore if coaches take responsibility for their health through the MHLC. The MHLC Scale, Form A consists of 18 questions with six-item subscale questions focused on the three factors of individuals beliefs. The study is based on a sample of 10 coaches from different areas of NC. Participants were on volunteer base. Based on the analysis of the surveys, with a MHLC Scale Score Model, it was evident that many coaches identified themselves to be more internally influenced towards their health behaviors, followed by powerful others as the second highest factor.


Regression Equations for Skinfolds with DXA as Standard, Dustin Raymer, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858 Assessment of body fat (%fat) is an important tool for risk stratification and sport participation. Skinfold assessment of %fat is classified as a “doubly indirect” method because equations were based on hydrostatic (indirect) weighing (HW) as the criterion. HW has long been considered the “gold standard” for assessment despite the fact that it is challenging to get reliable results. The SEE for HW is ~+ 2.5%. Dual X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) is a newer technique which shows promise because subject compliance is not an issue and it is a 3-compartment model which should improve accuracy over HW. The SEE for DXA is ~+ 1.8%. The purpose of this study was to create skinfold regression equations that predict %fat with DXA as the standard. Methods: 222 Caucasian Men participated in the study. DXA %fat was determined using a Lunar Prodigy Advance system. Skinfolds were taken from technicians trained by the same instructor. Conclusion: DXA related skinfolds will use age, tricep, abdominal and thigh as the three locations to predict %fat. The equation is as follows: 8.35991721156564 + (0.0890012875629363 * Age) + (0.397224808083077 * Tricep) + (0.223799731908348 * Abdominal) + (0.220693466179482 * Thigh)



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