Asean Child Sex Tourism Review

Page 19

Comparison of Number of Arrests of Alleged Travelling Child-Sex Offenders 2004 1

2005 2

2006 8

Key Locations for Child-Sex Offences Reports suggest that CST offences have generally occurred in cities. Case Study A young postcard seller in Yangon was befriended by a German traveller, Mr Michael Pastoor. Apparently this child had been adopted by the offender with the agreement of his father. The offender paid for the child to attend English language classes. This child often visited the offender in his room where he was repeatedly sexually abused. It is reported that the child

accompanied the offender on trips to both Thailand and Germany. The offender was reported to have visited Myanmar on fifteen separate occasions. During these visits it is alleged that he also abused other children with whom he came into contact through the original child.

PHILIPPINES The Tourism Situation Inbound Tourism Number of International Visitor Arrivals in 2006 Number of International Arrivals in 2006 2,843,345

% Increase/Decrease Since 2005 8.4% Increase

Top 4 Ports of Entry for International Visitors in 2006 Port Manila Cebu Clark Laoag

Number of Arrivals 2,359,769 308,502 93,004 30,350

% of Arrivals 82.99% 10.85% 3.27% 1.07%

Visa Type Granted to International Visitor Arrivals in 2006 Visa Type Tourist Visit Friends/Relatives Business

Number of Arrivals 1,173,578 693,583 331,648

% of Arrivals 45.38% 26.82% 12.82%

Comparison of International Visitor Arrivals 2004 2,291,352

2005 2,623,084

2006 2,843,345

Visitor arrivals to the Philippines grew at an average of 14% per annum over the period 2004-2006.

2007 ASEAN Child-Sex Tourism Review Page 19 of 39

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