APFI NovDec 2011

Page 51

the same, in order for the body to run at peak efficiency as the years pass. Unfor tunately, this is a problem for older adults who want to eat as well as possible. In addition to their activity level, their appetites decrease, even though they need to consume more nutrients to compensate for the effects of aging. Meal replacement beverages can help to compensate for these issues. The loss of appetite does not usually result in serious nutrient deficiencies that cause problems such as scur vy (a severe vitamin C deficiency) or pellagra (too little of the B vitamin niacin). But, the elderly often have sub-clinical deficiencies that impact the body’s ability

to maintain itself as well as it should. Many older adults, for example, do not take in enough vitamin B-6, which plays a key role in keeping the immune system functioning properly and thereby can help ward off illness. Similarly, older adults are not consuming sufficient vitamin D, which they need to preserve bone density. As such, the loss of bone density that occurs naturally with aging will be accelerated, which

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