Hints to Lady Travellers extract

Page 18

W Apartments. As a general rule, it is more satisfactory to engage furnished apartments in advance of one’s arrival at a place. It is often possible to hear of well-recommended rooms through friends and acquaintances who can speak of their merits from personal experience; and this plan is, without question, the most likely to ensure comfort in one’s temporary abode. After all, it is the landlady and her ménage which have quite as much to do with one’s

well-being and enjoyment as the mere externals of one’s surroundings, and no matter how satisfactory the appearance of everything may be, it is quite impossible to judge from the mere outside look what degree of comfortable treatment will fall to one’s share. The experience of others is at least some solid basis to go upon; and the inconvenience and annoyance of changing to other lodgings after one is once settled are so considerable that it is quite worth 18

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