Season's Readings - 2013

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DVDs 1 0 5

Anna Karenina is the story of a woman who realizes that her husband doesn’t really love her and moves on to another relationship. Today, that would be the plot of a romantic comedy. Before Tolstoy, it would have been a morality tale of the inherent evilness of women. In the hands of one of history’s greatest novelists, it became a tragic indictment of his society’s mores, not to mention a difficult, if not impossible, novel to adapt into a movie. – Chuck Ebert

Flight DVD FEATURE FLIG Academy Award-winner Denzel Washington creates a fully-fledged bad guy character that you still want to root for in Flight. Whip Whitaker is a phenomenally talented and experienced commercial airline pilot by trade. He is also an addict – alcohol, drugs, sex – and a divorced father. Whip reports to work hungover one day with drugs and alcohol still in his system. His copilot, an evangelical Christian, takes note of his mood and is concerned about his ability to pilot the plane. When there is an engine failure, Whip is able to miraculously crash land, losing only six lives in the process. In the hospital, Whip visits the copilot, who wonders aloud if he could have saved everyone had he been sober. In Flight, Washington delivers another fine performance as a man at war with his own conscience. – Lisa L. Dendy

The Incredible Voyage of Bill Pinkney DVD 910.41 INCR He became one of the first black men to sail solo around the world. His 22-month-long voyage covered 27,000 miles and took him around the globe. Captain Bill Pinkney, the first African American to sail around the world alone. During his journey at sea he kept in touch via state-of-the-art technology with students in Boston and Chicago, teaching them about math and geography and teaching them to reach for their dreams. Upon his return from sea, Bill Pinkney was recognized by President George Bush. – Willo Jackson

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