WRIT Large 2013

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a multicultural organization had a coefficient of 1.21 and was significant (p<.001), indicating that those in multicultural organizations were more likely to value diversity. The other highly significant result was ideolog y (p<.001). The coefficient for the ideolog y variable was .70, indicating that the more liberal the respondent the more likely they were to indicate that diversity was important to them. The variable socrace was significant (p<.05), as well, with a coefficient of .34, indicating that those who have friends of other races were also more likely to value diversity. The second regression examined the factors influencing whether or not a person socializes across race. Here, my dependent variable is socrace, a Likert scale question ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (agree). The same independent variables were used as in the previous regression (race, cultorg, sex, encour, ideol, income); however, none of the results were significant at the .05 level. The only variable which came close to the acceptable level of significance of .10 was white (p=.151). The variables cultorg (p=.238) and income (p=.203) were near significance given the small sample size. These results suggest that Whites and those with higher income are less likely to socialize with others outside their race. In terms of the variable cultorg, respondents that belong to a multicultural organization were more likely to indicate they socialize with others outside their race. Third, I used logistic regression to examine what factors might make a person more likely to join a multicultural organization. Logistic regression is used in cases where the dependent variable is a dichotomous variable coded 0 or 1. Here, my dependent variable is cultorg, where 0 indicates a respondent did not belong to a multicultural organization, and 1 indicates that they did belong to a multicultural organization. The independent variable socrace was found to be significant (p<.01) with an odds ratio of 1.71, meaning that for every one increase in the response to socrace, there is a corresponding increase of 71% for how likely respondents were to join one of the multicultural organizations. The independent variable encour was also significant (p<.05) and showed that for every one increase in the response to encour, there is a corresponding increase of 74.5% for how likely respondents were to join a multicultural organization.

The variable sex just missed significance (p=.06). Had it been significant then it could have been concluded that men were 170% more likely to join a multicultural organization. Compared to the results from campusdiv, this shows that while women are more likely to voice support of diversity, men are more likely to join diverse organizations. The variable white was a significant predictor of joining a multicultural organization. Delimiting the white variable by White and Not White showed that Non-Whites had a 469% greater chance of being in a multicultural organization, while Whites had a 22.7% chance (p<.001). However, it should be noted that if all

While Non-Whites report belonging to multicultural organizations and socializing outside of their racial groups at much greater numbers, this is not simply an effect of having to socialize outside their racial groups due to being the minority. These students also seem to feel the benefit of inclusive excellence more, indicating that they find it more important.

variables are taken together in a multiple regression, then the only one that retains significance is white (p<.001), indicating a 6% chance of the person being in a multicultural organization. The variable sex just missed significance given the small sample size (p=.141).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Based on results from the simple, multiple, and logistic regressions, we can draw several conclusions about this sample population of University of Denver students. The demographics of the sample tell us that the majority of respondents were White females. Looking closer at the variables indicates that the majority of the students from higher income households are White and that Whites overall are less likely to socialize outside of their racial group and less likely to find campus diversity to be important to them. Of Whites who do seem to socialize outside of their race, they would seem to come from lower inVOLUME 2


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