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Page 14 January 10, 2014



Drone (Continued from previous page) there was no package in sight. It did take the box with the wrong size. But then, coming back in, we saw that the fire in our fireplace had flared up. It was a much bigger fire. We got the extinguisher, put the fire out, and we found the problem. Apparently, your drone dropped the replacement package down our chimney.” “I apologize for that. But you got the merchandise? It was all right?” “It’s mostly burned. We need a new one.” “I apologize for that. Are you saying the merchandise was defective?” “No.” “Then what are you saying? I am a computer that can understand complete sentences.” “It was good merchandise, but then it was burned up and became defective while being delivered.” “So this was a ‘damage during delivery’ case.” “Yes.” “Take down this new number: K420223K.” “I have it.” “Leave the damaged goods in the box it came in on your front doormat and we will deliver a replacement for your damaged goods by 1 p.m.” “The box is all burned up.” “What? I am a computer that can understand complete sentences.” “Never mind. I will leave it on the front doormat.” “Once again, we apologize. Is there anything else I can help you with today?” January 3. 1 p.m. “Hello, this is Amazon’s help line. I am a

computer that can understand complete sentences. May I have your name? Mine is Felicia.” “Felicia, we have a big problem here.” “May I have your name? Mine is Felicia.” “This is in reference to K420223K.” “May I have your name? Mine is Felicia.” “Alice. Felicia, listen. We heard the drone come. We went out front. The new package was there. But then another drone came, and when we tried to pick it up, it fired a laser at us. It hit our landscaping, a bush, and set it on fire. We ran back in and slammed the door.” “Could you please speak more clearly? I am a computer who understands complete sentences.” “Felicia. It set a bush on fire.” “If you have a fire, you should put it out.” “We did. We got an extinguisher and ran back out and put it out. Then we ran back in and called you.” “I apologize for this inconvenience. So you have the package?” “No. It’s still out there.” “Is there a reason you are calling me? I am a computer that can answer complete sentences.” “Wait.” (Silence). “The package is gone.” “You say the package is gone?” “Yes. It was there before. It’s been stolen.” “This is a ‘merchandise stolen’ case. I apologize for that. Please take this new order number: X41252K. Another package will be out on your doormat in front of your

house by 3 p.m.” “Do you want to know about the other drone? It was blue. Yours are yellow.” “Once again I apologize. Is there anything else I can help you with today?” January 3. 3 p.m. “Hello, this is Amazon’s help line. I am a computer that can understand complete sentences. May I have your name? Mine is Felicia.” “Alice. X41252K. It’s three o’clock. We can’t go out front.” “I apologize for that. My records show that your replacement product X41252K was delivered.” “It’s out there. We can see it out the window. But there’s a shooting war going on out there. There’s yellow and blue drones shooting at one another up in the sky. It’s terrible.” “Blue drones. I apologize for that. There are blue drones from Google in your sector. They are unauthorized. Dial 911.” “I already did that, just before I called you.” “I apologize for this inconvenience. The situation will be taken care of shortly. We are having difficulty…stay in your homes.” (Sounds of explosions over the telephone). “Hello, Felicia? Are you there?” “I am a computer that understands complete…” “Felicia?” “Once again, I apologize. Stay in your homes. The situation will be taken care of shortly. May I have your name? Mine is Felicia.”

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