Domino Magazine

Page 31

domino music


suicide ghost rider This is probably the most rock

9 Tracks-The Passions


and roll dong I’ve ever heard.

crass bata motel

Illustration Sunil Makan


‘Penis Envy’ is my favourite Crass record. The combination of the rat tat tat drumming and Eve Libertine’s vocal delivery (and her lyrics) are like a fucking machine gun on this song.


Ben Deitz is not just another pretty

face. As honest as he is talented, the Bronx-born, Brooklyn-based producer and DJ also known as Passions is direct as hell and will no doubt catch all the ears. At the song-writing centre of Passions, Deitz has already had an underground smash with “Emergency,” a riotous electro-punk single released by French label Kitsune.

nine inch wish nails

It’s nearly impossible to pick one NIN song but ‘Wish’ is so fucking perfect in its anger and hatred and frustration. Nobody seems to make music like this anymore and I guess that’s why I listen to this song so much.

my bloody valentine whenyousleep Fuck this is amazing. There was a summer when I was listening to this album non stop. Every day felt like anything could happen, every street in New York held a new person to meet and a new experience to have... the city was bright and anticipatory and exciting and ready to give me whatever I wanted.

the cars let’sgo

This song defines going out and partying and having a good time for me. I tend to forget how much of an influence the cars have had on me but they remain one of my favourite bands of all time.

djinaperfect shadowworld midnight I wouldn’t be making music if it wasn’t for shadow. A more perfect song is hard to come by.


the cure at night

There’s something about ‘At Night’ that is so unsettling in the atmosphere it evokes. When you’re hiding in your bed from the faces outside your window, this song is there for you.

new order dreamsneverend The thing that always defined New Or-

der for me was the hope that was inherent in their music. This song immediately sets that tone. Its even a direct refutation of one of Ian Curtis’ lyrics. It feels like several young people consciously deciding to move forward past loss towards something better. “No looking back now, we’re pushing through”.

joy division twentyfourhours This is just pure desperation. I could have picked any Joy Division song, really. No band has ever come close to being able to evoke the feelings and moods that they did. Nothing like this will ever exist again.

three zero

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