Hampshire Chamber of Commerce

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21st century technology in reach of the logistics & transport companies After four and half years of development and studies, and an investment just over a million euro’s, the company ARGOS will offer their services from 1st October in Spain, France, Italy, Germany and of course the United Kingdom. ARGOS Cargo System is a market place of Logistics and Transport companies that permits them to contact carriers of proven quality, through a web page. For the first time in the history of Logistics and Transport, it will be possible to contract a carrier with quality data via a market place website. The system permits the tracking of carrier’s vehicles; arrange them in order of their average grade of quality service and being able to negotiate without the need of telephones - complete usage of online technology. One the biggest advantages of this market place, is that the users can use their native language to contact, negotiate and close transport operations with the interlocutor from the other countries thanks to the simultaneous translator on the system that holds whichever language needed. The transport companies can eliminate their administrative task as the ARGOS Cargo System team will sort it out automatically. This eases the workload on both parts and also the charging orders.

ARGOS Cargo System is an essential tool for all types of companies that aim to have a quality logistic at a fair price easing this in todays and the future market. It is estimated that cutting out the mediators without added value, it will permit the companies to reduce their costs by 10% - 40%. Furthermore, it will have a positive influence on the environment as the aim is to avoid empty vehicle loads and incorporate the CIT technology that permits a continuation of tracking the time and resources. At the same time, is eases the entrance into new markets with a better logistics at a fair price as the product could be very competitive. For the carriers, this is a unique opportunity to increase their profitability by eliminating the mediators without any added value. Also, would help obtain full return loads directly to the clients, assuring the recovery of their services, to offer CIT technology to their clients and market their services via the system furthermore, linking up to the clients therefore being able to obtain new clients and internationalise their business. ARGOS has had meetings with the various Chambers of Commerce and Transport Associations throughout the United Kingdom that have offered their support thanks to the huge advantages that are available from this new system of hiring and continuance. We have contact with certain companies already about the existence of this new, advantageous system.

As soon as the negotiation has taken place, it is possible to follow the incidents’ online. This then helps if there is a need to make an urgent decision, therefore improving the logistics of the companies.

We await the entrance of a vast amount of companies worried about the environment, that are interested in paying a fair price for their logistics and furthermore, incorporating the CIT technology. On the behalf of the Transport Associations, they have indicated that all of the companies operate with quality service.

The system carries out a filtering system of the companies that allows access for the service quality (in the case of carriers), and also for the economic solvency. This eliminates all of the companies that do not meet these minimum requirements.

ARGOS stands out as any member of a transport company that publicises their services, will operating via the system will be assessed on their service quality. Having the evaluative system for the Transport

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