Rhode Island State Normal School Catalogue and Circular: 1894

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Catalogue Btfd Circular


State Nor111al8c~ool,





State ~ormal ยงet;ool




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bCS'>IOll a re lll(lieated hy full 1:1C(· type.


. Tuesday. September 4-


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. . lVtdne.fd"Y· &ptemher .'i. . . S (•tember !.'1 to Dtcember 3.

. . . December ?5, 26. lt-:fl.} .

P L" BI.I(' EX .\:\11.\" .\TJO:'\' C'LO"I:-1(; TilE 'l' EIOI . ..

. . . Friday, Janwt1'.1Jl8.


0PEXJ:>;(: OF 'I' J•: H.\1" .. , L\~ 11 1:\G TOX':- l3 m T liU.\ Y .. SJ'EUXG TI E<:E~~• \ _IWOH

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. . T uesday, lt'ebruW'JI 5. . .... TI'ednesdrty, P'ebrua ry 6.

. 1-'dday, February '!!! . . . AprilJ5-:JJ.


D.\ Y..

P cm.rc E X.\.\11:->A'I'IOX.

(;JL\ Dl".\'1' 1:"\0 £xEHCI '-E'- ..

'1'/wrsdfly, Jfa,11 SO.

Th ursday, J une 27. . .JI'riday, J une !28.

By tlu. act r~f the (/( JU ,·of _lsstlld)ly, passrd Jf<u·cl1 L',, lt''."/1. llu Rltmh lslwul .Yot'ttud Stlwo! teas placed "uncle,·

1/u uuuwyculclll 11!' !he 8/olr- Hoo,.d of JE<lucC/Iion awl the Coo1111is.•do,1e,· (~t' Puhlir· 8dwols us a B ocud of 'J'I'W·;/eu;.'

Ilr~ Exo:r.J.E.S<'Y Ti lE Gonm.son,

I>. H l"S~ELL BH Cn\-X.

ITrs Jf o.;.;on THE LIEl -'I'E.S.\:"'T-Oon:H)."oH , ED\\T~\ H... \1.1.1.:-:\ .


JOll:\ E. KE:\DIUCK .. S.UIL'EL \\' K. .ILLE:\.

.:\I•:WPOR'l'. . . • . . . B\IlHIX(;TO~.

. • . ..... \\' OOX-.OCJ\ET . . . P BOHDEXCE. . .E .\~T GHEE:"\\\'TCJI.

Commi:-:.sioncr of P ublic :-:chool<; and f'e<·r<·tar.'· of Bo:ml of Tl'uSH·<·s

" '· \\'. GH.I XT ... H EY.

H. \I'. \1'.\LL\CE ..

. P RO\ IDEC\{'E. . .. ::\EWPOHT.

H E\', \\'. (', ll.\J..IXD. HE\', J. 11. Bl'C'KE'l .


'. CE:""THE\'rJ.LI•:.

. . . . . . . . BR ISTOL. . .C' II E P ,\ CIIET.

1893 9 4.

wtLLLD t E. \ru.~o:.:-. A.



<:EOlH:E .L LJ TTLEFIELD. P~!Jdwlogy, Logie, Ethics,


,,\lU ll ) L\ HBLE, J,ittrature, J filiaalogy, Chtm,istry, &ruling, Jfetlwds i1t Reading.

Cll.IHLOTTE E . DE)l!XG, Geography, J!cthods in Geoumphy, Geology, A stronon1 y, Prim<try J[ethod.~.

FAX XlE F.. WOODS , .1. B. ,

English L<otguage, Rhetoric, .Vethods in Language, Adva1lCUl ~lf<tthematics. BEHT11 .\ B.\,-S, .\. )1. , History, CiTies, Latin . E )DL\ E. BHOWX, A. ll., Gtometry, Aritlwtetic, Bookkeeping . P hysics, Calisthenics.

CLAlU F. ROBJ;(SOX , D rau:ing . Algebra,,

INgz L. \V l llPPLE,

Bota,ny, ZoOlogy, Physiology. E MOHY P . BeSSELL, ~V u s ic.


R.II U F. BLIMS. Principal of Training &hool. CL.\HA E. CH.\TG,

ED ITH GOODYEAH, Tead1et in 1'rain拢ng School. ) lA ilY BOS11'0 1!Tif,

Teacher in School of Observotion

TeaclU;路r in &hool of Ohscrvation I'II IWE 11'1Llll:H,

'l'eacltcr in School of Obsen-ation.


F'o,·fy-fou!'llt (' /(I ss (,' ,·ctrlllofed J a ttll(/t'!J /! 1, !8fl ..~ .

77 Olney :-i t. , Prodcl enee. Elizaheth Bro'''IH'il.. .:!~ P1·o:.:ped St .. Paw LUl'k€>t. F\emmin!.!, . \ drlai(lt• :Jo:-of"ph . Pa wtuxet. lla~· ward. Emnw l.(: onard . . \~a lie_,. Fall:-: . <>"HriPn. Krttherine Fntll('('~. idenl·t•. Pro,· St.. uhli<.: P )01 .. . Pope, _\ hhie Bolll'IH~ -. . \\' a:-:hington. H:athhun, Clara Lw.:ctta )[abel . Potte r !I ill. t;teadman, . \nna Loui!'C . . . Po rt!'Slll OUt h. Tohi 11 , )far,\· 'l'hrn•sa !.'ails. Central , St. Cro>'S 133 . Young, Bt•rthn Edith. . Plain,·ill c, :\lm;f':i. Young, ) l ;u~· Loni!-iC


F'o,./y-Jifilt h'utiol' C/(lss [:,.oduof(:>d Ja11 e


78lJ ..~ .

. . :288 Fron t St., \\" oo n ~o('ket. Amef'.. :"iarclh Elizalwth. . Georg-i<n·i\le. Buc·klin . . \ nnie Eli zaheth .. _\ s hton. Collin >'. _\ lie<· ) !a hello ... . <..'en t red al e. Cozzen :-:, ~I inn ie .\ lt.•thea... . Cutler, Lu c.- retia Emma . . 1108 \\Testmin :--tCI ::5t., P ro dd e nc e. Fairhrotlwr, .Jen nette \\"h eato n 31 So. l Tni o n :::)t. , Pawtuc k et. . . 117 He:-;crYoir .A\·c., Pro,·id c ncr. Gnu1t, Emma . . :)g :::)ummi t :-:. t. , Ce n tntl Fa\\:;;:, Jli s('O X, (.; race Lo ui:-:c . E a ~t P l'()\' id c iiCC. ] ro lbrook' I Ic lc ll Franr·c~. . .. East P rovide nce. llolb rook, Su san \ rad :o:; \\"O t't h J\lcLaren, Je~1n ettc .Amelia. . .. lOS Carpenter St., P t·o,·idc ncc. . 1.75 P i11e St., Att leboro, ::'\ !rJ:-::-:i. :l\J cKcrney, .A lite ) lay . Bri:-;to l. J\ l oflitt, Elizabeth Gregg. \Vas hin gt.o n. Rathbun. Ent Abhie \\~e st 1\.i ngsto n. . R eed, Susan na.


Slade, Caroline \\'"in:-;low. Tillinghast, l'carl ~ l ay Tisdal e, .\n na. \\"ihon. Emily Al i<'C


Hwansea Cent!'{·, ~Ia~~ . . :\ati<·k. .King-:-.ton. \\ rl'~l An:·., P<:lWtliC'ket.

Se nior Class 16, (specia!)- jfall 1!erm.

J\l'l1olcl , Ida lnwaton .

. .. . -!4- GoYe rn or St., Pl·o,·idf?n(·('. Bro wn, Emma Edith. . .. . J:)fJ Pl ea:-:ant St., Proddence. Crapon. Cora Gencn1 .. 153 I~ockwood St., ProYidencc. 1!all. Ma_,. Em el',\" . 23 Hammond St., Pro,·idcn<:C'. H ouse, Lu c_,- \Y oodrufr .. 10-1: Pcal'i ~L., Prodd e nce . .l\l;.ln chcstcr, Lillian Xcbon .... . . 115 \Vilson St., PJ·odllen('c. J)lcLolhln, :Jlargaret Jane -!7 Tobr_,. St., p,.o,·i <lonc·f?. ~ampson, Carri e Estelle . ...... -l:-:1: Jefl'c rson ~ t., Pro,·idoncP. \\' aitc, Susan E,·clyn H~ Fl'i cn<lship St. , Pl'odd encc. \ \ ratts. Franees Emil_,-. . . . 8 Spcn('e r St.. Prodden('e. \\"hitchetlll, )linni e \\r inn. ~ :B ing ~t., Pro,·ide nre. 1\'illles. Ett<1 ~I a_,. . . \1.) DOYC'I' t:it., Pro,·idence.

0cn io r Class :fl3 , (special)- 5pring U:crm.

Collins. A liee B egina. . ... . .. -1-G-t. Broad St., Pro,·i<l(' ll('C. Cro\\'cll, Emmeline H oach . . 340 Dough1~ _.. \ ,·o., ProYi<lencr. Dyer, Chna Pcal'l. . 150 Uridglwm St. , Pro,·iclcnc·e. ]£,·ison, Ali <:e Am elia. .. 81+ Ko. 1\l ain St., Pro,·idenee. Gardi ne r, Mari on J .ouetle. . . . Ce nnodalt>. H ol t, El izabet h 58 Sutton ~ l., Pro,·idcn(•t•. :l\la hone_,., .A nni e -:1:6 BellenJ C Avo., Pro\'idcnce. l\IHJH:h os tc r, F ranCC:"('H . \ gncs . . 2± Cham hers St., Proddence. ~bn tin, H: o::-:a :?3G Plain St.., ProYidcn<:e. l\lykins, :7\ lary Elizal)clh .. . ·b± D a rtmouth .AYO., Pro\'idc n(' o. Pf'ni n, ) l.a ude l loneusc. . 378 Ca rpe n te r St., Pro\'iclence. Simmo n ~, Etta Yoso . . .. . 217 Public St., ProYid encc. rl'ally, l\.fa rgn rcl Esl hc r .1-J Y er uon St., Pro,-i<lo nce. Till ing hast, E,·a ll oward .. -!05 .!?otter'~ A,·e., Pro,·idcn('e. Th o rn ton, 1 Lattic ~\ l ay . . . J :.\ ranchester 'Place, ProYidente.

l.\T.\l.OI·l' E .\~D ( ' !Rl l'L.\H OF TilE


Juml.!r eras:; 1:\. . Ti \'('l'lOn Four ( 'orner~ .

. \lm.1·, 1\nnn;lh ElhPI .. J)elllll'lt. EYa (;rafton.

. .. \\ ~;.11TC II.

Urnf.Q!', _\da IJt'l'tha. Cha:-;(\ .:\far.\·. Culll)n, ('athPriiH) .\gnp~ Curti-..-.., 1)(>-..-..ip ll olt Darling. ~;tnth Loui:--1' DnfT,,·, }\;11',,- ('('<'ilia. Finla~·, Ell(•n l·'nuH"b. Fnnlu..•y, l'lal'i'"' Ll'(' . <:1('11. t'<noline _\dplaide. Urant, .:\lay hah(•l!(' . (~l'l'('llway.

FraJH't"' ,Jf:uale.

]line-.., Catherine Thcre:-.a. •Tolli<•, k1hcl Dora Ke;.l<:h, (;prtl'tHil' )lar:--h. Kiley, Fan nit• .:\ largarct 1\ing, .Jo \\·in~low Lamphear, Emil,\· Uertl'ude. LPI). ) f innie ~ophia. )lunroP, . \nni c Eudora .. Pratt, } f;try Loui~ r. Ho..;,p, .\\i(·C ::\ fah el. Ro~c. )Jar,\· Elizal)cth. ~h epanl,

Flon• nte


. . J)ragg\·ille . .:\la :ss. (;ox J 71, Xc\,·porL HerkclP_y. \\' akeli eld. Frttnklin, :J ia:-;s. . . .. . Hh'C I' P oint. . ...)~ .:\feadow :--;t., Pa\\·tuck ct. Brooklin. ) le. . . Gencn1. Pro\·idcn('C'. . \\Tanen . s \\Talnut ~t., \\~e:-;tcrl,\·. . .. \'alley Fal h. . .... :-iaylcsl·ille. .. . \ 'al ley Fall s. Ea~t Prod<lcn<·c. .. East (-h ccnwi<·h. .. .. ........ P0aeo !) ale. (~Jpnville, Conn. .. ......... . ... ) l ilh·il lc, X. J'. . 3-t: Gilmo i'O :--it., l'ro\·id c n re. Kin gston . . . . . . . 1\ ing-slOII.

. ... \\'c"i "Ia nsficld, .\ Ia". . P ort:..mo u th . . . . . . )I a usfi eld, ) I ass.

Rlwl'lnan, FttnniC' lrene. ;o; kimwr, .Jiarian EIC'na

:}unior Class jG, Barton, Ent .Josephine.

Bpnn ctt, .\l ary

. . .. . Hox -17-1, Olncy\·i\le. . .... 3G Prairi e A\·e., Pro\·id c nce.

Blinkhorn , ('(·eilia A n n .. . ... . . 181 C lifford SL., P ro,·idcn cc. 4-± Barrows St. , Ol ncydllc. Burt, E ug<.\nie D C"all 37 -\ \rcy hosscL ~L , 1'1'0\'id cn(;C. F lore nce. Clli-t:-i<.', Lottie LH \\T('IH'<' . . . RD Burgess .A\·e., Ea~t Pro\·ide nC'C. De (~rw·hy . Lu c·y .\!arion ...... . ... I G P e nn S1. , Pro\·id cntc. (.'a<l~·.



Flanag:n n , .\larg-m·eL ~ \loysia .. 1.5 Drad y ~t., F;dl Hi n _ ' l', )lati..-. Fish e r, J ~:t lwl (.;nl<'e. . ... Plain,·ille, -:\1<-ls!-i. lfalli\\'l'll, Catherine 1\ . )_[. . 8± ' l'oc·kwonon ~ l., 1'1'0\' idenee . ll azanl, ll<·le u Loui'>t 3Jay .. . li Pros p <•<·t ~I.. Bristo l. ll eC'k nwnn , .Jen ni e Louise ... P lai n dllC', ::\1<-l:-:-" . .Joh nson. Carri e C:stlwr. ~haro n , .::\Ia:-<.:-,. . Joh nso n , Susan. fi!! Ha c- on :--il.. l' l'O\' idc nc·e . K no"·Jes. Lillian Eth<'l . .. .. !)ox I J.j, Point Judith. )l<t (· Dllnald , .J o~ephiue. . :~ .~ Bern o n :--it., P1·m·idenc·e. )ht!H)Il<'Y, .\lrtrg aret \ ~e r oni<:a .. 7 Corey ~ t., Fall Hi,·e1·, )Ia:-.~. ::\le Urat h, .Juliet .\n gelo .. 71 Tho mpson ~t .. Fall Hi,·e 1·, ) las."i. )l c·) btnu :-;, ) f.-u·y E tta. . . .. ~:! D ean St. , ~ \ ttJphoro, :JJa:-;s. )Ia ins. :-iarah E ,·a .. Framing ham , )Jas.:-:. :Jl un:.:tc•·, :\fau<l An d rea . J:J \\'illo,,· :--;t,, Pro\·idenc<'. Ha _,-, :Jl.n·a ~ \m eli a. l:>ox .J:.J..), Ea:-. t Prod dcnc·e. T illi nghast, Su:-;an .A\-C' I'.)' .~ummit. T obi n, .A .!.!:;-Hha. Bri ~tol. \\ ~ a!'{! , ) l ary E\l (' n. Box :?17, \\rarren. \\ rt•:-:teott, .:\lay.. . . Thornton. \\ril<:ox, "\' ellit: Ca:-:.e. .J ]:J East, )I anning St., Pro ,· id e nC'e.

jfourtb U:crm


Baker. :-iu :-:a n Louise

.]l orton,·iJie. }Ja'"· Cahill , Ella . . ... ... ()r('hrl rd ~ t., Ea:-; t P ro,·idcn<·e. Carpc nt C' I', Edna. . . l~ro a t hnty :--iix Co rs. , East Pl·o,· idcn (·('. Car r, 1 ~111111a J ane .. \ ' alley Fal ls. l ' runll e _,-, l•:mma Jla ry. Lon..-:<lr1le. Cnu n le_,-. Xellie. l.o n sda!t.": '. Drdton, )laude E lizabeth . . :--iharo n, )[a:::.:-' ! l ines, .:\ Jar,\· !•: Iizabeth. Oak Lawn. L r1ke, bahC'l \\'hcaton. . lhllTi.", .:\1<-t:-:':-'. La1 ha Ill , 1I nt ti e Lu 1'<1 Hn a h .87 \\ ~ c~yhO!":-' C t :-' t., Pro,·icl enee.

()"·e n, Bertha Ali ce Phillip:-:, .\ !;.trion Edna Ba t h b un , Ue:-:.:-;io .Bl O\\·nc ll

B.h odes. 1-::-'ti.'l\ c 'J'r:wy F:ohin:-:on. ~ \li ce :J [aud :--ituhh..-:, Lil lian l l l'ig"


G ree nwi c·h.

... Hi,·c1· Point. ... CentreYilk. :?D \\-<-l tC'I'HIHII ~ \ ,·c. , E. 1-'I'OY iclcn('('. .. . .. . :3 :! <:ilmore :-' t. , Pro,·idcn cc . . Quidnic:k.

('.\1'.\LO(·L·E .\~D C:JB:('l'L.\H OF T II F:


Youtl!.! wo11H'II. to lw admitt('tl. mu"t h:l\"l' :1\l:lint·d thl· :11-!"t· o l



ken \"t•ar,.;: \'OIItH!' 11\t'll. H·n•ntt•t·n. 1. . Each .applk:tnt 11111"1 furni,.;h :t "riil('n t(·"tirnoninl of good nwral 11

ch·~-rac~:;,t:t~1 ;~ ! ;:~::ml:c :rn:t:~~:: i ,...~:~l~ ~~~:·:~ ~c 1 11


S('rioul' phy:·-i<":ll dd'c·ct:-;.





<ltHl frc·t• from

.\n C'\amion tion will \){' mad l· of all npplieanh

to a~<·(•rhtin wlwtht·r tht·~ :tre phy~ically qualified to um\(.'rlak<' a ('OIIr~c· of prcpar:ltion for tt-;t('hing-. .\

phy~idan'..; certiticn!(.- will !)(' <H'C::t'pktl in

G. .\pplkanh who nn• not gr:Hluatc·:. of nccreditcd high sc·hools "illlw Ht>acling. En.!!'li~h (;rammar and ( 'ompo"ition. indudiug

examilwtl in

Rpelling anti Peltlll:lll..;hip. l'nitetl !'tate;-;. Iliswr_,... \ rithmctk. ami (;eo.!!raphy. 'i. (:radual(·,.; tlf :tc·<·n·ditc·tl hi~h ~thoob arl' admit ted without t·-..:amimltion.

If th('y :m· protkit•nt in tht• gmmmar ..;<·hool :--otllllit'' a~ wdl a~ in the

high :--orhool <·out~l'. they may enter th(· ,Junior ('\as~ at on<·P. anti ,...JtOultl compil'te the <·our... t• indudin~ pmcti('t_· in thr training !->('hool in two


T uition i-. frr<· to all pupil:-- who on admi~sion sign th<' following a~rc·t·-

llll'llt' " J herchy agrrc. if ndmiw•tl to th<· State i\onnal S('hool, to tt"n<·h in th<· public ;.:,('hooh; of Hh otlc bi<lltcl. at lra~t one yc:tr. after hadng at!t·ntletl the School. or wi1hin thrce year~ after lc~wing tilt· !'(;boo\, to pa_,. tuition at th<· rftt(' of

:::ao Jll'l' annum.

unle::;s <·xcuscd


the B oard of 'l' ru~tc·C'""

Th<· tnilt·<lgc :lpproprintion of two thou~nntl dollar~ will \)(' di.,.trihutt•d

among thO:->l' pupil:-; who re-;idl' in tlu· :-- tate at a di:->tan(;l' t·xt·t·t·tlin!! the mile~

from r•ro,·idcncc. Pupil~ hoarding in Pro,·idcnct· will h(' t_·ntitlcd to tht· sum· mih·ng<· :b if tlwy liHd at hom e. T he aid (mnishcd to ::Illy onl' pupil <·an not C'\<'Ctd forty tlollar" per year.

T t·.\t-Uooks n<·rd<·d for rcft· rence arc fm nishcd by th(· school.

T he s<·hool has no boa rding-hall <·onncctcd \\'ith it , l;ut tho<.:C who dcsir< to hoard in the city will he aidrd in securing n<·commocl:ttions

~\ 1



~nult:nts should con:-.nlt the Princ·ipal hdo rc rnga ;,.dng hoard , ns they will

be p<·rmittcd to ho:ml only in plac(·~ apprO\' Cd by him. costs from ~:{.:;o 10

*·' per

Board usually

W<'<·k .

The ~f·liool i~-; located in Providrnce at the corner of BcndiL and Waterown Streets, within tivr minutes walk of the depots, so thnl. it is <.:asily readted from :dl pan~ of the ;-;tate by rail or st<·runboat , and from all parts o f the ('ity and :-.,UlJilrhs hy ('lcctric cars.

Th e railroads furnish ti<:k<'ts at

reduced nne s to :-.LIHlcnts under ei!rhteen year~-; of :1ge. will aid


The lihrary of the :-ochool


well furnished with dictionaries. ('ncydo-

pt>(ll:l:-.,. :md oth{'l' g-en<•ral hook1-i of referen('e.

In the

o f litenHI II't', history. ~c-irnce. and ('duc:.nion. ther<• il-i best books. and


T h<' Principal

in obt:1ining- thCl-i(' ti('kcts.

~cveral :1


good supply of the

T hes(' arr ph1ccd 1>0 as to be easily :wtcssihlc to the studt·IHS,

few rt·striction:-; a:-~ <·oni-.iStrnt with the reasonah](' tare of the books

a re pi:.H'Ctl upon tlu•ir free


The c h <•mieHI laboratory is w<•ll sup plied \\'ith apparat.us anti materhlls. 'J'he app:1r:nus requ isite fo r a wide mnge of ph_n;ieal espcri n wnu::, including bOme valuable instrume nt s, is pn,.,.sc::.sed by the school. illust ration there is no lack of applinnces.

For geographical

-'li cros<:opcl', tlil'-seciing in.stru-

mt'IH!', anti micro:--<·opic pn•pamtions arc among the means JH'OYi<lcd for research in the biologi<'al stirn<·cs.

A valu:1bl<· eollt•t·tion of minerals :\lld r(l(·ks affords am piC' material for the l:>tndy of minera lo,!!y. ing gt•ology.

T here :u·e a few fossils :uHl specimens illustmt.-

.\ n hrrbarium h:1 s ht•cn begun, and ,·aluablr

b<'CII placed in it. fro m

ill(' lll'i\';He

Brown l'nh·t•n·dt y, a nd of other:_;;_ which gro w in :New

l~n g lan d,

colle<·tions of Prof.


w·. w.


Bailey of

.IL contains chie!ly spt•cies of plants

a nd though hy no means ('Omplctc even for

Hho<h· l sl:llld. the lH"ginne r in bot:lll y m ay be greatly nidrtl :llld s timul:lied hy it); u:-:c .

;\ loumt•tl and :i\('holit· sp<•einl('ns o f ani m als rep resenting m a ny

ort!r rs :1n· in th1· zoblogil'al collect ion.

The beginn in g of


:l rr hcl'Ological

colle<·!ion has hccn m ndc through a tlonation of Ont' of thC' gradnat<•:s.

. . Hox ~:3~, Ph enh. :-;pring, ll op<•.. ~tirlin g-. )l <ll'<·ella l>unwoodie.fl Hu nter ~t., Fall Hin.•r, ~fas~. .... Huln l"onl. \Yalk <>r, L illian Hcc<l. Box:!;}, 'l'ar kiln . \\.hit(_•, l (n·l~·n ~ \ug·u:-.tn . . So uth f-\ ('ituatP. \ri g ht man, Le n a EhlOra

GnuluHl<·~ , .Janua1·.'· J~l, Jl-'H-t. Senior:--.. (: rtld uatt'~ • .lu ne ~n .. . .. Senior:-., B. (:-.pN·ial) ,J Ull ior:-;, ~ \ .lunior:-.. \{


' I' PI'lll

('\a:-; ....

' l'llil'd 'l'e l'lll ('la:--:-o. :-ie(·OJHl T er m ( 'h1:-o:-.. First TPrnl Cia:--:--.








Island p~a~e No~mal pchool,


Th(' "-Chon\ ha:-. for it:-> nhjt<:t thr prrparation nf it-> stuch•nt:-. ftW tcadling.

By givin,!! them -.;uch


rmhnu·<·d in_thP ('Oil I'"<' of



""' they nc<·rl

in tla· "ubjcet:s


2. By h•;uling- tht'm :-oo fa r as mrnwl, and mond.


to form


hahit:-., physit:al,

By st·cldni!; 10 tlt>vdop within them a high onlt•r of dnmH.·tt•r, indc-



love of learning-, appreciation of the bcmniful,

faithfulntss lO duty, and


for tcac:hing

-L By !'O dirrning t h eir obserY:ltion, :md by affording th<•m such pmcti('t' in tC<~.('hing as \\·ill lwlp them to <lC<Juirc a m:t:-.ll'l'Y of the tllt'ory of tt.'<\{'hing and !-kill in its Jll11<'tict'.

.\ pplkat ion -.houhl he made hcfore thl' OJWnin~ nf thl' tL· rm , in


Jkr:-.on. or by leun, to the Priu cip:li


the ..:\ orma l ~ c h ool, or 10 the Com-

mb-:-.ioncr of P uhlic Schools, at X o. 10-l ::\ orth ~ l ain ~ tn·ct, Pro,·identl', H I.

a !).

' l' ho:-.(• who :1p ply hy ll'\t('l' :=:. h o u ld st:ue· ~ l llll('

in fu ll.

Po:-.t OHke :tddre:-..-; . . \ g-t• .

d. t·.


P lat'<' nf prcv iou.-; cdnt:ltion and the .-;tudic.-; pn;·.-;ncd . );umiJeT' o f tt"rms' l'Xpl'rient'(', if any. in


. \ p pli cant:o; mu .-;t pre$1..'111 th em seiYCS at the X ormal :-'c-h ool building,

o n T ut·:-.chty, tlu· li r:J;l. t!ay of the term, at 9.80 .\ . )l. 3

.HiYer Poin t. .:-\ummi t. . . \ \Ienton.

~'H't't. :--u:-.i e .\nw lia .. Tillingh a:-.t, 2\elliP. "\Yil~on,

Carril' :\Ia~·

t:Dirb \l:cnn Class.

.. \r nold, .\nniP

. .... l' ht•nix .



Baile~· • .J c:-.~iP Elli:-.

,, ~()()Jl~()('l.;pt,

.. Lake,, oml.

Barhcr, Plwlw . \ rnold ..

. ... . .A:--.hton. Box 101, BPrk eley . . East Pro\"idt'JH'fl. .. Li ttl(' Co mp ton. .. 1Jiamo11d ll tll. . . \ rlloid', :\[i[b.

ConnollY, Catherine LorNta . . Cunningham .. Johanna Gertnu.le.

Goll', ll atlie :lb111itta Fi t.•ld, .J o:-;ephine Ta,dor Hrl ZPP, . \lice \\'ilJ.:in:-.on . . Hit.-hal'(l:-, . }far_,. l~mmeli n e ,..;mith .. \ li('(' } fae.

. ... .. . . \ :-.hton.

5econ{) Cerm Clnss. Agnpw, .\nn i<.' Eli zabe th.

B!a(' !unat·. ll elen Orilla.


Ph pnix. )fap\(, ,·i iiP. . . \ lhion. . H iYC'I' !'oint.


Br0\\'11, .\nn a l( li za . . Canol\, . \ mli e~\ li(_· e F-o niface Conway, :.\hu·y J\ ath eri ne ..... 5:) Xo. :.\lain St. , "\\~ oon:-;o('k(•t. 155 Sherb urn e St. , Pro,·id C' JH:t•. D enne_,-, ..-\ nnie :.\L Cet ilia .Box 1\11. l'Ciltl'l''·ille. Ellard , R<Nt .\l aud\'.. . Gr(•Cn,·ille. . .. Co,·e ntr_,.. . ... 7 3 l\fath e w:-;on St. , l'ro ,·id(• IH'C. Hum ford . lfokn nso n, Emma . \ !ida . Box J :!:J, Centre\"\ lie. .John so n, ::\Jar_,. E ,·c i~· n. ~ \ pponau g-. K nig·h t , !'h ob<' ) l attil(\wson . Equi, Clarinda T het·esa l la,·cn!", Ella :.\ Ia he!. llo dgC', :\far_,. Emily..

l\f c-Ca rty, Hosie T.oui:se . . MeElinn , "Iizabeth Cccili rt . )le l\:ec, "li z;t,beth Ag·allt>t.

. ...... l. illl c Co mpt o11 . . C'c ntrc ,·ille.

. lG Albro St. , i't'OI' idc ii('C. -:\ 1<-"l\:e nna , .rennie F ra nces . . .. Hi,·or Point. )l"e-K c nna , ) l ar_,. ) larga rel. :\ [<: L aug-h li n , ".\ ramie Augu sta .. \\' a rren A, ..__,_ , E . Pro\"idc ncc.

H II ODE I ~ L.\:\D STATE ":\OH:.\1.-\L S(' JH H H ..

~! ill:..

TIH•n•:-:a ~linni c ..

.:\'a:-:11, l ela

L oui~.

0\ne_,-, L,nlia .\nn ie Hay, l•: mllla Louisp. S('ott. Li zzie Clementine. Tull.L .\ nni(• Loui~ e . \\'ightmnn, Ettie Emoge ne. \V ood. nerth a :.'\b1y . Young, ~\l al'ion Loube

. :? G ~ Totkwotton


:-:. t., Proddt·tH·e .

. .. Oak Lawn . ............ Ch0Jl<i<·h el. ... Box 1~.), Ea:-:t (Jrodd<•tH·e. . ... Ea~t Pro\'iden<·e.

. lkll<·,·illc. . ... :--iol ttll :--:citt tat c. ( 'entrp,·illr . . l·:n:-;t Urepnwi<-!1.

jfi rst Ccrm Class . .... \ nthon _\". •\ Jl<'>'. l. illi;ts .\ Ia.'· Ba t<•:., Edith Ell t' n .. . . . I lope. .. . Hox :31i, .J iaple,·ille . Cook(•, Lena (;cliP . . . . fj ;? :Lip pitt :--: t .. Pt·o ,·idC>nc·c. De,·ine . ..-\ gnc~ Ceci lia . :?:~0 Ga no ~ ~ -- P ro\'idenc·o. Dw_n•r, ,J ulia ~ \ lo ~· :-:ia Eldridge, .Aii c·C> l-r~uhl Clwpa('lwt. ]]01 .At\YClJl:-, .\ \'(: .. Pt'O\' i<i(' JH:C. FatTPil, ::\ c\lic ~ \ g n cs \\. oo n:-:otk et. Gillespie, .Jan e. . l hn·is,·illc. G t·ee tH.'. ~b1 1'.\' l.ou isc . ~ \ t ·<-t i<- Centre. ll oll<J\nty, Hertha Stone . ... Box I l!i, CIH•pa<·hel. J lopki n:-:, .J o nn _,. E lizabeth. ll op k in :-;, .:H inni e )Itt_,- . ..... .. . CIH•pa('h cl. Eas t P roddcnn• Centre. Jl ono n , . \ li<·e .l larrict .. ~ \ I'(•;Hlia. Jl ox:·d(•. ~l ar~ - E:-:tella J e nkin:-:, ~ ! a t ·_,. 1 ~1\a . . .. Cra n:o; to n. . . . ... ~ out l! ~d tnate. King-, Hcs:o;ic ) J.ahcl 1\.nig-hl. Leo na ] sahel\. I lo pe. . .... I lope. ]_. atlwm, ) lar_,. E thel .. :39 )lOJ·gan St., Fa ll H in'r, ) lc-1 :-'S. ) .l ora n , ~ l ary (.;cnc,·ic,·e GJ·ccnY il!e. Oatl ey , l.o nl Eli za. -:\ C\\'\)01'1. Pcl' kitaJn , Eli zc-llJe t h . \ me li a.. . .. . \Y a:-;hington. Ha t h hun, Anna H c-H·hcl. . .. \\"a s h ingto n. Hath hun , "J ,o n;t Adela F n1n ces . _:---;mi t hfi c ld . Rie !Jc-!rdso n, F lorc nc·o Sin clair. Bridgeto n. H.ilo_,-, Al1 bio Gcn r ud e . . . .. 5 5 7 l·h o a (l ~ t. , Lo nsda Ie . H yan , E llen. Ryan , 1-' lorc n('C ~u t h crla n d . . . . . . . 17 O<:can =--'t., Pro ,-i<.l o ncc.


Light g-ymna~tic..;. dthl'l' h~- thl' Lin~ sy ... tem or "ith dumh h<:\1..;, con-

slituu• a n·gulnr daily t•wrci..;(•.

B('yoml tlti..; it

j,.., 1.':\]W<:ttd

of all stlHi('llts

thl\t they <·om ply (':Hdull~- with the condi.tion~ of h\·altlt in the matl('r of dres~, outdoor ('\('I"d"-<'. "ll'ep. cleanlinl'~"-. food, et(·.

In ~ I ructi on in


i:o. pro\'id<•d for in the {"Our:-<e of study. :Uld 1hr physic:~ I Ita hits of snull·Jtts rc<·t•i,·e JH'r~onal <tll<·ntion n:-- f;tr a~ :-<l'l'llh ll(·(·dfttl. MORAL CULTURE

ln :1normal ... dwol it j,_ impcr:ttiYe thllt ;l high :.tanda rd of morals h(· maint<lill(·i\.

.E:\Telh·nt on IN mu:-;,1 prcntil: po!ite ht·ha dor, l"OJTC·<·t hahih,

and :111 upright l'fllll":--l' lllll"-1 chanH:Ie rizc· l·n·ry O il (' hohlin).! m<·lllh("r,..,hip in


..;dwol of tJJi,. kind.

But the t·:\C:r<"is<.· of authorit_,. in thC' form ol

di..;epline ought n{'\'('1' to h(' nl'<'<':-<-'<Hy.

Con,.pi<:nOih lac·k of will or of

nhility to l'\<·rci"-P ~<·lf-<·ontrol and to n·gulatl' comluct hy the dictate" of duty :mel propril't~· j,. considl·n·d plain t•Yidt·ncc of unfitm·..;.; for the \'o<·a-

tion of !(•:t<'hin.!!.

Ahund:mt o<·ca:.iom; ari.;t· in thl' prol!rt·~" of :.chool lif<· forth<· l(""-ling of moral cbar;H·t(·r. :nul the C::\(·r<·i~ing of th<> \'irtu<'"- whic h arc indi"]H'n"ihl<• t o tht· tC'a<"ll('r. Tit<• ('ulti,·ation of ~ucli qua\iti<·s as industr,,·, pati(•nt<·, gcne ro!'ity. s('\f-dC'n ial and eam cst nC'SS . is a~ positi"c:IY <·~p(·C'tl'ti o f th r normal student n:-. th<• culti\'ation of the im clkttual pnwc'r~.

H_,. fn·<·dom

and fmnJ.:nc·~~. h,\' :-.ympnthy and mntual hdpfuln<·s~. tlH· inten·ouJ·sc• of tC':ld.lel·~

"ith ~tud<>nts and of st ud tnh with ('H('h othc·r bcc·o mC'S a ]HJ\\ <·rfu l



the• 1-! l'Ow th of moral rhara('tcr.

Th e Jlflrm:ll ~c·hool d o<·s not undertake 10 do lh(' \\ork of the· hi g h "dwol

nor yet t ht· ,,-ork of t he col leg(' . although it s <·uni<"ulum t·mhnt<·e:-- in p a ri thC' same ~nbj('(·t..; . work of l<';t(' hin!!.

It~ <·oursc is desigm:d 10 qwt!ify

s t ud<·IJI~ for the !']ll'cili<'

I t mu~t thl'refore pro,·ide ins tru c tion and training in

the ~<·it·nce ami ;\1'1 of educating.

But ii mu s t al~o sc<·un· hroad. ac·c·ur:ltC,

and th o ro ugh ~c·holarsldp whi('h is t hC' e~~cntial l>as i!' for profl'1-siwHll tmininf!".

'l'hl• <·ourse of instl"IICtion and

traini ll,!l' au th o ri zC'd hy the

t.rustec·s i" outlined on Jl:ti!<'S 20 and 21 and dPs<T illl·d in dctodl up011 the


th;lt folio\\'. MODEL AND TRAINING SC H OOL .

A JllOtlel and llainin)! «chool has hc<·n est;thli-;hed in connc·ction wilh th< n ormal .;dwol.

It i-: on(• of the P ro,·idtn<·c

prim;l r~- f'<·hool~.

:nHI is locoltC:<

nt tlu: <·onwr of Benc·lit and llaJ...e.r ~tr(·th. :d)()n\ OIU:-half mill· fmm the• nortll:ll S<"hool.

It c·onsists of thr<·e modl'l and fin· tminin!! rooms. ami

cmlmH'l':-. til(' li rst li\'C years of ~<·iJoOI work. ohsernllion, ami


the work t!lrried on ht·J'l'.

Th <· mode·! rooms an· for

of tlw normal school tirst



Thi s gh·c·s thC'm a full \'it•\\' of the· primatj

cou r:-<C' in OIH'nltion <tnd the OJli)(ll'IUnity to oi1sc·n·c· d1ildn·n ttnd<·r inst rueti on.

The· training rootm; an· for pmdic·e und(']' the· dirN·tion nnd niti<"i-·;m of Eath student of th<• ttormal :--dum! during the

sld ll c·d trainin)! h·athC'I'1-.

last ,rcnr of lwr ('Otil'1-(' :-:pt·mls u C'Onsidcrablc portion of lu·r tilm· in pradiec and a part of th<· timt has ac·tual charge of a room

Th o:-.e students who pur-;nc· to comp\('tion tlH' c·oursc· of "tudy. !.ddng sati1'factor.r c,·idenc·c· of c-lwmf"tl'r. :-cholarship. lu·alth. and nhilit,r to tt·ach, rt l'<" gmduatcd ami n·<·tin· a tliploma umlt·l' lh(' authority of

l'pon t\1(• !<:tli.o;fa('\01')' c·omp\C'tion



~('('Otld y~·ar


(Jf th('




who dc<;irr it will h<.: g-ivc·n a Cl'rtiti(';\te.

Rupcrintcndc_·nts and

mc·1nhu:-> of school




ill\·ited to d:-:it til<' normal :-:(']wol and to <.·ommuni<·att· ,,-ith tht· Prin<"ipal

with reference· to <.·antlitlatc·s for positions. and with n·frr<•ll('<' to candi datc·s for atlmi:-:sion to thl' :'\ormai t:idwol. to make_· kno11 n to ,roung pc_·oplt· who



T ht'.'' a rc alstl l"<'fjUt'"-lrtl

ability and ad:qH:Iti(lll wth<.'

work of tc·aehing. the· :Hh·anla!!c of the c·our.:-c· of etlu<·:lti(m :Inti training which is open to thtm at the Xormal

~ chool.

T he Gen<.· ral A!-s<.·mh ly. nt it s .Janwuy se<.::-;ion.


<·rcatcli :1 <·ommis

sio n to sc]('(·t a :-.ite and proceed to crec·t a new building for the sehool it~

last s<•ssion the G<.·neral As:-:emhl y m:HI<: an :u\dition:d :1ppropriation, nnd it is <.·C\pedc·tl that IJpfore man.v month,; the huiltling ,,·ill he in ili'O('(':<;S


of crN·tion




F!R"T T.E!Ul,

Heading2. J.:ug-lish Langua~e 5. Latln3.

Heading3. La1in 5.



Botany and Zoology 3.

Geography 5.

llygienel. Algebra5.

Gcometry5. Singing!.



'J'HIHO 'J'ER:\1.


Obl!lcrvationiu tbcModc lf.:chool \. Primary Instruction 2.

Elem<!ntary Pedagogy2. LAX(>t:A\OE A!'D llbTOnT.

.路\ncieut History 4.




Chemilltry a nd Ml nc ralogy5.


Algebra and Geometry 5.


Drawing2. l'IIY81f'AL Tl~AlNI~O.


}~lcmentary .

I _,_

Dmw h>g2 . Gymn;u;tics.

Upon the ~ntldactory completion of the work of tlwee tii'O yeare, a ccrtilicate , indicating the fact, will bc~-:h路en .


sl'xr E :-.-ol0-1.\L s( H ooL .

:! I

.)[:\"!Oil YE.\H.

Jt:;<;JOR B.


Modernllistoryii. Il t~TOHY, LtTitHATL'RP..

(English. {L"nitedStates.



Biology4. 80E:>CE.



Structure and Physiology of Plants and Invertebrates.


l.uan. PU~sical

Oeograplly 5.

Arithmetic5. Ad1·anced. Drawing2.


Singing I. Oymna8-tic6.









H E .... n nm ANO LANGl"AGl:.

Practice 10.


Pedagogy 5


Hendlngand LanguageS. ~l ethods



Practice 5.

of T eaching.

Physics and Ohemiiltry 5.

A11trouomy a nd Geology 6.

D rawing2. PuY S I CAI. ' l'RAI N !N (..

G y mn a ~tics.

Pmc tlce>l n rr ad iug tl!ld in E n gli o~ h com pos it ion is pro1·tded ror t hroughout the course . 'l' be fi gures follo wing the subj ects deno te a ppro xirnntely tile number of recitn tlou periods pe>r wee k occupied by each s ubject.

l.\T.\Lnt.l"E .\.\D 1 IH: l"L.\.H: elF THE


HE\llJ:'\c;.-Throu!!h tlu.• tir .... t .n:ar, ""far a ... JH't'(''"ary. "ttHh.•nh haYe in;..tnwtinn and practic·<• in n·ading, ])nrin~ tlH' tir~t c1uarh'r of tht· "t·ninr yt·m· all . . tuch-nt~ haYe in . . tl'll('tion awl praeti<-(' in nwthod . . of tc·adling n·:tding. TI H' in . . ll'll('tion emhnH'C!-i:

!-itlHly of tht• produetion of

t h~·

human voi<"<'. it" modititation.;, th C' part

of tiH· tC':H'IH'I' in tminin!! tht• voi<"t'" of hi.; pupib.

"\lc)(](•:-; of lt'l\ching

ehilcln·n tlH'ir tir . . t lt·..,-..on:-; in n·:tdin.g . .\[och•" of !(•a(·hing <'hilclren to under· ;..tand what they re:Hl. of leading- tht·m to ht·<·onH· intcn•.;t<·d in what tlwy

n·ad. nf teadling them to pronoun<·<• cn rrv<"tly. c1f tt•:u: hin g them to g in• .\ l ode~ of <·ondud ing rC'ci tation:-;. t'\ pre:-; . . ion to what tlwy read.


E;.;< ;t,I 'Ii Lrrt-;H_\ 'ITH E.- C:rol ~pin _:; of importnnt f:wt" in the ll ist.ory of Pn•:-;entation of thC' lin•s :lJ u\ tinH':-; of nuthor . . a" n ·l:\l(•c\ to their writings . Thl• ''erhal. logical, and rlu·toriC":Ii :ln:lly~i.;; of typical !>elections of liicra tnre . .\ lode ... of te:H"hing. Each JHipil J'C'atls t\\'O booki' during the term, -mw, the Wtlrk of a "tandanl author. th<• ot he r. a work written for ch ild rt•n, - ancl pre . . ents rl'vicw.; of Tllt•m to the da . . :->. \\"ritt<•n examinations. L\TI:>:.-Thc n:lation lwtween Latin :md £ngli ... h and the disciplinary

value of tht.• proper study of Latin :u<· re<·ognized in the pla<"e it i s as~i gl\i.·d at the beginnin!! of the (·our.;(•. E ... pc·tial attention is ~ivcn to the tnmsl:l tion of ea . . y Latin into idiomntic Engli sh , to ~ight reading, and to the ~nhjc<:t

of the deri,·:nion of Eng l i"~' wonk

E:-:<:1. 1:< 11 L .\:'-1{; 1'.\(:E. - Hrid

rc,·iew of ted lllica l grammar.

Sw cl y of

some ('i:tssit, with cs)wc-ial rcfcren<·<' to S<'ntC'n(·e strudun• a nti an al ysis.

G!tt38 Work.-T opi<:nl recitationi', :l iming to devl'io p t ho u g h t and its a(;C IIrate expression .

Constant writt<• JJ exen· i:-:<·S in til<' s ha pe o f a bsime ts,

amplitkations, letter", rtc.

('ardul (' ritidRm is g- iven by t he tl':l('hc r,a ft(•r

whith thl' student is rC'q uirecl to for his <·OJTections.

COIT <·ct

hii-. work :llld g ive good rcnsons

A mort· <·lahor:H<' < ·~.;ay, 011 some g-iven the me, is

rC'quir<·d <·:t('h momh. and th<· tc·aclwr's <Titicbm is pNsonall~· !.!in·n to <·adt student.

Htn:TOiliC.-::-;tud.' of t!u: logic·al a nal.\·sb of a suhj<•N. with pnH·tic:c in writi ng, pl:tns for cs..:;ays and ('riticisrn of the plans writtl' tl. s pc<'d l

J-::-;s<·ttlia !s of


1-: ng li.-dt:

~trengt ll , unity, p<•t·spi<·tliLy. h:m non_,.


Figure-; of



.\ s t ud y of the fonn'i of style,

inc:l ud in_!!,' the various forms of prose and poet ry and the laws of q·r,ifkati on. \\' r ilt<· tt ('.\trds(',.: arc n·quirtd ('Ontinually ess:ty:-. a re nl-;o rc·quin·d: literary ll'a<: hn

i n th(•ir tont.

rcs pe('ti\'(·1.'··

T hn·<· <·:Jrc-fully writt<~n


c·riti('a\. and

hy the

T la·..:;e c:-.says al'(· <·an·fully c-ritid,.ed

in• the prc·sc tK<' of thC' pupil.

Co.\t PO:=.t Tto:...-Gcnc·nll c,~,~- writinu continue·-; thmu!.dlflut th<• c·out-se in c·on nen ion with r hetori('. his.to r,\'. literatun·. and JH'dago!!,r.


student is n·quired to wr ite four ('ssay-.; and to n·ad th<·m ht·fore the sc·!tO(J \.

A M' I J~:\'' 1 '

l l t:--TO I\\'.-'I'h(' subjec·t is

scc·ontl )'<'ll l'.


in tit(· first l('rm of th(•

T he work consists of an outlitH· of the hil)tOry of the

Ea:sl('l'n Na1i ons, and ('rili ca l st udy of t il(' hi.-.to r,r of G ree('e and Rome. T he n..: lation of <·au sl' and d l'rC" L, Hnd t he cd un1 io nnl and poliii('nl of hi sto ry

:~ rr


<·: ttd ull y st udi ed , allll an intelligent inie rest in h i-.;lOr_r


st inntla tNI by o u tside readin g a nd b,\· t he w rit i ng of es:::.a.n ; ) ro oEH N ll t :--TO i l\'.- T hi ~

,nn r.

su bjen is st ud ied in t he fi rst t<·rm of tlH' third

T he· (·o m se in cludes a n o utli ne of t he

Cll t'dul d cn•lo p rnc n t of t he

h isto r~-

h ist<Jr~·

of the l' nited

of E ngland aiHI a

fi tnte~

with spc<:ial

em ph nsis u pon t he rclntion of :European history to thnt of our own ('O un t ry.

T he pro fcs::oional va lue of histo ry is m:ldl' prominent. and

nwth od s o f teadtin g (' hi ld re n a rc

d i s(' u ~sed

and illustm tcd

Ct n c~.-' l ' lt e o b ject is to secu re an intellige n t u nde rstanding of our fo rm s o ( gO \'Crnme nt , bo ilt loea l a nd n:1tional.

'!'he p ractit'al Yalue of the

su bjc(·t a s :t pre pn nuio n fo r !(•ac hin g is ma de p ro mi nent: and m ethods an•

s uggt·skd fo r combining d\'ics with Cnit cd

~t all':-.

l listory in the gmm-

m a r g rad es :md , cs pec iall_, .. in ung mdcd S(;it oo\.s.

l )llY ~ I I' ~.- I" und a m c n tn l

nfl'airs o f

(' \'C I'_,.


prin (' ipl <'~

whi c:h IHt\'C t he ir ap p \i('l\tion in the

dn,r life. arc t he c hi (·[ !'U bjccts a ttend<.•d


.\ s far as

po"'"'ihh• . c\·er~· printiplt• tlin·ct~.:d


lir-;t JW<·"'l'lllt·d in :111 t·\pt•rimvnt. or attention i:::

to it in the n:nural ph('llOlllt'l\:1 and in anilkial <·nntri,·ance:-;,.

Th e

-;tut!ent,., an• taught to ob"'t'l'\'v (':trt·fully anti at·<·nr:ttdy. and from the . \ ~ far as n·"'ulh of their in,·e::;tigation-; to tlraw ltH~i<·al t•otH'lll"'ions. ~tud('nt:. e:-..perinu•nt for them ... t·h·e., and :t re t;nJght to

fat'ilitit·-; admit tlw ('Oll~ll'U<'t

By thi:-. method they len nt tha1.,

:1pparatus of tht· :-.imp lest kind.

it j-; po!';:-.ihle with the menns at hatH I tn dt•\'i..;c appan1t1h that \\'ill illuMnllt>,

fairly well. thC' most important filch nf the -;uhj<'<'L ]n the s<•<·ond year· t\\'t'tHy Wt't'ks an· giHn tn tht• 'IUbject.

Th e id eas

nf mol<•<·uhlr forces are <h·vdopetl. JH'opt·l'li<'' of matter. laws of falling hoclh•<o., and "imple me('hani<-,11 powt•rs an• d<'tt•rminrd expC' rimcntally :

apparallb i"' made and w-ed whidt ilht!-ilraH·-; the elt•mentary pri nci pl es of thl' ... ubjt•<·L In the :-'eninr B tt-rm "ouml. li!!ht. lH':lt. aut! e lt>Ctricity arc ... uuli<•d more


('ttE\II"THY.-) I uth

of the chi"':-. work

the fo rm of t<•:H"hing

c:-..c rei~cs

in o rder t hat he may

acqu ir~.:


pn·"'''nted hy the instructor in

''hith t hl' -;uuh·nt pn·"'ents in a simil ar wny

the nwntal h:thitud <· of a tt·n cher.

Tht> knowledge on th e part of th<• st ntknt i!'. p;a in('d in tlw langunge of p:-;peri mcnt so far as that. i!'i


nnd is <·x prcssed by him in th(' same

language. .\_s the ;;;ttulent. armng('s the ('Onditions of hi s own cxercis(•S, he is taught the maniJHilatiou of g lass tuhint;, o f othe r apparatus, and o f <·hc micals. Th e attention i:s gh·cn to the phy sid:tl propntir1-> and c hemical bC'hador of the most common cle ment:-. and ('Ompounds, and to !'0 muc h of theoretical <·h emi-:try as his knowh•dge of pr:tcti('al ch c mi !-itry will justify. Kn owle-dge that must be gained only from books b recalled in the dass by the qudent in the form of qucstion.s wh i(;h h<· ha s pre pared to ask the r'o nw of the objects of the work a re the tmining to (·ardul o h::;en·atio n, to exact statement, to ab ility to fo ll ow din.:<·tion!-; , to an :lpprcciation o f

truth. and the ga ining of a knowledge of I'IH·mi,tr_\· :tnd abi lity to tench tlu· suhj<·<·t. _, ft:O:EH .\I.Ot:Y.-Labor:Hory work I'On~i!'h in the tkl(']'min:tt ion of fifty

co mmon minerals, by means of thrir plty:·dtal analp;is, and chemical tests.

properties, blow -pipe

( 'la t-s work consists of te;H·hing CXC'l'Cix<'s; !-;J1Cf·ial ;It tent ion is giv<• JJ tothe tea<·hin g of lessons adapted lO the lower grath·s of schools.


H II UDE 1:-iL.\ \"0 STXJ'E :\"01:01.\L S('llOOL.


C:..:O<H< \l'IIY.-Stud_,. of tlu: ('<lrth by aC"tual oh~cn·ation.


n·lati\'(· p(lsition of ohje('t,.; oh,...en·cd: tir:-.1. '' hile ohsen·ing; "N'OIHI. from Ohtainin,!.!: a praC'tical knowledge of lint:u· aJHI square measure-... point~ of compa:-.s, arHI dnlw i ng by sC'ale.

LC'sson.son \\':'lter in itsdill'cn·nt forms

:::.:.utdy of tlu· air with r·<·lation to tem pe rature nnd moistur(' ltorizontnl fortH!' of land. ation and n"cs of !-.oil.

l·'orms of wat(·r.

modtl. map", pictm('s, d(·,...c:riptions. h l:~~ul.


\ 'rrti<·al and



;-; tudy of Hh ode l!'i:UHI by means of oh-..cn:Ltion,

L<::trnin~ t('l'm..,

Brief hi..,torkal sk('t('h of Hhndc

to he used in g<•ograpld<·:Li :-.lltdy.


of th<• rea-.;on :md ima .~.!'irwtion.

Form and ... jze of t\1(' <•:nth. Form. comparati\'(· ,.izc. and n·lati,·e position of (·ontinent-.. and occnn .... (:co_!!J':lphi<"al


I l ow lo usc glohcs.

I To"· to .:.nl(i_,. :uul how to t<•aeh contin<·nh

:tnd polit ical di\'i-..iolh . . \ -.;tronomkal


~t'og raph_, ..



)J odtl-

Gen(·r;d reading

Sat ural ft•:Jtun•-.;, people of distant part:-' ;~nd tl!{'ir cuswm" studied hy lll<·ans of pi('tLL r(':-.. <lr·.·wriptions. ;lnd sp<:('im('n proliUC'tion:-;.. ::-tud(·llt"


em·ouraged lo do o r ig inal work in




far :ts pnH·t i<·a hh• th(• ir own ill u ~tl':llions, and n p pl _\'ing t he 1><·:--:t pl'in<"iplc·"· Pun•H'.\1. GI·:O(:JC\I'ILY. -'J'h(' c·art h studied a~ a phtll('\.

{';Lrth and t he ir rc-;ult,....

~ r o1ion.;

of the

( ' h ;ltlg(•::; nO \\' i n progress, e rosion. uph(·:t\'al. :-.uh-

sitkn<·t·: d t:tnges produC'ed by ea nlt qwl ke,:;. an< I ,·okano(•s.

)l agnNism of

tlL<'l·a rt h Di... tribut ion and ,...!Jape of the land. study of the <:ontim·nt" with (';Ill-.;{', cfl'<·d, and l:1ws of relief. ~!udy

of wnt<·r. (•on t incn!al and O(·canie; tides and {'IIIT('nt -. .

Th e at m oo.;p lu·n· and Ia\\':- whic h go,·e rn it " p henonwna Orga n ic life ami it,... d i,...l r ibut ion.

J lan and h i.; relation-.

w <·nYirou-

l 'se o f ('\l l'! ('llt litera t ur(• on a bO ' T ,...u hject -.. ( ApprO:\imn te S o. of lesson s. -10.)

GEOL.OGY. - Ob,...t· n ';l!io n ;md :<-tudy of e hnng(':::; in the eart h no" in p rogn ·:<-s.

T he fort·e:-: b,r whi c h these c han ge:<- are pt'Odu <·ctl, a nd t he: laws


g o\' CI'IL th c~c

fo recs.

hy fo rmnri o n ~ !Lilli foRs i!:-1-. n· l:~ti o n

10 ma nk ind.

Th e· s u<·rcssi\' C gcologk n.ue:-: n,.; chn rnrterizctl

Th e· :<-t m cturc nnd (ll' n'ltlpmc llt pf t h e c·arth i11


C'.AT.\LO<;CE .\:\"D llRtTL.\R OF TJIE

.\-..THO~O,tY.-.\ hrid hi!'toril-al ... kt"tdl.

nu·mbl·r.., :1rc con-..idered of thl· ..,kil·~.


Principal cnn ... tellation'-.

(.\ ppro:\imah'


S.n11ly of the "olar "ystcm.

nnwh in dt·tnil n" time permit..,,


General study

(lcncral n·:Hling,

of }('-..-..ons, 10. )

Botany mul Zooln.l!;y are tllk(•Jl up at thr lwginning of the cou rse as !-;llitahlc ~uhj('('['- for awaktnin.!! the ..,('it·ntitk :-opirit and for trnining in the ohj(•<·tivt• method of ,.;.1\Hly. Tht· work begins "·ith th(' colh-<·tion :uHl t'.\.amin:uion of SJWCime ns, nncl with oh..,CrY:ltinn upon plant.., and :mirnab in tht•ir native homes. T he <..tucknt learn-.. how to "tudy, how to de..,c·rihc. how to d;l~sify, and how lO •let('rminc the nam<·-.. of plant"' and -..nnlt' :mimab. and begins to mak e an

llt'rharium The term\, work it- int<·rull'd to introduce the t-tudent lO the study of nature. whkh he will he e.\pt·<·tctl tn cominue inUcpcndently as tinw and npportunitit·~ will JWrmit. until in tla· thi rd year of the course

biology i~ a_!!ain taken up. 1n the ,Junior B ela-..t- the ... nalcnt-.. rcstmw tll<'ir :-;tud~- of botany and ;r,ooln,!.!;y now from the ~dt•ntitk standpoinl. Tll(" :-;uhject matte r of th e h'rm 's work is


follows: A:"\I\Io\L~( l n\·ertL•brntcs).



Ktru<:turc. Pltyt-iolog~·.



Cla:-;:;itkat ion.




with tlH· lmn·r form-.. of

-..o far




typi('al s pecies of each d ass

l'nder thl' dirt:uion of the t(•achcr, the

pupib . . nul~- with the aid of ('Om pound and dit-f'e('ting microscopes the m::~king carefu l drawings and describing both

stnu·turc of tiH.•:.t· pl:uH:-,

orally and in writing wh:n tlu•y :-;('('.

By obscn·ation nod sim pl e cspt"ri·

mt·nt . . they gain wm<• knowled.u;c of plam phyt-iolog,\·.

Thi s work i:-: in

('\'('IT (·a:,c t-upplcmentcd by c:urcful rN;<•ard t in rdcrcn<·l· books By a f'.imilar method the pnpils .u;ain :L Juwwlcdgt• of the st ruC'ture a nd o f tlowt•rin~ plants After a cons idcrab\(' numbtr of plants has br(•n st utlh·d, attention is di ·


rrcted to the classification of plants. Th(' study of zor>logy is J)Hrsucd n<·<·onling to tl u' sa me gt· IH: ral plnn , the simplt-r forms bring r.tudi('(] tir:-.1, then tlu· highcrinvel'!('brates. T he s tudy o f botany and of zoology is, 1H>wevc•r, (·aJTied on sid(• hy side in ord e r that



atlvamagc may be taken of the best opportunili(•:o. for obtaining suitable


Th is arrangement also gi,·es opponunity for a companHi,·e

.\'.Lndy of plants and animals which hase !)('ell found valuable in enabling t he !-.tlHknt to grasp the signiticance of rescmblanc('S and differences. Jn th(' ,Jnni;Jr A t.e rm the anatomy and physiology of venebmtes is

take-n up.

H,•veml typiC<11 verlebmtcs arc ('ttrcfully s tudi ed by dissection,

-if ]los:-:ihle a fish, a. frog,·~ bird and a. tnammal,-ancl then a. view of the da~:-.ilitation of the venebnnes is taken.

Thi s pn·p;n·(·s th(' ~tudcnt for th(· stutly of the human anatomy and ph_n;io]Qgy which with hygi<'ne occupi1•s th(' last qu a rt er of the year. B('caus(• of its importance o log~·


the teacher :md it~; dillknily , human physi-

i:-; :-;tudietl last of the biological sciences.

It b then tak(.'n up in the

light of the above f':tudies for a more thorough invc:-;tigation than the student wns p t·('pared for at an earlier st;lge. A ftC' I' studying the human btrU<:tun· and thC' JH'OCC,ti!i('S of life with the aid of the applianc<::-. the sd1ool po~st• s .. (:!'!, a somew hnt thorough ~tudy is mad(: of the Jaw~ of henlth and of t)l(•ir appliC'Htion to :'lchoollife. PSYCHOLOGY AND PEDAGOG Y .

P1>-Yl'I H)L•)G Y. -An induc-ti,·e stud_,, of t he phl'nonu•ml of the hum:m Cla~s ilic:Jtion of the

mind :1s revealed in consciousness. thl'ir 1:1\\'S of growth.

mcnt:\1 powers, H(:porL ()( bool.;s ('onsultcd. Constolnt rdcrencc is mndu 10 the

Class discussions.

"'rit.tt-n 1-ill\tcmcn t. of resulb reached.

pranical usc of this ktHHvkdg(' in t.lu: work of tl':l('hing-. Ln(: lc.-' l'crms.

P roposition:::;.

(':ltion:-. of log-ic to lllNhodology


Laws of thnu!-!'ht.

D efinition~;


di\'i$..ion; :ltl:llysis and


induction :mel detht(·tion : arnwgC'mCnt and Growth and uS<' of lan guag1'.


ETIIIC!'!.-.\ nalysis and (·la:::;s.itic-ation of th e appctitt's, t!c:-it·(•s, atrectiOnf', pa~sions.

and t•motio n::;. T lw con:-:eicnc-C'. T he" ill. T he :-.n]Wem(· importan(·e of moral tmining-.

Formnt ion of char) ](•thods.

' ' Tri ttC'n

n•views. PED\t:O(<Y.-T iw study of clt•mcntary pedngogy in the SC('Olld yt.•:u· will cmhnH·(' the aims of ('flucation, method:-; of primary in st ru c tion , nnd :1 brief cons.i<ltrat ion of nrgani.-.ation, tnl\11:11-!'enwnt , and govc rnmem of sc hools. During this y(•:l r swdent" will visit the model schools atHl undn the direction of 1h(' lt'a(.']tcr will m;tk1• a stn<ly of cndt gmdi'.




CIHtTL.\H OF' 1'111<:

TIH' .._enior tla---- during tlu· ]a._t t<·nn of thv (·nur-.1· will\)(' (•ll!.!a_!!ed for


larg(· part of tht tinw in pm('ticc in till' tminin.!! "daonl. t·twh :-.tudtnt havin!! <"harg(· of a room for a pt-rind of ahnut t<·n wt•ck..... Ped;lgogy will he the principal ~nul,\· ]Htr,;.ued thi-. tt•rm. and tht• d:dly 1'.\]H"rienc<· nf tht :-.tu(h-nt in the training c;chool will IJt' dra'' n upon for il\u ... tration and sugt!<"'tinn Cnder tlw gtnernl titlt·,-~llulit·" in tlH· Sdcnc·<· . .\rt :wd

of printiph-:-..

Jli...,t or~- of Education.-such topic-- <l"' tht· foll(lwing will h<• ('Onsidcn·d: Th(' "tudy of the• child: the natur(' and (·Jub of education: cducntionnl

nwan:-. and a!!<•ntit·~: tht' .. chnol. it,;. function am\ n.·h1tion to tht honw. thP m:nHH!<'Jll<·nt. and go,·-

::-.tate. and oth(·r in::.titlllions: "chool or!!anization.

and principle-. of in--,nuctinn. Topic" in educational hi,;.tory will ll(' ,;.twli1·cl in a t·our"c pnmlk·l with tht· ahoH~ hlpi(·,;.. rc·port.; nml (li .. <·u-. ... ion . . (I('('IIPYing :lbtHll ont• n;c·itation


pt·riod a wl'c·k.


ohjt·c·t of tlH· (·our"(' in drawing i .. to "c·cun· ability

draw and to tcac·h dm,,in~.

Tlu· dnl\\ing" illu-..tmt(' work thnt nul~- he

done in the· fir:st tln.· or :-.h. year--. in puhlir l'dl(lob. ctn(l inc-lude·,;. the following· OC'Oilll'tric dJ'<l\\·ing. fre-ehand p lane

:-li mp\(·


grom<•tri<· problrms. upon them. colo r.



of his.t ori(· ornament.

~i mplc

T ype· forms :llld ohjt'ct.;; ba--.;cd

Blackboard illustmti\'l' sk<•tclJing-.


[)c-iining :1nd dra"·ing

worldng- drawings and developments

Pictorh1l drawin[.!.

l>c•corali\·(· drawin~; and

Plnnt form. Simple ori~iual d('signs,

con,·(·ntioncll and geoni(·trie.

GEO)I ET IO . - . \

c·om·...(· of cl<·nwnt:tr_,. if.,_.,.on" on the form" (lf bodies

taught ohjec-th·cly.

Fornh mntle hy '-'tudcnt!'. u"in!! day, or other mate-

rials.. G comctrk- theon·m:; dc·mon<.;tratL·(l objc·cth·cly and by n·n-;o ni nt!. and applied by m<:::tns of problrms.

O riginal t\('monstnni on:s of theore-ms.

Dc mon:-.trationo;; of original thcor('m:-o. at sight.

T e-ac hi ng by inductive

mNhod. AWE\IH ,\ .-Ends: power to solve.- prohlcms hy nlgcbrnic fonnula•. sldll

in th(· art of qu C'st ioning .

Methods: pra<;ticc in Ill <' npplieation of algc·

hr'aic fo rmula·, practi('(' in th e a rt of qu<·stioning. AHIT I I)IETI C.-Th c·

c-ou rse of instm<·tion in th<· fou rth

c·omprehC'nsin: 1'('\'iew of lhc· principle!'; and



cmlJnwes a

of c·lem<.•ntary arith·


HIIODE 1!-;L...-\:\D !';T.-\'1}:: :\OH.\L\1. S(' JI IlOL.

nwti1·. inthulinl! til(' nwtri<: ~y~tem, for the purpo...e of ..,tudy and tmining in method..;


continued in


tc•:whing the ::.uhjrtl.

In thf' Junior B term, arithmetic is

rcvi('w of thC' ::.uhject matt<·r of :uh·:uwccl arithmetic:, with

f.ipcdal at ,t~·JHicm to IIIHh·rlying prin<'iplcs and ori.!!inal nwtiH)(I!i of instruc· tion. SEN I OR EXAMINATIONS .

Bl'fon· ~·n{(·ring- upon the work of the :-wnior year <Ill ~tudent'>:ll'e rt•quired to pa ... :-. what is known as tiH' ;;enior cx:uninatinn:-; in reading, Eng-li~h composition, intluding penmanship and "'Pelling-. En g\i..,h grammar, .\ merican hi;.,tory, :lrithnwti<·, gcogr:1phy, and human ph~·:-.iolo.l!y and hy!!icnc.

T hC'

fil·..,t four of the:..c mu~t ht• taken before C'lltC'ring upnn tllf' .Junior.\. term. T uc ... day :md \\'rdn~·sd:ly of the tir-;t wc<•k of tlH' terrn is thr tinw srt for tllf'se C:\aminations. LE C T UR E COURS E .

.\ <·our...l' of lectures upon topics approprh1te to the !-d!Ool i~ providt·d ea('h 1('\'lll.

T h<·y :U'C' p;i\'en on S:tturdnys and an: announc<•d thmugh the

column" of the daily pnper~; all H'a(·hcn; and oth(·I'>S \\'ho ln<IY be int<•rcst~·d arl' invitC'd.

During the yea r 1SOa-D4 the following lectures were g iven: ~ept(•lllb('r


:189:3, )I iss .\ nnic


P eck of Pro\·idC' II ('f', " ) roderu .\ th -

cns :'' ~ov<.·mb er 1\), )! iss Cathe1·inc Spen<·e of .\ ustralia, '' Education in Au.stmli:t :" NO\'C'mher :?.1 , D ecember () and 0, D r. H clC'n C. Pu tnam of Pro\'icle nce, " T alks on Hygiene:" December 30, Dr.

J. C. Stockbridge of

PnwidrntC', " H o race ) I ann:'' February 2·1, 189-1, )Jr. Wi lliam .\ . .\Towry, OuperintC'nde!ll of Schools

<1t ~alcm,

".\bss., " .J ohn .Jay'.s Di plomacy;"

)!a l'(:h 17, ·' T he L ou isiana P u re ha$e or K apoleon's Enster Snnd:ly, 1803, and

\\"h at C:llllC' of It:'' .\[arch 31, Principal .\. I hen G.

Boyden of

Bridu:cw:lt('r Nol'lnal Sd10ol, " Profei<-;ional T raining of T ('aeil<·r:-; :" .\ pril

:?K, Prof. \\'. \\'hi t m:lll Bail<·y of Brown L"nivcr:-.it~·,'' Cro~~ F (·rtilization ;'' ,J un<· :?, .\ l i~:-; .\ hbi1• ".\L \\-hitc, .. Egypt:'' Jlllw H, li on. T homa~ \V . Bi ckllt'll. .. T IH' )l nldng of a Dni ly X cwi<p:lpcr ··



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