Be Fabulous! Oct - Nov 2011

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3) Forgive daily. Letting go of grudges and becoming a more forgiving person increases your happiness and reduces stress accumulation. Your desire for revenge will increase your cortisol and stress chemicals. Forgiveness is not something you give away; it is a gift you give yourself. If one does not do the necessary forgiveness work, the hurts of the past compile and lead to more anger, resentment and increase physical and emotional ailments. Forgiveness is not condoning wrong-doing or bad behaviour; it frees you to lead a happier and more joy-filled life. sufferiNG is oPTioNal

Suffering is optional. Suffering is stress. Anger and jealousy are bad for your heart and blood vessels. “Emotions literally stick to your blood vessels”, inner lining platelets and sticky platelets,

increase cortisol and make you put on belly fat. When you are happy, your body creates calming and soothing chemicals. These chemicals inspire you to eat more healthfully and take care of yourself physically, which allows you to release unwanted weight. Practicing these potent tools will help you to improve your health, your weight and your life as a whole.  ELIZABETH MANUEL Speaker • Coach In the area of the psychology of happiness, no one is better respected than Elizabeth Manuel. Giving from her heart with over a decade of specialized experience in increasing happiness and self-esteem, author of two books and six CDs, Elizabeth is a successful speaker and coach and certainly a powerful and positive woman of influence. • 780.445.9299

Celebrating the baby boomer woman • 9

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