Bakken Oil Report | Spring 2013

Page 84

breitling oil & gas

Bakken losing its sizzle – or shining even brighter? By Chris Faulkner, President and CEO, Breitling Oil & Gas

Maybe it’s a tendency toward pessimism, maybe just the media’s

rig sites. Bakken pioneer Continental, for example, drilled an

delight in “schadenfreude”, but the buzz about Bakken was

average of 11 wells per rig in 2012, compared to an average

decidedly gloomy at the end of 2012. Was the Bakken boom

of seven wells per rig in 2011. Continental has said that it

fizzling? Had it run its course?

expects 262 wells in 2013; the company drilled 175 in 2011 and

Of course not. Bakken will continue to be the biggest oil-

projected a total of 235 wells in 2012.

producing play in the United States, right ahead of the Eagleford

Evidence of an optimistic outlook on Bakken among oil

shale, and it will be instrumental in putting America ahead of

producers: according to North Dakota’s Department of Mineral

Saudi Arabia oil production by 2017.

Resources (DMR), in September there were 190 active rigs in the state, down from 209 in April 2012 – but the DMR reported 262

It’s the Wells, Stupid!

new wells, 32 more than in April. Also in September, the DMR

So, why the doom and gloom at the close of 2012? For some

received 273 new well-permit applications, up from 167 in April.

reason, analysts were focusing on rig counts while forgetting well


counts (among other things). Rig counts fell around 10 percent

Back to Bakken’s Beginnings

in North Dakota. At first glance, that’s a scary statistic, especially

Montana is where the Bakken boom first started, with

combined with the fact that Bakken wells generate their highest

production on Montana’s Upper and Lower Bakken layers

production at the outset. Translation: Bakken was on the decline.

peaking out at 313 wells in 2005 and the focus then shifting to

But the Bakken is the gift that keeps on giving. True, rig counts

North Dakota’s more productive Middle Bakken reserves.

fell, but well counts were actually on the rise. Operators have

But don’t count Montana out. The Montana Department

improved efficiencies by drilling multiple wells through single-

of Natural Resources and Conservation issued a record 356


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