Get Well at Home

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that cause painful deformities. Particularly is this important in the hands and fingers, to keep them functioning smoothly. Much of the crippling of rheumatoid arthritis develops because the painful joints are kept for long periods in what feels like a comfortable position. They then become frozen or stiffened, while muscles around the joint are weak from inactivity. The way to keep your joints mobile is to move them. In rheumatoid arthritis an exercise prescription does not mean athletics, lifting heavy things, jogging, or any strenuous activity. Quiet exercises tailor-made for the problem must be performed every day, putting the joints through their full range of motion. The muscles must be kept strong, so that the joints can function as they are meant to. The key word is balance. Too much rest can result in stiff joints and muscles. Too much exercise may damage joints. Physical therapists, as well as physicians may be helpful in outlining a program for rehabilitation. Moist heat is relaxing and soothing to the inflamed joints. Various types and forms of heat are used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. They all help joints to move better with less pain. Hot baths are useful for the larger joints, such as the hips, knees, or elbows. They may be given in the bathtub or kitchen sink, and usually will last 15-30 minutes at a time. Hydrotherapy is the science of treating disease with water. Many clinics and hospitals have departments devoted to this medical specialty. Some physicians specialize in it. (See chapter 17.) Hot packs, fomentations, heat lamps, and paraffin wax applications can all be used with success to treat specific joints for the relief of pain, spasm, and inflammation.

Healthful method of lifting. Bend the knees and get close to the object. Grasp it firmly and hold it close to you. Rise from the squatting position, using the leg muscles and keeping the back erect. When

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