Get Well at Home

Page 52


Life cycle of the Pork Tapeworm. The eggs of this parasite, Taenia solium, are first ingested by the hog. The embryo is then released from the egg. When an individual eats pork (especially undercooked) the egg penetrates his intestinal wall, is carried by vascular channels to all parts of the body, then encysts as a larvae (called bladder worms) and lives in the muscles causing pain or weakness. With brain involvement the patient may even develop seizures, symptoms of meningoencephalitis, and other neurologic disorders. The pig is a scavenger. Do not eat it! PARASITIC INFECTIONS There are a number of worms that parasitize humans. These can be divided into three major groups: roundworm (nematodes), tapeworm (cestodes), and flukes (trematodes). Only the most common infections that are likely to be seen in North and Central America will be discussed. Roundworms Pinworms are intestinal parasites transmitted by the ingestion of the egg form. This roundworm is called Enterobius vermiculari and is a small white worm about one-half inch in length. An estimated 200 million people in the world are infested with parasites, 18 million in the United States and Canada. Children are particularly affected. Rectal itching is present, due to the unique nocturnal habits of the female parasite that nightly leave the anus to lay eggs

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