Get Well at Home

Page 349



OUTLINE OF BODY STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS “Fearfully and wonderfully made” was the testimony of David the psalmist, after reverently studying the human structure. Here are some of the various medical terms that describe the science and study of the human organism: anatomy, the study of structure; physiology, the study of function; pathology, the study of disease process; and genetics, the study of heredity and inherited influences. An introduction to this knowledge is essential for any parent or health worker who desires to understand and treat various diseases. It immediately becomes apparent, when we scrutinize the intricacies of the human form, that our bodies are highly organized. When God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, “the orderly principles of the universe were concentrated in designing the human structure. As the task reached completion, man was inspired with the breath of life. The genesis of our human race is embodied in this simple Biblical declaration, “Man became a living soul,” (Genesis 2:7). From the viewpoint of creation, then, we will ponder the organization, design, and purpose for our various body parts, which together make up a whole man. The “hierarchy” of the body is usually illustrated by four general classifications: cells, tissues, organs, and systems. Cells are the “building

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