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aluminum lead to enhanced absorption, with a definite increase of aluminum concentration in the brain! Twenty years ago these best seller antacids were considered non-absorbable, acting only on local organs such as the stomach, neutralizing gastric acid, thus relieving stomach pain. A number of baking powders contain aluminum. Moreover, aluminum silicates are used to stabilize frozen deserts, cheese spreads, sauces, and confections. Most of the antiperspirants marketed today contain aluminum, which also very likely is absorbed through the pores of the skin. In July 1992, Australian researchers reported their study of canned soft drinks and the aluminum content of the carbonated beverage inside. Fifty-two beverages from different parts of Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand were evaluated. The aluminum content of non-cola drinks was nearly six times higher in cans than in bottles. The content of aluminum in cola drinks was nearly three times higher in cans than in bottles. Typically, the aluminum intake among Western Europeans, Americans, and Australians is less than 10 milligrams a day. Some researchers such as Dr. Gerald Spasmin, Ph.D. of Brandeis University in Waltham, MA hypothesize that aluminum may trigger a biochemical sequence that leads to the devastatingly progressive neuro-fibrillary tangles in the victim’s brain. These concerns led them to recommend a maximum daily intake of less than 3 milligrams aluminum daily. In the Australian study, soft drinks were find to contain up To 3.9 milligrams aluminum per can! The World Health Organization (WHO) and European Economic Community (EEC) recommend the maximum aluminum concentration of 7.4 mcM/l (micromoles/liter) in drinking water. The concentration of aluminum in bottled cola drinks (8.9 mcM/l), cola drinks in cans (24.4 mcM/l) and non-cola drinks (33.4 mcM/l) all exceeded this recommendation. Although Dr. John Dugan of Australia says there is “no cause for concern, “I question this conclusion. Could it be that modern technology while attempting to benefit mankind is indeed contributing to destroy some of the very functions that it is meant to enhance? Aluminum in concentrated forms, baking powders, antacids, canned sodas is clearly a hazard to our health! Arsenic Despite its reputation, arsenic has a fairly low toxicity level, compared with other metals. Arsenic is used in insecticides, weed killer, paint, wallpaper, ceramics and glass. It is common knowledge that arsenic is extremely poisonous. It causes toxicity by combining with sulfur-containing enzymes (important in free radical control and detoxification) and interfering with cellular metabolism. Its toxic effects are cumulative. Chronic exposure to

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