Get Well at Home

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relieve minor injuries but also for anesthesia. In proper situations, applications of cold can be just as appropriate as the use of heat. For a sprained wrist or ankle, ice packs, snow, or cold water should be applied at the earliest possible moment. Combined with elevation of the injured extremity, the application of cold will prevent swelling and lessen the black and blue discoloration which occurs when blood vessels are injured. Cold contracts these blood vessels and keeps blood from oozing into the torn tissues. If the injured extremity is kept elevated and bandaged with an elastic support, healing will usually take place rapidly. Applications of heat should be avoided for the first day or two in sprains or bruises. If more blood is drawn to the part by heating, tissue swelling increases. Cold packs should be applied in this type of injury to slow down the circulation and overcome the reaction of the body. Cold also relieves pain. Any application of ice or snow, however, should be removed periodically, so that the body can maintain its ability to react to temperature changes. Cold is employed by immersing the sprained ankle in ice water or cold tap water for 30 minutes out of every two hours. Do this for at least four to six treatments. If it is difficult to put the sprained limb into cold water an ice bag or ice pack may be applied while the limb is kept elevated. Since an ice bag cannot cover the joint entirely, try preparing the pack as follows: First, protect the bed or furniture with a piece of rubber sheeting or oiled silk. Then lay down a piece of plastic, such as a section of shower curtain, large enough to wrap the joint. Cover this with a one inch layer of thick towels. Then wrap the joint in a light flannel strip or bandage. Finely crushed ice or snow is then packed around the joint, not directly contacting the skin. A layer of toweling is then wrapped around the joint and pinned into place, finally surrounded with the plastic. This application can be removed after 30 minutes and reapplied every two hours, until the pain and swelling has abated. Between treatments it is helpful to give support by elastic bandaging. Avoid weight bearing, It may be painful. Movement of the affected joint should begin as early as possible to prevent stiffness. Similar ice packs may also be used in cases of acute joint inflammation, in gout, in rheumatoid arthritis, and in acute bursitis. Burns of the skin should always be treated by immediate cooling with ice or cold water. Often, the extent of a burn can be reduced by this emergency first-aid measure. Cleansing Enema Four principal channels for the elimination of waste products are the lungs, the skin, the urinary tract, and the colon. In illness the elimination of

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