Get Well at Home

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hours after a meal or sugar-rich snack. It responds very well to the remedies mentioned above. Rarely, tumors of the pancreas may produce abnormal secretions of insulin. In such case the symptoms of hypoglycemia occur during a fast, often early in the morning. Removal of the tumor is necessary to cure this uncommon condition. Finally, diabetes mellitus may be associated with hypoglycemia. It occurs in the context of early diabetes, erroneously termed borderline. Overdoses of insulin will produce hypoglycemia. They occur during vigorous exercise or at night. Adjusting the insulin dosage along with dietary modification will level the blood glucose fluctuations in all but the most “brittle� diabetics. WATER RETENTION Adults who suddenly increase their body weight may have an increase in fatty (adipose) tissue, accumulation of fluid (edema) or both disorders. Weight gain in excess of two pounds per day usually implies excess fluid retention. It is easy to confirm this by comparing the body weight in the morning and then again in the evening. Weight gains of less than two pounds during one day usually will subside by the following morning. Fluid retention may disclose increased salt and water intake or decreased sodium and water secretion. Checking weight changes from morning to evening often provides early evidence of disease. Dietary indiscretion, the use of diuretics, excessive intake of licorice root, or a cortisol-type drug preparation may also be responsible. A special type of fluid retention called cyclic edema occurs predominantly in women. This is characterized by periodic episodes of fluid retention, frequently accompanied by distention of the abdomen, Patients may weigh several pounds more in the evening than in the morning. Although there is some relation to the menstrual cycle, evidence suggests also that psychological and hormonal factors may be related. The treatment of cyclic edema includes restriction in salt intake, rest in the feet elevated (supine) position for several hours during the day, and the use of elastic stockings. Careful medical work-up is sometimes indicated to evaluate underlying causes.

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