David Icke - Children of the Matrix - How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thou

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Children of the Matrix

blob and then descend the visible scale until they turn red," he wrote "at which point they sometimes solidify into seemingly material objects." We exist on all dimensions and densities in the Great Infinity. At our core we are pure love, what some people call the spark or flame of God within all of us. At that level of our infinite self, we are vibrating at incredible speed. There is no form. We are pure energy. We just are. Everything just is. We are all one. We are consciously everything that has ever, does, or will ever exist. These is no time, no location. We are all time, all places, all thought and feeling. We interpenetrate all existence. We are the infinite and the ultimate. And that is everybody, no matter what you may be doing at the moment in this Great Illusion. But to experience all the densities on our endless journey of experience, that spark, that pure love, has to surround itself with an outer shell that resonates with the frequency range it wishes to experience. Without that, it could not interact with that "world" because it would be too far away on the dial. If my consciousness did not surround itself with a physical body on the same frequency range as this "world" I could not tap the keys of this computer. My consciousness would pass straight through them. For this reason, our inner spark of pure love has taken on a vast number of outer "bodies" to interact with and experience all densities down the scale. We are, therefore, like a series of Russian dolls, one inside the other, all vibrating at different speeds. And all, except that spark of love that interpenetrates all existence, are illusions of varying degrees. The dense physical body, the outer of all the shells, is therefore part of the greatest illusion because it not only has its own personal illusions, it encompasses all the others, too. The nearest "bodies" to the dense physical are the etheric, astral, mental and emotional. They are all vibrating at higher speeds than our physical senses and so we can't see them, although psychic people can when they access those frequencies. We feel them, however, as good and bad "vibes". The etheric is a mirror image of the physical, but less dense, and the lower levels of the astral frequency range (lower fourth dimension) appear to be the realms from which the Illuminati demons, reptilians, and other malevolent "extraterrestrials" largely operate. The "lower astral" is the traditional home of malevolent entities in esoteric thought. Abductees have reported that when they looked at their bodies during an extraterrestrial experience they looked different to normal and, as we saw earlier, the American, Jim Walden, said that his body looked like those of the "aliens" who abducted him. Walden felt that this was another dimension of him, which inhabited his human form. He believed from his experiences that the "aliens" could transcend time, transform matter, manipulate human thought and behaviour, and create "distracting illusions to satisfy the needs of our simple human minds".9 He concluded that they could move between dimensions and that they were less "extraterrestrial" and more "interdimensional". I think that is correct. The demonic entities and the malevolent faction of the reptilians are overwhelmingly astral beings that can move between densities, thus appearing human one minute and then shape-shifting into something else the next. They are like those agents in The Matrix movie. But, also like those agents, they are still stuck in an illusion

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