David Icke - Children of the Matrix - How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thou

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"Spiritual" satanism and "christian" conmen


Luciferian morning star within the Church. I represented the presence of all the other Satanists who were related to me in the morning star; their spirits were present in me in the Church. Constructed through ritual but empowered by legions of [demonic] spirits, I was a human and spiritual focus of corporate Satanic energy into the Body of Christ... " ...For the Rothschilds, and for Satan himself I am sure, this was the ultimate sadistic irony in using Christians to bring in the antichrist, but there is a certain demonic brilliance to it. By seeding the Body of Christ with his occult followers, Satan has been able to generate the spiritual and sociological forces that are required to 5 bring in the false prophets and the antichrist's reign."

Billy Graham is another such programmed front for Satanism in the "Christian Church". The trail to Graham was picked up in stages during general research into the Illuminati and you only have to look at the people behind him to realise that he is a pawn of the bloodlines. The newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, a high-degree Illuminati initiate, funded his early "crusades". The Hearst mansion in California is furnished with hundreds of ancient Egyptian and other Near and Middle Eastern artefacts. Most of them are original and were shipped to the United States by Hearst at enormous expense. It was Hearst's support for Franklin Delano Roosevelt that won "FDR" the Democratic nomination and the presidency in 1933. Roosevelt, the wartime president, was one of the great Illuminati frontmen of the 20th century (see ...And The Truth Shall Set You Free). The Rockefellers, Witneys, and Vanderbilts, all Illuminati bloodline families, have funded other Graham "crusades". Ever wondered why Billy Graham has had such a close association with so many US presidents? According to the research of Springmeier and Wheeler, a high-ranking Scottish Rite Freemason and Mafia operative called David Hill lived for two years at Billy Graham's house. He was a friend of Graham's son, Franklin, they say. David Hill claims to have introduced Graham to the Mafia boss joe Banana. Hill apparently turned against his former bosses and spent 18 hours over two days in a hotel room warning Graham about the Illuminati agenda. Springmeier and Wheeler report: "Billy Graham told David Hill at the end of their two days of talking in this eastern US hotel room that he was 'a captive of that [New World Order]'." They add: "Billy Graham has the choice of continuing his job for them, or being destroyed. Since they created who he is, they can destroy him. And he knows it."6 David Hill was murdered when he had completed a manuscript exposing the Illuminati plans, they say. In March 2001, Springmeier and his wife Patricia were raided by the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the agencies involved in the mass murder at Waco. Springmeier's research was taken together with money and other items. A breathtakingly biased and distorted news story followed. Usual technique. Springmeier and Wheeler say that when Graham's crusade went to Portland, Oregon, where they live, his staff was able to contact many recovering victims of trauma-based mind control and Satanic ritual abuse. How could they do that?

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