David Icke - Children of the Matrix - How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thou

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The dragon queens 155

Caucasus Mountains in southern Russia was a major location for the Amazons and this would seem to have been a major centre for the interbreeding of the Nordics with the reptilian bloodlines. Libya is another place of Amazon legend and in those days Libya referred to the whole of North Africa, except for Egypt. The Amazon River and region in South America was named after these women when a Portuguese explorer in the 16th century found fighting women there. Legends and accounts depict the Amazons as a nomadic people dominated by women and they appeared to be extremely ritualistic. Strabo, the Greek geographer, said they would only "mate" during a special two-month period, just like animals do. Sex was strictly for the production of children.26 Among the gods and goddesses they worshipped was once again Artemis, a later name for "El" of the Edda texts, and Hecate, the dark Moon goddess and "goddess of the Infernal Arts". It appears that Amazon means "Moon Woman" and this again fits with the Edda texts about the serpent cult. A very important location for the Amazons was Sauromatia, or "Lizard Mother". This is in the region of the Black and Caspian Seas and bordered the Persian Empire, the land of the Magi initiates. Sauromatia has been connected to European nobility and we can now see why. One theory is that the coats of arms of Polish nobility, for instance, developed from magical signs of the Sauromatians or Sarmatians called "tamgas". In fact, Poland was often called Sarmatia or Sauromatia.27 Historical accounts say that the Amazons in Sauromatia bred with Scythian warriors. The Scythians were a Nordic-Aryan people who moved into northern Europe from the Near and Middle East through the Caucasus Mountains and Sauromatia, and they included the bloodlines that became the Sicambrian Franks and...the Merovingians. Once again we have the theme of Nordic-reptilian interbreeding. The fusion of the Amazon and Scythian language became known as Sauromatian. The Scythians worshipped the same goddess as the Amazons. They castrated themselves and wore women's clothing as part of their ritual to the goddess known by the Greeks as Artemis. One location for the Scythians was called Partia or "Virginland" in deference to their goddess and when the llluminati moved in on America they used the same symbolism in naming Virginia. The idea that it was named after Elizabeth 1st, the "virgin queen", is ludicrous. First of all, she was no more a virgin than Madonna. The Scythians were governed by priestess-queens, who tended to be older women. In 1954 five kurgans or "queen-graves" were found in southern Russia at Pasyryk. These priest-queens performed sacrifices and caught the blood in "sacred cauldrons", and went with the men into battle and cast spells for victory. This again fits with the Edda texts and is almost certainly the origin of the witches in "Shakespeare's" Macbeth. In the Celtic legends the cauldron is associated with the underground world and has been symbolically connected to the womb of the "death-goddess". Using this theme, children of the bloodlines come "out of the cauldron" - the womb of the women who carry "royal blood", the reptilian DNA. The Moon-sickle used by the Scythians, the mythical weapon that castrated the gods, became known as the scythe and was associated with the "grim reaper". Yet again the grim reaper refers to a goddess, Rhea, who was clothed in a

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