Programming Language - Mentor of your Computer

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C (programming language) [13] The main function actually has two arguments, int argc and char *argv[], respectively, which can be used to handle command line arguments. The C standard requires that both forms of main be supported, which is special treatment not afforded any other function. [14] http:/ / www. open-std. org/ JTC1/ SC22/ WG14/ www/ standards [15] http:/ / www. open-std. org/ JTC1/ SC22/ WG14/ www/ docs/ n1256. pdf [16] http:/ / www. knosof. co. uk/ cbook/ cbook. html [17] http:/ / flash-gordon. me. uk/ ansi. c. txt [18] http:/ / groups. google. com/ group/ comp. lang. c/ msg/ 20b174b18cdd919d?hl=en [19] http:/ / www. scribd. com/ doc/ 16306895/ Draft-ANSI-C-Rationale [20] http:/ / www. open-std. org/ jtc1/ sc22/ wg14/ [21] http:/ / cm. bell-labs. com/ cm/ cs/ who/ dmr/ chist. html [22] http:/ / www. c-faq. com/ [23] http:/ / publications. gbdirect. co. uk/ c_book/ [24] http:/ / www. coding-guidelines. com/ cbook/ cbook1_2. pdf [25] http:/ / doc. cat-v. org/ bell_labs/ new_c_compilers/


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