CUPE's Twenty-fourth Biennal Convention Proceedings

Page 164

• Unfortunately, many Canadian companies continue to do business in Burma. In so doing, these countries are acting against the express wishes of Nobel laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Burma's democratically elected, National League for Democracy (NLD), which won 82% of the vote in the country's 1990 elections.

BECAUSE: • Forced labour, forced relocation, beatings, murder, rape... These are just some of the violations companies who trade with or invest in Burma risk supporting; and • When Levi Strauss pulled out of Burma in 1992, the company made the following statement: "It is not possible to do business in Burma without supporting the military regime and its pervasive human rights abuses."; and • While international investment may help to bring positive change in some countries, this is not the case in Burma. Foreign investment and trade in Burma help perpetuate the cruelty of a repressive unelected junta; and • Unfortunately, many Canadian companies continue to do business in Burma. In doing so they are acting against the express wishes of Nobel laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Burma's democratically elected National League for Democracy (NLD), which won 82% of the vote in the country's 1990 elections.


Resolution No. 242 Submitted by Local 2440 (Ont.) CUPE NATIONAL WILL:



Send a copy of these letters to Canada's Members of Parliament and CUPE locals; and


Recommend a boycott of products from Burma.


Send a copy of these letters to Canada's Members of Parliament and CUPE locals; and


Recommend a boycott of products from Burma.

• When Levi Strauss pulled out of Burma in 1992, the company made the following statement: "It is not possible to do business in Burma without supporting the military regime and its pervasive human rights abuses."; and • Forced labour, forced relocation, beatings, murder, rape... These are just some of the continuing violations the companies who trade with or invest in Burma risk supporting; and • While international investment may help to bring positive change in some countries, this is not the case in Burma. Foreign investment and trade in Burma help perpetuate the cruelty of a repressive junta; and • Unfortunately, many Canadian companies continue to do business in Burma. In so doing they are acting against the express wishes of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, and Burma's democratically elected National League for Democracy (NLD), which won 82% of the vote in the country's 1990 elections.

CUPE NATIONAL WILL: Write letters to Canadian companies who invest in Burma condemning their business with Burma's military regime; and

Write letters to condemn Canadian companies who do business with Burma's military regime; and


Resolution No. 241 Submitted by Locals 3912 (N.S.), 2191, 3393 (Ont.)



BECAUSE: • Forced labour, forced relocation, beatings, murder, rape... These are just some of the violations companies who trade with or invest in Burma risk supporting; and • When Levi Strauss pulled out of Burma in 1992, the company made the following statement: "It is not possible to do business in Burma without supporting the military regime and its pervasive human rights abuses." ; and • While international investment may help to bring positive change in some countries, this is not the case in Burma. Foreign investment and trade in Burma help perpetuate the cruelty of a repressive unelected junta; and


Resolution No. 243 Submitted by Locals 3902, 3907 (Ont.), 2153 (Man.) CUPE NATIONAL WILL: 1.


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