CUPE's Twenty-fourth Biennal Convention Proceedings

Page 153

• These management models interfere with certain workers’ rights and freedoms by giving access to confidential and/or personal information; and • These new management models are used to adapt workers to their workplace instead of the opposite.

Resolution No. 194 Submitted by Local 1294 (Que.) CUPE NATIONAL WILL: 1.

Lobby the federal and provincial governments to enable workers who are members of a joint health and safety committee to issue notices of compliance to employers; and

Resolution No. 193 Submitted by Local 1870 (P.E.I.)


Lobby to prevent having these powers limit or minimize workers’ right to refuse dangerous work.




Work towards establishing the precautionary principle and this principle should be the priority in keeping our members safe as regards to radiofrequency and other electromagnetic emissions; and


Have CUPE's Occupational Health and Safety Committee work with local health and safety committees in ensuring that ongoing research and concerns on this issue are monitored and appropriate health and safety policies are adopted in keeping with the precautionary principle.

• Employers do not comply with occupational health and safety laws; and • Visibly, the government does not ensure that its laws are applied; and • Employers must be identified if they do not comply with occupational health and safety laws; and • Dangerous conditions must be identified and corrected rapidly.



BECAUSE: Resolution No. 196 Submitted by Local 2718 (Que.)

• There are greater stringency and regulations to which the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety adopted regarding the growing public and scientific concern over health risks from electromagnetic emissions including non-thermal effects; and • Industry Canada has overturned democratically made zoning decisions re cell towers; and • An expert panel report exposure of RF could potentially be associated with adverse health effects and Health Canada has not adopted more stringent regulations; and • Ten out of 13 peer-reviewed studies on cell phone towers that conform to World Health Organization standards of scientific quality found significant increase in negative symptoms; and • Expert panel commissioned from Royal Society of Canada as well as recent published studies in scientific journals (including NeuroToxicology and Pathophysiology) point to ongoing health concerns.

WHEREAS the number of assaults on workers while exercising their duties in youth protection agencies; and WHEREAS the devastating effects on the health of workers who are victims of such assaults; and WHEREAS the existence of various laws in the country designed to protect youth which have an impact on prevention and protection measures against assaults and which are legally accessible to workers in youth protection agencies; and WHEREAS the lack of national and international data on the degree of efficiency of the various prevention and protection measures against assaults; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that CUPE National shall allocate the funds necessary to develop and carry out a Canada-wide research program to evaluate the efficiency of the various prevention and protection measures against assaults legally accessible to workers in youth protection agencies in Canada.



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