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sg]lS6s6 rf}tf/L Connecticut Chautari sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfhsf] d'vkq The Newsletter of Nepalese Association of Connecticut (NAConn)

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Connecticut Chautari

Vol.: 1

Issue 1

April 2013

Board of Advisors Dr. Gandhi R Bhattarai, Chief Advisor Mr. Pramod Pandey, Advisor Mr. Krishna Adhikari, Advisor Mr. Nabin Khadka, Advisor Mr. Ganesh Aryal, Advisor Mr. Ramchandra Shrestha, Advisor Executive Board Members Mr. Santosh Lamsal, President Mr. Rishi Bhattarai, Vice-President Mr. Tejesh Malla, Secretary Mr. Jitendra Basnet, Treasurer Mr. Arjun Dahal, Assistant Secretary Mr. Krishna Awasthi, Assitant Treasurer Mrs. Shrijana Bajgain, Member Mrs. Rekha Gautam, Member Mr. Jaya K Rai, Member Mr. Nishedh Khadka, Member Mrs. Sandipa Thapa, Member Mr. Anup Ojha, Member Mr. Ramesh Pathak, Member Mr. Kedhar Khatiwada, Member Mr. Romi Yonjan, Member Editorial Board Dr. Gandhi R Bhattarai Mr. Gopal Gautam Mr. Jaya K Rai Mr. Arjun Dahal Mr. Ramesh KC Design/Layout Miss Akriti Bhattarai

Nepali Summer School Graduation Day, September 15, 2012

gof+ jif{ @)&) ljz]iffÍ o; cÍsf k|d'v cfsif{0f sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfh -g]sf]g_ sf] kl/ro g]sf]gsf] xfn;Ddsf pknlAwx? g]sf]gsf] @)!!–@)!@ sf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg g]sf]gsf] cfufdL ultljlwx? g]sf]gsf] ljwfg -g]kfnL cg'jfb_ ;flxlTos kfgfx?

Introduction to NAConn Past achievement of NAConn 2011-2012 Annual Report Upcoming Activities By-laws (Nepali version) Literary pages

Nepalese Association of Connecticut (NAConn) 106 Saint Charles St, West Hartford, CT 06119, USA Email: Website: Phone: (860) 578-7527


gof+ jif{ @)&) sf] ;'vb pknIodf sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfhdf cfj4 ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o tyf ;xof]uL dLqx?df ;':jf:Yo, bL3f{o' / pQ/f]Q/ k|ultsf] xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf k|s6 ub{5f}+ .

sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfh kl/jf/ Nepalese Association of Connecticut (NAConn)

106 Saint Charles St West Hartford, CT 06119 Email: Website: Phone: (860) 578-7527

sg]lS6s6 rf}tf/L Connecticut Chautari jif{ ! / Vol. 1 c+s !

/ Issue 1

sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfhsf] d'vkq The Official Newsletter of Nepalese Association of Connecticut (NAConn) a}zfv @)&)

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/ April 2013

/ Editorial Board

k|d'v ;Dkfbs / Chief Editor 8f= uflGw /fh eยง/fO{ / Dr. Gandhi R Bhattarai ;Dkfbsx? / Editors >L uf]kfn uf}td / Mr. Gopal Gautam >L ho s'df/ /fO{ / Mr Jaya Kumar Rai >L /d]z s]=;L= / Mr Ramesh KC >L ch'{g bfxfn / Mr. Arjun Dahal cfj/0f tyf l8hfOg / Cover & Design ;'>L cfs[lt eยง/fO{ / Miss Akriti Bhattarai


sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfh Nepalese Association of Connecticut (NAConn) 106 Saint Charles St, West Hartford, CT 06119, USA Email: Website: Phone: (860) 578-7527

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

;DkfbsLo cfb/0fLo dLqx?, o; d'vklqsf dfkm{t\ k'gM Pp6f gof+ k|of;n] d"t{ ?k lnPsf] 5 . d'vkq k|sfzg ug]{ qmddf w]/} q'6L, sdhf]/Lx? x'g k'u]sf xf]nfg\ . k|yd k|of; 7fg]/ Ifdf ug'{x'g]5 eGg] cfzf xfdLn] lnPsf 5f}+ . o; k|sfzgsf] dfWodaf6 sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfhsf ;b:ox?nfO{ Ps ;"qdf pGg] sfddf yk d2t ug]{ s'/fdf xfdL ljZj:t 5f}+ . s'g} klg ;+:Yffsf] lbuf] ljsf;sf nflu o;sf ;fwf/0f ;b:o, :jo+;]js tyf sfo{sf/L k|ltlglwx?sf] aLrdf cfk;L ;+rf/sf] cToGt 7"nf] e"ldsf x'G5 . cf}krfl/s ?kdf lgoldt 5flkP/ cfpg] d'vkqn] Psflt/ ;b:ox?nfO{ ;+:yfsf] ultljlwx?af/] lgoldt ?kdf ;';"lrt ub{5 eg] csf]{tkm{ cfkm\gf ;fgf efOalxgL tyf cGo o'jf ;b:ox?sf] /rgfx?nfO{ :yfg lbP/ pgLx?sf] af}l4s ljsf; / /rgfTds Ifdtfdf ;xof]u k'¥ofp+b5 . pgLx?df cfTdljZjf; hufpg] tyf cfkm\gf] efiff / ;+:s[tL k|lt ;fdflhs bfloTjjf]w klg u/fpg]5 . To:t} ;d'bflos ;dfrf/x? dfkm{t Ps csf{sf] pknlAwx? dfly uj{ ug{ ;lsG5 . ax'eflifs, ax';f+:s[lts / :jtGq ;dfhdf x/]s efiff / ;+:s[ltsf] cnUu} klxrfg / dxTj x'G5 . cfkm\gf] ;f+:s[lts w/f]x/nfO{ ;+/If0f ug]{ k|of; cfkm"leq}af6 ul/g' kb{5 . xfd|f] klxrfg xfd|f] ;+:s[lt;+u hf]l8Psf] x'G5 . xfd|f] ;+:s[lt /x];Dd xfdL /xG5f}+ . of] tYo xfdL ;a}nfO{ yfxf ePsf] s'/f xf] . To;}n] ;+;f/sf] h'g;'s} s'gfdf k'u] klg xfdL cfkm\gf] ;+:s[ltnfO{ hf]ufO /fVg rfxG5f}+ . cfkm' a:g] ;dfhdf efOrf/f ;DaGwsf] ljsf; ug{ rfxG5f}+ . sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfhsf] :yfkgf / gfkmf/lxt ;+:yfsf] ?kdf ;+ul7t x'g ;Sg' o;sf] k|df0f xf] . cfufdL lbgdf :yflgo k|zf;gsf lgod kl/lw leq /x]/ o;n] lbPsf ;Dk"0f{ clwsf/x?sf] k"0f{ ;b'kof]u ub}{ sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfhnfO{ pRr :yfg lbnfpg] bfloTj klg xfd|} sf+wdf 5 . j[xb ;Defjgfsf afah'b xfdLdf s]xL sdL sdhf]/Lx? klg /x]sf 5g\ . efiffut ;d:of, hLjLsf]kfh{gsf nflu ug'{kg]{ ;+3if{, hLjgsf] pQ/fw{df leGb} ;+:s[ltdf k|j]z h:tf sf/0fx?n] ubf{ xfdL lgjf{w cufl8 a9\g ;ls/x]sf 5}gf}+ . aflx/L ;dfh;+u ;lqmo ;xsfo{ ePg eg] xfdLdf gof+ ljrf/, ;f]r / sfo{Ifdtfsf] ljsf; x'b}g . To;sf nflu xfdL cfkm}+n] ;do 3ls{g' eGbf klxn] g} kxn ug'{k5{ . xfn;fn} ul/Psf /Stbfg h:tf] dfgjLo sfo{n] :yflgo ;dfhdf

xfd|f] ;sf/fTds 5lj k|:t't ePsf] 5 . o;nfO{ cGo dfWod tyf sfo{qmdx? dfkm{t\ If]lqo / /fli6«o :t/df lj:tf/ ul/g'k5{ . /fd|f] ;Defjgf / s'zn g]t[Tj Ifdtf ePsf bf]>f] k':tf lj:tf/} xfd|f] ;fd' k|s6 x'+b}5g\ . cem}klg ;+:yfsf] ultljlwx?df o'jf / dlxnf ju{sf] ;xeflutf cToGt} Go'g 5 . pgLx?sf] cfjZostf / rfxgf cg'?ksf] sfo{qmdx? cufl8 a9fp+b} pgLx?df ePsf] hf]z hf+u/ / Ifdtfsf] ;xL pkof]u u/]/ bL3{sfn ;Dd o; ;+:yf 8f]¥ofpg] ;f/yLx?sf] ljsf; ug{ cfjZos 5 . o;sf nflu kl/jf/, 5/l5d]saf6} o'jf tyf dlxnf ;b:o x?nfO{ k|f]T;fxg lbO{ cfkm\gf] ;+:s[lt / ;dfhk|lt cfslif{t u/fpg' h?/L x'G5 . g]sf]g Pp6f ljlwjt ?kdf ;+rflng gfkmf/lxt ;+:yf ePsf]n] klg ljleGg sfo{qmdx?sf] dfWodaf6 ljBfno pd]/sf o'jfx?nfO{ cfkm\g} ;+:yfdf :jo+;]js eO{ sfd ug]{ jftfj/0f agfpg ;lsG5 . oL ;a} k|of;x? sfof{Gjog ug{sf nflu xfdL ;a}sf] ;xof]u ckl/xfo{ 5 . ;dojzM ljwfg cg'?k s]xL dlxgf leq} gof+ sfo{sf/L ;ldlt / To;sf] nuQ} gof ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] u7g ug]{ a]nf ePsf] 5 . o:tf] ;dodf cg'ejL / Ifdtfjfg k'/fgf] k':tf / gof+ hf]zhf+u/ / ;Defjgf af]s]sf gof k':tfsf] plrt ;DdL>0f x'g' h?/L 5 . cfkm";+u ePsf] Ifdtfsf] ;xL k|of]u ug{ cufl8 a9\g] ;xL ;do cfPsf] 5 . cfkm\gf] Jo:t hLjgaf6 s]xL ;do lgsfn]/ j[xt ;fdflhs lxt x'g] s'/fdf nufgL u/f}+ . km'6]/ xf]Og h'6]/ a[xQ/ g]kfnL efiff, snf / ;+:s[ltsf] hu]gf{ ug]{ ;fdflhs cleofgdf Ps l9Ssf eP/ cufl8 a9f}+ . gof+ jif{ @)&) n] ;a}sf] z/L/df gof+ pd+u Nofcf];\, dgdf gof+ ljrf/x? knfpg\ . gof+ jif{sf] ;'vb pknIodf ;a}df ;':jf:y, bL3f{o' / pQ/f]Q/ k|ufltsf] xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf . ejbLo,

8f= uflGw /fh e§/fO{ k|d'v ;Nnfxsf/ tyf k|d'v ;Dkfbs sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfh

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

z'esfdgf म ह ,


स पण ू दाजुभाइ

दद ब हनीह मा नववष

२०७० को

मंगलमय शभ ु कामना | कनेि टकट नेपाल समाजको प हलो !यज ु लेटर कनेि टकट चौतार नववष को शभ ु अवसरमा )काशन हुनलागेको खबरले मलाई अ-य!त खश ु ी त. ु याएको छ | )काशनको यस प1ु नत आवसरमा !यज ु लेटरको पण ू सफलताको कामना गद छु | हा4ो


उपलि7धपण ू :पमा



काय ह


रहे का

छन ्



दनह मा एक

गरे का


1नय मत

वा<ष क

याले!डरका काय का अ1त>र त र तदान, ग@ृ मका लन पाठशाला आ द काय ह लाई कोसेढुंगाको :पमा लन सDक!छ सामद ु ा1यक

बहु)1तEFत कनेि टकट के!G स भाHयता अIययन

कनेि टकट

हालै गठन भएको


सदJयीय टोल ले काया र भ म हना

भ मा

यस या ालाई 1नर!तरता दने िज मेवार तपाPह को काँधमा हामी

आएको छ | नेकोनको सफलताको 1नि त सबैले एक भएर हंRने Sढ संक.प लनु हामी

सबैको दा1य-व हुन आएको छ | अ!-यमा


कनेि टकट

चौतार का

स पादक

मTडल, Uडजाईनर, <वVापनदाता, स.लाहकार, काय कार स म1त

तथा अ!य सहयोगी म ह को सहयोगको

म ु तकTठले )शंशा गद छु | ध!यवाद,

क मट ,

sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfh


1नमा णका

<वषयमा <व<वध पFको स भाHयता अIययन गर )1तवेदन बझ ु ाउने छ | सच ू ना )वाहको :पमा हामीले वेब साइटलाई )चुर :पमा उपयोग गनM काय को थालनी ग>रसकेका छO |

स.लाह र समथ न अ<वJमरणीय छ | भ<व@यमा प1न

स!तोष ल साल

| उ त


यो एकताको या ामा तपाP ह ले दनभ ु एको सहयोग,


ग>रसकेको छ र ६


आज ४ वष को या ा परू ा गनM तरखरमा छ |

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

gof+ jif{ @)&) sf] ;'vb pknIodf ;Dk"0f{ sg]lS6s6jf;L g]kfnL kl/jf/df ;':jf:Yo, bL3f{o' / pQ/f]Q/ k|ultsf] xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf .

aDa] cf]lne kl/jf/

450 S Main St West Hartford CT 06110 Phone: (860) 561-3000 email:



Hours: Lunch: Buffet

50% OFF

11:30 am – 3:00 pm

Buy one Entrée get 2nd entrée 50% off Equal value or lesser

Dinner: (Monday – Saturday) 3:00 pm – 11:00 pm Sunday 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm FREE DELIVERY for Take Outs in West Hartford Minimum $20.00 And for Hartford, Farmington, Bloomfield & Newington Corporate Offices Only. Minimum $25.00


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

We thank you all for your support in bringing out this first issue of Connecticut Chautari. We would like to particularly acknowledge the support through full page advertisement from our sponsors Taste of India, West Hartford; Taste of India, Windsor; Bombay Olive, West Hartford; 'air zone travel inc.'; PRIMERICA; Mr. Raj Shrestha from New York Life and Patel Foods, Manchester. Half page advertisement support from Namaste India, Southington; Haweli India, Middletown; Bollywood Grill, Glastonbury; Ms Anu Shrestha from Coldwell Bankers; Daniel M Pedra from 'ajc insurance'; Tejas Sonpal from Eastern Insurance Associates; Dr. Rajeev Kulkarni, DDS from Wethersfield; and Asia Grocers, Newington. Similarly, we would like to thank all writers who agreed to publish in the newsletter and provided their literary creation within a very time. Thank you!

xflb{s cg'/f]w ;fyLx?, sg]lS6s6 rf}tf/L jif{sf] b'O{ rf]6L k|sfzg x'g] nIo /flvPsf] 5 . jif{sf] klxnf] c+s gof+ jif{ -clk|n dlxgf_ df tyf bf]>f] c+s bz}+ -cS6f]a/ dlxgf_ df k|sflzt ul/g]5 . o;sf] nflu cfkm\gf ;flxlTos /rgfx?, vf]hd"ns n]vx? tyf ;fd'bflos dxTjsf ;dfrf/x? h'g;'s} a]nf xfd|f] Od]ndf k7fpg ;Sg' x'g]5 . o; k|sfzgnfO{ ;xh / k|efjsf/L t'Nofpgsf nflu lgDg s'/fx?df hf]8 lbg'x'g xfdL oxf+x? ;dIf xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5f}+ . ;do;LdfM gof+jif{ c+ssf] nflu km]a|'c/L tyf bz}+ c+ssf] nflu cui6 dlxgfsf] cGt;Dd ;Dk"0f{ /rgfx? ;Dkfbs ;dIf cfO;Sg' kg]{5 . ;do kl5 pknAw ePsf /rgfx? cfufdL c+ssf] nflu ;+lrt ul/g]5 . efiffM n]v /rgfx? g]kfnL jf c+u|]hL h'g efiffdf klg n]Vg ;lsg]5 . g]kfnL 5fkf, o'lgsf]8 b'j} k|of]u ug{ ;lsg]5 . n]vs kl/roM n]vs jf n]lvsfn] cfkm\gf] /rgf k7fp+bf k"/f gfd 7]ufgf pNn]v u/L k7fpg' x'g]5 . /rgfsf ;fy kmf]6f] 5kfpg O{R5's x'g'x'G5 eg] cg'xf/ k|i6 x'g] u/L /+uLg kf;kf]6{ kmf]6f] /rgf ;+u} Od]n dfkm{t\ k7fpg' x'g]5 . kmfOn kmDof{6M ;Dkfbg ug{ ldNg] u/L Microsoft Word df 6fOk u/L k7fpg' x'g]5 . Scan ul/Psf JPG file jf ;Dkfbg ug{ gldNg] u/L PDF file df gk7fpg cg'/f]w 5 . pko'St kmDof{6df gePsf /rgfx? ;Dkfbs d08nn] lkmtf{ k7fpg ;Sg]5 . k|sfzg vr{ tyf cGo kIfx?nfO{ Wofgdf /fvL n]v /rgfx?sf] ;Ldf a9Ldf @))) zAb ;Dd tf]lsPsf] 5 . o;eGbf nfdf] /rgfx? 5fkfdf k|sflzt ul/g] 5}g . n]vssf] :jLs[lt ePdf ljB'tLo dfWoddf g]sf]gsf] j]j;fO6 dfkm{t\ k|sflzt ul/g]5 . sg]lS6s6 rf}tf/Ldf JolStut ;Gb]zx? h:t} z'esfdgf, awfO tyf ;dj]bgf cflb ;z'Ns k|sflzt ul/g]5g\ . sg]lS6s6 rf}tf/Ldf r'/f]6, la+8L, v}gL nufot w'd|kfgsf j:t'x? tyf lao/, jfOg h:tf cNsf]xno'St k]o kbfy{x?sf] lj1fkg ul/g] 5}g .

- Editor sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfh -g]sf]g_ / s+u|Lu]zg Jf]y Oh/fOnsf] ;x;+of]hsTjdf oxL d] dlxgfsf] !( tfl/vsf lbg g]sf]gsf] rf}yf] /Stbfg sfo{qmd ;+rfng x'+b}5 . /Stbfg dfkm{t\ hLjgbfg lbg] dfgjLo sfo{df ;xeflu x'gsf xfdL ckLn ub{5f}+ .

/Stbfg sfo{qmd :yfg /Place: 701 Farmington Ave West Hartford, CT 06119

ldlt /Date: May 19, 2013 ;do /Time: 9:00 am – 1:45 pm yk hfgsf/Lsf] nflu g]sf]gsf pkfWoIf tyf /Stbfg sfo{qmdsf ;+of]hs >L Clifs]z e§/fO{ jf g]sf]gsf k|d'v ;Nnfxsf/ tyf An8 8f]g;{ ckm cd]l/sfsf dxf;lrj 8f= uflGw/fh e§/fO{ ;+u ;Dks{ ug{'x'g cg'/f]w 5 .

/Stbfg h:tf] kljq bfg c? s'g} x'+b}g . tkfO{sf] Ps k6ssf] /Stbfgaf6 tLghgf ;DdnfO{ d[To'b]lv arfpg ;lsG5 . cfpg'xf];\ cfh} b]lv lgoldt ?kdf /Stbfg ug{] k|0f u/f}+ .

/rgf k7fpg] 7]ufgfM

>L ch'{g k|;fb d}gfnL, cWoIf tyf An8 8f]g;{ ckm cd]l/sf kl/jf/

;Dkfbs 1

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

Nepalese Association of Connecticut (NAConn) Introduction and Organizational Structure and its development. In particular, we focus on the following key values:

Background Nepalese Association of Connecticut (NAConn) is a non-profit organization established by the American-Nepalese living in the state of Connecticut. With the growing population of Nepali origin in the state, a need was felt for an official organization to encourage cooperation, goodwill, and mutual support among these residents. The effort to establish an organization started in November 2005 by few members of the community. After more than three years of learning and restructuring this effort culminated in the registration of Nepalese Association of Connecticut as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in May 2009. The association is involved in different community events including organizing blood donations, participating in the events organized by city of West Hartford, and organizing various cultural and social events to foster Nepali language and cultural heritage. It provides support to people of Nepali origin living in the state to assimilate with the community so that they can fully contribute to the society.

Respect & Dignity: We believe in respecting people's views and promoting an environment of good team spirit, understanding, tolerance and trust. Equality: We believe in equality for all, that means equality among members of the community itself, between men and women and children, diverse cultures, traditions and faith of every member and between ethnic communities and the wider society. Participation: We believe in participatory approach to resolve any issues that befall in our community. We support the rights of our members to participate in the decisions that affect their lives. Empowerment: We believe in our capacity to define our needs, articulate our hopes and fears and represent ourselves locally, regionally and nationally.

Goals and activities To achieve its mission, the association shall perform activities that include:

Mission The mission of NAConn is to promote Nepali traditional culture and heritage, and provide a development forum for families and friends of Nepalese-Americans in the US. It is committed to working in partnership with community organizations and local and state agencies for the wellbeing of its members and community as a whole.

Vision Our vision is to empower the community members with the understanding of their basic rights and responsibilities and to help them realize their individual potentials and exploit these where possible in a diverse society along with the reflection and preservation of unique cultural heritage.

Celebrating traditional Nepali festivals preserve and promote cultural heritage

Working in partnership with local, regional, and national community organizations to benefit its members and community as a whole

Implement educational and other activities that benefit its member in particular and society in general

Raising fund for charitable causes in the US and around the world.

Organization Structure of NAConn (As of March 31, 2013) Advisory Committee Chief Advisor Advisors

Values NAConn has absolute respect for democratic norms and values which will be closely guarded and upheld when it comes to running the community


Dr. Gandhi R Bhattarai Mr. Pramod Pandey Mr. Krishna Adhikari Mr. Ganesh Aryal Mr. Nabin Khadka Mr. Ramchandra Shrestha


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

Executive Committee

Blood Donations

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Asst. Secretary Asst. Treasurer Board Members

Coordinator Members

Mr. Santosh Lamsal Mr. Rishikesh Bhattarai Mr.Tejesh Bikram Malla Mr. Jitendra Basnet Mr. Arjun Dahal Mr. Krishna Awasthi Mrs. Srijana Bajgain Mrs. Sandipa Thapa Mrs. Rekha Gautam Mr. Jaya Kumar Rai Mr. Anup Ojha Mr. Nishedh Khadka Mr. Ramesh Pathak Mr. Kedar Khatiwada Mr. Romi Yonjan

Sports and Youth Committee Coordinator Members

Members of our community are very enthusiastic about construction of Nepali Community Center in Greater Hartford area. Such effort requires huge investment and a thorough planning regarding the legal, financial, and management aspects on part of the association. NAConn has asked a special panel of expert to complete a feasibility study and submit recommendation of all of the above aspects. The study is expected to complete by August 31, 2013.

Mr. Pramod Pandey Mr. Rishikesh Bhattarai Mr. Jitendra Basnet, Member Mrs. Sandipa Thapa Mr. Anupam Ojha

Nepali Summer School

Coordinator Members

Coordinator Advisor Members

Mr. Jaya Kumar Rai Mr. Pramod Pandey Mr. Arjun Dahal Mr. Ramesh Pathak Mr. Madhav Atreya Mrs. Rekha Gautam Curriculum Development Mr. Gandhi R Bhattarai Mr. Jaya K Rai Mrs. Rekha Gautam Mr. Arjun Dahal Mr. Ramesh KC Teachers Mrs. Laxmi Ojha Mrs. Sabitri Mishra

Dr. Gandhi R Bhattarai Dr. Hari Koirala Dr. Bharat M Bhattarai Mr. Raj Kunver Mr. Pramod Pandey Mr. Ashok Shrivastav Mr. Santosh Lamsal

gof+ jif{ @)&) sf] ;'vb pknIodf sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfhsf] pQ/f]Q/ k|ultsf] sfdgf ub{5' . o; cj;/df s6]lS6s6 /fHo nufot cd]l/sfsf] ljleGg efudf a;f]af; ug'{x'g] ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnLefifL bfh'efO lbbL jlxgLx?df ;':jf:Yo / lb3f{o'sf] xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf 6qm\ofpg rfxG5' .

Web Design & Media Publications Coordinator Advisor Members

Mr. Nishedh Khadka Mr. Anupam Ojha Mr. Deepak Thapa Mr. Tirtha Pun Mr. Gehendra Kunwar

Nepali Community Center Feasibility Study Group

Sub-Committees (2011-2012) Emergency/Disaster Help Coordinator Members

Mr. Rishikesh Bhattarai Mr. Prahlad Paneru Mr. Ramesh Pathak, Member Dr. Gandhi Bhattarai (Blood Donors of America)

Mr. Gopal Gautam Dr. Gandhi R Bhattarai Mr. Jaya K Rai Mr. Arjun Dahal Mr. Ashish Humagain Mr. Ramesh KC Mr. Nishedh Khadka

>L ch'{g k|;fb d}gfnL cWoIf, An8 8f]g;{ ckm cd]l/sf 3

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

gof+ jif{ @)&) sf] ;'vb pknIodf sg]lS6s6af;L ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnL bfh'efO lbbLjlxgLx?df xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf

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Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

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Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

An Overview of NAConn Activities and Past Achievements From the beginning of its establishment NAConn has been involved in various activities such as participating in local community events, fund raising and donations for humanitarian causes, organizing blood donation camps and celebrating traditional Nepali cultural events.

Donations for Humanitarian Causes •

Donated $250 to help the earthquake victims in Haiti through American Red Cross (January 2010).

Donated $600 to help the people affected by tsunami in Japan (March 2011).

Donated 17 thermo flask ($325) to Bhutanese Community in Springfield in the aftermath of Tornado (June 2011).

Donated $500 to American Red Cross in the aftermath of hurricane Sandy to support the victims, (October 2012).

Raised $2,742 for the repatriation of Mrs. Mohan Kumari Ghimire to Nepal after she became terminally ill in the US while visiting her family members in West Hartford (May 2010).

Raised $950 to provide support to the family of late Surendra Dangol (February 2010).

Raised $14,200 for the family of late Kumar Khadka, then executive committee member (April 2011).

Raised $847 to the family of late Biswo Lama, a member of Tamang Society, NY in August 2011.

NAConn has awarded more than $1,000 travel grants to the youth members to participate in various sports events (2009 to 2011). Details are available at the NAConn office.

Raised $1994 to support for the family of late Yadevi Khadka. Mrs. Khadka died in a road accident on January 30, 2013 in New Haven.

Annual Park Road Parade 2010-2012 NAConn has always encouraged spreading and showing its diversity to the community. As a nonprofit organization, it loves being a part of the town held events. We started participating in the 13th Annual Park Road Parade, a town of West Hartford event, along with the Faxon Library in October 2010 and continued in the subsequent years. Such participation showed our strong support and commitment to our community and showcased the unique heritage of Nepali Americans. Thousands of spectators cheered the children and adults dressed up in traditional Nepali costumes.

Hello! West Hartford (April 2012)

The association also provided an avenue for generating support to individual members and their families during their most difficult times. Any funds collected through individual efforts are not directly related to NAConn general fund. •

Raised $1,055 for world tour cyclist Mr. Lok Bahadur Karki during his Connecticut tour (September 2012).

Participating in Community Events

Donated $1,000 to provide medical supplies to diarrhea affected region in Jajarkot, Nepal (June 2009).

On April 30, 2012 NAConn participated in "Hello! West Hartford" program, an initiative by town of West Hartford, to celebrate her rich cultural diversity and languages spoken by her residents. The event featured a montage of videos and multicultural entertainment, which included dancing, singing, instrumental music, speakers, and cultural foods.

Nepali women dancing in traditional costumes


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

Gautam, Sitaram Pandey, Anupam Ojha and Badri Parajuli were among the active NAConn members to donate blood on this occasion.

NAConn seized this opportunity to have the strength of our voice felt. Talented youths from West Hartford community performed Nepali traditional dances composed of different national songs and selo, a traditional Nepali instrument. Members of Suseli Band from Boston performed an instrumental piece composed of tunes to various Nepali folk songs. NAConn is grateful to the town of West Hartford for proving this opportunity to share Nepali culture and heritage with other residents. Participating in Community Survey Focus Groups On September 15, 2012, the Nepalese community in West Hartford organized a Focus Group meeting to discuss among Nepali language speaking residents of West Hartford regarding how to make West Hartford a more welcoming place. Twenty nine members from Nepalese community from different walks of life and age groups took part in the discussion. The meeting discussed various issues such as government, safety, education and taxes and offered various suggestions to improve the value of these services. A report was prepared and submitted to the project manager, Mrs. Marcia Lewis, the manager of Faxon Branch Library who wrote to the Connecticut State Library for a grant to involve the entire town of West Hartford. Nepali language is the seventh top language spoken in West Hartford in terms of number. Moreover, the Nepalese community has been actively taking part in town activities. For these reasons, the Nepalese Community was chosen for this project.

The second blood drive was held on March 24 at the Connecticut Region Blood Services Center of Red Cross. Eighteen energetic volunteers successfully donated their blood in the program. Among these donors were the NAConn president Santosh Lamsal and secretary Tilak Malla. Two advisors Pramod Pandey and Nabin Khadka also donated blood at this event. Other executive members included Rekha Gautam, Romi Yonjan and Jaya Rai. Active NAConn members to donate blood were Laxmi Bajgain, Tika Ghimire, Rinku Shreshtha, Sitaram Pandey, Badri Parajuli, Arjun Devkota, Rajan Humagain, Narayan Mishra, Aakash Niraula, Atul Dangol and Shankar Dhakal.

Blood Donations

3rd Blood Donation (September 2012)

A collage picture from first blood donation, December 31, 2011

2nd Blood Donation (March 2012)

As a commitment on its annual program, Nepalese Association of Connecticut with conjunction of Congregation Beth Israel organized a blood drive event in Beth Israel hall on September 23, 2012. The program ran through 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. There were 47 total successful donors in this event including 27 members from NAConn and 20 members from congregation Beth Israel. A significant number of ladies participation was much inspiring and attraction of our third blood drive. The event was managed and co-coordinated by Kedar Khatiwada. Many volunteers including children had provided their support to the donors in their registration process and served snacks and juices to them. The snacks and juices were contributed from

1st Blood Donation (December 2011) On December 31, Nepalese Association of Connecticut (NAConn) took part in the first ever blood donation program of its own. The event was held at the Connecticut Region Blood Services Center of American Red Cross by during their scheduled blood drive. Eleven members of the association successfully donated their blood at this special program. Among those who donated blood were NAConn Chairman Santosh Lamsal and Advisors Gandhi Bhattarai and Pramod Pandey. Kedar Khatiwada, Krishna Awasthi, Jaya K Rai and Ramesh Pathak, all four in the Executive Committee, also donated blood. Similarly, Gopal


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

Buddha Jayanti (May 2012)

NAConn member while the venue was provided free of charge by Beth Israel. Bunch of basic guidelines and preparation methods were explained by NAConn's chief advisor on the site.

Nepali community celebrated Lord Buddha's 2556th birthday on 27 May 2012 at the International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center in New Hartford, CT. The program included prayer to Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, Three Jewels Offering and Feeding of the Guardians followed by floral offerings and bathing ceremony of Baby Buddha. Venerable Master Guru Dae San Sumim, Venerable Bo Kyung and Venerable Bo Gak gave their inspiring speeches.

Upon completion, the Red Cross personnel expressed their happiness and thanked NAConn for its outstanding contribution. It was a great moment for NAConn itself to rejoice this achievement. Both Beth Israel and Red Cross had deserved the highest appreciation for their performance to successfully organize this blood drive.

Addressing the gathering, the president of NAConn, Mr. Santosh Lamsal, stressed the importance of understanding Buddha’s teachings and following his message of love, peace, and compassion. Similarly, Nepalese community performed a song “Phoolko Aankhama Phoolai Sansar” which translates to “In the eyes of the flower the world is all glorious” with beautiful performance by five high school students from West Hartford. Venerable Master Guru Dae San Sumim appreciated the performance and thanked NAConn for being a part of the celebration.

Celebrating Nepali Cultural Events Besides many community events, NAConn has celebrated various traditional Nepali festivals throughout its history. Such events included the New Year Party, Teej Celebration for our women members, Dashain Party, Deusi Bhailo Program during Tihar etc. We have covered the events celebrated during 2012. However, New Year, Teej, Dashain and Deusi-Bhailo program have been part of our regular cultural events annually since 2009.

Nepali New Year 2069 (April 2012)

Teej Program, September 2012

Nepali New Year 2069 was celebrated on April 8, 2012 at the Congregation Beth Israel Hall in West Hartford. The program showcased various performances highlighting the Nepali culture and tradition. All people, Nepali and others alike came to enjoy this special night. For many, it was a night to truly reconnect with friends and bring back memories of Nepal. It was like being back in Nepal to see Nepalese in traditional Nepali costumes such as Saari Cholo, Daura Surwal and Kurta Salwar. The ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Dr. Shankar Raj Sharma was gracefully present as the chief guest.

Annual Teej Celebration program was organized on September 13, 2012 at the Portugese Club of Newington. The event was attended by close to 250 enthusiastic women and men and comprised of non-stop dancing, singing, display of jwelery and ornaments and finally mouth watering food to cap the evening. Mrs. Rekha Gautam helped to organize the event as the coordinator.

The event was divided into formal inaugural section, the cultural show and the DJ night. Many local children and youths performed their dance routine on melodious Nepali folk songs. Similarly, various local artists showcased their singing talents with modern and classical Nepali songs. Bhutanese American Community, who shares common Nepali language, participated in the event with several performances to the greatest appreciation from Nepali community. The glorious evening ended with an open D.J. on the dance floor.

Women dancing during the Teej festival


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

to speak, read and write Nepali for the first hour. The second hour of the class time was dedicated to giving them a taste of Nepali culture, such as tasting Nepali foods, playing traditional instruments, watching Nepali short videos, and various of aspects of Nepali life in general.

Dashain Celebration, October 2012 NACOnn organized the cultural show and party to celebrate Nepali traditional festival Dashain on October 21, 2012. The program started with a formal inauguration ceremony and continued into the cultural event, a dinner break and DJ night. Artist duo Mr. Ram Shrestha and Mrs. Geeta Devi from New York provided colorful entertainment throughout the night. The program was attended by close to 300 NACOnn members and their families. The event was held at Congregation Beth Israel hall in Farmington Avenue, West Hartford.

The graduation ceremony was celebrated by the children, teachers, guardians, NAConn members and educators on September 12. Jaya Kumar Rai, the coordinator for the Nepali language class thanked all the students and teachers for their hard work and dedication. He also expressed his gratitude to all the NAConn members and volunteers for their contribution of daily snacks, teaching materials, invaluable expertise and monies to support the required logistics to run this Nepali language school. NAConn’s chief adviser Dr. Gandhi Bhattarai, who played an instrumental role in curriculum development, gave an outline of the history and development of this noble effort. Chief Guest of the program, Dr. Hari Koirala, congratulated all the students and gave away certificates of achievement.

Deusi Bhailo, October 2012 NAConn organized a four-day Deusi Bhailo program from October 11 to 14, 2012. Many volunteers comprised of executive committee and general members chanted Deusi slogans and sang and danced through the event. Thirteen central locations targeting about 122 families were identified in two towns including West Hartford and South Windsor. These families welcomed the spirit of the Deusi team and matched the singers' enthusiasm with their generous donations of food and money. We collected $4,473 on behalf of the association that would go towards supporting various regular activities of NAConn. In order to encourage youth participation in traditional Nepali events and five most active youth volunteers were awarded with $20 gift card at the end of program.

Summer Picnic, August 2012 NAConn purposely supported the "Summer of '069" event organized by Nepali Students in Connecticut. The goal of organizing such event was to bring Nepali communities from different corners of Connecticut together for one day of special fun in the summer of Bikram Sambat 2069. The family friendly event was held on July 29th, 2012 with BBQ and sports event for all age groups. The attendees were a good mix of people from the West Hartford, South Windsor, Storrs and Branford area Nepali communities.

Promoting Nepali Language & Culture Nepali Language Class, June-September 2012 We are pleased to report that NAConn’s longcherished dream of running Nepali language classes for children has been successful. The three-month Nepali course started on 23rd of June, 2012. Twenty nine children between the age groups of 8 to 13 were enrolled in the summer school. The learners were divided into two groups - elementary and advanced level. Both classes were held for two hours in rented classrooms at the Congregation Beth Israel every Saturday.

The event was co-sponsored by Haveli India, Nikki’s Dollar, New Park Package Store, Branford Community Organization, Darbar India, Jharokha Bar and Restaurant along with the Nepalese Association of Connecticut. NAConn provided financial and material support for music, sports, trophies and medals. The money collected during the registration and raffle tickets were donated to the Nepal Children Education Fund – kudos to the Nepali student who showed their caring attitude. NAConn appreciates the help from all donors and supporters of this event.

The main objective of this effort was to introduce Nepali language, culture and traditional values to the young children. They were taught how


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

4th Blood Donation (May 2013)

Institutional Development

NAConn is planning for its fourth blood drive in two years. We are hosting blood drive in coordination with American Red Cross and Congregation Beth Israel at the Beth Israel Hall on May 19, 2013. The drive will start at 9:00 am and end at 1:45 pm. We encourage all our members to come forward for this humanitarian mission. Each unit of donated blood can save up to three lives. NAConn vice president and the event coordinator, Mr. Rishikesh Bhattarai will be in touch with all the donors, those who successfully donated in previous three donations and potential new donors in the coming days.

General Assembly, September 2012 NAConn's annual meeting (general assembly) for 2012 was held on September 15, 2012. The general assembly was held at the entertainment hall of Taste of India, West Hartford. NAConn appreciates the space provided free of cost by Taste of India owners. Annual program and financial report covering a period from July 2011 to August 2012 were presented by the president and the treasurer respectively. Speaking at the occasion, Chief Advisor Dr. Gandhi R Bhattarai emphasized the importance of active participation by its all members for the long-term sustainability of any non-profit organization. The details of the event are given in detail elsewhere in this book.

New Executive Committee (May 2013) The term for current executive committee expires on May 31, 2013. The process to select new executive committee will be completed as per bylaws during the month of May. A three member election committee will be formed which will decide all due processes. Nominations will be sought from all eligible members for various positions. Should there be more candidates that required for each position the Election will be held on May 26, 2013.

Meetings and Conferences On 21 March 2013, Chief Advisor Dr. Gandhi R Bhattarai and Advisor Mr. Pramod Pandey attended a focus group discussion organized by the Asia Pacific American forum. Five Nepali students representing Nepali Student Association at UConn also attended the event and strongly represented the community voice. APA Commission is one of the six commissions authorized by the Connecticut legislation who work for different subgroups of population including minority, women, Latinos, African Americans, Asian American and other minority groups. The APA forum was the first of its kind that helped the participants to understand the role of the commission and also provided input for the commission so that it can help Asian Pacific American communities achieve their full potential.

We encourage all our members to consider their support by offering their services for a position they can most contribute for fulfilling NAConn's vision, mission and objectives.

Community News / ;fd'bflos ;dfrf/ Honors and Awards •

Akriti Bhattarai, an 8th grade student at Silas Deane Middle School, Wethersfield received High Honor Award from the John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth program. Her academic abilities were recognized for her outstanding performance in the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). She scored among the top 25% of all college-bound students while she took the test in her 7th grade. Special Award ceremony is going to be held on May 18th at the Yale University. Congratulations Akriti!


Aarya Gautam, along with her seven teammates from Charter Oak International Academy, West Hartford, won the statewide contest organized by Connecticut Odyssey of Mind (CTOM) on 6th

NAConn Upcoming Events Nepali New Year 2070 (April 2013) Nepali New Year is being celebrated with grand cultural program at the Congregation Beth Israel Hall in West Hartford on April 14, 2013. We invite all members to participate in this event and interact with each other while enjoying the varieties of cultural shows and delicious food. The program will include a formal inauguration session, a cultural show with variaties of singing and dancing performances by local talents.


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

published in the Young American Poetry Digest2012 Edition. Poems are selected for publication based on the overall quality of poem appropriate to age, grade level, creativity, and structure. Congratulations young poet!

April 2013. About 300 schools participated in the event which was held at Bristol Eastern High School.

Stork News!!! Congratulations are due this year to • • • •

भञापण ༂ ञ ŕ¤œल

The challenge Ms Aarya and her team were assigned was to create a three part design in which they built three vehicles for parts delivery, assembled parts into a pet animal and successfully operated the mechanical pet to perform a trick. The winner team will be representing Connecticut in worldwide competition to be held in Michigan on 22nd April, 2013. Congratulations Aarya, way to go! •



Arjun & Indira Dahal for a baby boy. Ghanashyam & Shushila Khadka for a baby boy. Keshab & Ranju Dahal for a baby boy. Pramod & Seema Pandey for baby girl.

ŕ¤œ ऎ: अ ल ༨༪, ༧༯༊༊

Jensun Yonjan, a senior student at Conard High School in West Hartford won prestigious 31st Annual Congressional Arts Competition. He will receive a $3,000 yearly renewable scholarship for up to $12,000 to the Savannah College of Art for winning this year's competition. The Event was held Thursday, April 4th in Hartford's Wadsworth Athenaeum. In addition to the scholarship, his work will be displayed in an eleven month exhibit in the Cannon Tunnel that leads into the U.S. Capital Building. Congratulation Jensun!!

ागञ र་चण: अ ल ༨, ༨༌༧༊

ा. ल लञऌ༇ ाༀ स༠ए༇ऌ चञ ༀ चŕ¤œ༠रआऎञ ल लञऌ༇ ाༀ स༠ए༇ऌ क་ ༎༌ एड क་ उऎ༇रऎञ ागञ र་चण भŕ¤?क་ऎञ ༧༊ औं ऌनक་ प༠य त"़ऎञ ऌांगत आ$ऎञक་ चༀरजञि(तक་ कञऎनञ गऌ)

भञाप༂ण -.ञ(ŕ¤œल अप ण गऌ छ1 |

नञ तनༀ: र༇ खञ ŕ¤—ŕĽŒतऎ नञ तनༀ ाञ : ग་पञल ŕ¤—ŕĽŒतऎ नञतༀ: रञŕ¤œŕĽ‡ अयञ ल

Smriti Hamal, a 7th grade student at Mansfield Middle School, Storrs, along with her teammates, Anne Wu and Adrienne Martineau, won First Place in the History Day District Contest-2013. Their group documentary entitled "The Destiny of Dolly" has earned them a spot to compete at the state level contest to be held at the Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, CT on April 27, 2013. Congratulations Smriti! Keep up the good work.

नञ तनༀ ए༠चञर : अ भलञडञ अयञ ल पनञ त नच : आ ़ञ ŕ¤—ŕĽŒतऎ, आयञ ŕ¤—ŕĽŒतऎ

The fragrance of flowers spread only in the direction of wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions. – Chanakya If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. – Mark Twain

A poem entitled 'My Pet' from Siddhanta Pathak, a 3rd grade student at the South Elementary School, Windsor Locks, was


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

We offer our best wishes to all Nepali Community on the auspicious occasion of Happy New Year 2070

Krishna Kandel and Namaste India Family

On the auspicious occasion of New Year 2070 We extend our best wishes to all Nepalese Himalayan Gifts & Tailoring 1060 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 Services: Alterations and Tailoring Services, Indian and Nepali traditional dresses and gift items. 12

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

W Wiisshhiinngg aa V Veerry yH Haappppy yN Neew wY Yeeaarr ttoo aallll oouurr N Neeppaalleessee ffrriieennddss ffrroom my yoouurr ffrriieennddss aatt

V Viissiitt uuss oon nlliin nee aatt

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Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfh;+u ;xsfo{ ug]{ ;xof]uL ;+:yfx? Institutions Working Together with NAConn An8 8f]g;{ ckm cd]l/sf

Nepalese Student Association at UConn

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Nepalese Student Association at UConn serves the undergraduate and graduate students as well as staff member at the University of Connecticut who is interested in Nepali culture and would like to get involved and included. NSA's goal is to create a comfortable atmosphere for incoming Nepali students, while also exposing others to the Nepali Culture. NSA has long term goal to raise awareness and support concerning Nepali issues. Dr. Bidya Ranjeet provides support as Faculty Advisor and Mr. Saroj Bhandari is the current president of NSA.

Bhutanese Community of Connecticut Bhutanese community is settled in various parts of Connecticut and Massachusetts. The community leaders have been very instrumental in brining two communities together who share the same cultural heritage and speak common language. NAConn appreciates the contribution of Bhutanese Community in supporting NAConn's value and mission of through their active participation. Mr. Rup Bharati has been the current president of the Bhutanese Community here in Connecticut.

American Red Cross NAConn has been working with American Red Cross (ARC) in organizing multiple blood drives. NAConn organized three blood drives since it started the first ever drive in December 2011. The first two donations were made at the Farmington blood donation center of ARC. NAConn collaborated with ARC and Congregation Beth Israel to organize a stand alone blood drive in September 2012. The support provided by the ARC staff has been very encouraging. We would continue to work together for the greater benefit to the society.

Society of Nepalese in America (SNA) Vibrant Nepali community in Branford, CT has been organized under the auspicious of Society of Nepalese in America (SNA) since 2011. The association is registered in the State of Connecticut and currently active in various areas of community development. The officials in SNA are Mr. Gaurishor Sharma (President), Mr. Ram Hari Bhandari (Senior Vice-President), Mr. Achyut Acharya (VicePresident), Mr. Ram Chandra Shrestha (General Secretary) and Mr. Vijay Adhikari (Secretary). The main office of the association is in Branford.

Congregation Beth Israel Congregation Beth Israel has been very supportive in many initiative of NAConn by providing excellent venue. The third blood drive was organized in partnership with Congregation Beth Israel in which 27 members from NAConn and 20 members from Beth Israel successfully donated blood.


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

;]K6]Da/ !%, @)!@ sf] ;fwf/0f ;efdf cWoIfaf6 k|:t't jflif{s k|ltj]bg ;of]hsTjdf >L /fd k|;fb cf]emf / >L uf]kfn uf}td ;lxt tLg ;b:oLo lgjf{rg ;ldtL u7g ul/of] . o; ;ldltn] 3f]lift ldltdf lgjf{rg ;DkGg u/L k|ToIf tkm{sf] !# sfo{;ldlt ;b:ox?sf] rog eof] / tTsfnb]lv gof sfo{;ldltsf] sfo{ef/ z'? eof] . pSt P]ltxfl;s lgjf{rgsf] dfWodaf6 k|hftflGqs k4ltk|lt xfd|f] ;+:yfsf] dfGotf klg phfu/ ePsf] 5 . jt{dfg sfo{;ldtLn] sfo{ef/ ;Dxfn] nuQ} cfGt/Ls 5nkmn tyf a}7sx?df ls|oflzn /lx/Xof] . o; calwdf cf}krf/Ls tyf cgf}krf/Ls u/L hDdf @% k6s a}7s a;L ljleGg ;++:yfut lg0f{ox? ePsf 5g\ . o;} qmddf ;]K6]Da/ !*, @)!! sf] a}7sdf cWoIfaf6 dgf]lgt b'O{ sfo{;ldlt ;b:ox?sf] cg'df]bg u/L sfo{;ldltnfO{ k"0f{tf lbOof] . #= gof ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] u7gM sfo{;ldltsf] k"0f{tf kl5 ;+:yfsf] ultljlw, gLlt lgod tyf sfof{Gjogdf sfo{;ldltnfO{ dfu{bz{g k|fKt xf];\ eGg] p2]ion] ljwfg cg';f/ 5 ;b:oLo ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] u7g ul/Psf] 5 . ljleGg r/0fx?df 5nkmn u/L cGttM gf]e]Da/ !#, @)!! sf] sfo{;ldltsf] lg0f{o cg';f/ k|d'v ;Nnfxsf/df 8f= >L uflGw /fh eยง/fO{ tyf ;Nnfxsf/x?df >L s[i0f clwsf/L, >L k|df]b kf08], >L u0f]z cof{n, >L gjLg v8\sf / >L /fdrGb| >]i7Ho" nfO{ rog ul/Psf] 5 . ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] kbfjlw ;fdfGo kl/l:yltdf b'O{ jif{sf] x'g]5 . $= cfhLjg ;b:otf ;+:yfsf] bL3{sfnLg ljsf;sf nfuL o;sf ;b:ox?sf] k|ltj4tf cToGt dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 . o; jif{ >L 8f= ufGwL /fh eยง/fO{, >L l/lifs]z eยง/fO{, >L lht]Gb| a:g]t, >L ch'{g bxfn, >L /d]z kf7s, >LdtL /]vf uf}td / >LdtL ;'lgtf kf08] Ho'n] cfhLjg ;b:otf k|fKt ug'{ePsf] hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxG5' . o;af6 ;+:yfsf] cfhLjg ;b:otf ;+Vof hDdf @@ k'u]sf] 5 . ;+:yfsf] nIf / pb]Zox?k|lt cfhLjg k|ltj4tf k|s6 ug]{ gof / k'/fgf ;a} ;fyLx?df d xflb{s cfef/ k|s6 ug{ rfxG5'. %= j]j;fO6 ;+rfng gf]e]Da/ !#, @)!! df >L uf]kfn uf}tdHo'sf] ;+of]hsTjdf >L ho s'df/ /fO{, >L ch{'g bfxfn, >L ldng vltcf]8f / >L cflifz x'dfufO{ ;lDdlnt Ps j]j;fO6 pk;ldlt u7g ul/of] . uPsf] cf7 dlxgfb]lv o; pk;ldltsf] k|of;df sf] lg/Gt/ kl/dfh{g / cWofjlws ug]{ sfd eO/x]sf] 5 . ;+:yfsf lgoldt ultljwL tyf cGo ;"rgfd"ns hfgsf/Lx? o; j]e;fO6df lgoldt /flvg] u/]sf] 5 / j]e;fO6nfO{ Jojl:yt u/L /f]rs / 1fgaw{s agfOPsf] 5. xfn;Dddf xfdLn] u/]sf k|fo ;a}

;Dk"0f{ cfhLjg tyf ;fwf/0f ;b:oHo"x?, xfd|f] ;+:yfsf] d'Vo p2]Zo cd]l/sfdf, ljz]if u/L sg]S6Ls6 /fHodf, tyf g]kfndf /x]sf g]kfnL ;dfh dfem g]kfnL ;+:s[tLsf] hu]gf{ / ljsf; ug]{ xf] . o; ;+:yfdf cui6 dlxgfsf] cGTo;Dd @@ hgf cfhLjg ;b:o / @&) ;fwf/0f ;b:ox? /xg' ePsf] 5 . gof+ g]kfnL bfh'efO lbbLjlxgLx? o; /fHodf a;f]af; ug{ cfpg] qmd hf/L g} 5 . gjcfuGt's kl/jf/x?nfO{ of] ;+:yf xflb{s :jfut ub{5 ;fy} ;+:yfsf] ;b:otf lng ;d]t cg'/f]w ub{5 . oxf+x? h:t} ;r]t / ls|oflzn ;b:ox?sf] ;+:yfk|ltsf] k|ltj4tfs} sf/0f xfdL o; p2]iodf ;kmn x'g]5f}+ eGg] d]/f] k"0f{ ljZjf; 5. o; ;++:yfsf] rf}yf] jflif{s ;fwf/0f ;efdf d ;Dk"0f{ pkl:yt ;b:ox?nfO{ k'gM :jfut ug{ rfxG5' . o; k|ltj]bgdf cl3Nnf] -t]>f]_ ;fwf/0f ;efdf k|:t't eP kl5 o; ;+:yfaf6 eP u/]sf ultljlwx? ;dfj]z ug]{ k|of; u/]sf] 5' . of] ;dodf xfdL cl3Nnf jif{sf lgoldt sfo{qmdx?nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbg'sf cltl/St ;+:yfsf] lbuf] / ;+:yfut ljsf;df s]lGb|t ePsf 5f}+ . o; cjlwdf ePsf d'Vo ultljlwx? tk;Ln adf]lhd rf/ If]qut ?kdf pNn]v u/]sf] 5' . s= ;+:yfut ljsf; tyf k|zf;lgs ultljlw v= g]kfnL k/Dk/f, efiff / ;+:s[lt ;+/If0fsf ultljlw u= :yfgLo ;dfhsf] lxt x'g] ultljlw 3= :yflgo / If]qLo ;Dks{ lj:tf/sf ultljlw s= ;+:yfut ljsf; tyf k|zf;lgs ultljlw != ljwfgsf] k|yd ;+;f]wg @)!! h'g ^, @)!! df a;]sf] ;fd'lxs a}7saf6 ljwfgnfO{ ;dofg's'n kl/jt{g ug{ cfjZos ePsf] ;'emfj k|fKt eP cg';f/ sfo{;ldltn] ljwfg ;+;f]wgsf nflu cfjZos k|s[of k"/f ug]{ lg0f{o ul/of] . o;sf nflu >L /fh sgj/Ho"sf] ;of]hsTjdf >L 8f= uflGw /fh eยง/fO{, >L ;GhLa l3ld/], >L k|df]b k|wfg / >L ofbj b'nfn ;lDdlnt kf+r ;b:oLo ljwfg ;+zf]wg pk;ldtL u7g eof] . pQm pk;ldtLaf6 sfo{ ;ldltdf k|:t't ;+zf]wLt ljwfg h'nfO @$, @)!! sf] ;fwf/0f ;efdf k]z eO{ ;j{;Ddltsf] lg0f{oaf6 kfl/t eP cg';f/ sg]S6Ls6 g]kfnL ;dfhsf] k|yd ;+;f]lwt ljwfg @)!! tTsfn nfu" ul/of] . @= gof sfo{;ldltsf] rogM h'nfO @$, @)!! sf] ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 g} jxfnjfnf sfo{;ldltsf] kbfjlw tLg dlxgf ykL gof+ sfo{;ldtLsf] lgjf{rg ;]K6]Da/ $, @)!! Dff ug]{ lgb]{zg k|fKt eof] . To;} cg';f/ >L k|df]b kf08]Ho"sf] 15

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

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ePsf] lyof] . pSt sfo{qmddf xfd|f] ;dfhsf] tkm{af6 sl/a %) hgf ;b:ox?sf] pkl:ytL /x]sf] lyof] . a'4sf] hGde"dL g]kfnsf] cfkm\g} klxrfg lbgsf nfuL cufdL aif{ ;+:yf cfkm}n] a'4 hoGtL cfof]hgf ug]{ p4]Zo /fv]sf] 5 . ^= g]kfnL efiff sIff ;+rfng ;+:yfdf cfj4 ;fyLx?sf] nfdf] ;dosf] k|of; kl5 cGttM km]a|'c/L @^,@)!@ df g]sf]gsf] k"0f{ a}7sn] >L ho s'df/ /fO{Ho'sf] ;+of]hsTjdf g]kfnL efiff sIff ;+rfng pk;ldtL u7g ul/of] . o; pk;ldltdf ;Nnfxsf/ >L k|df]b kf08] tyf ;b:ox?df >L ch'{g xfn, >L /d]z kf7s, >L dfwj cfq]o / >Ldlt /]vf uf}td x'g'x'G5 . o; pk;ldltn] ;+:yfsf ljleGg a'l4hLjL ;b:ox?sf] ;xof]u lnO{ kf7\os|d lgdf{0f ug]{, sIff Joj:yfkg ug]{, ;+rfng vr{ h'6fpg] tyf ljBfyL{ ;+sng ug]{ sfdx? u/\of] . tkfO{x? ;a}sf] ;xof]un] j]:6 xf6{kmf]8{ l:yt j]y Oh/fon xnsf] b'O{ sIffsf]7f ef8fdf lnO{ h'g @# b]lv x/]s zlgjf/ b'O{ 306f g]kfnL sIff ;+rfng e}/fv]sf] 5. efiff sIff cWofkg sfo{sf] nflu lzlIfsfx? >Ldlt nIdL cf]emf / >Ldlt ;flaqL ld>Ho'nfO{ Go"gtd kfl/>dLsdf lgo'Qm ul/Psf] 5 . To:t} g]kfnsf] af/]df ljz]if hfgsf/L lbg] clek|fon]] ljleGg dxfg'efjx?n] :jo+;]jssf] ?kdf ljz]if sIff ;+rfng ul//xg' ePsf] 5 . o; sfo{s|ddf ePsf ;Dk"0f{ ultljwLx? kmf]6f] / lel8of] ;lxt xfd|f] j]e;fO6 dfkm{t lgoldt k|sfzg eO/x]sf] 5 . afx| xKtfsf] nflu ;+rfng ul/Psf] o; k|yd sIff ;]K6]Da/ !% df ;dfKt x'g]5 . ljBfno ;+rfngsf] nflu cfly{s, ef}tLs / jf}l4s ?kdf ;xof]u ug'{x'g] ;a}df xflb{s wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . oxf+x?sf] lg/Gt/ ;xof]u / ;b\efj k|fKt eO/x]df eljiodf o:tf] sIff lg/Gt/ ;+rfng ug{ ;lsg] Joxf]/f cjut u/fpg rfxG5' . u= :yfgLo ;dfhdf lxt x'g] ultljlw != /Stbfg sfo{qmd o; ;ldltsf] l8;]Da/ $, @)!! sf] lg0f{o cg';f/ >L 8f= ufGwL /fh e§/fO{Ho'sf] ;of]hsTjdf >L s]bf/ vltcf]8f, >L /d]z kf7s / >L k|Nxfb kg]? ;lxt rf/ ;b:oLo /Qmbfg pk;ldtL u7g ul/of] . pSt pk;ldlts} cu|;/tfdf k|yd k6s l8;]Da/ #!, @)!! zlgjf/sf lbg cd]l/sg /]8qm;sf] Connecticut Region Blood Services Center, Farmington xndf ;kmntf k"j{s /Stbfg sfo{qmd ;DkGg ul/of] . /Stbfgsf nflu k|ltj4 !% hgf ;b:ox? dWo] !! hgf ;b:ox?n] ;kmntf k"j{s /Stbfg ug'{eof] . To;/L g} “/Qmbfg g} hLjgbfg” eGg] gf/f ;lxt >L s]bf/ vltcf]8fHo'sf] ;+of]hsTjdf dfr{ @$, @)!@ sf lbg ;f]xL xndf bf];|f] /Qmbfg sfo{s|d ;DkGg ul/of] . o; sfo{qmddf @% hgf ;b:ox?n] k|ltj4tf b]vfpg'

sfo{s|dsf] cWofjlws hfgsf/L, lel8of] tyf kmf]6f]x? ;d]t o;df /flvg] u/]sf] 5 . g]kfnL k/Dk/f, efiff / ;+:s[lt ;+/If0fsf ultljlw tLh kj{, @)^* cui6 @*,@)!! cfOtaf/sf lbg dgfpg nfluPsf] dlxnfx?sf] dxfg rf8 tLhsf] ;Dk"0f{ tof/L ul/;s]/ klg tTsfnsf] k|fs[tLs k|sf]k cf+wLj]x/Lsf sf/0fn] dgfpg g;lsPsf]df xfdLnfO{ b'Mv nfu]sf] 5 . o; jif{sf] tLh kj{ ;]K6]Da/ !^,@)!@ cfOtaf/sf lbg Go"O+u6g l:yt kf]r'{luh Snadf eJotfsf ;fy dgfpg] lg0f{o ePsf] Joxf]/f cjut u/fpg rfxG5' . bz}+ kj,{ @)^* cS6f]a/ @, @)!! df :yfgLo snfsf/x?sf] ;s[otfdf s/La @)) hgf bz{s;|f]tfsf] pkl:ytLdf eJotfsf ;fy bz}+ kj{ dgfOof] . of] sfo{qmd Unf:6gj/L l:yt aDa] u|Ln /]i6'/]G6sf] xndf ePsf] lyof] . b]p;L e}nf] sfo{qmd, @)^* xfd|f] k/Dk/fut rf8 ltxf/ eJotfsf ;fy dgfpg] / ;+:yfsf] nflu cy{;+sng klg ug]{ p2]Zon] cS6f]a/ @* b]lv #) ;Dd hDdf tLg lbg b]p;L e}nf] sfo{qmd ;+rfng ul/of]. c;dodf k/]sf] xLp+ / cf+wLsf] ;fdgf ub}{ ;fyLx? ljgf ysfj6 lg/Gt/ ?kdf b]p;L e}nf] sfo{s|ddf ;fd]n x'g'eof] . b]p;L e}nf] sfo{qmdsf nflu s/La !!) 3/ kl/jf/nfO{ nlIft u/L !% s]Gb|Lo 3/sf] rog u/L ;fd'lxs b]p;L e}nf] sfo{qmd ul/of] . o; b]p;L e}nf] sfo{s|daf6 nueu $,!%) 8n/ /sd ;+sng ug{ xfdL ;Ifd eof} . jflif{s ?kdf ul/g] o; sfo{qmdaf6 cfly{s ;+sng ug{ 7"nf] ;xof]u ePsf] 5 . o;sf nflu ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?df xflb{s wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' . g]kfnL gof+ jif{, @)^( o; jif{sf] g]kfnL gof+ jif{ sfo{qmd clk|n *, @)!@ df j]:6 xf6{kmf]8{ l:yt j]y Oh/fon xndf ;DkGg ul/of] . k|d"v cltyLsf] ?kdf cd]/Lsfsf] nflu g]kfnL /fhb't dxfdxLd >L 8f= z+s/ zdf{Ho'sf] pkl:ytLn] sfo{s|dsf] yk dxTj a9]sf] lyof] . g]kfnsf VoftLk|fKt xf:o snfsf/ >L uf]kfn g]kfn -lkm:6]_ / ufos >L g/]Gb| Kof;Lsf] ;xefuLtfn] sfo{s|dnfO{ yk cfsif{s agfPsf] lyof] . ;f] sfo{s|dsf] d'Vo cfsif{0f “;f+:s[tLs sfo{s|d” ;DkGg ug{ d'Vo e'ldsf lgefpg] snfsf/ efOalxgL / g[To lgb]{zsx? ;a}df xflb{s wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . @%%^ cf}+ a'4 hoGtL, @)^( o; jif{ d] @& sf lbg ljZjsf zflGtb"t uf}td a'4sf] @%%^ cf} hGdhoGtL dgfOof] . International Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center, New Hartford n] cfof]hgf u/]sf] sfo{s|ddf ;+o'Qm ?kdf >L /f]dL of]Ëhgsf] g]t[Tjdf of] ;+:yf ;xefuL 16

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

hgdf; ;lxt cfkm\gf] b]zsf] snf ;+:s[tL, / e]ife"iff emNsfpg] klx/xg ;lxt ;xefuL ePsf lyof}+ . @= x]Nnf] j]i6 xf6{kmf]8{ clk|n #), @)!@ sf lbg j]:6 xf6{kmf]8{sf] 6fpg xnn] cfof]hgf u/]sf] x]Nnf] j]i6 xf6{kmf]8{ sfo{s|ddf klg cfkm\gf] snf ;+:s[tL, e]ife"iff / g]kfnL vfgfx?sf] klxrfg u/fpgsf] nflu ;xefuL ePsf lyof} . o; sfo{s|ddf g]kfnL vfgfsf ljleGg k|sf/x? aDa] cf]lne /]:6'/]G6af6 ;xof]u k|fKt ePsf] lyof] . #= g]kfnL ;dfhsf] cfjZostf klxrfg -nlIft ;d"x 5nkmn_ ut h'nfO{ dlxgfdf j]:6 xf6{kmf]8{ k':tsfno;+u ;dGjo /fVb} xfd|f] ;dfhsf ;b:ox?nfO{ k/]sf ;d:ofx? / To;sf ;fdfwfg ;lxtsf] cGt/ls|of u/L To;sf] k|ltj]bg j]:6 xf6{kmf]8{sf] 6fpg xnnfO{ a'emfOPsf] 5 . o; sfo{s|dsf] g]t[Tj ;+:yfsf] tkm{af6 >L ho s'df/ /fO{ / uf]kfn uf}tdHo"n] / 6fpg xnsf] nflu km\ofS;g k':tsfnosL >LdtL d]/Ln] ug'{ePsf] lyof] . $= cGo g]kfnL ;dfhx?;+usf] ;dGjo ljleGg g]kfnL ;d'bfox?af6 ;do ;dodf sfo{qmd x?df ;xefuL x'gsf nflu lgdGq0ff ul/Psf] a]nf ;+:yfsf] tkm{af6 ;xefuL x'g] ul/Psf] 5 . To;/L g} o; ;+:yfsf] sfo{qmdx?df klg o; If]qdf ePsf g]kfnL ;+3;+:yfx?nfO{ ;xeflutfsf] nflu lgdGq0ff ul/g] u/]sf] 5 . o;af6 :yflgo / If]qLo ?kdf ;+:yfsf] ;Dks{ a9fpg dbt ldn]sf] 5 .

ePsf]df !* hgf ;b:ox?n] ;kmntf k"j{s /Stbfg ug'{eof] . o;} cj;/df xfd|f] t]>f] /Qmbfg sfo{s|d oxL ;]K6]Da/ dlxgfsf] @# tfl/vsf cfOtaf/sf lbg j]:6 xf6{kmf]8{ l:yt j]y Oh/fOn xndf x'g uO/x]sf] Joxf]/f pNn]v ug{ rfxG5'. o; dfgjf]lrt sfo{df ;xefuL eO{ c?nfO{ hLjgbfg lbg ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?df d cfXjfg ug{ rfxG5' . @= cfktsfnLg ;xfotf sf]if ;dfhdf e}k/L cfpg] k|fs[lts tyf ck|fs[lts cfktsfnLg ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{sf] nflu ;+:yfn] s] s:tf] e"ldsf v]Ng ;S5 eGg] ljifodf cWoog u/L ;'emfj lbgsf nflu >L k|df]b kf08Ho"sf] ;+of]hsTjdf >L l/ifL s]z e§/fO{, >L lht]Gb| a:g]t, >LdtL ;lGbkf yfkf / >L cg'k cf]´f ;lDdlnt kf+r ;b:oLo e}k/L ;d:of ;dfwfg pk;ldtL u7g ul/of] . pk;ldltsf] ;'emfj pk/ 5nkmn u/L sfo{;ldltsf] hga/L !%, @)!@ sf] a}7saf6 cg'df]bg u/L nfu" ug]{ lg0f{o ul/of]. o; pk;ldtLsf] ;'emfj cg';f/ sfo{;ldltn] pko'St 7fg]sf] cj:yfdf tf]lsPsf] ;Ldf leq /xL jif{df clwstd @))) 8n/ ;+:yfsf] lgoldt ;fwg / ;|f]taf6 5'6\ofpg ;lsg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . #= o'jf tyf v]ns'b sfo{qmd ;dfhsf o'jf, o'jtL tyf afnaflnsfx?df v]ns'bsf] dfWodaf6 zf/Ll/s tyf dfgl;s ljsf;df ;xof]u k'U5 eGg] ljZjf;sf ;fy h'nfO{ @(,@)!@ cfOtaf/sf lbg sg]S6Ls6 /fHoel/sf ljBfyL{ efOalxgLx?n] cfof]hgf u/]sf] jgef]h tyf v]ns'b sfo{s|ddf ;xefuL eOof] . o; sfo{qmdsf nflu cfjZos v]ns'bsf ;fdfu|Lx? ;+:yfsf] >f]taf6 v/Lb u/L ;xof]u ul/of] . pQm sfo{s|ddf vl/b ul/Psf ;Dk"0f{ v]ns'b ;fdfu|Lx? ;+:yfsf] ;DktLsf] ?kdf /xg]5 / eljiodf k'gM pkof]u ug{ ;lsg]5 . o;sf] cfly{s ljj/0f sf]iffWoIfsf] k|ltj]bgaf6 :ki6 x'g]5 . To;/L g} >L lgif]w v8\sf tyf >L cg'k cf]emfsf] g]t[Tjdf sg]S6Ls6sf] g]kfnL o'jfx?sf] k|ltlglwTj ub}{ o;} cu:t * b]lv af]:6f]gdf x'g] af:s]6an k|ltof]lutfdf ;xefuL x'gsf nflu ;xof]u dfu ePsf] lyof] . xf]6n tyf cGo ofqf vr{ o'jfx? cfkm}n] ul//x]sf] kl/k|]Ifdf btf{z'Nssf] nflu cfjZos #)) 8n/ ;+:yfsf] >f]taf6 ;xof]u ug]{ lg0f{o ul/Psf] 5 . 3= :yflgo tyf If]lqo ;Dks{ lj:tf/sf ultljlw ;+:yfsf] :yfkgf sfnb]lv g} sg]S6Ls6 /fHo leq / jflx/ klg ;+rfng ePsf ljleGg sfo{qmdx?df xfdL ;xefuL x'+b} cfPsf 5f}+ . o;af6 :yfgLo / If]qLo ?kdf g]kfnL ;dfhsf] pkl:ylt / ;+:yfsf] klxrfg sfod /fVg dbt k'u]sf] 5 . != kfs{ /f]8 k/]8 ut aif{ cS6f]a/ !!,@)!! df j]:6 xf6{kmf]8{sf] 6fpg xnn] cfof]hgf u/]sf] !# cf} kfs{ /f]8 k/]8df 7"nf]

dfyL k|ltj]bgdf pNn]lvt ultljlwx? clxn];Dd ul/Psf ;di6Lut s[ofsnfk x'g\ . ca d oxf+x?sf] Wofg ;+:yfsf] cfufdL jif{sf nflu k|:tfj ul/Psf sfo{qmdx?sf] af/]df hfgsf/L u/fpg rfxG5' . != ;+:yfut ljsf; / k|zf;lgs ultljlwx?M s= ;b:otf gjLs/0f tyf cWofjlws 8f6fa]; -l8;]Da/ @)!@ b]lv hgj/L @)!#_M ;b:ox?sf] Od]n, 3/ 7]ufgf, 6]lnkmf]g h:tf ;Dks{sf dfWodx? cWofjlws gx'+bf ;"rgf k|jfxdf cj/f]w cfpg ;S5 . o; jif{sf] cGTodf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?sf] -cfhLjg ;b:o jfx]s_ ;b:otf gjLs/0f ug]{ ;do ePsf]n] ;f]xL ;dodf ;b:ox?sf] ;Dk"0f{ ljj/0fx? cWofjlws ul/g]5 . v= ;+:yfsf] d'vkq -Go"hn]6/_ k|sfzgM ;+:yfdf eP u/]sf sfo{qmx?sf] ;"rgf ;b:ox? ;dIf k'/\ofpg] tyf ;b:ox?sf] ;flxlTos IfdtfnfO{ phfu/ u/L k|sfzg ug]{ pb]Zon] o; jif{b]lv ;+:yfsf] Ps d'vkq k|sfzg ug]{ nIf /flvPsf] 5 . o; jif{sf] l8;]Da/ leq}df k|yd c+s lgsfNg] / cw{jflif{s k|sfzgsf] ?kdf o;nfO{ lg/Gt/tf lbOg]5 . o;sf nflu >L 8f= uflGw /fh e§/fO{Ho"sf] k|d'v ;DkfbsTjdf lgs6 eljiodf Ps ;Dkfbs d08nsf] u7g u/L cfjZos k"jf{wf/x? tof/ ul/g]5 . 17

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

o; jif{sf] g]kfnL efiff sIffaf6 xfdLn] cfkm}+ leqaf6 s]xL ug{ ;S5f}+ eGg] efjgfsf] ljsf; ePsf] 5 . o:tf] ;f]r / IfdtfnfO{ ;xL pkof]u ug{ ;lsPdf Pp6f k|lzIf0f s]Gb|sf] :yfkgf u/L xfd|f gfgLx?nfO{ Pp6} :yfgaf6 g]kfnL efiff, snf, g[To tyf ;+:s[ltsf] k|lzIf0f lbg ;lsG5 eGg] ljZjf; xfdLnfO{ nfu]sf] 5 . o;sf cltl/St g]kfnL efiff, ;+:s[lt / k/Dk/f k|lt rf;f] /fVg] / l;Sg rfxg] u}/ g]kfnLx?sf nflu klg o; s]Gb|n] ;z'Ns ;]jf k'/\ofpg ;Sg]5 . ;+:yfsf] cfkm\g} ejg geP cNksfnLg ?kdf k|lzIf0f s]Gbsf] sfo{qmdsf] ;DefJotf cWoog / a}slNks pkfox?sf] vf]hL ul/g]5 . sDo'lg6L ;]G6/nfO{ Pp6f ef}lts ;DklQsf] ?kdf / k|lzIf0f s]Gb|nfO{ Pp6f ;]jfd"ns sfo{qmdsf] ?kdf x]g{' pko'St x'g]5 . oL b'j} vfn] ;DefJotf cWoog / of]hgfsf nflu ;+:yfsf a'l4hLjL ;b:ox? tyf aflx/af6 ;d]t ljifo ljz]if1x? ;d]6]/ Ps ljz]if ;ldltsf] u7g x'g]5 . o; ;ldltn] sDo'lg6L ;]G6/ tyf k|lzIf0f s]Gb| ;+rfngsf cfly{s, ;fdflhs, sfg'gL k|s[ofsf] cWoog ug]{5 . o; cWoogaf6 k|fKt hfgsf/Lsf] cfwf/df lj:t[t of]hgf tyf cfjZos gLlt lgodx?sf] Joj:yf ug{ csf]{ jif{sf] ;fwf/0f ;efdf k]z ul/g] 5. of] ;+:yf xfdL ;a}sf] ;femf ;fdflhs ;+:yf xf] . To;}n] o;sf] ljsf; / pGgtLsf] nflu x/]s dxfg'efjx?sf] ;xof]u, ;'emfa / ;Nnfxsf] cfjZotf kb{5 . o; cjlwdf xfdLnfO{ ljleGg dxfg'efjx?n] cfkm\gf] cd'No ;do lbP/ o; ;+:yfsf] ljsf;df 7'nf] ;xof]u ug'{ePsf 5 h;nfO{ d ljz]if wGojfb glbO{ /xg ;lSbg . xfd|f k|d'v ;Nnfxsf/ >L 8f= uflGw /fh e§/fO{Ho"n] ;+:yfut ljsf;sf x/]s If]qdf lbg'ePsf] ;xof]u / dfu{bz{gsf nflu d xflb{s cfef/ k|s6 ub{5' . l;+uf] ;+:yf tyf o;sf pk;ldltx?sf] sfo{;Dkfbgdf jxf+n] ug'{ePsf] of]ubfgnfO{ ;+:yfn] slxn] klg e'Ng] 5}g eGg] d]/f] ljZjf; 5 . To;/L g} ;Nnfxsf/x? >L k|df]b kf08], >L s[i0f clwsf/L, >L u0f]z cof{n, >L gjLg v8\sf tyf >L /fdrGb| >]i7sf] cd'No ;xof]u / ;/;Nnfxsf] nflu xflb{s wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . ljleGg pk;ldltx?df /x]/ ljz]if e"ldsf lgjf{x ug'{x'g], ;do ;dodf cfly{s / ef}lts of]ubfg tyf jf}l4s dfu{bz{g u/L ;xof]u ug'{x'g] k"j{ k|d"v ;Nnfxsf/ >L /fh sgj/, ;+:yfsf ;xof]uL ;b:o >L od /fodfemL, ;b:ox? >L ofbj b'nfn, >L /fd k|;fb cf]emf, >L ;GhLj l3ld/] Ho"nfO{ wGojfb lbg rfxG5'. k6s k6s ;+:yfnfO{ ljleGg If]qaf6 ;xof]u lbg] j]:6 xf6{kmf]8{ l:yt 6]:6 ckm OlG8of / aDa] cf]lne /]i6'/]G6nfO{ wGojfb lbg rfxG5'. xfd|f] ljleGg ;f:s[tLs sfo{s|ddf ;xof]u ug]{ ;Dk"0f{ snfsf/ efO alxgLx? / g[To ;+uLt lgb]{zg ug{'x'g] >LdtL /]vf uf}td, >L /f]dL of]Ghg, ;'>L ;/:jtL >]i7, ;'>L cg'iff b'nfn / >LdtL ;lGbkf yfkf sf] cgj/t ;xof]usf] nflu wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . To:t} ut jif{sf] b]p;L e}nf] sfo{s|ddf ljz]if ;xof]u ug'{ x'g] >L

u= ;fwf/0f ;efM csf]{ jif{sf] lgoldt ;fwf/0f ;ef cu:6 @)!# df cfXjfg ul/g]5 . 3= j]e;fO6 kl/dfh{g tyf lgoldt ?kdf cWofjlws ug]{ sfd oyfjt ul/g]5 . @= g]kfnL k/Dk/f, efiff / ;+:s[ltsf] ljsf; ;DalGw ultljlwx?M ljutdf h:t} cfufdL jif{ -;g\ @)!#_ df klg lgDg lnlvt lgoldt rf8kj{ tyf ljz]if sfo{qmdx?nfO{ xfdL lg/Gt/tf lbg]5f}+ . s= gof+ jif{ -clk|n @)!#_ v= a'4 hoGtL -d] @)!#_ u= tLh kj{ -cu:6 @)!#_ 3= bz} kj{ -cS6f]a/ @)!#_ 8= ltxf/df b]p;L e}nf] -cS6f]a/ @)!#_ r= cflbslj efg' hoGtL -h'nfO{ @)!#_ #= :yflgo tyf If]lqo ;Dks{ lj:tf/ tyf ;dfh ;]jfsf ultljlwx? s= o'jf tyf afn s[ofsnfk -h'nfO{ @)!#_ v= /Qmbfg -dfr{ @)!#_ u= j]:6 xf6{kmf]8{ 6fpgxn dfkm{t\ ;+rfng x'g] ljleGg sfo{qmdx? 3= /fHo leq / jflx/ x'g] ljleGg sfo{qmdx?df cfjZostf cg';f/ ;xefuL x'g] . oL lgoldt sfo{qmdsf] jflif{s cg'dflgt cfoJoo -ah]6_ k|:tfj sf]iffWoIfHo"sf] ut jif{sf] cfly{s k|ltj]bg ;+u;+u} k|:t't x'g]5 . o;sf cltl/St ;fwg / >f]tsf] Joj:yfkg ug{ ;lsPdf cfufdL jif{;Dd ;+:yfsf] Ps :yfoL sfof{no :yfkgf ug]{, g]kfnL efiff sIffnfO{ jif{} e/L lgoldt ?kdf ;+rfng ug]{ tyf c+u|hL efiffsf] ;d:of x'g]x?nfO{ c+u]|hL sIff ;+rfng ug]{ h:tf of]hgfx? /x]sf 5g . tL of]hgfx? oxf+x?sf] lg/Gt/ ;xof]u /x]df dfq ;xh ?kdf cuf8L a9\g] 5g\ . To:t} u/L xfdLn] of] jif{ b'O{ dxTjfsf+IfL of]hgfx?sf] af/]df ;DefJotf cWoog ug]{ of]hgf /fv]sf 5f}+ . s= g]kfnL sDo'lg6L ;]G6/sf] :yfkgf -bL3{sfnLg of]hgf_ hlt hlt g]kfnL ;dfhsf] cfsf/ a9\b} uPsf] 5 ptL ptL xfdLnfO{ Pp6f ;fd'lxs 5tsf] cfjZostf dx;"; eO/x]sf] 5 . ;+:yfsf] lgoldt ultljlw xf];\ ls ;b:ox?sf] JolStut kf6L{, xfdLnfO{ x/]s ;ftf h:tf] Pp6f sfo{qmd :ynsf] cfjZotf kl/ g} /x]sf] 5 . Pp6f g]kfnL sDo'lg6L ;]G6/ xfdL ;a}sf] cf:yf / e/f];fsf] s]Gb| x'g;S5 . xfdLn] of] jif{ To; lbzfdf cWoog ug]{ of]hgf agfPsf 5f}+ . vf;u/L ;+:yf;+:yf;+u cfj4 t/ cIfosf]if dfkm{t\ ;+rfngdf 5'6\6} cl:tTj ePsf] 6«:6 af]8{sf] cjwf/0ff cufl8 a9fpg]5f}+ . v= g]kfnL efiff, snf / ;f+:s[lts k|lzIf0f s]Gb|sf] :yfkgf 18

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

cfly{s / ef}lts ;xof]u ug'{x'g] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:o tyf cleefjsHo"x?df wGojfb k|s6 ub{5' . lbg/ft d]xgtsf ;fy sfd ub}{ JolStut / sfo{ Jo:ttfsf afjh'b lg:jfy{ ?kdf ;+:yfsf ljleGg ultljlwx? cufl8 a9fpg nflukg]{ sfo{;ldltsf ;Dk"0f{ ;fyLx?df xflb{s wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . cGtdf oxf+x?n] cfkm\gf] cd'No ;do lgsfn]/ of] ;fwf/0f ;efdf ;r]t ;b:osf] ?kdf pkl:yt e}lbg'ePsf]df xflb{s wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' . ;bf em} oxf+x?sf] lg/Gt/ ;'emfj, ;Nnfxf / ;xof]usf] ck]Iff ub}{ o; ;+:yfut k|ltj]bg ;j{;DdtLn] kf; ul/lbg'x'g xflb{s cg'/f]w ub{5' .

s]za bfxfn, >L clerGb| bfxfn, >L ch'{g bfxfn / >L cflbTo cj:yL k|lt wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . o; ;+:yfsf] j]e;fO6 ;+rfngsf] ;Dk"0f{ lhDd]jf/L lnP/ s'zntf k"j{s Joj:yfkg ug'{ePsf]df >L uf]kfn uf}td k|lt wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . To:t} /Stbfg sfo{qmdsf] ;+of]hg u/L s'zntfk"j{s ;+rfng ug'{ePsf]df >L s]bf/ vltj8fHo" / ;Dk"0f{ pk;ldltk|lt wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . ;do ;dodf ;+uLt tyf jfBjfbgsf] If]qdf ;xof]u k'/\ofpg] >L pT;j yfkf k|lt klg wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . To:t} jt{dfg g]kfnL efiff sIffsf] nflu cxf]/fq v6L ;kmntf k"j{s ;+rfng ug'{ePsf]df >L ho s'df/ /fO{", ljBfnosf] cfly{s / vfgkfgsf] Joj:yfdf cToGt} v6]/ nfUg' ePsf] >L s[i0f cj:yL / >L /d]z kf7s, lzlIfsfx? >Ldlt nIdL cf]emf / >Ldlt ;flaqL ld>, sIffsf]7fdf :jo+;]jssf] ?kdf v6]/ ;xof]u ug]{ ;'>L h]lgy /fO{, ;'>L ;'>"iff nD;fn, ;'>L cg'hf b'nfn, ;'>L cg'kf b]jsf]6f, ;'>L cg'iff a:g]t, ;'>L cg'/fuL v8\sf, g]kfn ;DalGw hfgsf/L sIff ;+rfng ug]{ ;Dk"0f{ :jo+;]jsx? tyf ljBfno ;+rfngsf ljleGg If]qdf

wGojfb >L ;Gtf]if nD;fn cWoIf

;]K6]Da/ !%, @)!@ sf] ;fwf/0f ;efdf sf]iffWoIfaf6 k|:t't cfly{s k|ltj]bg


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

We extend our best wishes to all Nepali community on the Auspicious Occasion of Nepali New Year 2070 230 West Hill Rd Newington CT 06111 (860) 570-1112

44 South Main Street River View Plaza East Windsor, CT 06088 (860) 831-0013

Asia Grocers Fresh Fruits, Produce & Indian Specialties Visit us at ASIAGROCERS.COM

Newington Sunday – Thursday 10 A.M. – 8 P.M. Friday & Saturday 10 A.M. – 9 P.M. Manager: Mareena Palazhi

East Windsor Sunday – Thursday 10 A.M. – 8 P.M. Friday 10 A.M. – 8:30 P.M. Saturday 9:30 A.M. – 8:30 P.M. Manager: Rey Palazhi

Do you know a Nepali family recently arrived in Connecticut? Were there major life events such as childbirth, wedding, deceased etc.? Did someone from Nepali community recently publish a scholarly article or a book, received regional, state or national awards, graduated from high school or college? If you have such community news please, let us know. We will contact the members and publish it in the community news section of the future newsletter with their permission.


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfh -g]sf]g_ sf] ljwfg k|yd ;+zf]wg, @)!! kl/R5]b !M ;+:yfsf] gfd / d'Vo sfof{no o; ;+:yfsf] gfd sg]S6Ls6 g]kfnL ;dfh /xg]5 . o; ;+:yfsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf nflu d'Vo sfof{no sg]S6Ls6 /fHosf] xf6{kmf]8{ sfpG6Ldf /xg]5 . kl/R5]b @M ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo o; ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo cd]l/sf, ljz]if u/L sg]S6Ls6 /fHodf, tyf g]kfndf /x]sf g]kfnL ;dfh dfem g]kfnL ;+:s[tLsf] hu]gf{ / ljsf; ug]{ /xg]5 . kl/R5]b #M ;+:yfsf] sfo{qmdx? o; ;+:yfn] cfkm\gf] p2]Zok"lt{ ug{sf nflu b]xfo jdf]lhdsf sfo{qmdx? ;+rfng ug]{5M != ljleGg ;f+:s[lts sfo{qmdx?sf ;fy g]kfnL rf8kj{ dgfpg]. @= cd]l/sfdf g]kfnL efiff, snf / ;+:s[ltsf] lj:tf/ x'g] sfo{qmdx? ;+rfng ug]]{ . #= g]kfn / g]kfnL ;dfhsf] lxtdf x'g] u/L ljleGg JolSt tyf ;+:yfx?nfO{ ;xof]u h'6fpg] . $= g]kfn / cd]l/sfdf cfOkg{] b'Mv ljkQL tyf cGo cfktsfnLg ;xof]usf nflu ;fwg ;|f]t h'6fpg] . %= ;dfh / ;b:ox?sf] lxtdf x'g] u/L z}lIfs / cGo sfo{qmdx? ;+rfng ug]{ . kl/R5]b $M ;+:yfsf] ;b:otf != sg]S6Ls6 /fHodf j}wflgs tj/n] :yfoL a;f]af; ug]{ c7f/ jif{ dflysf g]kfnL d"nsf g]kfnL tyf cd]l/sL gful/sx? ljgf s'g} e]befj o; ;+:yfsf] ;fwf/0f ;b:o x'gsf nflu of]Uo dflgg]5g\ . ;+:yfsf] sfo{sf/L ;ldltn] tf]s]sf] 9f+rfdf kmf/d e/L] cfjZos b:t'/ lt/L ;b:otf k|fKt ug{ ;lsg]5 . @= ;fwf/0f ;b:otf b'O{ cfly{s jif{ -hgj/L b]lv l8;]Da/_ sf nflu jxfn /xg]5 . ;b:otf h'g;'s} ;dodf ;dodf k|fKt ug{ ;lsg]5 / ;b:otf k|fKt u/] kZrft\ bf]>f] jif{sf] l8;]Da/ #! df jxfn ;dfKt ePsf] dflgg]5 . ;b:otf cljlR5Gg /xgsf nflu jxfn ;dfKt ePsf] ldltn] #! lbg -hgj/L #!_ leqdf gjLs/0f ul/;Sg' kg]{5 . #= ;fwf/0f ;b:otfsf] cltl/Qm ;+:yfn] b]xfo jdf]lhdsf ;b:otfsf] Joj:yf ug]{5M s= cfhLjg ;b:oM ;fwf/0f ;b:otf x/]s b'O{ jif{df gljs/0f ug'{kg]{ k|fjwfgsf] ljsNkdf o; ljwfgdf tf]lsPsf] Psd'i6 /sd hDdf u/L cfhLjg ;b:o aGg ;lsg]5 . cfhLjg ;b:ox?n] ;fwf/0f ;b:osf] ;Dk"0f{ clwsf/x? k|of]u ug]{5g\ . v= ljWofyL{ ;b:oM g]kfnaf6 ljWofyL{ le;fdf k|j]z u/L sg]S6Ls6 /fHoleqdf ljZjljWofno tyf


%= ^=




dxfljWofnodf cWoog/t g]kfnL gfu/Lsx?n] ljWofyL{ ;b:o aGg ;Sg]5g\ . u= sg]S6Ls6 g]kfnL ;dfhsf] ;+ul7t ;b:otfM o;} wf/f # sf] -s_ / -v_ adf]lhd ;b:otfsf] of]Uotf gk'u]sf t/ g]kfnL efiff, ;+:s[lt k|lt nufj /fVg] / g]kfn / g]kfnLsf] lxtdf sfd ug{ rfxg] g]kfnL jf u}/ g]kfnL gfu/Lsx?n] tf]lsPsf] kmf/d e/L o; ;+:yfsf] ;+ul7t ;b:otf k|fKt ug{ ;Sg]5g\ . o; ljwfgdf ;+ul7t ;b:o eGgfn] o; bkmf adf]lhdsf] ;b:o a'lemg]5 . ;b:otf z'Ns cfj]bg kmf/d ;fy} ;+nUg ug'{kg]{5 . lgj]bg cl:js[t ePsf] v08df afx]s ;+:yfdf k|fKt ePsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:otf z'Ns ;+:yfsf] ;Dklt dflgg]5 / lkmtf{ ul/g] 5}g . ;b:otf z'Ns cd]l/sL 8n/df b]xfo adf]lhd tf]lsPsf] 5M s= ;fwf/0f ;b:o !% v= ljWofyL{ ;b:o !) u= cfhLjg ;b:o %)) 3= ;+u7Lt ;b:o !% ;+:yfn] cfjZos 7fg]sf] v08df ;+:yfut ;b:otf pknAw u/fpg ;Sg]5 . ;+:yfut ;b:otfsf] nflu cfjZos lgodx? sfo{;ldltn] tf]s] adf]lhd x'g]5 . ;+:yfsf] p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu ljz]if ;xof]u k'/fpg] g]kfnL jf u}/ g]kfnL gful/sx?sf nflu ;+:yfsf] dfgfy{ ;b:otf k|bfg ug{ ;lsg]5 . ;+:yfsf] jxfnafnf ;b:on] To:tf JolStx?sf] of]ubfgsf] k"0f{ ljj/0f ;lxt dfgfy{ ;b:otfsf] nflu sfo{;ldlt ;dIf gfd k|:tfj ug{ ;Sg]5 . dgf]lgt JolStsf] of]ubfg / e"ldsfsf] d'Nof+sg u/L sfo{;ldlt tyf ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] ;+o'St j}7saf6 b'O{ltxfO{ ax'dtn] cg'df]bg ug'{kg]{5 . ;b:ox?n] kfng ug'{kg]{ st{JoM s= ;b:ox?n] ;+:yfsf] sfdx?df :jo+;]jssf] ?kdf efu lng]5g\ . v= ;b:ox?n] ;+:yfsf] ljwfgnfO{ k"0f{ ?kn] c+lus[t ug]{5g\ . u= ;b:ox?n] ;dfhdf pbfx/0fLo g}lts cfr/0f kfng ug]{5g\ . 3= ;b:ox?n] ;+:yfsf] u/Ldf a9fpgsf nflu JolStut tyf ;fd'lxs ?kdf lhDd]jf/L lng]]5g\ / ;+:yfsf] u/Ldfdf cf+r cfpg] u/L s'g} sfd ug]{ 5}gg\ . ;b:ox?sf] clwsf/ s= ;b:ox?nfO{ ;dfhdf k|rlnt lzi6frf/ cg?ksf] cfb/ ;Ddfg k|fKt x'g]5 . v= ;b:ox?df ljgf s'g} e]befj ;+:yfsf] sfddf :j]R5fn] ;xefuL x'g] clwsf/ /xg]5 . u= cfhLjg ;b:ox? hxf+ /x] klg ljwfgdf tf]lsP adf]lhdsf] dtflwsf/ hLjg ko{Gt kfpg]5g\ .

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

r'gfjdf pDd]bjf/ x'gsf nflu eg] sg]S6Ls6 /fHodf u= af+sL b'O{ sfo{;ldlt ;b:osf] dgf]gog g} a;f]af; ePsf] x'g'kg]{5 . gjlgjf{lrt cWoIfn] ug]{5 . o:tf] dgf]gog 3= wf/f &-s_ df h] pNn]v ul/Psf] eP klgM ;fdfGotof sfo{ef/ ;dfn]sf] #) lbg leqdf x'g]5 c= ;fwf/0f ;b:o / cfhLjg ;b:on] dfq / sfo{;ldltsf] ;fdfGo jx'dtaf6 kfl/t ul/g]5 . r'gfjdf pDd]bjf/L lbg ;Sg]5g\ . 3= kbflwsf/Lsf] r'gfj clk|n jf d] dlxgfdf x'g]5 . cf= ;+u7Lt ;b:on] dtflwsf/ kfpg] 5}gg\ t/ 8= sfo{;ldltsf] sfo{ef/ h'g ! df z'? eO{ b'O{ jif{ ;+:yfsf] ljz]if sfo{ ;Dkfbgsf nflu u7Lt /xg]5. ;dodf r'gfj x'g g;sL sfo{;ldltsf] ;ldlt jf pk;ldltx?df /x]/ sfd ug{ o; u7g h'g ! kl5 x'g uPdf gof sfo{;ldltn] wf/fn] /f]s nufPsf] dflgg] 5}g . lgjf{lrt 3f]if0ff eP nuQ} sfo{ef/ ;dfNg]5 . O= ljWofyL{ ;b:osf] dtbfg ug]{ tyf cGo r= h'g;'s} kl/j]zdf gof sfo{;ldltsf] rog ePklg pDd]bjf/sf] k|:tfjs jf ;dy{s x'g] clwsf/ sfo{;ldltsf] cjlw b'O{ jif{eGbf a9L gx'g] u/L d] ;'/lIft x'g]5 t/ :jo+ pDd]bjf/ x'g ;Sg] #! df ;dfKt x'g]5 . 5}gg\. 5= cWoIfdfqsf] nflu nuftf/ a9Ldf b'O{ sfo{sfnsf] (= ;b:otfsf] ;dflKt ;Ldf cjlw sfod x'g]5 . ljutdf b'O{ sfo{sfn s= s'g}klg ;b:on] sfo{;ldlt ;dIf lnlvt ?kdf Joltt u/]sf] cWoIfn] eljiodf ;f]xL kbsf] nflu pDd]bjf/ x'g ;Sg]5g\ . ;"lrt u/L ;b:otfaf6 /fhLgfdf ug{ ;Sg]5 . h= sfo{;ldltsf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?n] lgjf{lrt cjlw ;"rgf btf{ x'g cfPsf] ldltaf6 ;b:otf :jtM el/ cj}tlgs ?kdf sfd ug]{5g\ . t/ ;+:yfsf] vf/]h ePsf] dflgg]5 . o;/L /fhLgfdf lbO{ cnu sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf ePsf] vr{sf] kmf+6af/L k]z ePsf] k"j{ ;b:on] k'gM ;b:o x'gsf]nflu Go'gtd u/L ;f]wegf{ lngsf nflu of] wf/f jfwf x'g]5}g . ^ dlxgf -!*) lbg_ JotLt u/]sf] x'g' kg]{5 . #= sfo{;ldltsf] bfloTj tyf lhDd]jf/LM sfo{;ldltsf] v= ;fwf/0f ;b:o :yfoL ?kdf sg]S6Ls6 af6 jflx/ lhDd]jf/L b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 . a;f]af; ug{ uPsf] v08df ;fwf/0f ;b:otf s= ;+:yfsf] nIo / p2]Zox?nfO{ hgdfg;df k'/fpg]. JotLt ePsf] dflgg]5 . o:tf] ;b:on] cg'/f]w v= x/]s jif{ ;fwf/0f ;ef u/fpg] . u/]sf] v08df ;fwf/0f ;b:otf jxfn /xg] ldlt u= dlxgfsf] Ps k6s sfo{;ldltsf] a}7s a:g] . cGo ;Ddsf nflu ;+u7Lt ;b:osf] ?kdf dfGotf a}7sx? cfjZostf cg';f/ a:g]5 . lbOg]5 . 3= ;+:yfsf] gLlt, sfo{qmdx? to ug]{ tyf jflif{s u= s'g} ;b:oaf6 ;+:yfsf] u/Ldfdf cf+r cfpg] sfo{ ah]6 th"{df ug]{ . ePsf] v08df sfo{;ldltn] lj:t[t ljj/0f ;lxt ;b:otfaf6 lg:sfzg ug{ ;Sg]5 . o:tf] k|:tfj r= ;fwf/0f ;efaf6 kfl/t gLlt tyf sfo{qmdx?sf] sfo{;ldltsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:osf] b'O{ ltxfO ax'dtaf6 sfof{Gjog ug]{ . lg0f{o x'g]5 . pSt ;b:on] b"O{ jif{ Joltt eO{ 5= ;+:yfsf] b}lgs sfo{ ;Dkfbg ug]{ . lg:sfzg x'+bfsf] ;Dk"0f{ cj:yfx?df ;'wf/ cfPsf] h= gof sfo{;ldltsf] lgjf{rgsf nflu ljwfgdf k|df0f ;lxt cfj]bg lbPsf] v08df k'gM ;b:otf pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf] Joj:yf ug]{ . lbg ;lsg]5 . em= ;+:yf ;+rfngsf nflu cfjZo lgodx? agfpg] / kfng ug]{ . kl/R5]b %M sfo{;ldlt `= ljwfgn] Joj:yf u/]sf cGo ultljlw ;+rfng ug]{. ;+:yfsf] sfo{sfl/0fL clwsf/ ePsf] Ps ;ldltnfO{ $= sfo{;ldltsf] clwsf/M sfo{;ldltsf] b]xfo adf]lhdsf] sfo{;ldlt elgg]5 . sfo{;ldltnfO{ 5f]6s/Ldf sf; pNn]v clwsf/ /xg]5 . ul/g]5 . s= ;+:yfsf] nIo / p2]Zo k|flKtsf nflu ;+:yfsf] != sfo{;ldltsf] ;+/rgfM sfo{;ldltdf lgDg adf]lhdsf tkm{af6 k|ltlglwTj ug]{ . !% ;b:o tyf kbflwsf/Lx? /xg]5g\ . v= o;} kl/R5]bsf] bkmf# cg';f/sf] ;Dk"0f{ sfo{x? ug]{. cWoIf -!_, pkfWoIf -!_, ;lrj -!_, ;x;lrj -!_ u= o; ljwfgdf pNn]lvt ;ldltx? tyf kl/R5]b & sf]iffWoIf -!_ ,;xsf]iffWoIf -!_, ;b:o -(_ adf]lhdsf] pk;ldltx?sf] lgo'lSt tyf ;+of]hg ug]{ . cWoIf, pkfWoIf, ;lrj, ;x;lrj / sf]iffWoIf nfO{ %= sfo{ ; ldltsf] sfo{ljwLM cGoyf pNn]v ePafx]s ;+:yfsf] kbflwsf/L dflgg]5 . ljifo jf k|;+un] csf]{ sfo{;ldltsf] lg0f{ox? b'O{ ltxfO ;b:osf] pkl:yltdf cy{ gnfu]df sfo{;ldlt eGgfn] sfo{;ldltsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;fdfGo ax'dtaf6 x'g]5 . u0fk"/s ;+Vofsf] nflu ;b:ox? dflgg]5 . Go'gtd krf; k|ltzt ;b:o k|ToIf pkl:yt eO{ cGo @= sfo{;ldltsf] rog ;b:ox? k|ljlwsf] k|of]u u/L -cl8of] jf lel8of] s= sfo{;ldltsf] rog x/]s b'O{ jif{df x'g]5 . sGkm/]G;_ ;f]xL ;dodf pkl:yt x'g ;Sg]5g\\ . a}7ssf] v= sfo{;ldltsf 5 kbflwsf/L / ;ft ;b:osf] rog lg0f{odf pkl:yltsf] :ki6 ljj/0f /flvg]5 . ;fwf/0f ;b:ox?sf] k|ToIf lgjf{rgaf6 x'g]5 . 22

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

^= sfo{;ldltsf] kbflwsf/L tyf ;b:ox?sf] kbLo lhDd]jf/L tyf clwsf/ s= cWoIfM cWoIfn] ;+:yfsf] g]t[Tj ug]{5 tyf ;+:yf ;fwf/0f ;ef jf sfo{;ldltsf] ;a} a}7sx?df cWoIftf ug]{5 . ;+:yfsf] ;Dk"0f{ ultljlwx?sf] lg/LIf0f tyf lgb]{zg ug]{ sfd cWoIfsf] x'g]5 . cWoIfn] ;+:yfsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg ;fwf/0f ;efdf k]z ug]{5 . v= pkfWoIfM pkfWoIfn] cWoIfsf] lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug{sf nflu ;xof]uL e"ldsf ug]{5 tyf cWoIfsf] cg'kl:yltdf cWoIfn] u/L cfPsf] lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug]{5 . u= ;lrjM ;lrjn] ;+:yfsf] ;fwf/0f ;ef tyf sfo{;ldltsf] a}7sx? ;+rfng ug]{5 . ;lrjn] x/]s a}7sdf k|:t't Ph]08f tyf lg0f{ox?sf] nut /fVg]5 . ;+:yfsf] ;b:ox?n] cg'/f]w u/]sf] v08df ;Dk"0f{ a}7sx?sf] ljj/0f pknAw u/fpg]5 . sfo{;ldltsf] lg0f{ox? ;b:ox?nfO{ hfgsf/L lbg] sfd ;lrjn] ug]{5 . sfo{;ldltn] tf]s]sf] cGo sfdx? ;lrjn] ug]{5 . 3= ;x;lrjM ;x;lrjn] ;lrjsf] sfddf ;/;Nnfx / ;xof]u k'/fpg]5 . ;lrjsf] cg'kl:yltdf ;lrjn] ul/cfPsf] lhDd]jf/L ;x;lrjn] lng]5 . 8= sf]iffWoIfM sfo{;ldltn] tf]lsP adf]lhd ;+:yfsf] cfly{s lx;fa lstfa /fVg] sfd sf]iffWoIfn] ug]{5. sf]iffWoIfn] ;+:yfsf] ;Dk"0f{ cfDbfgL tyf vr{sf] ljj/0f /fVg]5 / sfo{;ldltsf] lgb]{zg adf]lhd cfly{s k|ltj]bgx? tof/ ug]{5 . sf]iffWoIfn] ;+:yfsf] ;fwf/0f tyf cGo ;b:ox?sf] cWofjlws /]s8{ /fVg]5. r= ;xsf]iffWoIfM ;xsf]iffWoIfn] sf]iffWoIfsf] sfddf ;/;Nnfx / ;xof]u k'/fpg]5 . sf]iffWoIfsf] cg'kl:yltdf sf]iffWoIfn] ul/cfPsf] lhDd]jf/L ;x;lrjn] lng]5 . 5= ;b:ox?M sfo{;ldltsf ;b:ox? ;fd'lxs tyf JolStut ?kdf sfo{;ldltaf6 tf]lsP adf]lhdsf lhDd]jf/L lgjf{x ug]{5g\ . h= o; wf/fsf] bkmf -s_ b]lv -r_ ;Dd pNn]v ul/Psf sfo{;ldltsf kbflwsf/L tyf ;b:ox?df cfcfkm\gf] kbLo bfloTj lgjf{x ug{sf nflu cfjZos ;Dk"0f{ clwsf/ lglxt /xg]5 . (= sfo{;ldlt ;b:ox?sf] /fhLgfdf, jvf{:t tyf kb l/Sttf s= sfo{;ldlt ;b:on] cWoIf ;dIf lnlvt ?kdf !% lbgsf] clu|d ;"rgf lbO{ /fhLgfdf lbg ;Sg]5 . cWoIfn] ;f]xL adf]lhd ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltdf /fhLgfdf lbg]5g\ . v= nuftf/ tLg k6s ;Dd ljgf ;"rgf jf sfo{sf/L cWoIfsf] :jLs[lt j]u/ sfo{;ldltsf] lgoldt a}7sdf cg'kl:yt x'g] ;b:onfO{ sfo{;ldltaf6 lg:sfzg ug{ ;lsg]5 .

u= sfo{;ldlt ;b:on] kl/R5]b $ adf]lhd ;fwf/0f ;b:otf axfn g/x]sf] v08df sfo{;ldlt af6 d'St ePsf] dflgg]5 . 3= s'g} sfo{;ldlt ;b:on] cfkm\gf] kbLo bfloTj jxg gu/]sf] nfu]df sfo{;ldltn] pSt ;b:onfO{ kbaf6 lgnDag jf lgZsf;g ug{ ;Sg]5 . kof{Kt k|df0f ;lxt sfo{;ldltsf] s'g} klg ;b:on] o:tf] k|:tfj k|:t't ug{ ;Sg]5 . sfo{;ldlt / ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] ;+o'St a}7sn] 5nkmn u/L k|yd k6s #) lbgsf] lgnDagsf] k|:tfj kfl/t ug{ ;Sg]5 . #) lbg Joltt u/L;s]kl5sf] lgoldt a}7sdf pSt ;b:osf] k'gM d'Nof+sg u/L lgnDag km's'jf tyf lgZsf;gsf] lg0f{o lnOg]5 . lgnDag jf lgZsfzgsf] lg0f{o sfo{;ldlt / ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] ;+o'St a}7sdf b'O{ ltxfO ;b:osf] ax'dtaf6 x'g]5 . 8= ;fdfGotof sfo{;ldlt ;b:osf] kb l/St x'g cfPdf o;} kl/R5]bsf] bkmf ^ / & df pNn]v eP cg';f/ sfo{ef/ ljlgof]hg x'g]5 . r= sfo{;ldltsf Ps ltxfO ;b:on] ;fd'lxs /fhLgfdf lbPdf jf Ps Ps u/L Ps ltxfO eGbf a9L ;b:o kbd'St ePsf] v08df b]xfo adf]lhdsf] Joj:yf ul/g]5M c= sfo{ cjlw ^ dlxgf eGbf a9L ePsf] v08df ;b:ox?sf] ljz]if clwj]zg af]nfO{ l/St kbsf nflu lgjf{rg x'g]5 . cf= sfo{ cjlw ^ dlxgf eGbf sd ePsf] v08df ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldlt ;d]tsf] dt u0fgf u/L sfo{;ldltn] oyfjt sfd ug]{5 . o:tf] kl/l:yltdf lnOg] s'g} klg lg0f{o Psdtaf6 x'g]5. 5= sfo{;ldltsf b'O{ ltxfO ;b:on] ;fd'lxs /fhLgfdf lbPdf] v08df sfo{;ldlt lj36g ePsf] dflgg]5 / o; ljwfgsf] kl/R5]b ^ df pNn]v eP cg';f/sf] Joj:yf nfu" x'g]5 . kl/R5]b ^M ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldlt o; ;+:yfsf] ultljlwdf of]ubfg k'/fpgsf nflu b]xfo adf]lhdsf] Ps ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] 5 . ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf ;b:ox?nfO{ ;Nnfxsf/ elgg]5 . != ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] p2]Zo / e"ldsf ;+:yfsf] j[xt p2]Zo k|fKt ug{sf nflu sfo{;ldltsf] ;xof]uLsf] ?kdf x'g]5 . sfo{;ldltsf] ;xdltdf ;+:yfsf] bL3{sfnLg of]hgfx? agfpg] sfo{df ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] ljz]if e"ldsf /xg]5 . ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltn] cfkm\gf cNksfnLg ;'emfj, ;Nnfx tyf bL3{sfnLg of]hgfx? sfo{;ldlt dfkm{t k]z ug]{5 . @= ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] u7g ljlwM s= ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltdf hDdf 5 hgf ;Nnfxsf/x? x'g]5g\ . ;+:yfsf] sfo{;ldltsf] lgjt{dfg ;b:o Ps sfo{sfnsf] nflu dfq o; ;ldltsf] kb]g ;b:o x'g]5 . 23

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

v= ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf af+sL kf+r ;b:ox? sfo{;ldltsf] ljz]if rogdf x'g]5 . lgjt{dfg cWoIfn] ;Nnfxsf/sf] ?kdf Ps sfo{sfn Joltt ul/;s]sf] cj:yfdf ;Dk"0f{ -^ hgf_ ;b:ox? sfo{;ldltsf] rogdf lgo'St x'g]5g\. u= ;Nnfxsf/x?sf] lgo'lSt sfo{;ldltsf] b'O{ ltxfO{ ax'dtaf6 x'g]5 . sfo{;ldltn] ;Nnfxsf/ ;b:o dWo]af6 al/i7 PshgfnfO{ k|d'v ;Nnfxsf/sf] ?kdf 5gf}6 ug]{5. u= ;Nnfxsf/x?sf] sfo{sfn b'O{ jif{sf] x'g]5 . gof sfo{;ldltn] cfjZostf dx;'; u/]sf] v08df ;Nnfxsf/x? k'gM lgo'St x'g ;Sg]5g\ . 3= sfo{;ldltn] ;dfhdf pbfx/0fLo r/Lq ePsf], ;+:yfsf] bL3{sfnLg lxtsf nflu kof{Kt e"ldsf v]Ng ;Sg] ;+:yfsf] a'l4hLjL ;b:ox? dWo]af6 ;Nnfxsf/x?sf] rog ug]{5 . ;fdfGotof bL3{sfnLg ?kdf -cfufdL b'O{ jf a9L jif{_ :yfgLo Onfsfdf a;f]af; ug]{ ;Defjgf ePsf ;b:ox? ;Nnfxsf/ x'gsf nflu of]Uo dflgg]5g\. 8= ;Nnfxsf/df lgo'St x'g] ;b:o cd]l/sL gful/s jf :yfoL cfjf;Lo g]kfnL gful/s x'g' kg]{5 . #= ;NNFFxsf/x?sf] st{Jo / clwsf/x?M s= ;a} ;Nnfxsf/x?n] jif{sf] slDtdf b'O{ k6s sfo{;ldltsf] a}7sdf ;xefuL x'g]5g\ . o:tf] a}7sdf ;xefuL ePsf] cj:yfdf sfo{;ldltdf dtbfg x'g uPdf sfo{;ldlt ;b:o ;/x dtflwsf/ x'g]5 . v= ;a} ;Nnfxsf/x? gfsf]g ;d'bfo / o;sf ljleGg s[ofsnfkx?df ;s[o ;xefuL x'g]5g\ . sfo{;ldltn] pko'St nfu]df Ps jf a9L ;Nnfxsf/x?nfO{ ;Nnfxsf/sf] ;xdltdf ljz]if sfdsf nflu lgo'St ug{ ;lsg]5 . 3= ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] a}7s slDtdf jif{sf] b'O{ k6s a:g]5 . o:tf] a}7ssf] p2]Zo gfsf]g ;d'bfodf eP u/]sf s[ofsnfkx? tyf sfo{;ldltsf] ;du| sfo{ ;Dkfbg d'Nof+sg x'g]5 . ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltn] sfo{;ldltsf] JolSt ljz]if tf]s]/ d'Nof+sg ug{] 5}g. 8= ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltn] ljleGg ;dodf sfo{;ldlt ;dIf sfo{qmdx?sf] k|:tfj k]z ug]{5 . r= sfo{;ldltsf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?n] :j}lR5s /fhLgfdf lbO{ jf ;dodf sfo{;ldltsf] r'gfj x'g g;sL jf cGo kl/l:yltaz sfo{;ldltsf] lj36g x'g k'u]df ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltn] ;+:yfsf] kbflwsf/Lsf] ?kdf o; ljwfgn] tf]s] adf]lhd csf]{ sfo{;ldlt u7g x'g] ;do ;Ddsf nflu ;+:yfsf] sfg'gL tyf /fh:j ;DaGwL bfloTj lnP/ sfo{jfxL cufl8 a9fpg] 5 . c= x/]s ;Nnfxsf/ cd]l/sL s]Gb|Lo jf /fHo:t/Lo sfg'gx?sf] kfng ub}{ gfsf]gsf] cfly{s tyf sfg'gL bfloTj lgjf{x ug]{5g\ . cf= ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] k|d'v st{Jo tLg dlxgf leqdf gof sfo{;ldltsf] lgjf{rg u/fO{ 24

sfo{ef/ ;'Dkg] x'g]5 . s]Gb|Lo jf /fHo:t/Lo lgod sfg'gx?sf] kfng ug]{ cj:yf jfx]s ;+:yfsf] cGo ljifox?df lg0f{o ug]{ sfo{sf/L clwsf/ ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltdf /xg] 5}g . o:tf] clwsf/ gof u7g x'g] sfo{;ldltdf lglxt /xg]5 . O= dfly #-cf_ df h'g;'s} s'/f n]lvPsf] ePtf klg ;+:yfsf] lgoldt r'gfj x'g] ;do ^ dlxgf eGbf sd /x]sf] cj:yfdf ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltn] lgoldt ;dodf r'gfj x'g] u/L k"0f{ clwsf/sf ;fy sfd sf/jfxL cufl8 a9fpg]5 . 5= wf/f r adf]lhd ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldlt ;s[o ePsf] cj:yfdf k|d'v ;Nnfxsf/n] cWoIf jf ;+of]hssf] e"ldsf lgjf{x ug]{5 . h= ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldlt ;+:yfsf] lgikIf / :jtGq c+u dflgg]5 . ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldlt ;b:on] sfo{;ldltdf /x]/ ;]jf ug{ rfx]sf] v08df ;Nnfxsf/ kbaf6 d'St eO{ slDtdf Ps jif{ Joltt u/]kl5 lgjf{rgdf ;xefuL x'g ;Sg]5g\ . #= ;NNFFxsf/sf] /fhLgfdf, jvf{:tL tyf kbk"lt{M s= ;Nnfxsf/x?n] sfo{;ldltsf] cWoIf ;dIf lnlvt ?kdf kGw| lbgsf] clu|d ;'rgf lbO{ ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltaf6 /fhLgfdf lbg ;Sg]5g\ . v= ;+:yfsf] ;fwf/0f ;b:o g/x]sf] cj:yfdf ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltaf6 d'St ePsf] dflgg]5 . u= s'g} ;Nnfxsf/n] cfkm\gf] kbLo bfloTj lgjf{x gu/]sf] nfu]df sfo{;ldltsf] s'g} klg ;b:on] k|df0f ;lxt sfo{;ldlt ;dIf gLh ;Nnfxsf/sf] jvf{:tuLsf] k|:tfj ug{ ;Sg]5 . olb sfo{;ldltsf] b'O{ ltxfO{ ;b:osf] ax'dtaf6 k|:tfj kfl/t u/]sf] v08df To:tf] ;Nnfxsf/nfO{ kbd'St ePsf] dflgg]5 . 3= /fhLgfdf jf jvf{:tuL s'g} tj/n] ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldlt ;b:osf] kb l/St x'g cfPsf] v08df sfo{;ldltn] lgjt{dfg ;Nnfxsf/sf] af+sL sfo{sfn;Ddsf nflu gof+ ;Nnfxsf/sf] lgo'lSt ug]{5 . kl/R5]b &M cGo ;ldltx? ;+:yfsf] ljleGg s[ofsnfkx? lglj{jfw ;DkGg ug{sf nflu cfjZos kg]{ ljleGg ;ldlt, pk;ldlt agfpg] clwsf/ sfo{;ldltdf lglxt x'g]5 . o:tf ;ldltx?n] ljwfgsf] clwgdf /x]/ sfo{;ldltn] tf]s]sf] 9f+rfdf sfd ;DkGg ug]{5g\ . kl/R5]b *M cfly{s jif{ o; ;+:yfsf] cfly{s jif{ cjlw x/]s jif{ hgj/L ! df z'? eO{ l8;]Da/ #! df ;dfKt x'g]5 .

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

lgjf{rg ;ldltn] tf]lsPsf] k|s[of k'/f u/L pDd]bjf/L blvnf ug]{5g\ . %= lgjf{rgdf efu lng rfxg] pDd]bjf/x?n] tf]lsPsf] b:t'/ a'emfO dgf]gog kmf/d eg]{5g\. pDd]bjf/Lsf] nflu Ps hgf k|:tfjs / Ps hgf ;dy{ssf] x:tfIf/ x'g' kg]{5 . ;+:yfsf] lgjf{rg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo Jooef/ sd ug{sf nflu kmf/d b:t'/ lkmtf{ gx'g] u/L cd]l/sL 8n/ @% tf]lsPsf] 5. ^= lgjf{rgdf dtbftf x'gsf] nflu lgjf{rg ldltn] #) lbg cl3 ;b:otf lnPsf] jf gjLs/0f ul/;s]sf] x'g' kg]{5 . lgjf{rg ;ldltsf] 3f]if0ff ePsf] nuQ} ;lrjn] ;b:ox?sf] cWofjlws ljj/0f lgjf{rg ;ldltnfO{ pknAw u/fpg]5 . &= dtbftfx?sf] ;";'lrt x'g kfpg] clwsf/sf] kfngf ub}{ lgjf{rg ;ldltn] lgjf{rgsf] @! lbg cl3 k|yd dtbftf gfdfjnL k|sfzg ug]{5 . *= lgjf{rg ;ldltn] lgjf{rgsf nflu cfjZos ;fdu|L h'6fpg]5 tyf lgikIf ?kdf r'gfj ;Dkfbg / dt u0fgf u/L lg0f{osf] 3f]if0ff ug]{5 . (= sfo{;ldltsf] rog uf]Ko dtbfgsf] k|s[ofaf6 x'g]5 / tf]lsPsf] kbdf ;a}eGbf a9L dt k|fKt ug]{ pDd]bjf/nfO{ qmdzM ljhoL 3f]if0ff x'g]5 . !)= b'O{ jf a9L pDd]bjf/sf] ;a}eGbf w]/} t/ a/fa/L dt k|fKt ePsf] v08df ;f] dt k|fKt ug]{ pDd]bjf/x?sf] dfq uf]nf k|yfaf6 ljhoL 3f]if0ff ul/g]5 . !!= lgjf{rg lgikIf ?kdf ;DkGg ug]{ lhDd]jf/L lgjf{rg ;ldltsf] x'g]5 . kl/R5]b !!M ;+:yf lj36g, ;Dklt j]rljvg tyf lnnfd != ;Dklt a]rljvgM ;+:yfn] bL3{sfnLg ?kdf k|of]udf Nofpg g;Sg] cltl/St ;fdu|Lx? sfo{;ldltn] lg0f{o u/L a]rljvg ug{ ;Sg]5 . o:tf] a]rljvgaf6 k|fKt /sd ;+:yfsf] cfDbfgLsf] ?kdf lgIf]k ul/g]5 . o:tf] /sd ;+:yf ;+:yfngsf nflu dfq vr{ ul/g]5 . @= ;+:yf lj36gM k|rlnt s]Gb|Lo tyf /fHo:t/Lo lgod sfg'gsf] clwgdf /xL s'g} klg ;do ;+:yf lj36g ug{ ;lsg]5 . ;+:yfsf] #% k|ltzt ;b:ox?sf] x:tfIf/ ;lxt jf sfo{;ldlt / ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] ;+o'St a}7ssf] Psdt lg0f{oaf6 o:tf] k|:tfj k]z x'g cfPsf] v08df sfo{;ldltn] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?sf] ljz]if e]nf 8fsL lg0f{ofy{ k|:t't ug]{5 . o:tf] k|:tfj pkl:yt ;b:ox?sf] b'O{ ltxfO dtaf6 kfl/t ul/g]5 t/ o:tf] ;+Vof tTsfn axfn /x]sf ;fwf/0f ;b:ox?sf] %! k|ltzt x'g'kg]{5 . #= ;+:yf lj36g x'g uPsf] kl/l:ytdf ;+:yfsf] a'emfpg' kg]{ vr{ tyf bfloTjsf] lx;fa r'Stf u/L af+sL /xg cfPsf] /sd cfGtl/s /fh:j ljefusf] lgod %)!-c_# cg';f/ btf{ eO{ gfsf]g sf] ;dfgfGt/ p2]Zon] ;+rfng ePsf Ps jf a9L ;+:yfx?nfO{ k|bfg ul/g]5 . ljlwjt ;+:yf lj36g eO;s] kl5 ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox? k|ltsf] bfloTj ;dfKt x'g]5 .

kl/R5]b (M ;fwf/0f ;ef tyf a}7sx? != jif{sf] Ps k6s ;+:yfsf] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?sf] ;fwf/0f ;ef x'g]5 . @= ;fwf/0f ;efsf] p2]Zo b]xfo adf]lhd x'g]5 M s= sfo{;ldltsf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg pk/ 5nkmn u/L kf/Lt ug]{ . v= sfo{;ldltn] k|:t't u/]sf] ljwfg ;+;f]wg ;DaGwL k|:tfj pk/ 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ug]{ u= sfo{;ldltn] k|:tfj u/]sf] gof ah]6, gLlt tyf sfo{qmdx? pk/ 5nkmn u/L kfl/t ug]{ #= sfo{;ldltn] k|:tfj u/]sf] jflif{s k|ltj]bg tyf gof lglt, sfo{qmd / ah]6 ;efdf pkl:yt ;b:osf] ;fdfGo ax'dtf af6 kfl/t x'g]5 . $= ljwfg ;+;f]wg k|:tfjsf] lg0f{o pkl:yt ;b:ox?sf] b'O{ ltxfO dtaf6 kfl/t ul/g]5 . %= sfo{;ldltsf] lgo'lStsf nflu lgoldt ;fwf/0f ;efsf] ;dodf jf ljz]if clwj]zg cfXjfg u/L r'gfj ug{ ;lsg]5. ^= ;fwf/0f ;efsf] nflu Go'gtd tLg ;ftf cl3 / ljz]if clwj]zgsf] nflu Go'gtd Ps ;ftf cl3 a9L eGbf a9L ;b:ox?sf] kx'+r x'g] u/L Ps eGbf a9L dfWodx? -kmf]g, Od]n, cflwsfl/s j]e;fO6_ sf] k|of]u u/L ;"lrt ul/g]5 . &= ;fwf/0f ;ef jf ljz]if clwj]zgaf6 kfl/t ePsf] lg0f{o clGtd x'g]5 . cGoyf pNn]v eP afx]s lg0f{o ePsf] ldltaf6 nfu" ePsf] dflgg]5 . *= ;fwf/0f ;ef jf ljz]if clwj]zgaf6 kfl/t lg0f{o sfo{;ldltn] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?nfO{ Od]n, cflwsfl/s j]e;fO6 jf ;+:yfsf] d'vkq dfkm{t hfgsf/L u/fpg]5. kl/R5]b !)= sfo{;ldltsf] r'gfj != lgjf{rg ;ldltsf] nflu ;fwf/0f ;b:ox? dWo]af6 of]Uo ;b:ox?sf] gfdfjnL sfo{;ldlt / ;Nnfxsf/ ;ldltsf] ;+o'St a}7sdf k|:tfj x'g]5 . o:tf] k|:tfj pk/ 5nkmn u/L ;j{;Ddltsf] lg0f{oaf6 tLg ;b:oLo lgjf{rg ;ldltsf] u7g ul/g]5 . s'g} ;b:on] lgjf{rg ;ldltdf a;L ;]jf ug{ cl:jsf/ u/]sf] v08df ;+o'St ;ldltsf] csf]{ a}7s tTsfn a;L a}slNks ;b:osf] rog ug]{5 . @= gof sfo{;ldltsf] lgjf{rg ldlt sfo{;ldltsf] a}7saf6 Go'gtd #) lbg cl3 kfl/t eO{ 3f]if0ff x'g]5. lgjf{rg ldltsf] 3f]if0ff ;+u} lgjf{rg ;ldltsf] 3f]if0ff ul/g]5 . #= lgjf{rg ;ldltsf] cWoIftf ;ldltsf] cfkm\g} 5nkmn / ;xdltdf 5flgg]5 . lgjf{rg ;ldltn] o; ljwfg;+u gaflemg] xb;Dd :jtGq /xL u7g ePsf] & lbg leqdf lgjf{rg k|s[ofsf] rog u/L lgjf{rg sfo{ tflnsf k|sfzg ug]{5 . $= lgjf{rg sfo{tflnsfsf] k|sfzg ;+u} kl/R5]b % df pNn]v eP adf]lhdsf sfo{;ldltsf lgjf{lrt kbx?sf] nflu pDd]bjf/Lsf] cfXjfg x'g]5 . kl/R5]b $ df pNn]v eP adf]lhd of]Uo 7xl/Psf pDd]bjf/x?n] 25

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfhsf cfhLjg ;b:ox?

kl/R5]b !@M /fhlglts sfo{qmdx?df c;xeflutf o; ;+:yf s'g}klg /fhlglts ultljlwx?af6 cnu /xg]5 . cfGtl/s /fh:j ljefusf] lgod %)!-h_ df pNn]v eP cg';f/sf] ultljlw afx]s s'g} klg k|f]kfu08f tyf k|rlnt lgod sfg'gnfO{ k|efljt kfg]{ u/L sfo{qmdx? ;+rfng ul/g] 5}gg\ . ;+:yfsf] tkm{af6 s'g} /fhlglts pDd]bjf/sf] tkm{bf/L u/L ;xdlt, k|rf/ k|;f/, k|sfzg tyf cGo ultljlwx? ul/g] 5}g . kl/R5]b !#M ljwfg ;+;f]wg != ;+:yfsf] s'g} klg ;fwf/0f ;b:on] lnlvt ?kdf ljwfgsf] wf/f pkwf/f ls6fg u/L ;+;f]wgsf] k|:tfj sfo{;ldlt ;dIf k]z ug{;Sg]5 . sfo{;ldltn] ;fdfGo 5nkl5 ;+;f]wg k|:tfj k|f;+lus 5 eGg] nfu]df ;+;f]wg k|s[of cufl8 a9fpg]5 . @= ;fdfGotyf tLg jf ;f]eGbf a9L kl/R5]b k|efljt x'g ;Sg] v08df sfo{;ldltn] kf+r ;b:oLo ljwfg kl/dfh{g ;ldlt u7g ug]{5 . o:tf] ;ldltn] !% lbg leqdf cfkm\gf] ;'emfj sfo{;ldlt ;dIf k]z ug]{5 . #= sfo{;ldltn] 5nkmn u/L pko'St ;+;f]wg k|:tfj cfufdL ;fwf/0f ;efdf lg0f{ofy{ k|:t't ug]{5 . ;fwf/0f ;efsf] lgoldt j}7s tLg dlxgf eGbf k/ /x]sf] cj:yfdf sfo{;ldltn] tLg dlxgf leqdf ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?sf] ljz]if e]nf 8fsL lg0f{ofy{ k|:t't ug]{5 . $= lg0f{ofy{ k|:t't x'g] & lbg cufl8 ;+;f]wg k|:tfjsf] Ps k|lt ;b:ox?sf] kx'+r x'g]u/L ;+:yfsf] sfof{no / ;+:yfsf] cflwsfl/s j]e;fO6df pknAw u/fOg]5 . %= ljwfg ;+;f]wg k|:tfj ;fwf/0f ;efdf pkl:yt ;b:ox?sf] b'O{ ltxfO ax'dtaf6 kfl/t x'g]5 . ^= lg0f{ofy{ k|:t't ePsf] ;+;f]wg k|:tfj kfl/t ePsf] v08df k|:tfjdf cGoyf pNn]v ePafx]s kfl/t ePsf] ldltaf6 nfu" x'g]5 . &= kfl/t eO{ nfu" x'g] ;+;f]lwt ljwfgsf] Ps k|lt ;+:yfsf] sfof{nodf pknAw x'g]5 . kl/dflh{t wf/f tyf pkwf/fx? pNn]v u/L ljwfg ;+;f]wgsf] ;"rgf ;+:yfsf] d'vkq dfkm{t\ hfgsf/L u/fOg]5 .

-o; ;"rLdf dfr{ #!, @)!# ;Dddf cfhLjg ;b:otf k|fKt ug'{x'g] dxfg'efjx?sf] gfd ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 ._

!= @= #= $= %= ^= &= *= (= !)= !!= !@= !#= !$= !%= !^= !&= !*= !(= @)= @!= @@=

>L clgn s'+j/ >L czf]s s'+j/ >L u0f]z cof{n >L 3gZofd v8\sf >L uf]kfn kf]v|]n >L s[i0f s+8]n >L nId0f zdf{ >L gjLg v8\sf >L k|df]b k|wfg >L df]xg sfsL{ >L k'?iff]Qd 9sfn >L ;Gtf]if nD;fn >Ldlt ;'lznf nD;fn >L lktfDa/ clwsf/L >L /fd rf}w/L >L l/ifLs]z e6\6/fO{ >L ch{'g bfxfn >L uflGw e6\6/fO{ >Ldlt /]vf uf}td >Ldlt ;'lgtf kf08] >L /d]z kf7s >L lht]Gb| a:g]t

-sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfhsf] ;+:yfut ;'b[l9s/0f / o;sf] pb]Zo k"lt{sf nflu cfhLjg ;dy{g ug{] ;Dk"0f{ ;b:ox?mdf o; ;+:yfsf] tkm{af6 xflb{s wGojfb 1fkg ub{5f}+ – ;+kfbs d08n_


May this New Year 2070 be a Year of Health and Happiness, Wealth and Wisdom and Peace and Prosperity!

If you know any association, group or charities that serve any Nepali community within the State of Connecticut, please let us know their contact. We will extend our

Niki'$ Dollar

collaboration with them and publish their information in our Newsletter for the greater

983 New Britain Ave

benefit of Nepali Community.

West Hartford, CT 06110 26

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

Patel Foods Asian & American Groceries 171 Spencer Street Manchester, CT 06040 Call: (860) 645-6100 STORE HOURS: M-Th: 10-8 F-Sun: 10-9

From I-91 South, take I-84 East in Hartford. Travel I-84 East approx. 5 miles to Exit 59, I-384 East. Follow directions below. From I-91 North, take the Charter Oak Bridge (Route 15) to I-84 East. Travel I84 East approx. 3 miles to Exit 59, I-384 East. Then follow directions below: From I-84 East, take Exit 59, I-384 East in Manchester. Then follow directions below: From I-84 West, take Exit for I-384 East. Then follow directions below: Easy Access by I-384 In Manchester: From I-384 West Take Exit 1, Spencer Street. Turn Left at end of ramp. Go approx. Âź mile. Patel Foods is on your Left, opposite Hillstown Road. From I-384 East Take Exit 1, Spencer Street. Take Left at end of ramp. Go approx. Âź mile. Patel foods is on your left, opposite Hillstown Road.


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

/Stbfg ;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L 8f= uflGw/fh e§/fO{ ug'{ePsf] 5}g eg] klg cK7\of/f] gdfGg'xf];\ . /Stbfg ug]{ ;do ePsf] 5 / cfkm'nfO{ :j:Yo dx;'; ug'{ ePsf] 5 eg] h'g;'s} lzlj/df klg tkfO{+nfO{ :jfut x'g]5 . gfd btf{sf] k|s[of ;+u} tkfO{+nfO{ cd]l/sg /]8qm;sf] /Stbfg ;aGwL lgod, hfgsf/Lx? k9\g lbOG5 . To;kl5 k|fljlwsn] uf]Ko Sofljgdf nuL tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yo k/LIf0f ug]{5g\ . :jf:Yo k/LIf0faf6 kf; ePkl5 tkfO{+sf] /ut ljz'4 xf];\ eGgsf nflu ljleGg k|Zgx? ;f]lwG5g\ . h:t} tkfO{+ ut ;fn g]kfn e|d0fdf hfg' ePsf] /x]5 eg] oltv]/} pNn]v ug{'k5{ . cfkm'n] lgoldt vfg] jf @÷# dlxgf cl3 vfPsf cf}ifwLx?sf] ;"rL ;Demg' xf];\ jf sfutdf l6k]/ nfg'xf];\ . k|fljlwsn] ;f]w]sf] x/]s k|Zgsf] ;To pQ/ lbg'xf];\ . oL ;a} k|s[ofx? k"/f ePkl5 tkfO{+ /Stbfg ug]{ 7fp+df k'Ug' x'g]5 . /ut lemSg] k|s[of !) ldg]6 hltdf ;lsG5 . To;kl5 tkfO{+nfO{ h'; / :GofS; lbOG5 . sfddf kms{g' cl3 :GofS;\ vf+b} s]xL a]/ cf/fd ug'{xf];\ . /Stbfg ug'{cl3 Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx?M • tkfO+{n] lgoldt ?kdf /Stbfg ug]{ ;f]r agfpg' ePsf] 5 eg] cfO/g tTj a9L x'g] vfgfx? lgoldt vfg] ug'{xf];\ . • /Stbfg ug{] cl3Nnf] /ft cf/fdn] ;'Tg'xf];\ . /Stbfg ug]{ lbg wk8L x'g] sfd gug'{xf];\ . o;n] tkfO{+sf] gf8Lsf] ult tyf /Strfk rflxg] eGbf a9L b]vfpg ;S5 . To:t} lgoldt cNsf]xn lkpg] ug'{ePsf] 5 eg] cl3Nnf] /ft glkpg'xf];\ jf sd lkpgxf];\, a? kfgL k|z:t lkpg'xf];\ . • /Stbfg ug{' cl3 ;fgf] b'O{ sk kfgL lkpg'xf];\ . • /Stbfg ug'{ cl3 :j:Yo vfgf vfg'xf];\ . ;s];Dd a9L lrNnf] x'g] vfgf gvfg'xf];\ . lrNnf] vfgfn] tkfO{+sf] /ut hf+rsf] l/kf]6{ km/s kg{;S5 . • cfkm\gf] cflwsfl/s kl/rokq ;fydf lnP/ cfpg'xf];\ . /Stbfg ug]{a]nfdf Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx?M • 5f]6f] afx'nf ePsf] jf ;lhn} s'lxgf dfly ;fg{ ldNg] n'uf nufp+bf ;lhnf] x'G5 . • tkfO{+nfO{ bfof+ jf jfof s'g xftaf6 /ut lemSg dg 5 /f]Hg kfOG5 . • /Stbfg ubf{ s'g} 8/ lrGtf glng'xf];\ . glhs}sf] c? /Stbftf tyf g;{x?;+u s'/f ug]{ jftfj/0f eP s'/f ug'{xf];\. • /Stbfg k"/f ePkl5 pknAw h'; / :GofS;\ vfg'xf];\ / slDtdf !) ldg6 hlt cf/fd ug'{xf];\ . /Stbfg u/]kl5 Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx?M • /Stbfg u/]sf] @$ b]lv $* 306f;Dd k|z:t kfgL jf h'; lkpg'xf];\ . o;n] ubf{ tkfO{+sf] z/L/af6 36]sf] kfgL k'gM k|fKt x'g]5 .

x/]s lbg ljleGg c:ktfn tyf :jf:Yo s]Gb|x?df zNolrlsT;f, k|;'tL, /StcNktf h:tf kl/l:yltdf la/fdLnfO{ cltl/St /ut lbP/ arfpg' k5{ . ;+;f/sf] x/]s s'gfdf ;b}j /utsf] cefj eO/x]sf] ;'lgG5 . cd]l/sfsf] s'g} klg /fHo o; /St cefjaf6 d'St 5}g . emg a]nfa]nfdf b}jL k|sf]k tyf v/fa df};dsf] sf/0fn] b'3{6gfx? eO/xsf] a]nf /utsf] ;+lrtL Go'g ePsf] x'G5 . /utsf] sdL ePsf] la/fdLnfO{ dfgj /ut lbP/ arfpg'sf] csf]{ ljsNk 5}g . Ps :j:y dflg;sf] z/L/df /ut aGg] / gi6 x'g] k|s[of k|fs[lts ?kdf rln/x]sf] x'G5 . h:tf] :j:y dflg;sf] /St sf]ifx? !@) lbg leqdf gi6 eO{ gof+ /St sf]ifx? alg/x]sf x'G5g\ . :j:y dflg;sf] z/L/af6 lg:s]sf] /utsf] dfqf s]xL lbg leq}df k"/f eO{;s]sf] x'G5 . /Stbfgsf] k|sf/M clwsf+z JolStn] ug]{ /Stbfg k"0f{ /ut xf] . cd]l/sg /]8qm;sf] /ut ;+sng s]Gb| tyf ljleGg lzlj/x?df o;/L /Stbfg ug{ ;lsG5 . sl/a !) ldg]6 hltdf tkfO{+sf] xftaf6 Ps lkG6 -$&# ldnLln6/_ /ut lnOG5 . tkfO{+n] /Stbfg u/]/ uO;s]kl5 ;f] /utnfO{ /ftf] /Stsf]if, KnfHdf / Kn]6n]6\; u/L 5'6\ofP/ /flvG5 . o; tl/sfn] /Stbfg ubf{ k'gM /Stbfg ug{ %^ lbg kv{g'k5{ . o;afx]s /ftf /Stsf]if dfq 5fg]/ lgsfNg], Kn]6n]6\; dfq 5fg]/ lgsfNg], jf KnfHdf dfq 5fg]/ lgsfNg]] tl/sfn] /Stbfg ug{sf nflu ljz]if d]lzgsf] k|of]u ug'{ kg]{ / ;do klg a9L nfUg] ePsf]n] cd]l/sg /]8qm;sf] ljz]if ;'ljwfo'St /St ;+sng s]Gb|x?df g} hfg'k5{ . s;n] /Stbfg ug{ x'G5< ;fdfGotof cfkm'nfO{ :j:y dx;'; ePsf] a]nf hlxn] klg /Stbfg ug{ ;lsG5 . /Stbfg ug'{ cl3 k|fljlwsn] tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yo hf+r ug]{5g\ . tkfO{+n] tn pNn]lvt cfwf/e"t s'g} cfwf/ k'/f ug{;Sg'ePg eg] tkfO{+nfO{ lglZrt ;dosf nflu kv{g elgg]5 . • :jf:Yo k/LIf0fsf] glthfMM o lxdf]Unf]ljg slDtdf !@=% o /Strfk slDtdf *)÷%) / a9Ldf !*)÷!)) o z/L/sf] tfkqmd a9Ldf ((=% o gf8Lsf] ult slDtdf %) a9Ldf !)) • pd]/ slDtdf !& jif{ k'u]sf] x'g'k5{ . • tf}n slDtdf !!) kfp08 x'g'k5{ . • uPsf] %^ lbg leqdf cGoq k'0f{ /ut lbPsf] x'g'x'+b}g. /Stbfg ug]{ lbgdf s] x'G5< /Stbfgsf] nflu klxn]g} btf{ u/L ;do lnO{;Sg'ePsf] 5eg] cfkm\gf] lgwf{l/t ;dodf hfg'k5{ . clu|d btf{ 29

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

• /Stbfg u/]kl5 kf+r 306f;Dd s8f d]xgt kg]{ sfd gug'{xf];\ . Tof] ;dodf cNsf]xn tyf Soflkmgo'St kbfy{ klg glkpg'xf];\ . • ;fdfGotof /Stbfg kl5 s'g} vt/f x'+b}g . olb tkfO{+nfO{ rSs/ nfu] h:tf] eof] eg] s]xL ;do v'6\6f clns cUnf] u/L kN6g'xf];\ . • AofG8]h lgsfnL;s]kl5 u/L /ut lbPsf] 7fp+af6 /ut au]df csf]{ xftn] lyr]/ xftnfO{ # b]lv % ldg]6;Dd 6fpsf] dfly prfNg'xf];\ . lgn8fd b]lvg] u/L 5fnfleq} /ut au]sf] /x]5 eg] a]nf a]nfdf lr;f] cfO;n] ;]Sg'xf];\. • s'g} hl6n s'/f kf] xf] sL h:tf] nfu]df lbOPsf] cd]l/sg /]8qm;sf] gDa/df kmf]g ug'{xf];\ . • d'Vo s'/f tkfO{+n] cfhsf] /Stbfgaf6 tLg hgf ;Dd la/fdLsf] hLjg jrfpg'ePsf] 5 eGg] uj{ u/L ;Gt'i6 /xg'xf];\ /Stbfg ug{ ldNg] / gldNg] af/]df yk hfgsf/L cf}nf] -dn]l/of_ d'St x'g'kg]{M tkfO{+n] lbPsf] /ut dn]l/ofsf] nflu hf+r ul/+b}g . g]kfn dn]l/of u|l;t If]qdf kg]{ ePsf]n] klxnf] k6s cd]l/sf cfpg'ePsf] xf] eg] slDtdf tLgjif{ /ut lbg ldNb}g . To:t} cd]l/sfaf6 g]kfn e|d0fdf -t/fO lt/_ uP/ kms]{kl5 slDtdf Ps jif{ kv{g' k5{ . olb tkfO{ 5f]6f] ;dosf] nflu sf7df08f}+ pkTosfdfq e|d0f u/L kms{g' ePsf] eP /ut lbg ;Sg'x'G5 . Pr=cfO=eL= tyf Dof8sfp /f]uk|ltsf] ;hutfM tkfO{+ s'g} sfdsf] l;nl;nfdf klZrdL clk|msf If]qdf a:g' ePsf] 5 eg] jf klZrdL clk|msfdf hGd]sf] jf a;f]jf; u/]sf] JolSt;+u glhssf] ;DaGw agfpg'ePsf] 5 eg] /Stbfg ug{ ldNb}g . To:t} !((^ eGbf cl3 o'/f]lkog b]zdf kf+rjif{ a:g' ePsf] 5 eg] klg /Stbfg ug{ ldNb}g . !(*) b]lv !((^ ;Dd tLg dlxgf eGbf a9L a]nfot a:g' ePsf] lyof] eg] klg /ut lbg ldNb}g . cGo ljz]if kl/l:ytLdf klg /ut lbg ldNb}g . h:t} Hj/f], ?3fvf]sL ;Grf] geP;Dd, P06Lafof]l6s cf}iflw lnPsf] a]nfdf, cfkm}+n] /ut lnPsf] Ps jif{;Dd, aRrf hGdfPsf] 5 xKtf ;Dd, s]xL of}ghGo /f]usf] pkrf/ u/]sf] Ps jif{;Dd, c;'/lIft ?kdf 6\of6' vf]k]sf]÷gfs sfg 5]8]sf] Ps jif{ ;Dd . s'g} s'g} cf}ifwL vfPsf] a]nfdf jf vfg 5f]8]sf] ! b]lv # dlxgf;Dd /ut lbg x'+b}g . To;}n] cfkm'n] lgoldt lng] u/]sf] jf e/v/} ;s]sf] cf}ifwLx?sf] gfd ;Dem]/ hfg'xf];\ . • bdM :jfz km]g{df s7LgfO 5}g eg] /ut lbg ;lsG5 . • dw'd]x -8fOa]l6h_M s]xL OG;'lng jf cGo cf}ifwLaf6 lgolGqt 5 eg] /ut lbg ;lsG5 . • hl08;M klxn] x]kf6fOl6; aL jf x]kf6fOl6; ;L ePsf] /x]5 eg] /ut lbg ldNb}g .

x]kf6fOl6; ;L k/LIf0f tyf o;sf] glthf slxn] sfxL+ tkfO{+n] ;kmntf k"j{s /Stbfg u/]/ kms]{sf] s]xL ;ftf kl5 cd]l/sg /]8qm;af6 tkfO{+sf] /ut x]kf6fOl6; ;L sf] k/LIf0f ubf{ z+sf:kb glthf lg:s]sf] ;"rgf kq dfkm{t\ k|fKt x'g ;S5 . h:t} k|yd r/0fsf] k/LIf0f (Screening test) df kf]lhl6e t/ bf]>f] r/0fsf] k/LIf0f (Confirmatpru test) df g]u]l6e x'g ;S5 . /St;+rf/ s]Gb|df ul/g] k/LIf0f clt g} ;+j]bgzLn x'g] u/L agfOPsf] x'G5 . ;fdfGotof o:tf] glthf cfPsf] JolStn] km]l/ /Sgbfg ug{ gldNg] x'G5 t/ s'g} cf}ifwL pkrf/sf] cfjZostf kb}{g . olb b'j} r/0fdf kf]lhl6e glthf cfPsf] v08df tkfO{+nfO{ x]kf6fOl6; ;L ePsf] dflgG5 . o:tf] kq cfPsf] v08df To;df pNn]lvt lgb]{zg adf]lhd cfjZostf ePdf cfkm\gf] lrlsT;s ;+u ;Dks{ ul/xfNg' k5{ . x]kf6fOl6; ;L ePsf] lglZrt ePsf] v08df cd]l/sL :jf:y ljefusf] gLlt cg';f/ tkfO{+nfO{ :yflgo :jf:Yo ljefuaf6 ;Dks{ ul/g klg ;S5 . dfly pNn]lvt hfgsf/Lx? /Stbftfx?sf] w]/} k6ssf] /Stbfgaf6 k|fKt cg'ej tyf cd]l/sg /]8qm;sf] j]e;fO6df pknAw ePsf ;fdu|Laf6 tof/ kfl/Psf] xf] . cflwsfl/s hfgsf/Lsf] nflu glhssf] cd]l/sg /]8qm;sf] sfof{nodf ;Dks{ ug'{x'g cg'/f]w 5 . o; dfgjLo k|of;df ;xefuL eO{ ;xof]u ug{ xfdL ;a}df xflb{s clkn 5 .

sg]lS6s6 g]kfnL ;dfh -g]sf]g_ / s+u|Lu]zg Jf]y Oh/fOnsf] ;x;+of]hsTjdf oxL d] dlxgfsf] !( tfl/vsf lbg g]sf]gsf] rf}yf] /Stbfg sfo{qmd ;+rfng x'+b}5 . /Stbfg dfkm{t\ hLjgbfg lbg] o; dfgjLo sfo{df oxf+x?sf] cd'No ;xof]usf nflu xfdL ckLn ub{5f}+ .

/Stbfg sfo{qmd :yfg /Place: 701 Farmington Ave West Hartford, CT 06119 ldlt /Date: May 19, 2013 ;do /Time: 9:00 am – 1:45 pm

yk hfgsf/Lsf] nflu g]sf]gsf pkfWoIf tyf /Stbfg sfo{qmdsf ;+of]hs >L Clifs]z e§/fO{ jf g]sf]gsf k|d'v ;Nnfxsf/ tyf An8 8f]g;{ ckm cd]l/sfsf dxf;lrj 8f= uflGw/fh e§/fO{;+u ;Dks{ ug{'x'g cg'/f]w 5 . 30

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

gof+ jif{ @)&) sf] ;'vb pknIodf ;Dk"0f{ sg]lS6s6jf;L g]kfnL kl/jf/df ;':jf:Yo, bL3f{o' / pQ/f]Q/ k|ultsf] xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf .

anLp8 u|Ln kl/jf/ Bollywood Grill 2333 Main Street, Glastonbury CT 06033 Phone: (860) 734-0001 Business Hours Buffet Lunch 11:30 am – 3:00 pm Dinner Mon-Sat 5:00 pm – 10:30 pm Sunday 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm

gof+ jif{ @)&) sf] ;'vb pknIodf ;Dk"0f{ sg]lS6s6jf;L g]kfnL kl/jf/df ;':jf:Yo, bL3f{o' / pQ/f]Q/ k|ultsf] xflb{s d+undo z'esfdgf .

xj]nL Ol08of kl/jf/ Haweli India 1300 South Main St, Middletown CT 06457 Phone: (860) 347-7773 Business Hours Mon – Thurs: 11:30 am – 03:00 pm 05:00 pm – 10:30 pm Fri & Sat: 11:30 am – 03:00 pm 05:00 pm – 11:00 pm Sunday: 11:30 am – 03:00 pm 05:00 pm – 10:30 pm


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

;flxTo ;+;f/ z'esfdgf gof+ jif{sf]

d leqsf] cf+wL j]x/L ljl:dtf l3ld/]

ch'{g bfxfn

sf]nfxn clg tLa| j]un] el/Psf] d leqsf] c0f' c0f' hv]8\g] x]t'df nfu]sf], d leqsf] cf+wL j]x/L cfh :tAw ePsf] 5 . d]/f efjgfsf slnnf d'gfnfO{ lgld6\ofGg kf/L d]/f 8/ qfz clg :jfy{nfO{ 3R3RofO{, h'd'{/FO{ d]/f] cl:dtfsf] c+s'/df g} cfuf] nufpg vf]Hg] d leqsf] cf+wL cfh lsg xf] ;':tfPsf] 5 . ToxL cf+wL h;n] d]/f] x/]s ;':s]/f clg lgitAwtfdf ;fy lbof], d}n] lx+8\g] u/]sf] cfTdlg/y{s af6f]df ;+nUg eOlbof] . xf], ToxL cf+wL cfh v} lsg xf] lsg r'krfk clg zfGt ePsf] 5 . clg x]/ t d]/f] ldld{/]df clGtd kL8fsf afbnx? lanfp+b}5g\ . lIflthdf ;'gf}nf ls/0fsf ;+s]tx? pbfp+b} 5g\ . d]/f] cfsfz lgd{n clg :jR5 ePsf] 5 . clg slnnf kfn'jfx?df j;Gtsf zLtx? 6Ns+b}5g\ . x]/ t d leqsf] cf+wL j]x/L Pp6f ;'gf}nf] laxfgLdf kl/0ft e} d]/f cf+vfaf6 pbfp+b} 5g\ .

gof+ ;fnsf] dw'/Ldf cfzf v';L xif{sf] nfvf}+nfv z'esfdgf cfp+bf] gof+ jif{sf] 5f}+ xfdL ljb]zdf t/ klg g]kfnd} 5 dg l/lQGg dfof+ dft[e"dLsf] x'G5 uf9f emg\ emg\ lnO{cfcf];\ gof+;fn ;jf{lt/ ;DefJo pTsif{sf] nfvf}+nfv z'esfdgf cfp+bf] gof+ jif{sf] x'g} kb{5 bL3{zfGtL hutdf k|ult / pGglt j'4 e[s'6L ;Ltf klg lyP g]kfns} ;Gtlt ;'Gb/ d]/f] b]z 5 wgL clg ljb]zL cfsif{sf] nfvf}+nfv z'esfdgf cfp+bf] gof+ jif{sf] gau"g wf/f st} /utsf, sf6df/ lx+;fx? rflxGg cf+;' g]kfne"dL, rflxG5 zfGtL a? xf+:g} kb{5 d'xf/ g]kfnsf], g]kfnL cfbz{sf] nfvf}+nfv z'esfdgf cfp+bf] gof+ jif{sf] gf}nf] gf}nf] /x/ ;adf cfzf v';L xif{sf] nfvf}+nfv z'esfdgf cfp+bf] gof+ jif{sf]

zflGtsf] vf]hLdf nIdL cf]emf r}t j}zfvdf vf]h]+ /flknf] d?e"ddLdf h]7 cfiff9df vf]h]+ lxnf] cfnL / v]tdf df; >fj0fdf vf]h]+ pln{+bf] e]n af9Ldf xl/of v]tdf ;f]w]+ zflGt 5g\ ls st} oxf+<

gof+ jif{ ;fljqL ld>

r'/] kxf8sf] rL;f], t';f/f] dWo/ftsf] vk]/ vf]hL ub}{5' d d]/L lk|o zflGtsf] v'nf cfsf;df 5g\ ls eg]/ d lgofNb5' 5]pdf uf]nL k8\s]sf] ;'g]/ d 8/fp+5' .

gof+ jif{ d ltdLnfO{ :Jffut ub{5' . gf}n]f pT;fx pd8=u hf+u/} klg dfUb5' .. gof+ jif{ ltdL Kof/f g]kfnL kl/jf/sf . kfn'jf kftx? nltsf jgdfnL /+u xhf/sf ..

c+w/]L /ftdf ltd|} gfdsf] uLt sf]b{5' h'g]nL /ftdf ltd|} lrqsf] k|]md hf]8\b5' slnnf sf]lknf leq n's]sL 5\of} st} eg] j;Gt Ct'df cfp /dfp v';Ln] ltdL .

jf:gf gf}nf] a;f{of] dnofrnn] clg . sf]xf] sf]xf] sf]OnL gfRof] k|s[lt :ju{ xf] egL .. P];]n' sfkmn;+u} do'/ grfpg] ltdL . k'ikk'Gh /+u eg]{ sxf+ a:5f} ltdL s'GgL ..

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Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

k|s[lt klg t df}g 5


;'lgtf 9'+ufgf

By Akriti Bhattarai

zAbx?sf] ljZjf; x'+b}g, zAbx?sf] e/ x'+b}g zAbx?n] ;+jfb x'+b}g s'g} cy{ 5}g zAbsf] cy{ em}+ cy{xLg 5g\ zAbx? s:n] eG5 zAb af]N5< dfG5] zAb af]Nb}g, :jfy{ af]N5 dfG5] zAb ;'Gb}g, k"jf{u|x ;'G5 s]jn xltof/ xf] zAb dfG5]s} dd{:yndf k|xf/ ug]{ s] cy{ oL zAbx?sf], hf] d]/f] efjgf cleJoSt ug{ ;St}g d k]|dsf] h+unsf] s'/f u5'{, cy{ lj/xsf] lg:sG5 d sdnsf] km"n cf}+Nofp+5', cy{ kmut lxnf]sf] x'G5 d cd[tsf] 38f b]vfp+5', cYof{pg]n] ljifsf] Kofnf 7fG5g\ ;k{n] sf+r'nL km]/] em}+, zAbx?n] klg cy{ km]bf{ cf1fsf/L s's'/ Ajf+;f] x'G5, k/d dLq klg zq'df kl/0ft x'G5 zAbx? cg'lbt x'G5g\ efjgf t d'6'sf] xf], ;Dafb t cfTdfsf] xf] ;kmf x[bo ePsf] avt zAbx?n] s] n5f5{< dfof ug]{nfO{ dfof u5'{ eGg kb}{g s]jn dL7f] xf+l;lbP k'U5, cf+vfe/L x]l/lbP k'U5 To;}n] Rofltb]p zAbsf]zx? lal;{b]p t'R5 zAbx? xfdLnfO{ ;Dafbsf nflu xfd|} cf+vfsf] df}gtf ;f6] k'U5 .

A lonely bud Long time overdue Waits for the sun A single ray of light To pierce through the dense tangle Banish the weeds sapping her life Waiting for the strength The power to pour into her Letting her push past Bloom higher than ever before Rise above the rest She waits for nothing A non-existent light Blown out years before A non-existent end To this song of desire

No Place Like Home by Anusha Basnet There's no place like home And the mountains of Nepal And the smiling goats. There's nothing like the Shining lakes of Pokhara And busy temples Or the homes of grandparents Who never forget you.

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Nepal is where my heart lives on Even when I'm gone far, far away It is where my mind drifts to a place Which spans across an endless sea. The easiest way to kill your enemy is to make friendship with them. Never fear your critics. They are helping you to be stronger.

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Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

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Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

me warmly even though I didn’t remember them and it had been ten years since they had seen me. We loaded onto a very old taxi and headed to our new temporary home. I probably will never forget my first taxi ride. Aside from the fact that we stopped every two minutes and had to wait in traffic jams because of the poor road management, the view we got was incredible. First of all, I was used to seeing nice sidewalks with stop signs and people walking their dogs but in Nepal, there were no sidewalks. Only people sitting on the steps on their houses, rickshaws carrying people and dogs roaming freely everywhere. I even saw cows crossing the road! It was a complexly different environment, with different people. Everyone was speaking in Nepali, an activity I was unfamiliar to. With everyone speaking the same tongue, I truly felt in my native land. When we reached home, I was ready to take a hot shower but incidentally I found out that the water is mostly freezing. Also, I encountered a problem called load-shedding. What is that? Well in the U.S. we are blessed to have 24 hour electricity; we turn on the lights and never think about how many people live in darkness. In Nepal, they have an on and off electricity system. They have power for about eight hours which shuts off after a while and it comes back on again. Also, the toilets… they are a little different. Let’s just say that we are lucky, very lucky.

A Trip of a Lifetime by Zenith Rai I recently went to Nepal and I’m going to be telling you about my unforgettable experiences there. First, let me start with my past. I’ve lived in the U.S. for about ten years and I came here when I was five. I know nothing of my previous life in Nepal. I have no recollections of my memories or my family. A few months ago I got the chance to go to Nepal with my brother and my parents for three weeks. I thought it would be a fun vacation, but I had no idea that my outlook of reality would be transformed in that small amount of time. Where does my story start? How about on an airplane in New York? I was sitting on the plane and looked outside. The feeling that something new was going to happen was exhilarating. I had never flown before (technically I did, but I was 5 so it doesn’t really count) but you have to actually sit on a plane to get the same experience of leaving a place and seeing the city get smaller and smaller and flying into the clouds. We had a couple transits where we got to see different countries like Germany and Bahrain. Finally we were about to land. At that point I was waiting in nervous anticipation, but we finally got there. And of course, what better way to start a trip with lots of confusion, right? It seems funny now, but it wasn’t then. Apparently all eight bags of our luggage were nowhere to be seen. So we spent the first hour of our trip in panic waiting in a very dirty baggage room. We did eventually get our luggage. We headed outside. You know in the movies you see people exiting an airport and their family graciously waiting with garlands outside? Yeah, in reality it was more like the four of us walking out in confusion not knowing which way to go. When we got outside, WHAM!, it was like a shock of reality. It was a completely foreign place like I’ve never seen.

While in Nepal, we visited many places. Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, even the tarai. All these places were each different and unique yet all the same. The people and poverty were the same. I’m not saying everyone in Nepal is poor; there were some incredibly large mansions that only millionaires could own. There were fancy restaurants and fancy cars. But there was also immense poverty. Walking into small restaurants you could see little girls of ten cooking in the kitchen, you could see small boys washing all the dishes. There were children selling water bottles, and anything they could. This was heartbreaking to me. I couldn’t quite process that these kids didn’t get to go to school. They were stuck in a cage of poverty. Yet, they seemed happy. I was once just watching a group of small boys play outside. They seemed content playing in the dirt and I began to wonder how they did it. I now realize that we live in a materialistic consumer society. What is that? It means we care way too much about physical

People who’ve never been to Nepal imagine it as a fantasy land with green mountains. But really, Kathmandu is not like that. Imagine yourself in New York City, except a lot dirtier with no stoplights or roads even. It felt like I had been plopped into this corner of the world in which I knew nothing. There were policemen in blue pacing the dusty road telling us to move out. Outside the airport, my mom’s sister and two brothers were waiting and they embraced


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

From a Veterinarian's Diary

objects. We want the latest I-phone or the newest laptop. We are concerned with only ourselves and money. In Nepal, they care about family. That is their main focus and priority.

by Akriti Bhattarai I rushed into the dark exam room just moments after sunrise and flicked the light switch up and down until the huge bright lights flashed on and temporarily blinded me. I ran into the surgical supply closet and desperately tried to grab all the materials I needed for tissue repair surgery before it's to late for the poor puppy waiting in the emergency room. The little eight month old puppy was attacked and stabbed by a gang of sixteen year old boys who were apparently bored that night and wanted to do something fun. What a horrible idea of torturing an innocent animal. As I run around crazily trying to find the surgical cart, I wondered how those boys could have been so cruel that they would injure such an innocent puppy. As the puppy was wheeled in I suddenly remembered an event that sparked my passion to become a veterinarian.

I visited a lot of my family, the 'extended family' which meant 4th, 5th cousins, where their greatgrandfather and my great-grandfather were cousins. In Nepal they consider even the most distant relative and their own kin. The warmth and compassion I felt in the families I visited cannot be found here. In Nepal, we went to the tarai and visited the village of my mom’s aunts and uncles. My family there lives in simplicity. The couple of days I spent there were the most fun, even if there were no computers or internet. Instead I spent the days laughing with relatives and playing with cousins. It was a wonderful bond that I was a part of. In the U.S, we don’t spend enough time with our family. We are all running separate lives with kids going to school, and parents going to work, and everyone are busy and moving. That is why we should try to live our lives like them.

xxx It was the summer of 1995, four summers after we moved to Enfield, and the only people I knew well enough to "hang out" with after school were my neighbors. The groups in my neighborhood had been very simple up to this summer. The boys would hang out together and play videogames, the older girls would hang out and usually talk and the little girls would play games together. That summer the groups started mixing and things got a bit confusing. It all happened sometime in late July, and at that point the boys and older girls would always end up merging into one big group.

It came to the last day and I seriously did not want to leave. I can still remember the moment where we had to say goodbye. My grandparents had come from Khotang, and my aunts had come from the mountains of Solukhumbu to spend the little time we had together. I had never seen my family before my trip but I felt as though I had known them forever. The moment we had to part, I started to cry. Soon everyone had tears on their face. Even now, I feel as though a piece of me is still there. When I think of the memories, I smile. Three weeks seemed to fly by so fast; thinking of it now seems like a foggy dream. Now I can’t believe that I actually flew across the ocean and saw another pocket of the world. The place I was born. The things I experienced were indescribable. The people there live life in peace, simplicity and compassion. We living in America sometimes forget to do that. It is hard to really understand the most important aspect is family and culture. Our culture and heritage define us. Without them who are we? We will just be culture-less valueless individuals. My trip to Nepal really reminded me of the importance in the bond of family and culture. We can’t forget who we are. So everyone who is reading this: be proud!

That day Lici, Caden, Harrison, and I were on Harrison's rusty and half broken trampoline arguing about irrelevant things such as that scored the most points in the last basketball game and what the best neighborhood teams were. Suddenly, I noticed something move on a branch of the tree above us. It was a little squirrel about six inches tall with a furry honey brown colored tail longer than it's body and cute little paws no bigger than my fingernail. It jumped onto the trampoline and scurried along the edge of the wrinkled blue tarp covering the springs of the trampoline, leaped over the broken net, and nearly landed on my lap. I hardly had any time to react before Harrison grabbed the squirrel, jumped


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

no idea what do to. Should I stab the squirrel and just get it over with?

off the trampoline, and stumbled into his garage. I was shocked that he would just grab an animal like that and I knew that he would end up injuring either himself or the squirrel.

"Are you too chicken to give this lowlife squirrel the end it deserves?"

Lici, Caden, and I rushed into the garage, just in time to see Harrison throw the squirrel into a cardboard shoebox and slam the lid shut.

"That is it!' I shouted. "What has the squirrel ever done to you? Nothing, right? You have no rights to torture or kill this squirrel. It's just wrong and I will not be a bystander or do what you want me to. You guys are like Nazi soldiers except you're even worse because you're torturing this poor innocent animal for fun. That is just sick and disturbing and I'm ready to report you for animal cruelty."

"Let me see the squirrel." demanded Lici. "Sure," replied Harrison, "but use this stick to poke it if it tries to get out." Harrison handed the box and the sharp wooden stick to Lici and then ran inside.

As soon as those last words were out of my mouth everything fell silent. Caden, Harrison, and Lici just stood there staring at me.

"What are you going to do with the squirrel?" I asked.

"Step away from the box and let me set the squirrel free."

"Poke it, of course." True to her word, Lici started poking the bewildered little squirrel with the stick until Caden grabbed the box from her and tried to pick up the squirrel. Right then Harrison came out with a small silver dagger, which I had no idea how he got, and handed it to me. At this point I was as perplexed as the little squirrel they were now torturing. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that someone like Lici would do something so horrible to such a poor defenseless creature and I had no idea why Harrison handed me the dagger.

"First put the dagger down" demanded Caden "Do you really think I would stab you if I wouldn't stab the squirrel?" I guess they weren't very sure because they backed away from the squirrel without any more hesitation. I walked over to the small white box and carefully lifted up the lid. The squirrel seemed well enough to survive so I slowly lifted one side of the box until the other side was in contact with the ground. As soon as the squirrel realized it was able to go free it limped away into the bushes. After the squirrel was out of sight I turned around and headed home. I knew that the boys would find some way to make fun of me because I stood up for the squirrel, but at that time I couldn't care less.

"Stab it." he said "What?" "Stab the squirrel." I had no idea what to do. I knew that stabbing the squirrel would be wrong, it was murder. I also knew that the boys had only recently stopped insulting me and if I didn't kill the squirrel like they wanted to they would probably start again.

The next day I was with my little brother in my backyard trying to teach him how to catch a kickball. The ball had rolled over behind the shed and since my brother thought there was a giant spider that lived there, I had to go get it. I was reaching for the ball when I saw a little puffy tail sticking out from under the fence. When I went to look closer I realized that the puffy tail belonged to the squirrel that Lici, Caden, and Harrison tortured yesterday. I also realized that the squirrel was dead. I didn't realize that the squirrel was too hurt to be able to survive by itself when I let it go the day before. I never thought that they had poked and prodded him hard enough to cause internal bleeding. I couldn't

"Well what are you waiting for?" asked Harrison "You're not a coward are you?" "Are you too afraid to hurt the squirrel? Are you scared it'll jump up and bite your finger?" taunted Caden "Maybe it's against her religion like the cow god she can't eat except it's a squirrel." At this point I was angry enough to stab him with the dagger, but that would still be wrong too. I still had


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

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help feeling that I was responsible for the death of the squirrel. If I had known how hurt the squirrel was or how to help it, it might have survived. If I had stood up for the squirrel sooner, it might still be running along the tree branches overhead. If I had taken the squirrel home and mage sure it was able to survive on it's own it wouldn't be lying dead on the ground. The guilt I felt for not being able to help the squirrel drove me to find ways to help innocent animal. I started going to animal shelters for volunteering my time in high school. I helped to provide an animal whether it was medical attention, a loving caring family, or protection from potential threats. I worked with many animal rights groups before I finally decided to go to veterinary college at Purdue. xxx Those flashbacks did not last long as my conscious mind would hurry me to the operation table where this little puppy was laying motionless under the sedation. Two hours and multiple surgeries later, the caramel colored puppy was stable enough to survive without life support. Soon the puppy will be reunited with his family and the story will finally have a happy ending. It felt like that the burden I was carrying on me since two decades was lifted today. xxx

logLaf6 s]lx t l;Sg} k5{ jf s]t'; vltj8f Pp6f lgnf] Eofg af6f] 5f8]/ Knfhf leq l5/\of] / Pp6f PKkn 6«L n]lvPsf] sf]l/og u|f];/L :6f]/ cuf8L /f]lsof] . ufl8sf] rf/}lt/ ePsf Od{h]G;L nfO6x? lKns lKns u/]/ aNg yfn] . d}n] clnslt k/af6 of] ;a b]lv/x]sf] 5' . ufl8 eLq kf+r hgf dflg; x'g'k5{ . 8fOe/ 9f]sf vf]n]/ km'Q aflx/ lgl:sof] . ev{/ l6gPh s6]sf] h:tf] nfUg] Tof] o'jsn] sf]6 h:t} b]lvg] 6f]lk gePsf] sfnf] Hofs]6 nfPsf] lyof] . sfnf] s6gsf] k]G6 / sfnf] a'6 h'Qfdf p cf}krfl/s kf]zfsdf b]lvPsf] lyof] . p;n] uf8Laf6 clkm; Aofu lgsfNof] / sf+wdf le/\of] . uf8Lsf] ;fO8 x]g]{ P}gfdf cg'xf/ x]of]{, skfn ldnfof], cg'xf/df s]xL nfu]sf] /x]5 ls s] xf] xftn] k'5\of] . clg l7+u pleP/ Hofs]6 ldnfof], tfgt'g uof]{, o;f] uf8L leq x]of]{ / leqsfnfO{ s]lx eGof] clg :6f]/sf] 9f]sflt/ uof] . :6f]/sf] 9f]sf v'n} b]v]/ p ;/f;/ leq hfg vf]Hof] t/ p 9f]sfdf k'Ug] lalQs} 9f]sf nfUof] . p clnslt ge{; eof] . o;f] x]/\of] Og n]v]sf] 9f]sf t csf]{ kf] 38

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

sf]xL dfG5] cfp+b} u/sf] b]v]+ . p;sf] d'Noafg ;do v]/ ghfj; eg]/ d :6f]/ leq k;]+ . l5gl5gdf aflx/ Tolx s]6LnfO{ xb}{ s]lx ;lkª u/]+ . aflx/ lg:sbf km]/L s]6L PSn} lyO{ . d';'Ss x+F:b} km]l/ p;n] d]/f] :jfut u/L . d]/f] xftdf cem} slkmsf] sk lyof] . d]/f] sk x]b}{ p;n] egL æof] slkm tkfO{n] sx+Faf6 Nofpg' eof]<Æ o:tf] nfUbYof] p;n] of] sk vf];]/ ;"?Kk kfl/ xfNg] lyO{, ef]sfn] ef]hg e]6] h:tf] . d}n] eg] æ;]n Uof; :6];gaf6 . dnfO{ ;do ldNof] eg] tkfO{nfO{ Ps sk skmL lnP/ cfpg]5" t/ ;do gldn]/ d cfpg ;lsg eg] rflx dfO{G8 gug'{xf]nf gL, d}n] cf;f b]vfP+ t/ afrf ul/g .æ cf+vf el/ v';L e/]/ p;n] 6fpsf] lgx'/fp+b} elg æwGoafbÆ . æafO{ gfpÆ d lx+8] . afO, afO[ ub}{ p dlt/ x]l//xL . d]/f] lgs} ;lkª ug'{ lyof] cfh t/ d}n] w]/} ;do of] hfkflgh s]6Lsf] sfd cjnf]sg ub}{df vr{ ul/;s]sf] lyP+ . Toltdfq geP/ cem slkm lnP/ km]l/ cfp+5' eg]sf] 5' . d slkm lnP/ h;/L eP klg s]6LnfO{ e]6\g] dgdf ;f}Rb} d csf]{ :6f]/lt/ nfu]+ . d Tof] s]6Lsf] ;f]rfO{ / u/fO{ b]v]/ lgs} k|efljt eP+ . hfkfgsL s]6L, clk|msfsf] nflu rGbf ;+sng ul//x]sL 5, Tof] klg o:tf] lr;f]df aflx/ a;]/ . lbgel/df o;n] sltnfO{ rGbfsf] nflu xft km}nfp+lb xf]< sltn] t lb+bf x"g\, sltn] t k};f e]nf u/]/ df]h ulb{ xf]nL eg]/ dg dg} ufnL klg t ubf{ x'g\ . sltn] 7f8} ufnL ug{ klg s] a]/< sltn] p;n] af]nfPsf] klg g;'g] h:tf] u/]/ lx+8]sf] t d cfkm}+n] b]v]sf] lyP+ . s] of] ;a} olt ;fgf] pd]/sL s]6Ln] ;xh} u/]sL xf]ln< p;n] of] km]a'|c/L dlxgfsf] hf8f]df u/]sf] d]xgt cfkm\gf] nflu klg x}g, cfkm\gf] kl/af/sf] nflu klg x}g, cfkm\gf] ;dfh / b];sf] nflu klg x}g . ;fob b]v]sL klg 5}g xf]nf p;n] cfkm'n] o:tf] si6 u/]/ ;+sng u/]sf] k};f sxf+ s;/L / s:sf] nflu vr{ eO{/x]sf] eg]/ . t/ klg of] s]6L slt bQlrQ eP/ nflu/x]sL 5] rGbf ;+sngdf . d}n] p;nfO{ 5f8] klg p;sf] slkmsf] ulx/f] ltvf{n] dnfO{ 5f8]g . lr;f]n] sfdL/x]sf] a]nf, p;nfO{ Ps sk slkm lbg kfP d?e'lddf ltvf{Psf] dflg;n] kfgL e]6] h:t} v'l; x'+bL xf] . lr;f]n] sfld/x]sf] d'6' tftf] slkmn] sfDg 5f8\bf] xf] . dnfO{ ;lkª ug{ dg nfu]g, u'8fO/x]sf] ;lk8= sf6{ Tolts} 5f8]/ d :6f]/ aflx/ lg:s]+ . ;/f;/ ;]n Uof; :6];g lt/ nfu]+ . slkm af;L eO;s]sf] /x]5, go+F skmL agfpg nufP+ . Pp6f 7"nf] skdf ske/L slkm agfP/ d p ePsf] 7fp+lt/ nfu]+ . cfkm\gf] ;lkª af+sL eP klg, d}n] d]/f] afrf k"/f ug{ kfPsf]df d v';L lyP+ . cln k/} af6 b]v]+, s]6L clxn] :6k ;fOgdf c8\ofO{ /fv]sf] kf]:6/nfO{ c+ufnf] xfn]/ v'6\6f grnfO{ hLpdfq otfplt xNnfO{ /x]sL lyO{ . nfUof] p;nfO{ lgs} hf8f] eP5, To;}n] kf]:6/sf] ;xfotfn] hf8f] 5Nb} lyO{ . dnfO{ p;sf] eg\ dfof nfu]/ cfof] . cem glhs uP+, b]v]+ :6k ;fO{gsf] km]bdf :6f/aS; n]v]sf] skaf6 afkm p8\b} lyof] . d}n] eGbf klxn] s;}n] slkm NofOlbP 5 . Ps dgn] gld7f] nfUof], hf8f]n]

8f]g/x?sf] gfdfjln e]l6of] To;}sf] csf]{ k6\6L h] h] b]lvof] l6Kg] larf/ u/]+ . n]Vg vf]h]+ ank]gn] n]v]g, lgs}a]/ sfuhdf /u8]+ / klg ank]gn] n]v]g . ;f]r]+ lr;f] dl; hd]5 . vfb} u/]sf] skmL xftdf lnP/ ufl8af6 aflx/ lg:s]+ . aflx/ lgs} lr;f] lyof] . gxf]; klg lsg< dWo km]j|'j/L To;df klg klxn] g} k/]sf] lxp+ cem} htftt} c8\8f hdfP/ a;]sf] 5 . Hofs]6sf] 6f]kL nufP+ . tL ;'Gb/L s]6L;+u /fd|/L s'/f ug]{ / s]lx /sd 8f]g;g lbg] dgn] lg0f{o ul/;s]sf] lyof] . d}n] klxn] p;n] :6k ;fOgdf c8\ofO{ /fv]sf] kf]i6/ glhs} uP/ lgoFn]+ / slkmsf] ;sf]{ tfGb} d p;sf] cuf8L plePF . s]6L ;fgL dfq} b]lvPsL /lx5, cg"xf/ x]bf{ jL; PSsfO; ai{fsL h:tf] nfUof] . v/fof]sf] e'Tnf ePsf] Hofs]6sf] 6f]kLsf] 3]/f leq p;sf] cg'xf/ km'Ng nfu]sf] u'nfa h:t} b]lvPsf] lyof] . dnfO{ b]v]/ cl3 b]lv g} x]b}{ p k|km'Nn eP/ d]/f] :jfut ul//x]sL lyO{ . p;n] 3+Fl6df em'G8\ofPsf] kl/ro kq b]vfp+b} elg æxfO{, d ;'lhtf . xfdL clk|msfdf lzIffsf] ljsf;sf nfuL rGbf p7fp+b}5f}+ .Æ p;n] clnslt 6fpsf] lgx'/fp+b} egL . d}n] slkmsf] sk :6k ;fOg :6of\G8sf] 6kdf c8\ofP+ . jfn]6 lgsfn]+ clg Pp6f kf+r 8n/sf] ljn lgsfn]/ l;l/onsf] aS;leq v;fO{ lbP+ . km]l/ slkmsf] sk xftdf ln+b} eg] æ tkfO{ gof+ xf] < oxf+ t d}n] klxn] slxn] klg otflt/ b]v] h:tf] nfUb}g .Æ of] d/f] s'/f ug]{ axfgf dfq} lyof] . d oxf+ slt g} w]/} dfG5 lrG5" /< To;df klg d]/f nflu ;a} Pl;ogx? p:t} b]lvG5g\ . æd af]i6gdf a:5',Æ p;n] egL . æclg s;/L olt 6f9f cfpg' eof] t rGbf ;+sng ug{<Æ d}n] cfZro{ k|s6 u/]+ . æxfdL kf+r hgf cfP/ ljleGg 7fp+df o;l/ g} a;]sf 5f}+ . a]n'sL e]nf eP/ af]i6g hfG5f}+Æ p;n] ;xh pQ/ lbO{ . ætkfO{ ljBfyL{ xf]<Æ d}n] ;f]w]+ . æxf] xfdL kf+r hgf hfkfgL ;fyLx? ldn]/ clk|msfdf lzIffsf] ljsf; ug{ Pp6f u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf vf]n]sf 5f+}+ . lo x]g'{ xf]:geGb} p;n] xftdf afs]sf] sfnf] kmf]N8/ kN6fP/ b]vfO{ . Toxf+ leq pgLx?sf] ;+:yfsf] kl/rosf] ;fydf o;n] s;/L sfd u5{ eGg] af/]sf 8s'd]G6\x? / kmf]6f]x? lyP . dnfO{ o;sf] sfo{qmd eGbf klg o:tf] lr;f]df aflx/ a;]/ rGbf ;+sng u/]sf] sfd g} r"gf}ltk'0f{ nflu/x]sf] lyof] . olt ;fgf] pd]/df s]n] o;nfO{ o;/L csf{sf] lxtdf sfd ug]{ k|]/0ff lbof]< st} lolgx? ;a} ldn]/ k};f p7fP/ af+l8vfg] t x}gg\< dgdf clnslt z+sfsf] afbn d8fl/of] . p;sf] cgxf/df x]/]+, s'g} 5nsk6sf] ;+s]t b]lvg . b]v]+ s]jn lgbf]{if / lr;f]n] rls{g yfn]sf] v;|f] ufnf, cf]7, lrp+8f] / gfs .


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

æa? d]/f oL gfs sfgsf uxgf a]r]/ eP klg 7"N5f]/fnfO{ 8fp6/ g} agfpgL xf] . ef]nL 5f]/f ufp+df 8fp6/ ec/ cfp+bf s:tf] x'Gr<Æ cfdfsf] cGhfg dfof / uj{ / clnslt :jfy{ zAb ag]/ kf]lvof] . æt}+n] lx;fa u/]O5];\< b'O{ jif{;Dd sf7df08'cf+ a;]/ 8fS6/L k9\g] vr{ Xof+ xf]< t]/f oL gfs sfgdf slt nfO5];\< 5 dlxgf klg k'Ub}g .Æ afpn] vfp+nf h:tf] u/L cfdfnfO{ 8SNofP . æt}+n] P;]N;L ul/xfln;\ . t+ d'lg tL–tLg hgf efOalxgLx? 5g\ . ltgn{fO{ klg k9fpg} k/f] . ca t+nfO{ Xof+ eGbf dfly k9fpg ;lStg . ;S5;\ eg] e/y]u u/]/ lt+bnf{O{ klg P;]N;L;Dd v'6\6f nfOb] . ;Sb}g;\ eg] ca cfkm' h;/L ug]{ xf] u/\ . t+nfO{ P;]N;L u/fOxfn]+, dnfO{ ca kfk nfuf]Og .Æ afa'sf] k'/f0f nIdLbQlt/ ;f]lemof] . nIdLbQn]] 3/af6 ;xof]u kfpg] l:ylt /x]g . g;Sg] t 5+b} lyof], /fd|} d'vn] eg]sf] eP klg t x'GYof] . æoL klg t]/} efO alxgL x'g\ /] . pgLx?nfO{ klg t}+n] e/y]u u/\ /] . e'qfsf], d;+u ;f]w]/ hGdfPsf x'g\ /<Æ nIdLbQ PSn} emf]lSsP afa';+u . Tof] lbgsf] afa'sf] s'/fn] ;fx|} kf]Nof] nIdLbQnfO{ . Tof] 36gfkl5 cfkm\g} afa';+u klg xft k;f/]/ s]xL dfUg dg nfu]g nIdLbQnfO{ . hfuL/ e]6];Dd lbp;f] st} sfd ug]{ eg]/ 5]ps} jL/]Gb| SofDk;df Dofy / O+lUn; d]h/ lnP/ cf6{; k9\g /fqL sIffdf egf{ eP . Tof] ;fn PrPsf] nf:6 ln:6df ;Q/L k|ltzt Nofpg]sf] klg gfd lg:s]5 t/ nIdLbQn] krxQ/ k|ltzt c+s NofP/ klg PrP k9\g] cfsf+Iff k'/f ePg . ToxL;fn k';b]lv ufp+sf] :s'ndf :yfgLo >f]taf6 tna vfg] u/L Pshgf lzIfs /fVg] lg0f{o eof] . :s'nsf] h]xGbf/ ljBfyL{ klg ePsf] / nIdLbQnfO{ /fVbf tna klg w]/} lbg' gkg]{ a? k|fOd/L b]lv xfO:s'n n]ensf h'g;'s} ljifo klg k9fpg ;Sg] b]v]sf]n] Gof}kfg] x]8;/n] nIdLbQnfO{ af]nfP . nIdLbQ ca u"? eP, Psb'O{ sfvL ahfpg] l5d]sL afx]s c? ;a}n] /fd|} dfg] . :s'ndf k9fpg z'? u/]kl5 cg]s x08/ vf+b} nIdLbQn] cfOP, laP kf; u/]/ PdP sf] klg bf]>f] jif{sf] k|fOe]6 k/LIff lbg] a]nf eO;s]sf] lyof] . lzIff cfof]usf] hf+r kf; u/]/ xfO:s'nsf] :yfoL lzIfs klg eP of] cjlwdf . d]h/ O+lUn; / Dofy lnP/ k9]sf] x'gfn] :s'nb]lv SofDk;;Ddsf ljBfyL{x? 6\o'zg k9\g cfpg] ePsf lyP . hf+rsf] l;hgdf dlxgfsf] aL; krL; xhf/ sdfpg] ePsf lyP . 5f]6s/Ldf eGg'kbf{ uPsf] rf/ kf+r jif{b]lv nIdLbQsf] l:ylt /fd|f] ePsf] lyof] . dfG5]sf] l:ylt ;'lw|+b} cfPkl5 3/ Jojxf/sf cfjZostfx? klg a9\g yfn] . efOalxgLx? klg s'g} s'/f kbf{ afa';+u geg]/ nIdLbQ;+u} cfOk'Uy] . nIdLbQnfO{ ca ToxL lhGbuL /dfOnf] nfUg] ePsf] lyof] . a]nf a]nfdf d]l8sn nfOg k9\g gkfPsf]df dg lvGg eg] eO/xGYof] . t/ klg afa'k|ltsf] u'gf;f]x? d]l6O;s]sf lyP . cfdfrflx+ afa';+u v6k6 ePsf]

sfDb} u/]sf] p;sf] d'6'nfO{ d]/f] slkmn] ;]Sg gkfPsf]df, clg csf]{ dgn] v';L nfUof], d}n] l9nf] u/] klg sf]lx t l56f] eP5 . p;n] slkm ;ls5 Sof/], To;}n] p;n] Totfkl§ Wofg lbPsL lyOg . dnfO{ nfUof], d]/f] slkmnfO klg p;n] Tolt g} dxTj lbg]5 hlt klxn] NofPsf]nfO{ lbPsL lyO{ . p;sf] glhs} uP/ d}n] æ;'lhtfÆ eg]/ af]nfP+ . p v';L x'+b} d]/f] glhs cfO{ . d}n] ufl8af6} skmL p;sf] xftdf lbb} eg] æ;l/ ;'lhtf, d}n] l9nf] u/]+ .Æ p;sf ;fgf xftn] nfh{ ;fOhsf] sk bx|f];+u ;dfp+b} egL ægf] gf] O6\; cf] s], YofGSo" e]/L drÆ . d}n] p;nfO{ x]l//x+] . d}n] p;sf] cg'xf/df s'g} :jfy{ b]lvg . To;df c?sf] nflu u/]sf] Tofu, ;dk{0f, :jR5 efjgf / d':sfO/x]sf] lyof] . d}n] p;sf] cg'xf/df km}lnPsf] v'l; dfq b]v]+, p;n] klg dnfO{ x]l//xL t/ dnfO{ yfxf ePg p;n] s] b]lv sf]lg d df<

ndL u'0f/fh zdf{ nIdLbQ cof{n ef]hf8sf] :yfgLo :s'ndf lzIfs lyP . pd]/n] t e/v/ kRrL; k'/f u/]sf x'g\ t/ hfuL/ vfPsf] bz jif{ k'lu;s]sf] lyof] . lqrfln; ;fndf P;Pn;L u/]kl5 To;} ;fnb]lv cfkm\g} ufp+sf] :s'ndf lzIfssf] hflu/] hLjgdf k|j]z u/]sf lyP . 3/sf] cfly{s l:ylt Tolt /fd|f] lyPg . h]7f 5f]/f ePsf] sf/0f ljleGg s'/fx? x]g'{ kYof]{ . kl/jf/df klxn]b]lv /f]uL cfdf afa'sf cltl/St Pp6L lbbL, b'O{6L jlxgL, Pp6f efO lyP . cfkm'n] P;Pn;L u/]kl5 efO jlxgLx?nfO{ klg k9fpg] n]vfpg] lhDd]jf/L ;fg}b]lv pgL dfly g} cfOnfu]sf] lyof] . nIdLbQ ;fg}b]lv k9\gdf t]h lyP . sIffdf klxnf] 5f]8]/ bf]>f] slxn] x'g' k/]g . 6]:6df lhNnfsf] af]8{df rf}yf] :yfg NofPsf lyP . u'?x?n] ;f]Wbf P;Pn;Lkl5 b'O{ ;fn b'Mv u/]/ PrP -x]Ny cl;:6]G6_ k9]/ ufp+s} :yf:Yo s]Gb|df 8fS6/ x'G5' eGy] . –)– sflt{sdf dxf/fhuGhdf PrP sf] kmf/d v'Nof] eGg] yfxf eof] . nIdLbQ klg kmf/d eg{ sf7df08f}+ hfg] t/v/ ug{ nfu] . b'O{ jif{;Dd sf7df08f}+df a;]/ 3/af6 vr{ k]n]/ k9\g ;Sg] l:ylt geP klg 3/af6 clncln e/y]u eP gk'unfO{ sf7df08f}+df 6\o'zg k9fP/ klg wfGg ;lsG5 eGg] s'/f ;fyLx?af6 ;'g]sf lyP . cln l;gLo/ bfh'x?n] …z'?z'?df 3/d} uP/ k9fpg' k5{ ;fgf s]6fs]6Lx?nfO{, t}klg t+ cfp+5;\ eg] xfdL vf]lHbp+nfÚ klg eg]sf lyP . aflx/v]/ o:t} s'/fx?n] ubf{ sf7df08f}+ a;]/ b'O{ jif{ u'hfg{ ;S5' eGg] cf+6 leqleq} knfO/x]sf] lyof] . t/ vr{sf] Joj:yf af/] 3/;Nnfx ePsf] lyPg . Tof] lbg klg efOalxgLx? ;'lt;s]kl5 afa', cfdf / nIdLbQ a;]/ 5nkmn ug{ nfu] . 40

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

7fp+df s]6L x]g{ hf+bf ca t dg k/]g eg] s] ug'{k5{ eGg]df l;kfn' eO;s]sf lyP . nIdLbQsf] s]6L x]g{ hf+bf ;+w}h;f] ab|L ;fydf hfGYof] . ab|L nIdLbQsf] ;fg}b]lvsf] ldNg] ;fyL lyof] . SofDk; cufl8 :6]zg/L k;n lyof] ab|Lsf] . k9\g w]/} ;s]g ab|Ln] . P;Pn;Ldf ;]s]08 l8lehg NofP/ ToxL+ jL/]Gb| SofDk;df lx:6|L d]h/ lnP/ laPsf] hf+r lb+b} lyof] clxn];Dd . ab|Lsf] klg ljx] ePsf] lyPg. st} /fd|} 7fp+df s'/f rNof] eg] ljx] ug]{ klg s'/f ePsf] lyof] . oltv]/ nIdLbQsf] ;fyL eg]klg, ndL eg]klg pxL ePsf] lyof]. nIdLbQsf] sfddf lx+8\bf p;nfO{ klg /fd|} ePsf] lyof], otf ptf x]g{ kfPsf] lyof] . k6LxfgLsf l;4LrGb| e08f/LsL 5f]/L /fwfsf] s'/f cfof] nIdLbQsf] nflu . nIdLbQ / ab|L hfg] eP . s'/f ldNof] eg] 6Lsf6fnf] ug]{;Ddsf] cf+6 af]s]/ uP pgLx? . cr]n nIdLbQsf] afa'n] ;a} Jojxf/ pg}nfO{ ;'lDklbPsf lyP . To;}n] h] h;/L ug'{kg]{ xf] nIdlbQs} OR5fdf x'GYof] . emDs] ;f+emdf k6LxfgL k'u] . ab|L s'/f ug{df rnfv lyof] . s]6Lsf] afa';+u a;]/ cg]s ukm ug{ nfUof] . s]6fs]6Lsf] b]vfb]v efG;fdf dfq x'g] s'/f a'lemof] . nIdLbQ cfkm}+ s]6f ePsf]n] w]/} ukm ug{ klg ;s]gg\ . clxn]sf] l:ylt / s]6fsf] Nofst x]g]{xf] eg] nIdLbQ pDsfO g;Sg' s]6f lyP . a]n'sL efG;fdf s]6Ln] lgx'l/+b} vfgf kl:slbOg\ . s]6Lsf afa', nIdLbQ / ab|L ;+u} vfg a;] . ca s;/L s]6Lsf] cg'xf/ x]g'{< kfgL vfgsf] nflu Unf; g/fv]/ s?jf /fvLlbPsf /x]5g\ . nIdLbQn] s?jfaf6 7f8f] 3f+6L nfp+b} kf+r k6s;Dd kfgL lkP. kfgL lkpg] t jxfgf dfq, To;f] ubf{ s]6Lsf] cg'xf/sf] emns kfOg] . kfgL lkpg nfu]sf] dfG5]nfO{ s]xL eGg klg ldn]g . nIdLbQn] x]g{ t x]/] /fwfnfO{ t/ cem} lgofn]/ x]g]{ wf]sf] k'u]g . n'sL rf]/L x]g'{ k/]sf]n] efG;fsf] dw'/f] pHofnf]df eP/ sfnL b]lvPsf] xf] ls ?k g} sN:ofp+bf] xf] lgwf] ug{ ;s]gg\ . lgwf] ug{ ab|LnfO{ ;f]w] . æs]6L t cln sfnL g} nfUof] dnfO{,Æ ab|Ln] nIdLbQsf] dgdf lr;f] kfgL vGofOlbof] . Tof] /ft otf ptfsf s'/f u/L a;] . æab|L afa', s'/f s] ef]< lgwf] kfd\ g tÆ ljxfg s]6Lsf afa'n] ab|LnfO{ PSn} af]nfP/ ;f]w] . æPsrf]6L 3/;Nnfx u/]/ lgwf] ug]{ eg]sf] 5 ;fyLn]Æ ab|Ln] s'/f ldnfof] . nIdLbQ / ab|L 3/lt/ kms]{ . 3/ ;Nnfx eof], nIdLbQsf] k/LIff glaufg]{ u/L km]/L s'/f rnfpg] lgwf] eof] . To;sf] nuQ} PdP k/LIff sf] nflu nIdLbQ sf7df08f}+ lx+8] . k/fh'nL dfOnf dfkm{t\ stf stf 3'dfp/f] u/L va/ k'Uof] kl6xfgL . va/ nlulbg] k/fh'nL dfOnf e08f/Lsf cfkmGt ky]{ . nIdLbQsf] va/ af]s]/ uPsf pgL kms{+bf ab|Ls} nflu gof+ va/ lnP/ kms]{5g\ .

a]nf …5f]/fnfO{ x]nf+ u/]/ p;n] k9\g vf]h]sf] k9fOg;\Ú eg]/ l/; kf]lVyg\ . t/ Toltv]/sf] jfWotf g} lyof] afa'sf] klg . zfob cfkm\g} argn] ubf{ xf]nf afa'n] klg p;sf] cfoJoodf s'g} lgltvf]hL ub}{gy] . efOalxgLx? ;a}n] /fd|} kl9/x]sf lyP . nIdLbQnfO{ lj:tf/} ljx]sf k|:tfjx? cfpg yfn] . klxnf] b'O{ tLg jif{ jlxgLx?sf] ljx] gu/L cfkm\gf] ljx] s;/L ug'{ eg]/ jf:tf /fv]gg\ . v} s:tf] rng xf] s'lGg< 3/df jlxgLx? ;fg} eP klg pd]/ 3s]{sf] bfh'sf] ljx] ug{ gx'g] . zfob gGb efph'sf] ;DaGw cln 3d08L kf/fsf] xf]nf / b'j}sf] 3/ lju|]nf eg]/ hf]ufpgnfO{ a'9fkfsfn] To:tf] rng a;fn]sf x'g\ sL< cyjf k/fO 5f]/L 3/df cfPkl5 cfkm\gf] r'/Lkm'/L vtd x'g] / ljx]df cfkm'v';L bfOhf] nfg kfO+b}g eg]/ gGbx?n] lgsfn]sf pkfo x'g\< h] h;/L rng rn]sf] ePklg nIdLbQn] alxgLx? b'O{6Lsf] ljx] gu/L cfkm' ljx] ulb{g eg]/} a;] . afa' cfdfn] klg p;nfO{ ljx] ug{ Ps jrg klg s/ u/]gg\ . zfob ljx] kl5 5f]/f k/fO x'G5 eGg] 8/ lyof] . p;sf] clxn] ;Ddsf] Tofu / tk:of dfly cljZjf; emlNsGYof] Toxf+ . cfkm\gf] lhjg e/sf] sdfO nufP/ nIdLbQn] b'O{6L alxgLx?sf] ljx] ;sfP . sfG5L alxgLsf] b'ng kmsf{P/ lx+8]s} lbgb]lv cfdfnfO{ a'xf/L rflxP5 . oltGh]n pgn] sdfP, 3/ agfP, efOalxgLnfO{ k9fP, cx+ pgnfO{ s] rflxG5, s;f] x'+b}5 s;}n] ;f]wvf]h u/]g . pgnfO{ dgsf] ax kf]Vg] Pp6L ;fyL slxn]b]lv rflxPsf] lyof] s;}nfO{ jf:tf ePg, clxn] bz}lbgdf 3/df a'xf/L rflxof] /] . 3/df lbglbg} pgs} ljx]sf s'/f rNg yfn] . lbgsf] Pp6L s]6Lsf s'/f cfpg yfn] . nIdLbQnfO{ crDd nflu/x\of] . oL k|:tfjx? sxf+ c8\s]sf lyP xf]nfg\ klxn]< h] xf];\ ca nIdLbQ klg ljx] ug]{ lg0f{odf k'u] . ljleGg 7fp+df s]6L x]g{ hfg] l;nl;nf z'? eof] . Psrf]6L d's'Gbk'/sf clwsf/L afh]sf 5f]/L x]g{ k'u]5g\ . a]n'sL efG;fdf 3'+8fdf 6fpsf] n'sfp+b} afh]sL 5f]/Ln] vfgf k:s]/ lbO5g\ . b]Vg ;d]t gkfOg] 7fp+df af]nrfn ug]{ t s'/} ePg . cfkm\gf] dg ldNg] ;fyL ab|LnfO{ lnP/ uPsf lyP . kl5 s'/f a'em\b} hf+bf k9fO 5f]8]/ a;]sL clg pd]/ klg w]/} g} vfPsf] cg'dfg u/]/ s'/f gldNg] 6+'uf]df k'u]5g\ . klxnf] rf]6L s]6L x]g{ uPsf dg k/]g eg] klg 7f8} eGg x'+b}g eGg] ;Dd yfxf lyof] t/ s] eGg' k5{ eGg] rflx+ yfxf lyPg . 6f9fsf] af6f] kms{g cK7\of/} ePsf]n] /ftL klg ToxL+ a:g] eP5g\ . ptf clwsf/L afh]n] rflx+ To;sf] cs}{ cy{ nfP5g\ . kfqf] lgsfnLj/L ljx]sf] nug slxn] slxn] 5 eg]/ x]b{} /x]5g\ /ftLd} . ;fyLn] aflx/ xfjf vfg lg:sg] lgx+' u/]/ s'/f a'em]5 . ca ljTof; kg]{ eof], ljxfg t /ftf]6Lsf u/fpg] eP eg]/ /ftL g} p7]/ efu]5g\ . To; kl5 klg w]/} 7fp+df uP . clxn]sf] h:tf] s]6fs]6LnfO{ ltdLx? s'/f u/ eg]/ v'nf ukm ug{ 5f]l8lbg] rng lyPg Toltv]/ . ljx] cl3 s]6fs]6L 7DofP/ x]g}{ d'l:sn . w]/}


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

æTof] nIdLbQ eGg];+u xfd|f] 5f]/LnfO{ x]g{ cfpg] tL ab|Lafa'sf] klg ljx] ef5}g eGof x}g< x}g s:tf 5g\ tLgsf vfgbfg< ls pgn] u/] eg] lbg x'G5 /flwsf<Æ /fwfsL cfdfn] nf]Ug];+u s'/f /flvg\ . æs:tf km/fl;nf lyP tL ab|Lafa' . Tof] nIdLbQ eGg] t Tolt af]Ng] h:tf] klg nfUof lyPgÆ /fwfsL cfdfn] ylkg\ . pgnfO{ t 5f]/L x]g{ cfp+b}df ab|L kf] dg k/]sf] /}5 . l;l4nfnn] klg 3f]l/P/ ;f]r]5g\ . Psdgn] 7Ls} xf] h:tf] klg nfu]5 . laP ;Dd k9]sf], Pp6f Ond u/]/ a;]sf] s]6f 7Ls} t xf] h:tf] nfu]/ k/fh'nL;+u k|:tfj /fvL k7fP5g\ . jf:tjdf ab|LnfO{ klg /fwf dg k/]sf] /x]5 . nIdLbQn] n'sLn'sL x]g'{kg]{ a]nfdf ab|Ln] lgw{Ss;+u /fwfsf] ?k/+u x]g{ kfPsf] lyof] . s]6Lsf] vfgbfg ;a} yfxf ePs} lyof] . gfO+ eGg] s'/} lyPg . tLglbg kl5 g} ab|L / /fwfsf] ljx] eof] . –)– sf7df08f}+af6 kms]{kl5 ;a} s'/f v'n:t eof] . ufp+3/df ab|Ln] wf]sf lbP/ nIdLnfO{ lbg] eg]sf] s]6L cfkm}+nfO{ kf/\of] /] eGg] ufO+u'O+ x'+b} uof] . /L;}/L;df nIdLbQn] u}8fsf]6sL cof{nsL 5f]/L ?kfnfO{ ljx] u/] . ;fwf/0f ljx] ug'{k5{ eGg] nIdLbQn] cfkm}+n] dfu]/ bfOhf]df HjfO{+ df]6/;fOsn klg ldnfP /] . kf]xf]/ ;fn e/tk'/ hf+bf yfxf eof] cr]n nIdLbQ / ab|Lsf] cfjt hfjt 5}g /x]5 .

Wishing all our Nepalese Friends a Very Happy New Year, 2070

Mazer Khan (Mike)

1137 New Britain Ave West Hartford, CT 06110

Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. – Mahatma Gandhi

We extend our best wishes to all of Nepalese Community Happy New Year 2070

May the year ahead be lit with brightness and be filled with abundant goodness!!! We appreciate Nepalese Community and Employees!

GBS Threading Salon 951-A Farmington Ave West Hartford, CT 06107 SERVICES: THREADING, FACIAL, WAXING, EYE LASHES, TIN TIN

Shop and Smile 956 New Britain Ave West Hartford, CT 06110


Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

Connecticut Chautari, Volume 1 Issue 1, April 2013

gof+ jif{ @)&) sf] ;'vb pknIodf sg]lS6s6jf;L ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnL ;d'bfosf] ;':jf:Yo, bL3f{o' / pQ/f]Q/ k|ultsf] d+undo z'esfdgf JoSt ub{5f}+ .

uf]kfn kf]v/]n, /fd rf}w/L, u0f]z cof{n

tyf 6]:6 ckm Ol08of kl/jf/

139 South Main Street West Hartford, CT 06107 Phone: (860) 561-2221

Connecticut Chautari, Vol. 1, No. 1 (New Year Issue, 2070 BS) Official Newsletter of Nepalese Association of Connecticut (NAConn)

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