Crown of the Continent Fall 2011

Page 26

Bui l din g a university f or the story by WILL KLACZYNSKI


s important as it is to know the history of the University of Montana in Missoula and the accomplishments that have made this institution what it is today, it is perhaps even more important to know where we are going and how we will get there. Although it is impossible to see into the future, we now have a clear picture of the directions that the university is headed in over the next decade. Outlining these directions in five issues is UM’s Strategic Plan, entitled “UM 2020: Building a University for the Global Century,” which covers every aspect of the university from facilities management to international research. Central to the plan is the concept of the “Global Century,” referring to the fact that we live in a much smaller world where technology has overcome the traditional barriers of geographic and political boundaries that once impeded communication and cooperation across the globe. Now, breakthroughs and discoveries made at places such as UM can impact the world in a way that was once unheard of. This interconnectivity also brings global issues and challenges to light and gives students and faculty at UM the chance to address them head on. Yet, in this global community where the sharing of information and cooperation are so important, there still exists the need to remain competitive and stay ahead of the curve. See next page


UM 2020


photo by Rick & Susie Graetz On the campus of The University of Montana in Missoula – Main Hall


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