Creation Festivals March 2012 eMag

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Pastor Harry (right) baptizes a new believer at Creation

PASTOR HARRY THOMAS Creation Founder and Speaker Pastor to Pastor


have been an ordained pastor for over 42 years (yikes!). One of my favorite responses from the people who attend Creation is from the Pastors and youth leaders who bring a group. I love to hear the cheering crowds, but when a pastor tells me how his young people were touched by Christ, that just thrills me! As a pastor I know how important it is to reach young peoplesuch testimonials always bless me. Statistics say that the church worldwide is loosing young people. That’s hard to believe when you see thousands young people praising God and many streaming forward to the Prayer Tent during the altar call. We do not have to loose our young people. Instead I believe we need to embrace them with the truth and the love of Christ and His claims for their lives. We need to let them know they are not alone in their faith. Since 1979, Creation strived to never miss an opportunity to preach the glorious gospel of Christ. Never missing the precious moment to invite people to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. You would think I would take it for granted when thousands come forward for prayer

Creation Festival experience is how the Word of God is not a side-issue. It has always been front and center! We all know that a lot of things can fade away but the Word of God endures forever and never goes forth without returning with a harvest.

your church and youth group will experience the ripple effect of young people serving the Master. I have seen it in the church I pastor and I know it to be true by the hundreds of testimonies of youth leaders and pastors.

Youth leaders and pastors do an If you could bottle the enthusiasm amazing job bringing after Creation it might pop the We are here to serve their group to Creacork. Creation your church and your tion. We are grateful has a ripple people like you youth. This is not a that care enough to have effect when a “gig” for us it is a divine your youth come young person appointment and we be part of Creation. returns home. With social are expecting God to Many leaders come media the ripple with several in their move among us. group planning on effect is even being baptized. Year greater. Seeing after year as I stand in the baptismal thousands of young people praising waters I am blessed to have a youth God together is something that lingers in the heart and strengthens the minister baptize several of his or her spirit of a young person. It says so young people. I love it and I could not be more pleased. What joy it is clearly, “your not alone in your love for me seeing that teenager commit for Christ-just look around you.” their life to Christ! Creation is a “mountain top” exAs a pastor myself, I can tell you that perience like no other. Times of your young people will feel loved and reflection, prayer and great music experience the truth of God’s love are always part of your day as you fellowship with each other and are for them at Creation. They will be encouraged to know Christ and to challenged from the Word of God. follow Him with their whole life. And One of the strongest points of the

Creation is an awesome responsibility that we take seriously under God’s guidance. We need you to be praying and standing with us as we seek to reach generations for Christ. We are here to serve your church and your youth. This is not a “gig” for us it is a divine appointment and we are expecting God to move among us.

year after year, but that could not be further from the truth. Every time with tears in my eyes I feel the Lord say “this is what Creation is all about.” What could be better than to come to Creation and become a “new creation.”in Christ.

I stand by this promise in Psalm 71:18 “And even when {I am} old and gray, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Thy strength to {this} generation, Thy power to all who are to come.” Pastor Harry and his wife Margery also direct and founded Come Alive International and Come Alive Church in Medford, NJ


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