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5.0 Supplemental Analysis of the Project Revisions

and would degrade service levels, and 2) if the degradation of service levels result in the provision of new public service facilities that would by their construction, result in a substantial adverse physical impacts. The 2006 L.A. CEQA Guidelines provides screening criteria that indicates when further study is warranted regarding a potential impact. The screening criteria for public services are if a project will induce an additional 75 residential units for police services, schools and libraries, while the screening criteria of parks and recreation is an additional 50 units. A revision in the project that would fall below these screening criteria would not contribute to a new significant impact. The designation of Block 52 under the Urban Innovation Zone was already evaluated in comparison to the Original Proposed Alternative Section and Table 17-3 of the Original DEIR under the Modified Project Alternative. The 146,845-square-foot site (3.4 acres) is located within the Plan's River Buffer Area, which means that site development would be limited to a 1.5 FAR. Under both the Original and Revised Proposed Alternative, residential use is permitted in the Urban Innovation Zone up to a maximum of 15 percent of the total floor area with a maximum of 33,0040 sf of residential use permitted in Block 52 pursuant to the Revised Proposed Alternative. This would permit approximately 28 to 40 additional residential units than were previously accounted for in the Original Proposed Project, and would fall below the screening criteria for a potential impact of public services established by the L.A. CEQA Threshold Guidelines. This is consistent with the Original DEIR conclusion that the Modified Project Alternative would result in a minor increase in public service and recreation facilities impacts due to additional land use intensity, but would not result in a new significant impact. The Density Bonus Option, in coordination with the reduction in Base FAR in the Urban Village Zone for certain residential projects and the reduction in the marginal Bonus FAR allotted for Community Benefit Option are devised to prioritize and increase the incentive for developers to provide affordable housing in the Project Area. While this may increase the production of affordable housing relative to market rate housing, the Density Bonus Option included in the Revised Proposed Alternative would not substantially change the land use assumptions in the Original DEIR and RP-DEIR in regards to overall residential units permitted (see discussion on the City density bonus program in Section B) or introduce residential uses in areas that were not already identified under the Original Proposed Alternative. While the Density Bonus Option is included as a new feature in the Revised Proposed Alternative, the City density bonus program, as permitted under Section 12.22 A.25 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) was already assumed to apply under the Original Proposed Alternative, and accounted for in the program assumptions as described in Section and shown in Table 2-2 of the Original DEIR.

Cornfield Arroyo Seco Specific Plan Final EIR


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