Corban Magazine - Spring 2013

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So, does Christian stewardship really work? Just ask Sherman and other Corban staff members. At every turn this year, we have seen God at work in and through our students. They’re already making a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. And, they can’t wait to keep doing the same long after they’ve graduated and followed God’s calling elsewhere.

Then again, such positive growth and fruit-bearing should come as no surprise. After all, isn’t that why Corban is here year after year? How long has it been since you thanked God in a deep, heartfelt way for Corban? Recently? Quite some time? Either way, we encourage you to make an ongoing commitment to pray for and intercede for the ministry of our beloved university.

Then get ready to hear even more exciting reports about what the Lord is doing in and through Corban’s alumni, young and old alike, in the months and years to come. Amen! David Sanford is Director of Institutional Marketing at Corban University.

No Compromise: “Dedicating Heart and Mind to God” Why Corban remains such a vibrant private Christian university Is it wrong that most of America’s institutions of higher learning seek to secularize (take religious belief and practice away from) today’s young adults? Consider what Steven Muller, former president of Johns Hopkins University, has said: “The failure to rally around a set of values means that universities are turning out potentially highly skilled barbarians.” Pharmacokinetics researchers without scruples. Wall Street financiers without souls. Then again, let’s not forget that the founders of Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, and other influential Ivy League schools had the stated objective of furthering the Christian faith for the good of America. In the original articles of incorporation and bylaws, they declared that each new generation must embrace faith in God for itself.

What began with earnest Christian conviction within a generation became mere tradition. Later, skepticism (doubt of basic Christian truths) and then unbelief overtook each of America’s most prestigious educational institutions. Unbelieving professors eventually made routine mockery of once-cherished beliefs. The late Carl F. H. Henry, the first editor of “Christianity Today,” put it this way: “The barbarians are coming.” Without a massive turning to God, Henry could see “barbarians” taking over our land. Not foreigners, but our own unrepentant children and grandchildren, living without God Almighty as the ruler of their lives.

different. Very different. We unabashedly, wholeheartedly, and gladly continue to foster Christian stewardship in our students within the context of a vibrant private Christian university. More than ever, Corban’s motto rings true. We’re truly Dedicating Heart and Mind to God.

Thankfully, Corban has been, is, and will be

But what happened? Each university actively sought to Christianize America in its day. Yet they let go of conversion Christianity, in deference to others, so as not to offend those of other persuasions. Corban campus art installation called River of Peace by J. Steven Hunt


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