Catolog 2008-2009

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have completed the majority of the course work, including all exams. The instructor will assign a contingency grade, which will become the final grade if the incomplete work has not been received by the due date of the contract. Candidates who find it necessary to ask for an incomplete grade must make application for the grade and establish a contract with the instructor, which includes an appropriate completion date. This date may be extended to the end of the term subsequent to the term the incomplete was issued. Applications are available in the registrar’s office.

Graduate Education Committee

This committee meets monthly to discuss all waivers and to approve applications for the advancement to candidacy. Waivers to be reviewed by the Committee are due two weeks prior to the Committee’s meeting date, the first Friday of every month. Please submit waivers to the Education Secretary.

Graduation Requirements

To become eligible for the Master of Science in Education, the candidate must satisfactorily complete the following: 1. Advancement to candidacy 2. The program of study outline—to be completed with the academic advisor and filed in the director’s office. This is initiated in the first semester during Planning Seminar. 3. Presentation of research—the penultimate step to graduation is the formal pre- sentation of research to the education faculty. This is meant to be an academic community event so other education students may be in attendance. After the presentation, the candidate will meet with the graduate advisor to discuss and evaluate the presentation. To set a presentation date, the candidate must fill out the presentation application and return it to the graduate program secretary before March 15 of the graduation year. 4. A minimum grade point average of 3.00 for the total graduate program, with no more than six hours of grade “C” included. 5. Formal application for graduation—candidates who expect to complete all degree requirements must apply for graduation. The form can be picked up in the Registrar’s office and must be turned in by October 1 prior to the anticipated graduation year. A $100 graduation fee must accompany the application. If the candidate wishes to participate in commencement ceremonies in May, additional fees may be necessary. To participate in commencement ceremonies, all require ments must be completed no later than the last full week before graduation.

Human Subjects Research Review Committee

The Human Subjects Research Review Committee (HSRRC) provides independent determinations on methods, risks, benefits and rights involved in research involving human subjects. The HSRRC is responsible for reviewing and approving projects, conducted by both faculty and students alike, involving human subjects research. Applications to be reviewed by the Full Committee are due two weeks prior to the Committee’s meeting date, the first Friday of every month.


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