Guía Colla para web

Page 59

TERRITORY, SITES AND SYMBOLS OF CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE One of the most relevant characteristics of the Colla culture is the pastoral migration, which crosses geopolitical borders. It is due to this that it is habitual to find groups on Chilean, Argentinean, Peruvian and Bolivian mountain paths and altiplanic routes. Due to the sacred relationship that they have with their environment, it is common to see on paths and mountain routes, the “apachetas” “(...) mounds of stones placed in honor of the Pachamama (Mother Earth). It is normal to find them on Chilean, Argentinean, Peruvian and Bolivian altiplanic routes. Every time they reach an “apacheta”, one or more stones are left with a gift, which make be coke leaves or another gift, as a sign of respect to the spirit that lives there. The walker then asks for protection and health to continue their trip and avoid misfortune on their route (...). Their sizes are diverse: they go from small mounts, to gigantic rock mounds”.10 “Apachetas” can be found on Cerro Blanco, Cerro Los Pirques, Salitral, Cencerrito and Vega Redonda.

10. Ser Indigena Magazine. Consulted: January 17th 2011 <> 59

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