Kelas XI, Bahasa Inggris

Page 138

Task 11 Listen and repeat after your teacher. Then, put the words in the correct column. Words: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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Task 12 In pairs, complete the following dialogue and then act it out with your partner.

Pictures: 1. 2.

Man : Do you think that it is important to give our children fruits and vegetables? Woman : Yes, our children need fruits and vegetables to make them healthy and strong. Man : But, I’ve heard that fruits and vegetables contain large amount of pesticides. It may .... Woman : Yes, you’re right. I think it’s better for us to give our children ... because .... Man : What you said is correct. We’d better give them ... although they cost higher than conventional fruits and vegetables. Woman : Absolutely. We cannot put our children in danger by giving them unhealthy fruits and vegetables.


unit 7.indd 128

Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XI

7/19/2008 3:11:28 AM

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