Columbia UP Fall 2014 Catalog

Page 125

H i s t o r y i n P o p u l a r C u lt u r e s

Transcript Verlag

History and Humour

British and American Perspectives Barbara Korte and Doris Lechner, editors

Barbara Korte

is professor of English literature at the

University of Freiburg, Germany. Doris Lechner

is researching popular history in Victorian

family magazines for her Ph.D. in English studies at the University of Freiburg, Germany.

Transcultural Views from Asia and Europe Judith Schlehe and

Evamaria Sandkühler, editors

This book features unique case studies from Asia and Europe illustrating new religious practices, forms of articulation, and mass mediatization, all of which render religious traditions significant for contemporary issues and concerns. Essays examine experiences of spirituality in combination with commercialization and expressive performative practices as well as the everyday politics of identity. Based on innovative theoretical reflections, they consider the transcultural negotiation of religion, tradition, and the popular in different places and contexts. The volume includes contributions by Anthony Reid, Hubert Knoblauch, Ariel Heryanto, and Stefanie von Schnurbein. Judith Schlehe

is head of the Department of Social and

Cultural Anthropology at the University of Freiburg. Evamaria Sandkühler

is a Ph.D. candidate in social and

cultural anthropology at the University of Freiburg.

$45.00 paper 978-3-8376-2593-6

$50.00 paper 978-3-8376-2613-1

Ava i l a b l e N o w  222 pages / 26 b&w illustrations

Ava i l a b l e N o w 286 pages / 4 b&w and 4 color illustrations

H isto ry   /   A merican S tudies   /   B ritish S tudies

C ultural S tudies   /   A sian S tudies   / E ur o pean studies

F o r S a l e O n ly i n t h e u n i t e d s tat e s , C a n a d a , M e x i c o , Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia

One tends to associate history with serious rather than humorous modes of presentation. Yet Clio, history’s muse, also smiles and laughs out loud. Comic renderings of historical figures and events have significantly contributed to popular history since 1800. This volume presents case studies on history and humor in the United States and Britain from 1800 to the present, discussing diverse historical topics, actors, and events from the Middle Ages to the recent past.

Religion, Tradition, and the Popular

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