Columbia April 2010

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A PRIL 2010


Our values don’t change.

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April 2010 ♦ Volume 90 ♦ Number 4


8 Big Men on Campus For 100 years, Knights of Columbus college councils have shaped the futures of young men. BY SCOTT ALESSI

15 God, Love and Morality among the Millennials Young adults place a high value on faith, marriage and human life, but also embrace moral relativism. BY COLUMBIA STAFF

18 Young, Catholic Gentlemen Preparing for Knighthood, Columbian Squires advance in faith, service and leadership. BY MIKE LATONA

22 A Pope’s Invitation to Youth During the five years of his pontificate, Pope Benedict XVI has frequently addressed the deepest desires and concerns of young people. BY AMY WELBORN

Pennants representing colleges and universities that are the home to Knights of Columbus councils are displayed during the College Council Conference in New Haven, Conn., in September 2009.


Building a better world


Knights are called to demonstrate the truth of the Gospel. BY SUPREME KNIGHT CARL A. ANDERSON


Victory in Pledge of Allegiance Case • Order Donates a Half-Million Military Prayer Books • Supreme Knight Addresses Pontifical Council

Learning the faith, living the faith Through holy orders and matrimony, Christians are given special graces and a particular mission. BY SUPREME CHAPLAIN BISHOP WILLIAM E. LORI

Knights of Columbus News


Fathers for Good


Knights in Action


Year for Priests A priest ministers to young people in simple, enthusiastic ways. BY DAN FAAS


Columbianism by Degrees

The way a father says ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to his children can either inspire responsibility or lead to rebellion. BY GREGORY K. POPCAK, PH.D.

PLUS Catholic Man of the Month

APRIL 2010


An Enduring Message to Young People ON PALM SUNDAY, March 31, 1985, Pope John Paul II issued an apostolic letter to the youth of the world. In it, he challenged his “young friends” to ask the same questions as the rich young man whose encounter with Jesus is recounted in the Gospels — that is, fundamental questions about their identity and destiny (cf. Mt 19:16-22). Twenty-five years have passed since John Paul II wrote his letter to youth, and five years have passed since his death April 2, 2005, yet his words are perhaps more relevant today than ever. A recent survey sponsored by the Knights of Columbus suggests that Americans of the Millennial Generation (ages 18-29) express a greater spiritual longing than previous generations did at their age. Yet, the survey also found that a large majority of millennials believe “there is no definite right and wrong for everybody” and do not regularly attend Mass or religious services (see page 15). These young adults would do well to reflect on the wisdom contained in John Paul II’s letter. Acknowledging both the desires of youth and the importance of conscience formation, the pope warned that “the principles of morality must not surrender to deformation by any kind of relativism or utilitarianism.” He also reminded his readers that “it is in the Gospel that the aspiration to perfection, to ‘something more,’ finds its explicit point of reference.” The survey additionally found that young Americans, especially Catholics,

have a particular esteem for marriage. The vast majority of Catholic millennials believe that marriage is undervalued in society, and they most commonly place marriage and family as their highest long-term goal. However, they are also more likely than others to reject Church teachings about sexual morality. To youth who are seeking love, but confused about how to find it, John Paul II had this to say: “My dear young friends! Do not allow this treasure to be taken away from you! Do not inscribe in the plan of your life a deformed, impoverished and falsified content: love ‘rejoices in the truth.’” Contrasting Christian love, which always takes the form of gift, with a worldly concept of love that is reduced to mere pleasure, he added: “These demands — as you find them in the constant teaching of the Church — are precisely capable of making your love a true love.” Finally, as we celebrate the great feast of Easter and meditate on the Paschal Mystery, let us remember that our hope and our capacity to love are not rooted in just a set of principles, but in Jesus Christ. “For Christ is not only the ‘good teacher’ who shows the paths of life on earth,” wrote John Paul II. “He is the witness to that definitive destiny which the human person has in God himself. He is the witness to man’s immortality.”♦ ALTON J. PELOWSKI MANAGING EDITOR

Supreme Knight’s Book Club – April 29 In his new book, Jesus: A Biography From a Believer (Viking Adult, 2010), Paul Johnson focuses on the central figure of Christianity and asks the question: “Is Jesus still relevant today?” The best-selling author of books such as A History of Christianity (1979), Johnson is known for his insightful and accessible historical analysis. Join Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson online Thursday, April 29 at 5 p.m (ET) to take part in the discussion. Submit your questions online at 2 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦

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Venerable Michael McGivney (1852-90) Apostle to the Young, Protector of Christian Family Life and Founder of the Knights of Columbus, Intercede for Us. ________ HOW TO REACH US MAIL COLUMBIA 1 Columbus Plaza New Haven, CT 06510-3326 PHONE 203-752-4398 FAX 203-752-4109 E-MAIL INTERNET CUSTOMER SERVICE 1-800-380-9995 ________ Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.

________ Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved ________ ON THE COVER Spanish youth hold the World Youth Day cross as Pope Benedict XI celebrates Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square, April 5, 2009.

COVER PHOTO: Ettore Ferrari/epa/Corbis



Living the New Evangelization Knights are called to demonstrate the truth of the Gospel to lapsed Catholics and to the next generation by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson DURING THE SEASON of Lent, many Both John Paul II and Benedict XVI dioceses, parishes and Catholic organiza- have understood the need for a new distions run programs to bring lapsed course — an increased focus on the EuCatholics back to the Church. Such pro- charist, the sacraments and the liturgy — grams are to be applauded. communicated by those who have a true But as good — and even necessary — relationship with Christ. as these programs are, they often do not As Cardinal Ratzinger said a decade ago: than 60 percent think abortion and euaddress the root of the problem: No one “This is why we are in need of a new evan- thanasia are morally wrong. That’s the good news. But what’s worleaves the Catholic Church if Jesus Christ gelization — if the art of living remains an has changed his or her life and continues unknown, nothing else works. But this art risome is that 61 percent believe Catholics to be at its center. is not the object of a science — this art can can practice more than one religion; about Of course, we each bear responsibility only be communicated by [one] who has two-thirds identify themselves as more “spiritual” than religious; and 82 percent for our lives and our choices. As in the life — he who is the Gospel personified.” parable of the seeds in Chapter 8 of Luke’s How should this evangelization be see morals as relative. For them, and all who have lost the Gospel, for many reasons, faith sometimes “new”? For one thing, it must include the grows cold or is lost altogether. laity. Every member of the Knights of faith, we must be “the Gospel personified.” As Catholic laymen, Reaching lapsed Catholics is Knights of Columbus have a key important, and it requires a part to play. commitment to what Popes For them, and all who have lost Pope Benedict laid out a plan John Paul II and Benedict XVI for this new evangelization in a have called a new evangelization. the faith, we must be “the Gospel speech to the Scottish bishops In an address to catechists personified.” Knights of Columbus this past February. He said: “The and teachers Dec. 12, 2000, Church offers the world a posiCardinal Ratzinger — now have a key part to play. tive and inspiring vision of Pope Benedict XVI — said this: human life, the beauty of mar“We can see a progressive riage and the joy of parenthood. process of de-Christianization and a loss of the essential human values, Columbus has a role in demonstrating … Be sure to present this teaching in such which is worrisome. A large part of today’s what Pope Benedict refers to as the joy that a way that it is recognized for the message humanity does not find the Gospel in the comes from saying “yes” to Jesus Christ. of hope that it is. All too often the permanent evangelization of the Church: And our role as witnesses of the Catholic Church’s doctrine is perceived as a series That is to say, the convincing response to faith to the next generation has never been of prohibitions and retrograde positions, whereas the reality, as we know, is that it the question: How to live? more important. “This is why we are searching for, along A new Knights of Columbus/Marist is creative and life-giving, and it is directed with permanent and uninterrupted and poll revealed a combination of hopeful towards the fullest possible realization of never-to-be-interrupted evangelization, a news and areas of concern for the Catholic the great potential for good and for hapnew evangelization, capable of being heard Church among young Catholics. Encour- piness that God has implanted within by that world that does not find access to agingly, the survey found that among every one of us.” Working in solidarity with our bishops ‘classic’ evangelization. Everyone needs the young Catholics — not just practicing Gospel; the Gospel is destined to all and Catholics — 85 percent believe in God. and priests, we must lead by example and not only to a specific circle, and this is why Their top two priorities are marriage and show the world the joy that comes from we are obliged to look for new ways of closeness to God. Eighty-two percent love and hope inspired by our faith. Vivat Jesus! bringing the Gospel to all.” think marriage is undervalued, and more

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Sacraments of Vocation Through holy orders and matrimony, Christians are given special graces and a particular mission by Supreme Chaplain Bishop William E. Lori THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS is rightly known for its unflagging support of the priesthood and marriage. These vocations are rooted in two sacraments, holy orders and matrimony. They are called sacraments of “communion and mission” because they equip married couples and the ordained for their missions of service in building up the Church (Compendium of the Catholic Church, 321).

Holy orders has three ranks or degrees: the episcopate (bishop), the presbyterate (priest) and the diaconate (deacon) (325). The bishop shares the fullness of the priesthood and is a successor to the Apostles. He is part of the college of bishops united under the pope in caring for particular churches (dioceses), with the offices of teaching, sanctifying and ruling (326). Priests are the bishops’ closest co-workers. Through ordination, the Holy Spirit transforms the priest by indelibly fashioning in his soul the image of Christ. Thus empowered to act in the very person of Christ and in the name of the Church, the priest re-presents the Lord’s saving deeds (336). He does this by preaching the

secration, asking the Holy Spirit to pour out his gifts (331-2). In the Latin (Western) Church, priests are called to celibacy “for the sake of the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 19:12). Married men are eligible to become permanent deacons. In the Eastern churches, married men may become priests, but marriage is not permitted after one has been ordained. In both East and West, bishops are always chosen from among celibate priests (Compendium, 334).

THREE DEGREES Christ instituted the sacrament of holy orders to continue his saving work. Bishops, priests and deacons are ordained to exerFAITHFUL, FRUITFUL LOVE cise “a sacred power” in the name and auWe turn now to the sacrament of matrithority of Christ to the sanctification of mony, which is critically imporothers (322-3). tant for both the Church and The book of Genesis mentions the royal priesthood of Melchizedek, These sacraments equip married society. The marriage of man and woman is fundamental in God’s whose priesthood was not inherited couples and the ordained plan. It is an institution older than but was given directly from God. His all organized religion and is part of offering clearly foreshadowed the for their missions of service in priesthood of Christ (cf. Heb 7). every civilization. building up the Church Jesus, the “one mediator” between Created in the divine image, God and men, offered himself in male and female are different, yet obedient love on the cross to reconcomplementary — made for each cile sinners to God (1 Tim 2:5). This is the Gospel and celebrating the sacraments — other. This unity-in-difference is at the heart of his priesthood, and the ministerial especially the Eucharist. heart of marriage. In God’s plan, marriage priesthood is, in turn, a sacramental sharing Deacons are configured to Christ, who exists both for the union and good of the of Christ’s gift (Compendium, 324). came “not to be served but to serve” (Mt spouses, and for the procreation and edu10:28; 330). They are charged with preach- cation of children. ing the Word, assisting at the altar and in From the beginning, God’s plan for marThe 25th installment of Supreme the Church’s sacramental life, and serving riage was disrupted by sin. Throughout hisChaplain Bishop William E. Lori’s those in need. Those preparing for priestly tory, marriage has been affected by conflict faith formation program addresses ordination are called “transitional” deacons; and infidelity. In our time, it is threatened questions 321-353 of the Comothers are called “permanent” deacons. by the widespread practice of divorce, conpendium of the Catechism of the Only bishops can validly confer the traception and current legislative efforts for Catholic Church. Archived articles are sacrament of holy orders. The bishop lays same-sex “marriage” (cf. 347). at his hands on the head of those to be orGod has sought not only to repair the dained and prays the solemn prayer of con- damage of sin, but also to make marriage 4 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦

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the sign of his love. The Old Testament taught that God’s covenant with Israel was nuptial — a marriage of God and his people. That “nuptial covenant” foreshadowed the new covenant of Christ and his bride, the Church (cf. Eph 5:22). The Lord’s love helps us to understand the fidelity, permanence and fruitfulness that are integral to marriage, as well as the sacrificial love that is required (Compendium, 340-1). Spouses, united to Christ and to the Church, are called and given the grace to form a family that is a community of faith, prayer and virtue. The sacrament of matrimony is normally celebrated before a priest or deacon. Matrimonial consent is given when a man and a woman willingly give themselves to

PHOTOGRAPH OF POPE: CNS photo/Paul Haring — PEDRO CALUNGSOD: Courtesy of Cebu Archdiocesan Shrine of Blessed Pedro Calungsod


Offered in solidarity with Pope Benedict XVI GENERAL: That every tendency to fundamentalism and extremism may be countered by constant respect, by tolerance and by dialogue among all believers. MISSION: That Christians persecuted for the sake of the Gospel may persevere, sustained by the Holy Spirit, in faithfully witnessing to the love of God for the entire human race.

each other irrevocably in order to live a covenant of faithful and fruitful love (344). For the sacrament to be valid, this consent must be given freely and consciously. A valid marriage that is ratified and consummated can never be dissolved. A marriage between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic is called a “mixed marriage.” A marriage between a Catholic and a non-Christian is called “disparity of cult” and a dispensation is required for validity. In both cases, the non-Catholic party is advised of the obligation of the Catholic to see that their children will be baptized and formed in the faith of the Church (345). Recognizing the challenges married couples face, the Church seeks to help

them remain faithful. Sadly, this sometimes proves all but impossible. After a divorce, neither spouse is free to marry again unless the previous marriage has been declared null by the Church authority. Those who are divorced and remarried without an annulment cannot receive sacramental absolution or holy Communion, but the Church urges and helps them to lead a life of faith, prayer, generosity toward those in need and attentiveness to their children (349). Finally, those who are called to the consecrated life or priestly celibacy do not denigrate marriage by renouncing it. Rather, they are a sign of the supremacy of Christ’s love as we look to the wedding feast of heaven (342).♦


Blessed Pedro Calungsod (c. 1654-1672) Feast day: April 2 AMONG THE PATRONS of youth, Blessed Pedro Calungsod from Cebu, Philippines, greatly exemplifies the courage that often marks the direct response young people have to Christ’s call. A native of Visayas and born in 1654, Calungsod embraced his faith and received an education from Spanish Jesuits. One of these Jesuits, Father Diego Luis de San Vitores, invited 14-year-old Calungsod, who was already a skilled sacristan, to travel with him to the Marianas Islands and help evangelize the native Chamoru people of Guam. Despite difficult living conditions, Calungsod and Father San Vitores enjoyed good relations with the Chamorros for two years. The natives gradually converted to Christianity, and the missionaries established Guam’s first Catholic church. The second half of their ministry in Guam, however, proved to be more adverse. In time, Calungsod and Father San Vitores fell out of favor with the Chamorros, who blamed the missionaries for the spread of new illnesses and accused them of attempting to dissolve the Chamoru culture.

On April 2, 1672, these sentiments escalated when Father San Vitores baptized a child in danger of death with only the mother’s consent. Mata’pang, the infant’s father, wrongly believed the baptism water was poison because of a malicious rumor. He was so enraged that he enlisted help to kill both Calungsod and Father San Vitores. The young and agile Calungsod could have escaped if he had left Father San Vitores behind. Instead, Calungsod remained with his companion because he was, as Pope John Paul II noted during Calungsod’s March 2000 beatification, “a ‘good soldier of Christ’ [who] preferred to die at the missionary’s side.” Today, Blessed Pedro Calungsod intercedes for the young, for those full of courage and hope who seek to respond generously to Christ.

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Victory in Pledge of Allegiance Case Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upholds constitutionality of ‘under God’

references to God arouse.’ … This is a very good day for America.” In the ruling, the court noted, “Among the ‘self-evident truths’ the Framers believed was the concept that all people are entitled to certain inalienable rights given to them by the ‘Laws of Nature and Na-

Order Donates a Half-Million Military Prayer Books KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, including Military Affairs Director Charles Gallina and Washington, D.C.-area college Knights, spent Jan. 30 delivering a shipment of 100,000 copies of the Order’s prayer book for those serving in the U.S. military. This brings the total number of prayer books the Order has donated to a half-million. The latest delivery of Armed with the Faith: A Catholic Handbook for Military Personnel was taken to the Washington headquarters of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. The version provided to members of the armed forces is spiral-bound, printed on special water6 ♦ COLUMBIA ♦

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proof and tear-resistant stock, and sized to fit in the pockets of uniforms worn in the field. The Knights offer a version on regular paper (#364, pictured) to the families of service members and the general public. These prayer books can be obtained through the Knights of Columbus Catholic Information Service at Last year, the Knights of Columbus also produced Armour of Faith/Armure de Foi, a bilingual Catholic handbook for Canadian military personnel. Thirty-thousand copies of that version have been printed and distributed to Canadian soldiers.

ture’s God’ and that the purpose of government should be to ‘secure those rights.’” Such beliefs provide the context in which the words of the Pledge must be understood, the court said. The Knights of Columbus and several individual Knights and their families were defendant-intervenors in the case, and the court’s 2-1 decision incorporates many of the arguments presented to the court by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a public interest law firm that represented the Knights in the case. Oral arguments before the Ninth Circuit panel had been heard in December 2007. Other defendants in the case included the United States government and a Sacramento-area school district. For more information, see the March 2010 issue of Columbia (page 13) or visit

Supreme Knight Addresses Pontifical Council DURING THE FINAL DAYS of his life as his health failed, Pope John Paul II showed the world the true meaning of human dignity, said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson during a keynote presentation at a meeting titled “The Church in the Service of Love for the Suffering” and sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers. The Vatican conference on health care, held Feb. 9-11, marked the council’s 25th anniversary. “John Paul suffered boldly before millions. He was willing to have the humility to do this before the world,” Anderson said. “Through this, John Paul showed exactly what human dignity is all about.” Throughout his illness and before his death April 2, 2005, John Paul II “showed that it’s not about the sickness,” the supreme knight added. “It’s about Christ.”

PHOTO: Thinkstock

THE NINTH U.S. CIRCUIT Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled March 11 that the words “one nation under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance “do not violate the Establishment Clause” of the First Amendment to the Constitution. The Knights of Columbus led the campaign to add the words “under God” to the Pledge in the early 1950s, and the trial court agreed to allow the Knights of Columbus to join the present case as defendants when it was originally filed in 2005. “This decision is a victory for common sense,” said Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. “Today, the court got it absolutely right: recitation of the Pledge is a patriotic exercise, not a religious prayer. Best of all, the court said that the words ‘under God’ add a ‘note of importance which a Pledge to our Nation ought to have and which in our culture ceremonial


My Kid Won’t Listen to Me! or The Art of No The way a father says ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to his children can either inspire responsibility or lead to rebellion

PHOTO: Thinkstock

by Gregory K. Popcak, Ph.D. “HE’S BEEN REALLY DISRESPECTFUL lately, and I know I need to find some better ways to handle him,” said Michael, who wasn’t getting along with his 14-year-old son. When asked what was behind his son’s increased negative attitude, Michael answered, “I think I tend to be pretty negative. He’ll ask me for something — if he can go out with a friend or stay up a little later one night or do whatever — and I just find myself saying ‘no’ — not for any good reason really. It’s just a reflex — like I’m already stressed out and saying ‘yes’ will complicate my life further, so I just don’t.” St. Paul writes, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger lest they lose heart” (Col 3:21). Although fathers have a right, even an obligation, to sometimes say “no” — especially to activities that put their children at risk — it is important to resist the urge to give reflexive “nos” without cause. Nothing provokes any person, child or adult, to anger more than an unjustly frustrated need or request. Instead, we need to take Christ’s command in Matthew 5:37 seriously: “Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’” When we make a habit of reflexively saying “no” to our children, we fuel the fires of disrespect and disobedience. Fathers will often complain to me, “My kid doesn’t listen to me anymore.” Although it is tempting to ask “Why?”, a more useful question is, “To whom does your child listen?” His mother? His friends? After all, he is listening to someone. What are these people saying? Why does the child believe that they have answers that you don’t? Asking these questions provides clues on how to win back the heart of a child who has been alienated by unjust “nos.” Although a parent can always try to compel obedience from a child — a hit-or-miss proposition if there ever was one — research tells us that children only willingly submit to a parent’s authority when they believe the parent is genuinely committed to helping them meet their needs. Only when our kids are convinced that we are committed to being their best hope for helping

them get everything they need to live and grow into successful adults do they freely offer their obedience. In this way, a man becomes his child’s mentor as well as his father, and a child wants to look more like his parent than anyone else. The best way to create this kind of attached, discipleship relationship with our children, while still protecting them from poor choices and situations that endanger their bodies and souls, is to trade “reflexive nos” for “qualified yeses.” In particular, it is best to save a definite “no” for those times when we can easily and clearly explain our reasoning to our children. Otherwise, it is better to use a technique I call the “qualified yes,” which is a kind of “Yes, but first…” approach. Consider, for instance, the teenager who asks to get his driver’s license. A father might respond in this way: “Absolutely, but I need to see you being a little more attentive and responsible around the house before I’d be comfortable with you in the driver’s seat. If you can show me that you can do your chores without being asked and be helpful without us having to point things out to you, then at the end of the month we can start driving practice and working toward your permit.” The technique of the “qualified yes” works on several levels. It stops you from alienating your child with reflexive “nos.” It demonstrates that you want to give your child good things, but only if they can demonstrate that they can handle the responsibility. It teaches your child the importance of working for things they want. It conveys that earning privileges is not so much dependent upon obtaining permission as it is upon demonstrating maturity. Finally, it gives you a chance to encourage the development of virtues your children need to become loving and holy adults.♦ GREGORY K. POPCAK, Ph.D., an expert in Catholic pastoral counseling, can be heard weeknights with his wife, Lisa, on satellite radio. Fully Alive! airs on Sirius 159/XM117 at 10 p.m. EST.


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BIG MEN ON CAMPUS For 100 years, Knights of Columbus college councils have shaped the futures of young men by Scott Alessi


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PHOTO: University of Notre Dame Archives


hen a determined group of young men at the University of Notre Dame wanted to start a Knights of Columbus council on their campus, doubters were quick to suggest that a council comprised primarily of college students could never survive. In spite of the obstacles it faced, Notre Dame Council 1477 was chartered in the spring of 1910. Not only is the council still going strong 100 years later, but it also set the stage for thousands of Catholic men to become Knights on college campuses. From their humble beginnings, college councils have expanded to 244 schools worldwide, with 160 councils in the United States and others across Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Nearly 19,000 men count themselves among college Knights. Each fall, council leaders gather for the annual College Council Conference in New Haven, Conn., where attendees have the opportunity to meet other college Knights, learn more about the Order, and attend workshops on member recruitment, leadership

Charter members of Notre Dame Council 1477 — the first K of C council located at a college or university — pose in a photo from the 1910 Dome Yearbook. The earliest members included the future Cardinal John F. O’Hara (1888-1960), archbishop of Philadelphia. development and spiritual formation. The conference awards banquet — the highlight of the event — recognizes college councils for achievements in service projects and membership and insurance growth. Members of college councils also gather each year at the March for Life in Washington, D.C., joining together in solidarity to defend human life. In addition, groups of college Knights have represented the Order at international World Youth Day celebrations since 1995. For college Knights, though, the relationship they share with each other is valued above all else. To Grand Knight Christopher Drury of Texas A & M Council 10624 in College Station, Texas, a APRIL 2010


college council provides a “spiritual home” that young men simply can’t find in other campus organizations. “When I left home, I didn’t have that core group of guys that I could really talk to on a regular basis about my faith,” Drury said. “The Knights gave me a place where I knew I wouldn’t have to explain myself and where I can talk about everything.” Council members belong to a “similar age group” and many of them are “on fire” with their faith, Drury added. “It has just been an awesome experience at all levels.” BREAKING GROUND Talk of establishing a Knights of Columbus council at Notre Dame began soon after the turn of the 20th century, when students and faculty members started laying the groundwork for a council on campus. Their attempts, however, were met with resistance from both the university and, surprisingly, from other K of C councils. Notre Dame — which prohibits fraternities on campus — feared that a K of C council would conflict with the university’s

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policies. At the same time, some Knights were concerned that frequent turnover from members graduating each year would leave the council unstable and ineffective. In time, however, the students at Notre Dame gained permission for a council, and the charter was issued April 22, 1910. Council 1477 initiated 48 men on May 1, 1910, which was declared “Knights of Columbus Day” at the university. Early on, the council worked to attain strength and stability while adding to its membership. Knights were granted a small space in Notre Dame’s Walsh Hall and began meeting in the fall of 1910, with John C. Tully serving as the council’s first grand knight. Concerns regarding the council’s rapid turnover were also addressed through the addition of several faculty and staff members, including then-university president Holy Cross Father John W. Cavanaugh. Although the early years presented some growing pains, the council became a respected and valued part of the university community. Meanwhile, Notre Dame graduates soon began to bolster the ranks of councils across the country as young — yet experienced — Knights.

Knights pray at the tomb of Father Michael J. McGivney following Mass at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., during the 2009 College Council Conference.

PHOTO: Justin Brandon

Members of Notre Dame Council 1477 serve steak sandwiches to fans before a football game Nov. 7, 2009. For decades, the Notre Dame Knights have sold steak sandwiches at home football games to raise funds for charity.

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Council 1477 became noted for its strong commitment to service. During World War II, the council raised thousands of dollars through war stamp drives, and in 1946 they took over promotion of Notre Dame’s famous “Bengal Bouts,” a spring boxing tournament used to raise funds for the Holy Cross Missions in East Bengal, Pakistan. Although promoting the bouts took months of planning from up to 50 Knights, they were a tremendous success and raised as much as $7,000 annually. Another goal of the council from its inception was to have its own building on campus. The council began setting aside funds in 1919, and by 1931 their building fund had grown to $37,000. When the Knights’ savings were nearly wiped out during the Great Depression, the council established a reorganized building corporation with a seven-member board of directors to oversee its finances. Under the keen guidance of treasurer Eli Shaheen, an experienced Knight who had been active in local councils, the building corporation’s investments paid large dividends. Net gains soon reached six figures, and in 1967 the Knights used those funds to make a sizable donation to the university for scholarships for minorities. In return, the council received a lifetime lease on Notre Dame’s old post office, a prominent building in the heart of campus that has been home to the council for the past four decades. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY By its 50th anniversary, Council 1477 had grown to 1,100 registered members. Past Grand Knight (1974-5) Thomas V. Dechant recalls that when he arrived at Notre Dame in 1970, the council was booming. “We would do a good job with initiating the freshmen, and we would traditionally get 100 or so every year,” said Dechant, who is a past state deputy of Kansas (1988-90) and son of Past Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant. “When I was grand knight, we initiated 137 members that year, and that was a record.” Members were extremely involved and devoted, Dechant said, with activities ranging from social gatherings to service projects to fundraisers — in particular selling steak sandwiches before home football games. Today, Council 1477 continues its famous steak sales, which routinely net more than $50,000 a year in profit, all of which goes to charity. Last year, the council expanded the program to include the delivery of “steak grams” for St. Valentine’s Day. The primary beneficiaries of the council’s efforts are Corvilla, a local home for people with intellectual disabilities, and Gibault, a program started by the Indiana State Council for troubled youth. Council members also prepare a Thanksgiving meal for Corvilla residents, work with Habitat for Humanity and assist other local charities. Offering college students an opportunity to be involved in such activities alongside other young men who share their beliefs has been the key to the council’s success and longevity, said current Grand Knight Dennis Malloy. “Life is about more than just one thing, whether it is service or your faith life or your work,” Malloy said. “I think the Knights allow people to be able to start combining those aspects of their life — to do service in a religious context and to have that sense of fraternity.” While known primarily for its service projects and fundraising, 12 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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Council 1477 also made headlines in 2009 when it released a statement expressing “sadness and disappointment” over Notre Dame’s decision to honor President Barack Obama at the university’s commencement. The Knights stated their disagreement with the president’s stance on abortion and addressed how his involvement at graduation would affect the Catholic students of Notre Dame. “The council was not pleased with how the events were playing out, how Notre Dame was represented in the media and what that meant for culture here on campus,” said Malloy, who was one of the Knights who helped craft the statement. “We wanted to say that we were concerned, and we wanted to do something about it, which was making a statement and getting people involved in prayer.”

Below: Members of Our Lady of the Skies Council 8200 at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., chop wood for a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy. Above right: Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson stands with members of Harvard University’s Pope John Paul II Council 14188, winner of the Outstanding College Council award, at the College Conference Awards banquet Oct. 3, 2009. Bottom right: A delegate from The Citadel Council 6900 in Charleston, S.C., views a portrait of Father Michael J. McGivney during a tour of the Knights of Columbus Museum during the 2006 College Council Conference.

COMMITED TO SERVICE For many college councils, service is their primary function. At the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, cadets who join the Knights are given a unique opportunity to serve others in the context of their Catholic faith, said Capuchin Franciscan Brother Carlos Hernandez, financial secretary of West Point’s Msgr. Cornelius George O’Keefe Council 8250. The council regularly feeds the homeless in New York City, visits veterans medical centers in Washington, D.C., and meets with terminally ill cancer patients at a local hospital. “It gives them a grounding in their faith and an understanding of their faith. It is not just doing service; it is doing it as Catholics,” explained Brother Carlos, who also tends to the spiritual needs of cadets at West Point’s Most Holy Trinity Catholic Chapel. APRIL 2010

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Texas A&M Council 10624, tant role in preparing men for which won the Outstanding the future. As college Knights, College Council Award in 2007 members quickly rise through and 2008, has become a backthe ranks and take on leadership bone of the campus’ St. Mary positions at a young age. Catholic Center. Knights are alBrother Carlos said the cadets ways willing to lend a hand, at West Point are already preparwhether by picking up supplies, ing to be officers in the military, helping to park cars for an event but being a Knight adds a special or preparing a meal for the component to their training. community. “Some of the experiences they “The church would have a gain working with people and hard time functioning without coordinating the events that we us,” Drury said. “We do a lot do help them in the future as for them, and we like it that lieutenants and as officers in the way.” Members of Texas A & M Council Council 10624 participate in the Army,” he said. “It is definitely a Each year, Drury said, the first night of a 40 Days for Life prayer vigil outside a Planned Pargood way for them to develop as council promotes a “Go enthood facility in Bryan, Texas. leaders and also gives them a Roman” week at the start of the strong sense of moral character.” fall semester during which time John Blewitt, a past grand it holds various social events to help recruit new members. knight (1969-70) of Crusader Council 2706 at the College of the The council has approximately 250 members on campus, allow- Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., said that joining the Knights as ing them to run frequent events to accommodate students’ hectic a college freshman inspired a life-long commitment to the Order. schedules. “We did great things at Holy Cross, and I really enjoyed it,” “We have nearly 100 events each year,” Drury said. “In a normal Blewitt said. “After college, I moved to Hawaii, and we started a parish council you’re not going to have seven events in a week, but new council in my home parish, St. John the Evangelist in for us that’s really not that unusual.” Mililani. I was one of the founding members. I love it, and I’ve The council is also extremely committed to pro-life activities. stayed a Knight for over 40 years.” Members of Council 10624 devote much of their energies and For Malloy, having held several offices while still in college has funds to supporting local pregnancy resource centers, and in 2004, been a tremendous benefit that he believes will have a lasting imthey founded the 40 Days for Life program, which has gone on to pact on his future. become an international pro-life event. “I’ve had so many opportunities,” he said. “Being a part of the Knights has been an amazing opportunity for me both to gain that INVALUABLE EXPERIENCE leadership experience and to grow as a person through it.”♦ While college councils have a clear benefit both for the students who join them and the communities they serve, they also play an impor- SCOTT ALESSI writes from New Jersey.

IN 2008, a delegation of more than 30 college Knights from councils throughout North America attended World Youth Day (WYD) in Sydney. Collaborating with the Sisters of Life and the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, the Knights welcomed pilgrims to the Love and Life Site, where thousands gathered for worship, catechesis and fellowship centered on building a culture of life. College Knights also represented the Order at previous international World Youth Days, including those in Cologne, Germany (2005), Toronto (2002) and Rome (2000).

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Knights prepare to serve pilgrims, encounter Christ Now, young people around the world have begun raising money and practicing their Spanish in preparation for WYD 2011, which will take place Aug. 16-21, 2011, in Madrid. Preliminary planning is also underway for Knights to attend the event, the theme of which is “Planted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith” (cf. Col 2:7). A detailed schedule and registration materials for WYD are available at For more information about the Knights’ participation, e-mail

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CNS photo/Daniel Munoz, Reuters — Corbis/Max Power —CNS photo/Bob Roller

God, Love and Morality among the Millennials

Young adults place a high value on faith, marriage and human life, but also embrace moral relativism by Columbia Staff

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recent poll conducted by the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion and sponsored by the Knights of Columbus reveals both hope and challenges for the Catholic Church with regard to young adults. Focused primarily on Americans between age 18 and 29 — that is, those who came of age around the year 2000 and make up the Millennial Generation — the survey questioned 2,243 Americans, including an oversample of 1,006 millennials, between Dec. 23, 2009 and Jan. 4, 2010. In many cases, the trends identified among millennials mirror larger societal trends among Catholics and the general population. At the same time, there are important ways that the Millennial Generation differs from earlier generations and that Catholic millennials differ from their peers.

about spiritual matters, but they express it in slightly different ways. Approximately two-thirds of millennials and of the general population alike agree at least somewhat with the statement that they are “spiritual but not religious.” Yet, whereas 25 percent of millennials strongly insist on spirituality over their religiosity, only 14 percent of Catholic millennials do the same. Meanwhile, the poll suggests that the majority of Americans (54 percent) believe it is OK for someone of their religion to practice more than one religion. Although only half of millennials as a whole agree, 61 percent of Catholic millennials see no problem with practicing multiple religions. Consider also the finding that Catholic millennials are more likely to believe in God RELIGIOUS ATTITUDES than millennials in general (85 AND PRACTICES percent compared to 76 perillennials most According to the K of C/ cent), but they are less likely to Marist poll, four out of five attend religious services at least commonly cite “to be Catholic millennials (and 69 once a month (25 percent spiritual or closer to percent of millennials overall) compared to 33 percent). Add see religion as at least a “someto this the fact that, overall, God” as their primary what important” aspect of millennials have the lowest retheir lives. Nearly half say it is ligious attendance of any genlong-term life goal. either “very” or “extremely” eration, trailing the Baby Nonetheless, they have important. Boom Generation (ages 45-64) Meanwhile, 65 percent of by 5 percent. the lowest religious Catholic millennials (and 61 These statistics raise imporpercent of millennials overall) tant questions relevant to evanattendance of any are at least somewhat interested gelization. For instance, what generation, trailing the in learning more about their redoes it mean to say that faith is ligion, which is more than an important part of young Baby Boom Generation American Catholics in general Americans’ lives, while they are (60 percent). nonetheless dissatisfied with by 5 percent. Although young Catholics their experience of religious inare more likely than their peers stitutions? What form must to express a desire to learn Christian witness take among about their religion or to say that it is an important part of priests and the lay faithful if young people are looking for their lives, the Millennial Generation as a whole expresses spiritual answers, but don’t think they can find them by a strong spiritual hunger. In fact, millennials most com- going to church? monly cite “to be spiritual or closer to God” as their primary long-term life goal, placing it as their top priority, MARRIAGE, LIFE, MORALITY above such goals as getting married, getting rich and being Among the poll’s most interesting findings are those that adan expert in one’s field. dress the Millennial Generation’s view of marriage and moralBy contrast, all previous generations said that their pri- ity. When asked to identify their primary long-term goal, mary goal in their 20s was to get married and start a family, Catholic millennials overwhelmingly put marriage and family ranking closeness to God as a distant second. Catholic mil- at the top of the list (at 33 percent), and more millennials in lennials, unlike others of their generation, also put closeness general identify marriage as their top priority (27 percent) to God in second place. than the generation before them did at the same age. It appears, then, that both Catholics and non-Catholics When given a list of 12 social virtues and asked to judge of the Millennial Generation have a desire to learn more whether each was valued enough in American society,


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more than three out of four of millennials (including 82 even larger majority of Catholic millennials (82 percent) percent of Catholic millennials) answered that “commit- embrace moral relativism. ment to marriage” is undervalued. In fact, millennials This trend toward relativism, however, seems to be reranked commitment to marriage highest among all the versed for those who practice their faith. Unlike Catholic categories. millennials as a whole and other Americans, the majority Moreover, nearly nine in 10 millennials believe that mar- of practicing Catholics — defined as “those who attend reital infidelity is immoral, and they are more likely than the ligious services at least once a month” — believe that general population to view divorce as morally wrong (35 “morals are fixed and based on unchanging standards” and percent as opposed to 29 percent). that people should practice only one religion. Millennials likewise demonstrate a shift toward a greater respect for human life, believing that abortion is morally CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY wrong at a rate higher than the general population. And Most Catholic millennials claim to be relativists and Catholic millennials are even more likely than others of want to deny that things ranging from premarital sex to their generation to oppose abortion (66 percent compared drug use have moral implications. Nonetheless, they to 58 percent). This shift costrongly believe that other acincides with a growing contions are morally wrong. This sensus toward the “pro-life” may provide a starting point position among Americans from which to convey Church atholic millennials overall — a trend first identiteachings about moral issues, fied by a K of C/Marist poll in and sexual morality in are significantly more October 2008 and confirmed particular. likely than other by Pew and Gallup polls the “It is very important for the following spring. Church to understand the Americans to say that The poll further found that outlook of the next generation young Americans are more of adult Catholics,” said abortion and euthanasia likely to oppose euthanasia Supreme Knight Carl A. Anare morally wrong. On and assisted suicide. Most sigderson in response to the poll nificantly, 63 percent of results. “Catholic millennials the other hand, 4 out Catholic millennials say that support Church teaching in a assisted suicide is morally wide variety of areas, includof 5 of them reject wrong, compared with just ing contentious issues like Church teachings about half of the general population. abortion and euthanasia. In At the same time, millenniother areas, the cultural relasexuality and claim that als are less likely than previous tivism that Pope Benedict generations to judge issues reXVI has spoken so much morality is relative. lated to sexual morality, such about is very evident, and it as premarital sex, same-sex confirms the wisdom of his atmarriage and same-sex relatention to this question as tions, as morally wrong. And Catholic millennials — along central to the new evangelization.” with other Catholics — even more commonly consider The interest that millennials express in learning about these as either morally acceptable or not moral issues at all. religion and the high value they place on marriage and In particular, only one in five Catholic millennials said sex- family are further signs of hope for the Church in its efforts ual relations between an unmarried man and woman are to communicate the Gospel to young Americans. morally wrong, compared with one-third of total millenIn this light, the supreme knight said, “It’s up to us to nials, 29 percent of all Catholics and 39 percent of the gen- present the faith in a way that is meaningful to the lives of eral population. young Catholics, and there is no better place to start than Lastly, the poll confirmed the long-held concerns of — drawing on the great wealth of theology and pastoral Pope Benedict XVI about what he has called “the dicta- approach of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI — to torship of relativism.” The majority of Americans (56 per- show these young men and women how to build happy, cent) believe that morals are relative — that is, “there is healthy and ultimately holy marriages.” no definite right and wrong for everybody.” Millennials More information about this and other K of C/Marist are most likely to take this perspective (64 percent). An polls is available at♦


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Young, Catholic Gentlemen Preparing for Knighthood, Columbian Squires advance in faith, service and leadership by Mike Latona


he proper guidance of the boy outside of school hours is a question of paramount importance today. … The movies, the daily press, the current magazines, the places of public amusement seem to form a combination that draws only too well, but not wisely, on the imagination and emotions of child-life.” These words were penned in 1924 by Christian Brother Barnabas McDonald — and could easily be applied to the youth of today. The Columbia article in which they appeared, titled “A New Calling — Boy Leadership,” detailed Brother Barnabas’ motivation for implementing a Knights of Columbus youth program, the Columbian Squires. Indeed, Brother Barnabas’ foresight was remarkable: some 85 years after its founding, the Squires program plays a vital role as the Order’s official youth organization. While parents today would no doubt add television, the Internet and video games to the list of their sons’ distractions, the Squires program continues to help boys grow into successful men who lead and contribute to their church and community. “The challenges that young men are facing are different today, but I think the basis is really still there,” said Mike Galgano, chief counselor of St. Ignatius Loyola Circle 547 in Hicksville, N.Y., and New York state Squires chairman. “They need the guidance, the direction to help them become the men they need to be to take their place in society.” Each year, the program’s successes are celebrated during Squires Month in April, with circles throughout the Order holding membership drives, investitures and sporting, social or charitable activities. In addition, the New York State Circle will hold its annual commemorative Mass and service April 17 at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, N.Y., where Brother Barnabas is interred.

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85 YEARS OF GROWTH Brother Barnabas launched the first Squires circle in Duluth, Minn., in 1925. Originally designed for teenagers, the program is now open to Catholic boys ages 10 through 18. The number of active Squires circles is at an all-time high of more than 1,500. This includes more than 25,000 Squires in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico. Opportunities for future growth were bolstered in 2009 when the Squires joined the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry as a collaborating member, thus widening the number of available programs and services. Squires activity is particularly high in the Philippines. “The strength and growth of the Squires in Luzon depends largely on the strength of the Knights of Columbus in our jurisdiction. In dioceses where we have active councils, the strength of the Squires is equally strong,” said Jose Cuaresma, who serves as Luzon Squires chairman. Cuaresma emphasized other key facets of the Squires as well: preparing young men to become Knights of Columbus after turning 18 and fostering a culture of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. “We are looking forward to that in the next few years, when we will have more Knights and priests coming from [former] Squires who are young, trained and dedicated,” he said. Based on the Squires’ unique operating formula, this training often originates with the Squires themselves. While adult support staff is present at meetings, it is largely the Squires who run the show, led by the chief squire and other youth officers. Through this system, circles throughout the Order plan numerous service, social and spiritual initiatives.

CNS photo/Mike Crupi, Catholic Courier

Clockwise: Luzon Deputy Alonso L. Tan leads six young men in the Squires pledge. • Officers of St. Marcellin Champagnat Circle 3877 at Christopher Columbus High School in Miami take attendance for a Squires meeting. • Deriek Iglesias (right), the firstever Columbian Squire to achieve the rank Squire of the Body of Christ, presents a plaque of appreciation to his circle’s chaplain, Father Richard O’Rourke. • Squires from St. Mary’s Circle 5000 present a silver rose Aug. 2, 2009, at Sts. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix. The presentation was part of the 50th Running of the Rose, a program founded by the Squires in 1960 to honor Our Lady of Guadalupe.

In Florida, St. Marcellin Champagnat Circle 3877 at Miami’s Christopher Columbus High School is emphatic about service to young people. Through their projects, Squires work with autistic children, volunteer at an orphanage and serve as tutors. Over the years, Circle 3877 has earned numerous Brother Barnabas Awards, which are given annually to recognize the 25 best Squires activities throughout the Order. Another commendable service effort by Circle 3877 was unplanned: soliciting relief funds for earthquake victims in Haiti earlier this year. “The day after the earthquake, I immediately started receiving e-mail [messages] from Squires asking what we can do,” said Marist Brother Eladio Gonzalez, the circle’s chief counselor. He proudly added that Squires collected $600 for earthquake relief within a few days. SUCCESSFUL INITIATIVES Circle 3877 is an example of a school-based Squires circle that exists alongside those based at parishes and at K of C council buildings. In 2008, the Supreme Council sent out a letter describing the successful model of school-based circles, which have since grown in popularity. Bishop Edward D. Fenwick, O.P. Circle 5266 in Middletown, Ohio, chartered in October 2008 as the first school-based circle in the state. Paul Ault, the circle’s founder and chief coun-

selor, said he garnered 22 Squires in his first three days of recruitment at Bishop Fenwick High School. “It’s really easier with school-based circles. Ninety-nine percent of the stuff we do is at the school,” Ault said, pointing out that no extra transportation is required, and circles can group into a narrower age group. Another recent initiative is the Squire Advancement Program, which began in 2006. Just as the squires of old were young men training to become knights, Columbian Squires advance through various levels of training with the goal of acquiring the skills of Catholic leadership. The five levels are Page, Shield Bearer, Swordsman, Lancer and Squire of the Body of Christ. To reach the highest level, a Squire must plan and complete one major activity along with 96 achievements in the areas of home and family, Squires and Knights, community and country, and Church. In 2008, Deriek Iglesias became the first-ever Columbian Squire to achieve the rank Squire of the Body of Christ. Then a member of St. Michael the Archangel Circle 5022 in Harker Heights, Texas, Iglesias took his First Degree and joined St. Andrew Kim Council 9930 that same year, after turning 18. “When it was announced during Mass that I was the first person in the entire world to receive this honor, it was a great impact on my life. The feeling of accomplishment was overwhelming,” said Iglesias.

SCOUTS AND KNIGHTS, A ‘KEY RELATIONSHIP’ THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA (BSA) celebrates its centennial in 2010, and the Knights of Columbus are joining in the festivities. BSA’s national jamboree will take place July 26 through Aug. 4 at Fort A.P. Hill, Va. According to Bill Davies, national chairman for the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS), numerous Scouts from Knights of Columbus-sponsored troops will be present at the event, which will include a Sunday Mass with an anticipated attendance of 15,000 Catholic Scouts. He added that the Knights would also have its own booth in the jamboree’s exhibition area. The Order’s involvement in Scouting has existed virtually from BSA’s beginning. The close link between the two organizations is reflected in the fact that Christian Brother Barnabas McDonald, founder of the Columbian Squires in 1925, also served as co-founder of the Catholic Committee on Scouting in the 20 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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early 1920s. Knights assist Scouts in such areas as financial aid, use of facilities and collaboration on fundraising and other projects. “The Knights of Columbus is one of our key relationships in Catholic Scouting,” said Davies, who is a member of Msgr. Joseph P Vacek Council 2232 in Hugo, Minn. He reported that there are nearly 1,400 K of C-sponsored units in the United States, totaling more than 40,000 Scouts and approximately 17,000 adult leaders. These strong numbers can be attributed, in part, to an initiative begun in 2006 in which Knights and the NCCS teamed up to promote the formation of new Scouting units across the country. Councils consistently support Scouts by donating funds for religious emblems and by providing use of their facilities for troop activities. “Having a place to meet, this is one of the advantages the Knights have. It’s a

great opportunity to bring Scouts in,” Davies explained. Scouting is a valuable form of youth ministry, added Davies, noting that the objectives of Scouting fall right in line with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ 1997 document, Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. That document’s three objectives are: empowering young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today; drawing young people to responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the faith community; and fostering the personal and spiritual growth of each young person. “Each one of those objectives will be met in some phase of Scouting,” Davies said.

Boy Scout Troop 148, which was chartered by Knights of Temecula Valley Council 9964 in Temecula, Calif., participates in a summer camp in 2008.

Chuck Schnapp, founder and chief counselor of Circle 5022, noted that the circle began five years ago and already has 55 Squires, thanks in large part to its emphasis on the Advancement Program. “We were so new, we were looking for ways to involve ourselves with the right stuff. It’s a wonderful, wonderful program,” said Schnapp, who said his circle’s success with the Advancement Program has spurred circles all over Texas to get on board with it. ADVANCING IN FAITH This month, Jeremy Timperanza of St. Frances X. Cabrini Circle 1512 in Bridgeport, Conn., will join the select few who have received the Squire of the Body of Christ honor. Timperanza, 15, said he’s deeply thankful for his experiences with his fellow Squires. “They’re people who have the same thoughts and wants,” he said. “You don’t feel alone at all. When I joined, I was going through a tough time. But the Squires helped so much with my confidence. You can talk about faith — and really, faith is what helps you get through those times.” Timperanza is the second member of Circle 1512 to become a Squire of the Body of Christ; the first, in 2009, was Kevin Davis, who then joined St. Francis X Cabrini Council 4096 in Bridgeport. Timperanza’s honor marks the end of a four-year process.

“As soon as we got the book, I looked through it to the last [requirement]. It almost sounded impossible. But I’m really glad I did this,” he said. Vinny Esposito, Connecticut state Squires chairman and chief counselor of Circle 1512, said he’s grateful that young men like Timperanza seek to deepen their faith through the Advancement Program and other opportunities offered through the Squires. “The kids want to go to church, they want to go to confession,” Esposito said. “Wanting to be a young Catholic gentleman, wanting to learn more about the Church — I call that … the ‘Holy Spirit’ part of it.” For Timperanza and Iglesias, at least, there is little doubt that the Holy Spirit has helped guide their life journeys thus far. “I’ve learned so many things with the Squires — about helping people, about being a good person. It takes so little to help, and it makes you feel so good being able to help any way you can,” Timperanza said. “My faith continues to be strong to this very day, and I love it,” added Iglesias, who is now a student at Tarleton State University in Texas. “Without the support of everyone and this Squires program, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.”♦ MIKE LATONA is a staff writer for the Catholic Courier, the official newspaper of the Diocese of Rochester, and a member of Our Lady of the Cenacle Council 3892 in Greece, N.Y.

The Order’s support of the Boy Scouts of America continues as Scouts celebrate their 100th anniversary

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Pope’s Invitation to Y outh During the five years of his pontificate, Pope Benedict XVI has frequently addressed the deepest desires and concerns of young people

by Amy Welborn

inistering to teens and young adults is challenging. Often they can be the most enthusiastic members of the Body of Christ, but the question persists: How can the Church keep them interested and present the faith in an engaging way that does not dilute the truth? As is the case with so many elements of Catholic life, Pope Benedict XVI provides an excellent example to follow. It might surprise some that the 83-year-old pontiff is able to reach a generation that is engrossed with iPods, social networking and the latest trends. Nonetheless, the Holy Father has often spoken to young people — both teens and young adults — during his fiveyear papacy. He has attended World Youth Day events in Germany and Australia, visited facilities for underprivileged and disabled youth, spoken frequently to seminarians and young religious, and engaged in dialogue with young people at youth events in Italy. 22 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

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In these encounters, the pope never talks down to his listeners; he addresses them not as the future of the Church to be entertained or coddled, but as a vital part of the Body of Christ with an important mission. He invites them to look honestly at the yearnings of their heart, to open themselves to Christ as the answer to those yearnings, and to find that for which all people ache — true freedom. WHAT ARE YOU SEEKING? To an audience of young adults gathered at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Yonkers, N.Y., during the pope’s pastoral visit to the United States in 2008, Pope Benedict asked, “Friends, again I ask you, what about today? What are you seeking? What is God whispering to you?” He regularly poses these pointed questions to young people, but does not leave them hanging. He has answers.

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The yearning of the human heart for its source and destiny is consistently a crucial element of the pope’s writing, echoing St. Augustine’s description of the restless heart that will find rest only in God. Every movement we make to seek beauty, goodness and truth — even our wrong turns — are, at root, a search for God. Pope Benedict knows that this seeking is a fundamental and defining part of a young person’s life, and that there is a beauty to youth that speaks of enthusiasm, goodness and generosity in this search. As he said to youth gathered in Genoa, Italy, in 2008: “Being young implies being good and generous, and once again true goodness is Jesus himself … whom you know or whom your heart is seeking: he is the Friend who never betrays, faithful to the point of giving his life on the Cross.” Benedict added, “Only after discovering Jesus do we realize ‘this is what I was waiting for.’”

Pope Benedict XVI arrives for the closing Mass of World Youth Day at Marienfeld, near Cologne, Germany, Aug. 21, 2005. The Mass in the former mining area was attended by more than 1 million pilgrims. The world may have a different message, but the truth is that what we seek is not even a “what” but a “who.” While it is not unfashionable for a young person to admit one’s spiritual side, it is unfashionable to acknowledge that there might be just one answer to every person’s search — and that this answer is found, not just in one’s heart or in interesting ideas, but in the Church. Often, in helping young people get past this obstacle, the temptation is to create a new experience of religion that is more appealing. Pope Benedict, on the other hand, offers an approach that is both simple and authentic: to patiently connect the dots between the seeker, Christ and the Church. APRIL 2010

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WHAT IS GOD WHISPERING TO YOU? While we yearn for freedom — and to be ourselves, accepted and loved — the Church is often viewed in terms of constraint, rules and conformity. What, then, is the clearest path to help young people understand what God is “whispering” to them through the Body of Christ? First, to define freedom — a theme that Pope Benedict explores frequently through the lens of faith. Since God is infinite love, freedom, truth and beauty, when we are joined to him in faith in the sacramental life, we are joined to exactly that — God’s infinite love. That is freedom. Everything else the world proposes is limited. On April 24, 2005, concluding his first homily as pope, Benedict stated: “Only in this friendship are the doors of life opened wide. Only in this friendship is the great potential of human existence truly revealed. Only in this friendship do we experience beauty and liberation. And so, today, with great strength and

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great conviction, on the basis of long personal experience of life, I say to you, dear young people: Do not be afraid of Christ! He takes nothing away, and he gives you everything.” Once we are open to the true freedom found in Christ, the question remains — why the Church? Why not just Jesus alone, on our own? Pope Benedict reminds young people, as he said in a 2006 general audience, “This individualistically chosen Jesus is an imaginary Jesus. We cannot have Jesus without the reality he created and in which he communicates himself.” From here, the pope invites young people to dig deeper, to embrace Christ in the Church, to learn more about Christ

POPE: CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec —WYD CROSS: CNS photo/Giampiero Sposito, Reuters

Above: Spanish young people hold a wooden cross as a symbol of the next World Youth Day as Pope Benedict XVI leads Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 5, 2009. World Youth Day will be held in Madrid, Spain, in 2011. Right: A young woman from the Archdiocese of New York greets Pope Benedict XVI during a rally with young people at St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers, N.Y., April 19, 2008.

through the Scriptures and to be in union with God through the sacramental life. “You will not be afraid any longer to lose your freedom, because you will live it fully by giving it away in love,” the pope said to young people in Sardinia, Italy, in September 2008. “You will no longer be attached to material goods, because you will feel within you the joy of sharing them. You will cease to be sad with the sadness of the world, but you will feel sorrow at evil and rejoice at goodness, especially for mercy and forgiveness. And if this happens, if you will have truly discovered God in the Face of Christ, you will no longer think of the Church as an institution external to you, but as your spiritual family, as we are living now, at this moment.”

CNS file photo

A GREAT ADVENTURE Real freedom in Christ leads us, as Pope Benedict often says, on a great “adventure” of discipleship, an adventure young people are invited to share right now. At World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney, the pope reminded young people of the missionaries who originally brought Christ to Australia: “The great majority were young — some still in their late teens — and when they bade farewell to their parents, brothers and sisters, and friends, they knew they were unlikely ever to return home. Their whole lives were a selfless Christian witness.” Several months earlier, Benedict told those gathered at St. Joseph’s Seminary: “You are Christ’s disciples today. Shine his light upon this great city and beyond. Show the world the reason for the hope that resonates within you. Tell others about the truth that sets you free.” The pope recognizes that this is not an easy life. It requires a definitive decision in a world that discourages commitment. It also requires courage and a willingness to “die for love.” During his pastoral trip to Africa in March 2009, Benedict put it this way: “There is no doubt about it: Life is worthwhile only if you take courage and are ready for adventure, if you trust in the Lord who will never abandon you.” There is no softening of the Christian message here — no attempt to make it more palatable to those living a pleasure-centered lifestyle. The pope offers the call of Jesus Christ: It’s about more, not less; about adventure, not settling; about the freedom we find in God’s love, not the prison of worldly expectations and judgment. What Pope Benedict XVI proposes to young people — and to all of us — is to seek one’s destiny through Christ, to listen to the Lord through his Church and to embark with the saints on the great adventure of discipleship. As Catholics, we are called to joyfully bear this good fruit of true freedom for the sake of a hurting world in need of Christ. “Be united but not closed,” the pope said during his address in Genoa. “Be humble but not fearful. Be simple but non ingenuous. Be thoughtful but not complicated. Enter into dialogue with all, but be yourselves.”♦ AMY WELBORN is the author of numerous books, including Come Meet Jesus: An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI (Word Among Us, 2010). She writes from Birmingham, Ala.

T HE J OHN PAUL II G ENERATION John Paul II inspired countless young people in their love for life and pursuit of truth WHEN POPE BENEDICT XVI signed a decree of heroic virtue Dec. 19, 2009, granting his predecessor the title “venerable,” he confirmed what people around the world have recognized for more than three decades. Pope John Paul II’s virtue was evident to all who observed his life or studied his teachings. His deep faith and hope were combined with a simple elegance of speech, an affinity for Bob Dylan and U2, and a wide range of interests from the great outdoors to playwriting. The late pope was truly a renaissance man, and people of all walks of life — especially young people — admired him. John Paul II’s unique bond with youth, like his passion for life, can be traced back long before he entered the world stage. In the 1950s, as a young priest and ethics professor, Father Karol Wojtyła regularly gathered young adults together for discussion, prayer and charitable service. He even took his students on skiing and kayaking trips in southern Poland. Although Father Wojtyła was a spiritual father to this ever-growing community, his young friends would call him “Wujek” (Uncle), since the Communist government did not allow priests to lead such outings. When he was ordained a bishop in 1958 and when he became Pope John Paul II 20 years later, Wojtyła’s special love for, and rapport with, young people continued. While celebrating Mass in Boston in 1979, during his first apostolic journey to the United States, John Paul II said, “Again and again I find in young people the joy and enthusiasm of life, a searching for truth and for the deeper meaning of the existence that unfolds before them in all its attraction and potential.” To mark the United Nations International Year of Youth in 1985, the pope published an apostolic letter to the youth of the world and celebrated a Mass in St. Peter’s Square on Palm Sunday of that year. Approximately 300,000 people attended the Mass, which foreshadowed future international World Youth Day celebrations throughout the world. Five years after Venerable Pope John Paul II’s death, his influence continues to be felt throughout the Church. Inspired by his witness and teachings, innumerable men and women of the “JPII Generation” are living faithfully today as fathers, mothers, priests and religious. And the faith and hope they have received will no doubt be passed on for generations to come.

An enthusiastic Pope John Paul II, who came to the conclave as Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, smiles after being chosen to succeed Pope John Paul I in October 1978. APRIL 2010

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hosted a can drive to benefit the Global Wheelchair Mission. Knights collected 447 pounds of aluminum drinking cans, funds from which will purchase three wheelchairs for needy recipients around the world. HELLO DOLLY

Members of Hilton Head (S.C.) Assembly gather around Sgt. Maj. Richard Stidley of the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade to watch a video of combat operations in Iraq that was filmed from a Black Hawk helicopter. Knights were invited to visit the Hunter Army Air Field in appreciation for their ongoing support for the military. Since 2005, Knights have provided more than $50,000 in phone cards to U.S. troops serving overseas.


Father John V. Dillon Council 3447 in Hastings, Mich., held a pancake breakfast that raised $2,450 for a family whose home was destroyed by fire. VOCATIONS TREE

Richmond (Texas) Council 7445 sponsored a memorial tree as part of a project undertaken by a local Boy Scout. As part of his Eagle Scout project, Andrew Mueller sold and planted 15 memorial trees to raise money for seminarians in the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston. Several Knights also helped plant the trees, sales from which exceeded $3,500. FLAG FOR SCHOOL

Father Don Carey Assembly in Cuba, Mo., held a benefit barbecue to raise funds for a flag and flagpole for a local high school’s newly refurbished athletic field.

President Ward W. Fansler in front of a Cristo Rey statue that had recently been unveiled on campus. Cristo Rey High School provides a Catholic college preparatory education to economically disadvantaged youth. FESTIVAL PAINTING


St. Benedict Council 9056 and Pope John Paul II Circle

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St. Margaret Mary Council 11091 in Algonquin, Ill.,

5188, both in Virginia Beach, Va., organized an Italian festival fundraiser to benefit St. Gregory the Great School. More than 600 people attended the event, which raised approximately $3,300 to purchase SMART Boards for the school. SWEET CORN


Assemblies from throughout Ohio Fourth Degree District #3 collected four memorial chalices for Father John L. Kakinda, a priest from Sacred Heart Seminary in Mubende, Africa. Father Kakinda requested the chalices after attending the district’s installation of officers.

Members of St. Lucy Council 12542 in West Long Beach, Calif., stand with some of the 60 containers of food they collected during the council’s annual food drive. All food collected was donated to the St. Lucy Marian Outreach Center, which is operated by the Daughters of Charity.


Eugenio Balmori Martinez Council 13199 in Coatzacoalcos, Mexico South, donated a 3,200-square-foot lot of land along with a house for the expansion of its parish.

Members of St. Peter the Apostle Council 14648 in Barangay Telegrafo, Visayas, painted their host church in preparation for a parish festival.


Sacramento (Calif.) Council 953 donated $5,000 to Cristo Rey High School. Knights presented the check to school

Members of St. Leo’s Council 11528 in Brooklin, Ontario, constructed 25 new chair dollies for use in their parish hall. The dollies will help protect the hall floor by facilitating the easy movement of chairs when council members or parishioners set up for an event. By constructing the dollies themselves, Knights saved the parish approximately $1,900.

Members of Father Robert Patrick O’Hare Council 9137 in Sherwood, Ore., remove a line of trees at their parish. After a devastating storm swept through the area, Knights realized that the damaged trees needed to come down and saved the parish approximately $2,000 by doing the work themselves.

Marian Council 3111 in Fremont, Mich., organized a donation of more than 250 ears of sweet corn to Holy Cross Children’s Services. Knight Richard Kokx — who works as a beef farmer — donated and distributed the corn among two facilities in Detroit and Saginaw. HOW ILLUMINATED

Members of Faithful Shepherd Council 7604 in Eagan, Minn., changed all the light bulbs at St. Thomas Becket Church. By performing the labor themselves, Knights saved the parish hundreds of dollars.


YOUNG IN SPIRIT Knights promote healthy and faith-filled youth activities

Father Edmund Eduarte, pastor of St. Mary Magdalene Church, blesses a new set of vestments that were donated by Phil Kelley Council 6878 in Humble, Texas. The council raised $5,800 to purchase the new vestments for its parish. Also pictured, right, are Knights Grant Chapman and Jim Ward.


Sherman (Texas) Council 1289 raised $1,000 to purchase hearing aids for needy people with hearing impairments. STATUE RESTORED

Members of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council 11187 in Pickerington, Ohio, restored a severely deteriorated statue of the Sacred Heart that was located outside of their church. The restoration process in-

volved power washing, concrete filler, adhesives and meticulous sanding. By doing the work themselves, the council saved the parish approximately $4,000. SACRISTY RENOVATED

Sacred Heart Council 3496 in Port Barre, La., donated $4,600 to renovate the sacristy at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. In addition to donating funds toward the project, all of the construction work was undertaken by council members. A TOWERING SOUND

Knights work to install a new drainage system at Rebsamen Stadium, located at Subiaco Abbey and Academy. Five councils from in and around Conway, Ark., installed the system over five days. Pictured are: Gilbert Koch and Gene Hatwig of Pius XII Council 996 in Fort Smith and Ray Luyet of Father Dellert Council 4143 in Conway.

Father Lacombe Assembly in Lethbridge, Alberta, provided an honor guard for the dedication of the new bell tower at St. Mary’s Church. Bishop Frederick B. Henry of Calgary, who is a member of Msgr. John S. Smith Council 9658, officiated over the ceremony. PRAYER AT THE POLE

Father James A. Hopkins Assembly in Rome, Ga., donated two new U.S. flags to St. Mary’s School. One of the flags was used immediately at the school’s “Prayer at the Pole” ceremony the following day.

[Right] Carson Knox, the son of Knight Aaron Knox, flies his kite high over the community at a kite flying event sponsored by St. Mark Council 1498 in Highlands Ranch, Colo. More than 50 families attended the event, all of which were also treated to a free lunch. • Sacred Heart Council 7557 in Broussard, La., teamed with Boy Scout Troop 55 to clean the offices of the Louisiana State Council. Knights worked side-by-side with Scouts to clean the office grounds. • Rivière du Loup (Quebec) Council 2402 teamed with several area organizations to distribute milk and fruit to children at playgrounds in several communities. The initiative was undertaken to promote healthy eating habits among young people. • Largo (Fla.) Council 4892 co-sponsored a respect life poster contest with St. Patrick’s Church for parishioners in seventh and eighth grade. The council received 45 entries in a variety of categories, including respect life, chastity and stem-cell research. Four winners each received a cash award of $25. • Perez Council 262 in Passaic, N.J., volunteered at an annual retreat for local young people. Knights prepared breakfast for all in attendance.

• Ina Ng Laging Saklolo Council 8226 in Nueva Ecija, Luzon, conducted a youth olympics for area altar servers and youth ministers. The tournament featured matches in basketball, badminton and tug-of-war. • Regina Mundi Council 3969 in Clifton, N.J., donated $180 to the New Jersey Boys State Foundation, which allowed one young man to attend the organization’s weeklong citizenship training program free of charge. • St. Isaac Jogues Council 11312 in Lincoln, Neb., held its annual bike safety rodeo at North American Martyrs Church. The annual event educates children about bicycle safety and features representatives from the State Patrol Air Wing, the Lincoln Police Department K9 unit, the Lincoln Fire Department and more.

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THE DREAM IS STILL ALIVE A project to aid the elderly started by Ontario Knights celebrates 25 years

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Serge Paquette of Grand Mère (Quebec) Council 1209 has his hair shorn during a council-sponsored shaved-head challenge. The event raised $10,000 for the Quebec Cancer Society at the Hospital Ste-Marie. Paquette was among 35 people who had their heads shaved bald for charity.


St. William of Vercelli Council 4064 in Walled Lake, Mich., teamed with parishioners from St. Matthew Lutheran Church to build a wheelchair ramp for a local resident. The council provided $300 for materials and volunteered more than 40 hours to help build the ramp. MARIAN GROTTO DEDICATED

Msgr. Albini Leblanc Assembly in Cocagne, New Brunswick, provided an honor guard for the dedication of a new Marian grotto at Visitation Church in GrandeDigue. The statue was donated to the Société Historique de Grand-Digue (Historical Society of GrandDigue) by Pascal Poirier Council 7535.

from a water purification system in Garkaway, Nigeria, had been stolen. The dinner raised $3,500 to replace the stolen components and to install a new security system. WAY OF HOLINESS

Members of St. Jude the Apostle Council 10758 in Rochester, N.Y., designed, purchased and constructed an outdoor Stations of the Cross at their parish.


Msgr. Loyola O’Daugherty Council 5542 in San Manuel, Ariz., hosted a benefit dinner to aid Father Joseph Nietlong, one of several priests from Nigeria who serve the mining areas of southern Arizona. On the eve of his return to Nigeria, Father Nietlong discovered that the solar panels and pump

Tom Metelski (right) of Havre de Grace (Md.) Council 2002 looks on while Lester Barton installs a new closet door at the home of Father Mark Oguamanam. Several council members volunteered more than 100 hours and about $600 to repair Father Oguamanam’s basement in order to comply with local building codes.

UPPER LEFT: Photo by Fred Happy

NOT LONG after its founding in 1979, Archbishop J. A. O’Sullivan Council 7224 in Kingston, Ontario, had a dream to build an independentliving home for local senior citizens. The idea was that the home would be organized as a nonprofit organization, operated by volunteers and initiated by the Knights of Columbus, namely council member John MacLean. Twenty-five years later, Marion Community Homes stands tall behind Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Flurey Park. A monument to the mission of the Knights, this 50-unit home for seniors still has four original tenants living there since the facility opened its doors on Dec. 1, 1984. In November 2009, tenants, dignitaries and community members alike gathered to celebrate this milestone. Marion Community Homes Corporation Board of Directors President Alan Murphy of Council 7224 welcomed a lengthy list of guests that included Archbishop Brendan M. O’Brien of Kingston, Archbishop Emeritus Francis J. Spence, Dorothy Hector, Lakeside councillor for Kingston, Honourable Speaker of the House Peter Milliken and many more. Marion Community Homes was the first of its kind in the province when the facility opened. That doesn’t mean, though, that the building has been left to operate on its own over the past two-and-a-half decades. Through the Marion Community Homes Corporation, Knights still take an active role in the facility’s existence. In the years since it opened, Marion Community Homes has seen numerous improvements and renovations, some of which have been performed by Knights. One of the first major improvements was the creation of limestone pillars at the entrance as well as a sign on the building grounds. Windows, doors, landscaping, appliances and new flooring have all been replaced or renovated since the building was first constructed. And since Marion Community Homes is located on a bus route with access to the Gardiners Town Center, residents also have access to numerous amenities. A building built on the dreams, determination and the patience of 37 men, Marion Community Homes continues to flourish as a home for area seniors. - Reported by Colleen Murphy


maculate Conception Soup Kitchen. Squires served chili to more than 200 people, which was paid for by the circle’s sponsoring council, St. Peter Council 12319. BENEFIT BARBECUE

Father William J. Kelly Council 9782 in Wells, Maine, hosted a benefit barbecue that raised more than $1,050 for Maine Right to Life. Brian Swain of Marian Council 3827 in Richfield-Bloomington, Minn., and Ed Herrmann remove a pipe from the organ at St. Edward Church. Knights and parishioners removed and wrapped each pipe for shipment to Hartford, Conn., where they will be matched with new pipes to complete the organ’s installation. By doing the work themselves, Knights and volunteers saved the parish about $10,000.


Charles A. Gerber Council 6248 in Carpentersville, Ill., donated $400 to the Waterleaf Women’s Center in Aurora. The council also coordinated the purchase of supplies and painted the new facility before it opened.

UPPER RIGHT: Jim Turley/Sweet Water Images


Members of Oneonta (Ala.) Council 13512 operate the gift shop at St. Vincent’s Blount, one of five facilities that comprise the St. Vincent Health System. Knights routinely staff the shop, which offers sundries, snacks, drinks and religious items — including booklets from the Order’s Catholic Information Service. SQUIRES SERVE SOUP

St. Peter’s Circle 5263 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, served food to needy members of the community at the Im-


St. Francis of Assisi Council 12484 in Lancaster, Texas, serves its soon-to-be-famous angel-lite pancakes at parish breakfasts at least once each month. Proceeds from the breakfasts are always added to the parish building fund. DANCE FOR A CURE

St. Mary’s Council 2346 in Nutley, N.J., held a dance for area fifth- and sixth-grade students to benefit cystic fibrosis research and a local food pantry. The event raised $450 and three boxes of nonperishable food items.

Dennis Olaguer (red shirt) of Nuestra Senora del Perpetuo Socorro Council 6387 in Sampaloc, Luzon, fits a woman with new reading glasses while fellow council members look on. Knights distributed 200 glasses and other assorted medications to needy members of the community at a free event.

grocery store for the city. In just two hours, Knights raised more than $1,000 for the MCDAI to help defray the $200,000 cost of starting a new store.

the event are used to support Catholic education, faith formation and vocations at St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston.


Msgr. William J. Sweeney Assembly in Richland, Wash., provided an honor guard for the flag raising ceremony at the new Richland Library. The assembly, along with Richland Council 3307, has supported the library for many years.


Knights from throughout the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, Texas, hosted their annual Shepherd’s Cup Golf Classic. Proceeds from


Sangamon Valley Council 5754 in Petersburg, Ill., donated $2,000 to St. Martin de Porres Food Bank. Money for the donation was raised by the council, with matching funds from Holy Family Church in Athens and St. Peter Church in Petersburg. ICE CREAM FOR GROCERIES

Father O’Reilly Council 8232 in Moville, Iowa, held an ice cream social to help offset the cost of starting a new grocery store in town. Fire destroyed Moville’s only grocery store 18 months prior, and the Moville Community Development Association Inc. (MCDAI) began the process to build a new


Miss Philippines Earth finalist Patricia M. Tumulak breaks ground at a tree-planting project spearheaded by Marikina Valley (Luzon) Council 6178. Knights, along with members of the Philippines Armed Forces, planted 300 mahogany trees along the Baras Highway. The council also established a seedling bank as a nursery for fruit-bearing and indigenous plants.

Tara Council 6352 and Father Emmeran Bliemel Assembly, both in Jonesboro, Ga., donated a model of a human fetus to the St. Philip Benizi Respect Life Ministry. The model will be used to educate parishioners on fetus development. exclusive See more “Knights in Action” reports and photos at knightsinaction

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K OF C ITEMS Available from the following designated official suppliers

A MEETING TO CHANGE LIVES WHEN AUREL CHIASSON joined the Knights of Columbus more than 30 years ago, it was because he wanted to see what the organization had to offer. Chiasson, who is currently the grand knight of Father Clair Tipping Council 9235 in Brampton, Ontario, liked what he saw so much that he has gone on to recruit 153 more men to join the Order. “For someone who wants to get involved in the community, the Knights of Columbus is a great opportunity,” Chiasson said. When he recruits, Chiasson starts by meeting many of his prospective candidates at church. He makes an initial approach to gauge the candidate’s interest in joining. If the interest is there, Chiasson arranges to speak to the candidate again at home. “The face-to-face approach seems to work every time because it’s more personal,” Chiasson said. If the candidate is married, Chiasson makes it a point to include the candidate’s wife in the conversation. During this meeting, Chiasson explains the history of Council 9235 and what the council and the Order do. He also brings a copy of the council’s Pathfinder

CAPES, CHAPEAUX, SWORDS, FLAGS, PLAQUES AND MORE Call THE ENGLISH COMPANY INC. at 1-800-444-5632 or visit Free catalog available. ROBES, FOURTH DEGREE ITEMS Call LYNCH AND KELLY INC. at 1-888-548-3890. Catalog available

Grand Knight Aurel Chiasson (right) of Father Clair Tipping Council 9235 in Brampton, Ontario, congratulates Father Joseph Rodrigues of St. Anthony of Padua Church for having attained his Second and Third degrees.

newsletter and screens the Order’s recruitment video Experience of a Lifetime. As for advice he’d offer to other recruiters, Chiasson said: “Don’t tell members what they can do in the council before they join, but rather let them see what the council does and then let them pick what they are interested in. When you sign up the prospective member, bring him to his First Degree, then to his first council meeting so you can introduce him to the other members.”

Knights Support Those Who Heed God’s Call SUPPORT FOR VOCATIONS has always been a priority for the Knights of Columbus, and observance of the 2010 World Day of Prayer for Vocations is one opportunity for Knights to encourage others to answer the call to the priesthood and religious life. To assist Knights in observing this year’s day of prayer, which will be celebrated Sunday, April 25, the Supreme Council has mailed program suggestions and a list of available vocations materials to councils. The 2010 Knights of ColAmong these resources are the DVD Everyone Has a umbus vocations poster Vocation to Love (#50046) and accompanying study (#2959) guide, full-color vocational bookmarks, and Not to be Served, but to Serve (#827), a booklet outlining the various religious vocations. Information and support materials, as well as Pope Benedict XVI’s message for the 2010 World Day of Prayer for Vocations, are available at 30 ♦ C O L U M B I A ♦

APRIL 2010

FOURTH DEGREE TUXEDOS Approved K of C Dress Code Call CHILBERT & CO. at 1-800-289-2889 or visit Free catalog available.




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Being Present A priest ministers to young people in simple, enthusiastic ways

PHOTO: Courtesy of FAITH Catholic/Tom Generra

by Dan Faas THE LANSING (MICH.) Catholic High School football you have that daily contact, there’s a real power to just being team was not having a good night. They were losing badly, and around and being very loving.” to make matters worse, the showering rain had turned to sleet. Last year, Father Joe graduated from high school, so to The team’s chaplain, Father Joseph Krupp, remained to cheer speak, and now ministers to nearly 13,000 Catholic students the players on. But as the rain started to soak through his coat, at Michigan State University. They don’t all swing by his office Father Joe — as he is known by nearly all his students — de- every day, but that doesn’t mean Father Joe is not a major presbated going home to a warm cup of hot chocolate. ence on campus. At that moment, one of Father From celebrating Mass to preparing Joe’s students sidled up to him in the young couples for marriage to helping stands. Smirking, he nudged the with retreats, Father Joe works around priest to look behind them — the the clock serving the students. He adstands were nearly empty. Fewer than mits it can be exhausting, but quickly 10 parents remained, and everyone adds that young people are a tremenelse had gone home. Grabbing the dous source of energy for him as well. priest by the shoulders, the student “I crave people who say, ‘Can we looked into his eyes and uttered do this?’” Father Joe said. “You tell words that have stuck with Father Joe them ‘yes,’ and then you kind of get ever since: “You really love us.” out of their way, and every so often It is that love for the young people you get an update.” he serves that defines Father Joe’s Take, for instance, the 19-year-old ministry. Ordained for the Diocese MSU student who asked Father Joe of Lansing in 1998, Father Joe, 40, if she could plan a trip to the March has spent almost his entire priestfor Life in Washington, D.C. — on hood ministering to teens and young a budget of $40 per person. adults. And lest anyone think the job It is that enthusiasm that prompts of a high school or college chaplain some people to call today’s high is easy, he is quick to point out that school and college-aged youth the Father Joseph Krupp, a member of East Lansing working with youth is not all fun “future of the Church,” a group that (Mich.) Council 7816, is one of many priests and games. will eventually bring a renewed vigor “I don’t think people see the hard and zeal to Catholicism. whose ministry is focused on the spiritual needs of edge to it,” said Father Joe, who is a Father Joe, however, doesn’t necesteens and young adults. member of East Lansing Council sarily see things that way. 7816. “It’s a blood-and-guts job, it “They’re not the future of the really is.” Church — Jesus is the future of the Church,” Father Joe said. For 10 years, Father Joe was the chaplain for Lansing “They’re the now of the Church. We need their energy; we need Catholic High School, where all 530 students walked by his their utter craziness; we need their absolute, jaw-dropping comoffice every day between classes. Some stopped in to share their passion. We need that so badly, and they’ve got it in spades. joys and others to share their problems, but many just wanted That’s their role in the Church right now.” to visit. A magnetic personality, Father Joe has the ability to And it’s a lot easier for the youth to fulfill that role with expound a profound theological truth one moment and crack priests like Father Joe. Some might call him crazy to work with a hilarious joke the next. young people for so long, but the reason Father Joe continues It is that strategy of just being present that Father Joe sees as to counsel students, lead retreats and sit in the rain at football the key to his ministry, especially with high school youth. games is simple: He really loves them.♦ “I know this sounds uber-simplistic, but I just tried to be wherever they were,” he said. “If one of them got sick, I was DAN FAAS is a senior at Michigan State University studying journalism. there. If someone had a mom or dad die, I was there. When He will graduate in May. O B S E RV E T H E Y E A R F O R P R I E S T S W I T H A S P E C I A L P R AY E R C A R D AVA I L A B L E AT W W W. KO F C . O RG / Y E A R F O R P R I E S T S

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PATRICK SLATTERY, Henry Slattery and Travis Close of Rev. Philip J. Allen Circle 5265 in Wichita, Kan., pull weeds from the peace garden at Dear Neighbor Ministries. Squires spent the day cleaning the facility, which is operated by the Sisters of St. Joseph. • Pope John Paul II Council 14017 in Middletown, Conn., donated and installed a new carillon bell music system at St. Mary of Czestochowa Church. The $6,500 needed for the project was raised by hosting several pancake breakfasts and burger sales.

MEMBERS OF St. Mildred Council 14128 in Somerset, Ky., present Chuck Tyler (center) with a framed Fourth Degree sword in appreciation for his service to the council. Tyler was the charter grand knight of Council 14128, which was founded in 2006 and now has nearly 50 members. Also pictured are (from left): Father Michael Ramler, council chaplain, Frank Lynch, B. J. Parson and District Deputy Fred Chambers of Kentucky District #15. • Immaculate Conception Council 13875 in Castries, St. Lucia, collected cash donations to aid Leton Clovis, a council member who is attending the Regional Seminary St. John Vianney and the Uganda Martyr in Trinidad.

KOREAN WAR VETERAN Francis E. Baker, who is a member of Father Edward W. Johnston Council 9488 in Harrisburg, Va., loads care packages into a truck for distribution to U.S. soldiers serving overseas. Knights spearheaded a collection of personal items for troops stationed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea and Kuwait. • St. Paul the Apostle Council 6802 in Brookville, N.Y., held its annual AutoFest car show. The event attracted nearly 500 classic and custom cars, along with approximately 1,000 spectators. Knights raised more than $10,000 for charity and honored Julius “JT” Freeman, one of the original Tuskegee Airmen.

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PATRIOTISM: Nikki Fox/Daily News Journal

LAWRENCE FEDORUK, Richard Boulianne and Paul Duford of Divine Infant Council 7873 in Orleans, Ontario, disassemble a computer that the council will refurbish. Knights began collecting used computers and peripherals and refurbishing them for disadvantaged members of the community. For computers that are obsolete or no longer serviceable, Knights recycle the base components and donate any proceeds to charity. • American Martyrs Council 14666 in Oakland Gardens, N.Y., held a pasta dinner fundraiser that netted $2,000 for the council’s charitable fund.


Building a better world one council at a time Every day, Knights all over the world are given opportunities to make a difference — whether through community service, raising money or prayer. We celebrate each and every Knight for his strength, his compassion and his dedication to building a better world.


Knights from several Washington, D.C., councils apply labels to boxes of Armed with the Faith for shipment to U.S. soldiers stationed around the world. Earlier this year, Knights helped deliver 100,000 copies of the popular prayer book for military personnel to the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and prepared some 40,000 copies for immediate shipment. Since 2003, the Order has provided more than a half-million copies for U.S. troops. A bilingual edition was published in 2009 for Canadian troops, and a Catholic Information Service (CIS) edition (#364) is available for purchase by Knights, veterans, military families and others.




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NOT MY WEAKNESS’ My journey has not always taken a direct route. When a missionary priest gave a talk to my secondgrade class, I ran home after school to tell my mother that I was going to be a priest when I grew up. Later, as a rebellious teenager, I often stayed home from Mass. Although I began going back to church, there was still a void in my heart. I found myself with a secure job, I had purchased a condominium, and my girlfriend and I were discussing our future together. But it was the lowest point of my life. Things turned around at Christmas 2002, when a young adult group at my parish introduced me to prayer, eucharistic adoration and a family in Christ. My life changed, and six months later I had enrolled in the seminary. I often questioned my vocation. After my third year of theology, however, I realized something that changed my heart: I trust in God, not my weakness. Priesthood is my road to holiness. Today, my greatest joy is being able to celebrate the sacraments, and I thank God for allowing me to bring hope where there may be very little. FATHER JONATHAN BLAKE Archdiocese of Ottawa, Ontario

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