Louisiana's 2012 Coastal Master Plan.

Page 80

3: Evaluating Projects

Predictive Model Groups Eco-Hydrology

Barrier Shoreline Morphology

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Predicts changes in water characteristics within estuaries. This group of models predicts water levels, salinity patterns, sediment delivery, and some aspects of water quality. They use output from the Wetland Morphology group to determine the shape and size of open water bodies. Output from the Eco-hydrology model group is used by the Wetland and Wetland Ecosystem Vegetation Barrier Shoreline Morphology, Vegetation, Morphology Services and Ecosystem Services model groups.

Wetland Morphology

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Wetland Morphology

Predicts changes in wetland areas, taking into account the loss of existing wetlands, the creation of wetlands by both natural and mechanical processes, and the fate of those newly created wetlands. This model has been improved over past efforts to consider more factors as predictors of land change. This group of models uses salinity and water level data from Ecosystem Vegetation the Eco-hydrology group, as well as data from the Vegetation group, and Services provides information on land configuration to the Storm Surge/Waves, Vegetation, and Ecosystem Services model groups. It also produces outputs that reflect the potential for carbon sequestration in coastal wetlands.

Barrier Shoreline Morphology

Storm Surge/Waves

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Barrier Shoreline Morphology

Predicts changes in the shape, location, and elevation of barrier islands and the size of tidal inlets over time, including land gains resulting from restoration activities, as well as land loss from wave erosion, sea level rise, and subsidence. It is based on understanding gained from the Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM) program as well as years of Wetland Eco-Hydrology Ecosystem Vegetation other research.Morphology It uses inputs from the Wetland Morphology and EcoServices hydrology groups to predict the volume of tidal waters moving through inlets. Data on how these inlets change in size is then fed to the Ecohydrology group. Data on land configuration is fed to the Storm Surge/ Waves model group. This is a new model created to support the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority and the 2012 Coastal Master Plan.




Wetland Morphology


Predicts the location and type of vegetation that will be found throughout the coast, including submerged aquatic vegetation. It provides information about the conditions influencing plant growth, based on newly available data from the Coastwide Reference Monitoring SystemWetlands (CRMS-Wetlands). This model receives input on landscape Ecosystem and water quality characteristics from the Wetland Morphology, Barrier Services Shoreline Morphology, and Eco-hydrology groups, respectively. The output is used by the Storm Surge/Waves and Ecosystem Services model groups. This is a new model created to support the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority and the 2012 Coastal Master Plan.

Louisiana’s Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast

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