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From Clarity to Revelation The chapel is characterized by a clearly ordered plan with a revelation of light within, through strong concrete forms and moments of reveal. The program is divided into three main bars: the sanctuary, the side chapels and sacristies, and the restrooms and administration. The fourth bar of the narthex unites the three bars, in which the three main volumes are easily discernible and accessible. Three gardens result from the placement of the three bars. The larger Fellowship Garden is accessed from the narthex and sanctuary and serves as a social gathering space. It is bound by a series of rammed earth walls, reminiscent of the mission style architecture found in San Antonio. Off of this space, a smaller Amy Leong and Natalie Shovlin won second prize in Contemplation Garden overlooks the 2009 nation-wide Air Force Village Chapel Design the large reflection pond, which Competition held under the sponsorship of the American surrounds the sanctuary. The Institute of Architects. The competition had a total of 92 third garden is located between professionals and 33 student entries. This competition challenged entrants to design an inter-faith spiritual the administration wing and the center for Air Force Village, located in San Antonio, Texas. healthcare facility. The new chapel was supposed to inspire parishioners The interior of the sanctuary and create a significant architectural landmark. employs sunlight to mark the transition into the sacred. Windows expressed on the exterior of the chapel are concealed within by wooden and white plaster panels suspended from the ceiling and walls. Light emanates mysteriously from behind and through these panels, encompassing the space, and evoking the sacred. Light is brought into the side chapels and sacristies through conical light wells that are only perceived upon entering the space. In addition to day lighting, the chapel incorporates several other green strategies as well. The roof of the three main bars are green roofs to eliminate heat islands in a very hot climate. Operable windows allow natural ventilation to condition both the sanctuary and administration wing, reducing the load on mechanical systems. The rammed earth garden walls, being made of dirt, are a highly sustainable building material. Floor Plan

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