Redmond Recreational Facility Study 2011

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Redmond Recreation Buildings Design Study

June 16, 2011

Indoor Recreation Center Feasibility Survey for the City of Redmond

Indoor Recreation Amenities Most Needed in Redmond From a list of 22 various indoor recreation amenities, respondents were asked to select the three amenities that are most needed in Redmond. The following summarizes key findings: ƒ

Based on the sum of their top three choices, the amenities that respondents feel are most needed in Redmond are: indoor swimming/aquatic center (28%), indoor running/walking track (22%), and an indoor playground (20%). It should also be noted that an indoor swimming/aquatic center had the highest percentage of respondents select it as their first choice as the amenity they feel is most needed in Redmond.

Leisure Vision/ETC Institute

5-10 Statistically Valid Sur vey

Executive Summary - 9

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