Chaminade Julienne High School Yearbook 1989

Page 127

Left: Sophomore Andy Gitzinger worries about whether or not he did his homework for the next period. Bottom: Sophomore Kendra Jackson reluctantly looks up for a picture before going back to her studies. Bottom Left: Freshman Rachel Beyuer and Sophomore Albert Halburnt check their answers with Mrs. Turner. Bottom Right: Sophomore Christy Bosticco eyes the camera while Amy Bettendorf gives the eye to Christy.


Steven Wolfe Andy Wourms Deanna Yantis Charlie Yawn Alissa Zeyen Heather Zobrist

Not Pictured: Matt Ballard, Bessie Cbions, James Charlton, John Drexler, Thomas Keller, Nicole Nisonger, Jennifer Pope, Kenan Riordan, Dione Rucker, Shawn Thurmon, Eric Vaghn.

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