Stormwater Annual Report

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12.0 ANNUAL EXPENDITURES The 2010 MS4 Permit requires the City to provide a brief statement of the expenditures incurred each reporting period (July 1 – June 30) related exclusively to implementing and maintaining the stormwater management program, including associated monitoring and reporting activities. Additionally, the 2010 MS4 Permit requires the City to provide the estimated budget for implementing and maintaining the stormwater program in the subsequent reporting period and to include a statement of the funding sources used to support program expenditures. The City’s stormwater program during this reporting period was funded in part from an Environmental Fee that is assessed to City residents and businesses as part of their utility bills and the remaining was funded from the City’s General Fund. An Annual Expenditure Report is included as an attachment to this Annual Report (see Section 13.9 and Attachment E).

City of Mesa, Storm Water Annual Report

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