Adopted Central Main Plan

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A People-Friendly Community

C r e a t i n g a n i n v i t i n g , p e o p l e - f r i e n d l y p u b l i c realm

The Central Main Area must have an inviting, people-friendly public realm. Streets throughout the community must support active use by pedestrians and bicyclists by providing the comfort and connections needed for regular use. The community will support pedestrian activities by providing a high level of transit services that reduce the need for regular trips by automobile and by having parks and plazas that bring people together. Through City initiatives and private investment, streets will be designed and operated to enable safe access for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and public transportation users of all ages and abilities to safely move throughout the area. The Plan builds upon the light rail transit system to create a mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented development pattern that will result in an active, safe, and interesting environment focused on people. While improvements to the pedestrian and bicycling environment may result in reduced vehicular mobility in some areas, the existing grid street system will continue to provide reasonable vehicular access through the Central Main Area. Goal PFC 1: Create a pedestrian-oriented development pattern that enhances the community and integrates with existing neighborhoods. Goal PFC 2: Create a safe, comfortable, and attractive public realm (streets, parks, open space) that meets the needs of residents, employees, and visitors and invites and encourages pedestrian activity and social interaction. Goal PFC 3: Create a safe, attractive, and well-designed built environment that enhances community image and stimulates pedestrian activity. Goal PFC 4: Encourage a mix of uses and activities that promote interaction among neighbors. Goal PFC 5: Continue to reinforce the development of a multi-modal transportation system that provides convenient and attractive alternatives to the use of an automobile.


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