Web design creating cool web sites with html, xhtml, and css

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Creating Cool Web Sites with HTML, XHTML, and CSS

Table 11-1: Continued Event Name



The page completes loading in the browser


The user clicks the mouse button


The user releases the mouse button


The cursor moves away from the element


The cursor moves over the element


The window moves


The window is resized


User selects text in an input or textarea element


Opposite of onload; user leaves the page

The four events most commonly used with JavaScript are onclick, onmouseover, onmouseout, and onload. I explore how to utilize these four events later in this chapter.

Expressions Much more interesting than variable assignment statements (JavaScript instructions that assign a value to a specified variable) are expressions, which are the real building blocks of JavaScript. Expressions can evaluate to a Boolean (as in “if this condition is true, then . . .”) or can evaluate to a string or numeric expression. Table 11-2 takes a look at each of these expressions.

Table 11-2: Three Types of Expressions in JavaScript Expression

What It Evaluates To

x + y > z

Evaluates to a Boolean: either true or false

x + (2 x y)-3

Evaluates to a numeric value, the sum of these two variables

name + “ (given name)”

Appends the specified string to the end of the value of the string name

JavaScript simplifies working with strings, sequences of characters such as names, addresses, product codes, and URLs. You can build up strings of other values by using the + symbol, as shown here: var name = “Gareth”, name2 = “Ashley”; names = name + “ and “ + name2;

The resultant variable names is set to Gareth and Ashley.

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