An Investigation into the Human Energy Field

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electromagnetic fields. Like Brennan he notes that most people have tuned them out so we don’t know they are there. Brennan also emphasizes that the energy that she sees in the HEF is never separate from a person’s thoughts and feelings. For example, when someone’s mind is feeling calm and positive this will be reflected in their HEF. In fact, everything a person experiences has a correlation in their HEF. Every thought, feeling, sensation and emotion can be seen in the field. It is robust with information and activity.

Chakras and the HEF The Centre for Human Energy Field Research (CHEFR) in Pune, India has been investigating the anatomy and physiology of the HEF for over 15 years, which was judged to have first been investigated by the Rishis (seers) and written in the ancient Indian Vedic texts. These texts describe the Nadi system which is closely correlated to the Meridian system of Traditional Oriental Medicine. CHEFR’s research has shown that with subtle energy biofield imaging equipment seven major centres of activity can be measured within the HEF. These centres are referred to as “chakras” from the Sanskrit word for wheel and correspond to the torsion field produced by the repeated firing of nerves in the nerve plexus. CHEFR goes onto say that each chakra is linked to a physiological endocrine gland via the nerve plexus and directly affects the gland with which it is connected, thus affecting the hormones secreted by each (see table on pg 32). A specific wavelength is also associated with each chakra which corresponds with the colors of the rainbow. The frequency of each chakra increases from base to crown chakra, and from red to violet on the electromagnetic spectrum. In Brennan’s work she also clearly indicates that the human chakra system has been referred to by ancient Indian religious texts as well as by Western esoteric traditions, such as Jewish Kaballistic teachings and alchemical texts. According to her observations, these texts confirm what she herself can see that there are 7 main or major chakras, which look like swirling funnels of energy that align themselves vertically up the human spinal cord and interconnect and link into the different levels of the HEF.

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