Vanille Magazine

Page 81




2 ½ cups flour 1 cup warm water 1 tablespoon of salt 1 teaspoon instant yeast ¼ cup olive oil 1 tablespoon pesto Parmesan cheese to taste Tomatoes to taste Basil for garnish

Ciabatta baked Tomatoes mozzarella cheese pesto Genovese Extra virgin olive oil






Start preparing the pre ferment. Pour into a bowl 1 cup flour, along with ½ teaspoon of baking powder and ½ cup of water, mix it well and let it stand for 2 hours. Mix with a whisk the pre ferment, along with the rest of the flour, water, yeast, pesto and Parmesan to taste, knead the dough for the focaccia for 15 min at medium speed. Let the mixture stand for 2 hours in a warm place. Place the dough in a deep baking pan, drizzle with olive oil and let it rise for 1 hour or until it doubles in size. Preheat oven to 200 ° C. Place the tomatoes on the dough and bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven and let cool on a rack.


Heat a skillet over medium high heat, toast slices of ciabatta bread, drizzled with a little olive oil. Remove from heat.} Spread with a generous dollop of pesto, mozzarella cheese and baked tomatoes. Enjoy.

ProvenzalBreakfast Ciabatta bread Quail eggs Bacon Tomatoes Salt and pepper 1.


Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. In a Cupcakes mold, place a slice of bacon per hole, forming a nest with the bacon, place a quail egg in each nest. Bake for 6 minutes or until the eggs are cooked. Season the eggs with salt and pepper, place on top of a slice of bread and top with tomatoes.

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