Champlain View

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Students were busy this year with digital filmmaking, documentary projects, and creating soundscapes for Vermont Public Television’s Downton Abbey event. Below, Brian Culmo ’15 and Professor David Lustgarten discuss design solutions to reusing the former Moran Plant.

Once admitted, students in Digital Filmmaking and other CCM majors spend their next four years building a professional portfolio designed to get them a job. “Our program is going out of its way to make sure students who want to make a living as a writer have a professional portfolio to show. That’s one of the reasons that CCM overall does so well,� says Eric Ronis, assistant dean of the CCM Division and assistant professor of Communications.

Digital Art for Games CCM is thriving for a variety of other reasons, too. For one, the Game Design program was “early to the table and pretty developed in its collaboration production model,� which mimics the


Champlain View | Spring 13

way professional ÀUPV SURGXFH JDPHV says Ronis. Another reason is proximity to M Montreal, tr l where h Champlain offers career, internship, and summer programs for both Digital Filmmaking and Game Design students. In addition to career focus, Richardson

says Champlain owes a lot of its growing success to the faculty, whose creativity and real-world orientation contribute to great learning experiences for students. Digital Filmmaking professor Rob Barracano worked at NYU prior to joining the Champlain faculty four years ago. He’s since arranged for Champlain students WR ZRUN DV SURGXFWLRQ DVVLVWDQWV RQ Ă€OP projects for the world-renowned NYU JUDGXDWH VFKRRO LQ Ă€OP (YHQ WKRXJK LW LV an informal relationship, “our students get H[SRVXUH WR PRUH DGYDQFHG Ă€OPPDNHUV and make relationships that they can carry on after they graduate to parlay into freelance work,â€? says Barracano, who PDGH D OLYLQJ PDNLQJ KRUURU Ă€OPV EHIRUH he started teaching.

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