1971 Chacahoula

Page 97

Alice Ca ldwe ll

Kay Cannon

Ida Dodge

Linda Goode

Sharon Hart

Karen Haslau er

Stepha ny Kno..... er

Belin da Lui

Carole Montgomery

Maggie Neale

Lois Nelson

Ba rbara Stafford CofTesponding Secrptary

Dianne Stewart

Edna Yee

Pal Vee

Kappa Epsilon Kappa Epsilon is a professional pharma­ cy fra lernil y for women . . . ith a 2.0 aver· age, good c ha racter, and professional in­ tercst. KE atlcmpL'i to slimu lale scholar­ ship and participa tes in all of the nation­ al hea lth wee k campa igns. The organi7.a. tion has se n.'ice projects centerev aroun d the holidays ann. a number of social ac­ tivities for wom en, faculty. and alumn i.

Becky Troegel


Barbara William:> PrtJidenJ.

Jerry Jones



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