1971 Chacahoula

Page 237


or th e B lean!

.....erc: Pa tt ie O'Brie r, Li nda Hardy, Judy Garli ngt on. Bell } Faught -

coach, Pal RerJ .




No rth eas t's Wome n's Vo ll eyba ll It':1 m e nded it s seaso n whe n bO lh th e A a nd B tea ms placed seco nd in th e seco nd a nnu ­ al So u t h wes l(! rn Volle yball to ur na ment Nor th east', Kath y Odo m an d Ear le ne

Walpole werc named to th e all-tourna· nw nt A t. eam. Pal Reed and Ju dy Gar­ lington were named La the all-tourn ament B tea m,. In th e Northwestern tourn a m e nt the A team ti ed with USL for the firth p lace a nd the B team took fourth p lace.

Kalh ) Od om, Earle ne Walpole, PaL Reed , and Judy Ga,rlington were named 10 Ihe ,J!I' lournamt'JlI Soulh westeTl) Volle), ba lliourna men i.


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