1968 book

Page 258

Lind. S. Hardy


Lake Charles

in Sparli ~h Educ cJtion

Robert L. Hargrove B.M.E. i n

In~tru m en t ~ 1

Mon roe M usic Educ<'Ition

Elsie C. Harrell


a.A. ill Els rne ntory Educo l ion

Charles Ha rris B.A. in

Enqr ,~ h

W in nsboro

Ed Jcatio n

Delores Harveston

Grayso n

B.S. in Phll rmo cy

Ann L. Heard

West Monroe

B.A. in Elemen bry Ed uc垄 l ion

John Hebert


e.A. In Psyc.ho]"9Y

Minus Hebert, Jr.

Mo nroe

8.5. in Phllrmllcy

Audie T. Gegan


B.S. in PhormllCY

Brenda L. Hensley

M on roe

B.A. in G o'V ernmen t

Patricia Herlevic

M o nroe

B.A. in Eng lish Educotio n

Gordon E. Herpin


B.S . in Phumacy

Sammy Herrod

Eun ice

B.A. in Pha rmacy

Joyce Hewitt

Man gham

B.A. in Elem en ta ry Ed ucation

Phyllis Higdon

Glenmo ra

SA ill 50 clo l Stud ies Ed uco tion

Judy High


B.A. in B us in e~ 5 ond O ffice Educ<!Ition

Jeanne Hill


B.A. in Psyc ho lo gy

Leon P. Hill

Oak Grove

8.5. in Agri c ult ure

Patricia E. Hill


B.A. in Engl ish

Wayne A. Hill


B.S. in Agricultu re

Jan Hillman

Mobile. Ala.

B.A. in Pre路Social W ork

Thoma, B. Himel


B.S. in Pharmocy

Carol Holland


B.S. in H ome Econo mics

Kenneth E. Holland B.S. in Con stru ct ion Enginee ring


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