Middle East Architect | January 2013

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Geberit concealed cisterns

Hidden ,QQR vation Safely hidden behind the wall, with a Geberit concealed cistern only the actuator plate is visible. Geberit‘s in ZDOO WHFKQRORJ\ DOORZV XQLTXH EHDXW\ IURP ƮRRU WR FHLOLQJ *HEHULW DOVR SXW VXVWDLQDELOLW\ DW \RXU ƬQJHUWLSV ZLWK ZDWHU VDYLQJ GXDO ƮXVK DFWXDWRUV *HEHULWnV FRQFHDOHG FLVWHUQV XVHG DURXQG WKH ZRUOG RƪHU XQVXUSDVVHG TXDOLW\ DQG \HDUV RI WURXEOH IUHH SHU formance and with a wide range of design solutions give you the aesthetic freedom to create the bathroom you have always wanted. )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ SOHDVH YLVLW ̛ ZZZ JHEHULW DH

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